#bkdk #drama CW: SA, Age Gap (not between BKDK), Grooming, Manipulation

Izuku didn’t know how to feel when All Might stepped down from teaching before starting his second year at UA. Because of everything they had gone through their first year, Class A stuck together.
Aizawa included. Izuku thought this meant a fresh start with no threat looming over their lives. He thought it would be an exciting stress free year. But it wasn’t all of Class A without All Might. It felt weird not having his mentor watch over him in school.
He felt a little lost, if he was honest with himself. He was still a student but pro heroes expected him to help out way more than normal students were expected too. So in a way, he was a full time student, part time hero and he had to find time to be a teenager too!
All Might was also busier than ever. The police needed his help with recovery efforts of all the damage All for One and Shigaraki did. And that included press tours to lighten the civilians mood. He was still a hero even without power and the world still needed him to give hope.
He was instrumental in reforging the trust between other nations and Japan. Izuku was so happy for him… but he missed him. Now they were to have a new assistant homeroom teacher. A University Student who who was studying under Aizawa. His name was Ryosuke Miyuki.
Izuku at first was skeptical of him. He wasn’t All Might so he automatically irritated him. At first… But then one day, he gave him advice that blew his mind.

“Midoriya.” He approached him after Hero course one day.

“Yes?” Izuku questioned.

“You’re great. Don’t get me wrong.”
“Strong. Powerful. A league above everyone else here. Well.. almost everyone.” He glanced at Kacchan. “The heroes rely on you, your fellow classmates look up to you, the world has high expectations of you. But you’re 17.” Ruosuke smiled. “You need to relax.”
“I don’t know what has to do with my performance today.” Izuku grumbled, not willing to take patronizing advice from a college student.

“It has everything to do with your performances.” Ryosuke pointed out. “Your tense. You’re going to get worn down before you know it.”
He pointed at his classmates who were laughing and joking around with each other.

“They’re all going to graduate bright eyed and bushy tailed and surpass you in no time. Take a break. Go to an arcade or something. Be a kid. Or lose out on your youth and waste away. Up to you.”
Izuku felt too stunned to argue. But he did what he said and went to the mall with Iida and Uraraka that weekend instead of helping with hero work like he typically did. He went with Todoroki to visit his mom and he watched movies with Kacchan.
When Izuku returned to class on Monday, he had… fun in hero course! Especially when he and Kacchan teamed up against Todoroki and Iida.

“Hey! Izuku!” Katsuki grinned wide. “Wanna try what those guys did in.. that movie?!”

“Will it really work?!” Izuku gawked.
"Only one way to find out!" Katsuki grabbed Izuku over his shoulder and limped out of the building they were hiding in. "HELP! HELP! DEKU'S HURT!"

"Huh?!" Todoroki froze. Bakugo asking anyone for help during a training exercise was strange. It must be a serious injury.
"Midoriya! Are you!" Tenya was about to bolt toward them when Katsuki launched Izuku as hard as he could at the two, knocking them over.

"Sorry for worrying you!" Izuku laughed before restraining them with blackwhip.

"TOLD YOU IT WOULD WORK!" Katsuki cackled.
The two tried to keep their composure at the end of the exercise when Aizawa gave them an incredulous look.

"That only worked because you are going against your fellow hero students! Against a villain, they would never stop! As for Todoroki and Iida-"
"villains are known to take advantage of a heroes desire to save everyone! You can't fall for their tricks! You have to be more vigilant! Bakugo! Midoriya! Class is not the time to play around! I expected more from you!" He lectured as Katsuki and Izuku broke into snickers.
Aizawa's scolding was interrupted by a loud slow clap from Ryosuke.

"Come on, Aizawa-sensei. I thought it was fun that they used their head for once instead of their power. Creativity is important as heroes. Not all villains are heartless." He laughed.
After class ended, he pulled Izuku aside.

"Good job today, Midoriya. Meet me after class? I have something I want to give you."

Izuku wondered what it could possibly be and was gob smacked when he gave him the limited edition Hero Con exclusive All Might Where's Waldo.
"AHHH HOW DID YOU GET THIS?!" Izuku fanboyed. "Only the first 50 attendees in line got a copy! I couldn't go this year, otherwise I would have been first in line! I'm jealous!"

"Well you don't have to be." Ryosuke smiled. "It's yours now."

"W-why would you give this to me?!"
Izuku questioned. He hadn't been particularly friendly to him the entire semester.

"I actually had an extra copy." Ryosuke confessed. "I'm a huge fan myself of heroes. I dragged my mom with me to the convention. I was going to sell it but I thought you would appreciate it!"
"Are you a fan of All Might Ryosuke-Sensei?!" Izuku questioned, feeling guilty for how stand offish he had been.

"I would call myself his number one fan!" Ryosuke blushed while holding up his keys with several All Might keychains. "It's why it's been hard for me to teach you!"
"You're his successor afterall, and you're really cool Midoriya-kun! I am as professional as I can be in class! I always will be! But just know I'm rooting for you!" Ryosuke gave him a thumbs up. "Please continue to relax and do your best!"

"Y-yes!" Izuku bowed as he teared up.
After the ice was broken, Izuku took to Ryosuke's instruction much better. He had even offered to help with his training after class half an hour every day. And usually after that half hour, they would fanboy about hero stuff together until it was dark.
"Creepin' in after dinner again, huh?" Katsuki teased him one day.

"Ah! Kacchan! I didn't realize how late it was!" Izuku laughed nervously. "Ryosuke-sensei and I went down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole and before I knew it, it was 10:00! Wait, what are you doing up?!"
"I wasn't worried about you if that's what you're thinking!" Katsuki snapped. "I just thought if you went to sleep on nothing but a granola bar, you'd pass out or something if we teamed up and then I'd really have to get help and no one would believe me!"
"You made me dinner?" Izuku stared at the wrapped plate on the kitchen table and his heart swelled. Ever since the war, the two had been closer than ever. Suffocatingly close sometimes, but Izuku didn't want to breathe if it meant Kacchan wasn't okay.
They had to make time for each other. It wasn't just a want but a NEED. Whether it meant bathing together, training together, sleeping in the same room or sometimes falling asleep in the same bed.. by accident of course. They had to have one moment where it was just them.
Sometimes they would just study in silence side by side. Sometimes, they would watch TV in the common area, neither paying attention to what was actually playing. They would just sit there, with their hands intertwined and bask in the comfort that the other was okay.
That night, Izuku guessed it was dinner.

"I made extra and figured you should eat it." Katsuki grumbled.

"Of course!" Izuku played along. He ate his dinner while Katsuki mindlessly scrolled on his phone and when he was done, Katsuki walked him to his dorm, hand in hand.
"W-we should go hiking this weekend!" Izuku suggested.

"Wasn't there a fan meetup with that idol hero you like?" Katsuki questioned.

"I forgot about it, actually." Izuku giggled. "Must not have been important!"

"They yeah... you can join me on a hike I guess. NO QUIRKS!"
Izuku had the time of his life that weekend. Him and Kacchan turned that hike into an impromptu camping trip. Izuku’s favorite part of the night was listening to the sound of Kacchan’s heart in the tent until he fell asleep.

“Midoriya, can I ask you a question?”
Ryosuke asked him one evening when he was helping him stretch.

“Anything, Sensei.” Izuku nodded as the student teacher lightly touched his back and pushed him forward so he could stretch it out.

“Do you like boys?”

“H-huh?!” Izuku blushed furiously.
“S-sorry! I don’t mean to pry!” He helped Izuku stand up. “It’s just.. the way you look at Bakugo-kun… I can’t help but wonder! Sorry! I’m too curious about you for my own good.”

“Um… I.. uh..” Izuku stuttered. “Kacchan and I are c-close and… yeah he’s handsome and uh…”
“amazing and stuff but um to answer your question.. maybe?!” Izuku felt like his face was on fire. “I’ve never thought about it like that I don’t know!”

“Don’t worry. Don’t worry. I was just wondering how much we had in common.” Ryosuke looked into his eyes. “I like boys too.”
Izuku left that conversation flustered beyond belief. When he got home that night and Kacchan suggested a bath together. Izuku couldn’t even have a coherent conversation, he was too busy staring at everything about him. It was too much. He was too flustered and he had to RUN.
“You’re stupid Midoriya Izuku.” Izuku grumbled while drying himself off and looking in the mirror. Whether he liked boys or not…whether he liked Kacchan or not… that’s not why he needed to be close to him. He just… “Don’t cry…” He whispered to himself.
The next day after extra training, Ryosuke apologized to him again for prying.

“It’s alright. I guess I’m kind of obvious, huh?” Izuku pouted.

“It’s cute.” Ryosuke giggled.

“Stop!” Izuku blushed furiously.

“Alright alright. How about we distract ourselves with this?”
Ryosuke pulled out a pirated DVD of the Kamui Woods BioPic.

“WHAA-? It’s not even out in theatres yet!” Izuku’s eyes shined.

“All the more reason to watch it, yeah?!”

Izuku had to admit it was nice having Ryosuke Sensei watching over him. He was kind, attentive,
and he reminded him constantly to take time for himself. Izuku felt a little bad after his classmates teased him for receiving favoritism and special attention once again but he didn’t let it get to him too much. Without All Might around, it was nice to have a mentor.
Second year was starting out great!

Until the special assignments..

“As part of his work study, Ryosuke Sensei is giving each of you a special assignment to work on in order to assist with your growth. I have approved each of these as he gave sound reasoning.”
Aizawa informed the class. Izuku was already certain that his assignment likely had to do with relaxing and taking time off. He watched as everyone got things that could give them perspective as heroes and wrote down in his notebook all the reasons he assumed Ryosuke had.
“Uraraka, your assignment is to help your parents out in their company once a week.”

“Huh?” Ochaco gasped.

“You’re a second year now. It’s time to stop dreaming and start putting your plan into action.” Ryosuke grinned at her.

Some got tougher assignments.
Like Kirishima’s assignment which had him help at rescue sites once a weekend.

“You’re quirk is amazing for defense, and you have used it for action. But it’s time to think how else you can help!”

Izuku was amazed by Ryosuke’s analysis of his classmates.
He was spot on about what they all needed to do to improve. He wondered what he would assign Kacchan. And he kept wondering as every student was given an assignment one by one until all that was left was himself and Kacchan.

“Midoriya. Bakugo. You both have the same assignment.”
“Allow me to assign it.” Aizawa stepped in. “I know it’s tough given what you’ve both been through. I almost vetoed the whole thing but his reasoning is solid.” He handed them both a bracelet to put on their wrist. “Your assignment is to keep your distance from each other.”
“Huh?!” Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other then at Aizawa.

“It’s only for a 8 weeks. For better or worse you two have been highly co-dependent on each other. It would be good for you to-”

“THIS IS BULLSHIT!” Katsuki protested before blowing up the bracelet.
"First it's work with Deku. Learn to get along with Deku and now that we're a perfect team, you wanna keep us apart?! What's the point in that?! YOU'RE NOT OUR THERAPIST!" He roared.

"It's not forever, Bakugo." Aizawa sighed.
"It's just an assignment to get you both to look at your other classmates. You two have been reliant on each other and not anyone else. That game you pulled for example, it showed complete lack of respect for Todoroki and Iida. This isn't to punish you."
"It's to get you back to a healthy relationship with each other and your fellow heroes in training. If you become too dependent on each other, villains will notice and take advan-"

"Like Shigaraki?" Izuku trembled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine." Izuku begrudgingly put the wrist band on. "It's only 8 weeks."

Katsuki was boiling in rage, but he had no room to argue there especially when Izuku looked so upset. He plopped back in his seat as Aizawa handed him the extra wrist band he had prepared.
"What is this stupid thing for anyway?!" Katsuki whispered harshly under his breath.

"It's to keep track of your proximity to each other after classroom hours." Ryosuke explained. "If you get within 20 feet of each other, it will alert me and effect your grade."
"So we don't have to move seats?" Izuku sighed in relief. He didn't think he could bear not being around Kacchan at all.

"That would be irrational." Aizawa noted.

"This whole assignment is irrational, sensei!" Katsuki growled under his breath.
After school that day, Izuku packed his things as quick as he could and left the locker room when Ryosuke stopped him.

"Not going to train today, Midoriya?"

"No." Izuku answered curtly.

"You're not angry with me, are you? It has nothing to do with my question, you know.."
Ryosuke placed his hand gently on his shoulder. "Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you."

"How is this helpful?" Izuku got emotional. "It's cruel."

"That's what your teacher said at first too." Ryosuke laughed. "It seems everyone has a soft spot for you two."
"But soft spots cave in eventually. This will give you a more solid foundation to work with. You can't have your emotions catered to forever. Think of this as tough love. And if I don't see any progress, I'll give you a different assignment, alright?"
"Promise?" Izuku grumbled.

"Promise! Now how about we go somewhere fun!" Ryosuke revealed tickets to a hero puppet show in town.

"O-off campus? Will they let us?" Izuku gasped.

"I don't see why not! Come on! Let's get your mind off that assignment from your asshole teacher!"
The puppet show was fun. It was meant for kids but it made Izuku laugh and while they got some hero facts incorrect, the actors were so passionate, Izuku didn’t feel the need to point it out.

It almost took Izuku’s mind off the assignment. Almost.

There was one portion,
where the puppets sang a song about the top hero’s quirks.

“Best Jeanist’s quirk is..”


“No Mako-Chan, it’s STRING!”

Izuku laughed and shoved back the thought that “string” was more akin to Edgeshot.
“You’re dying inside, huh?” Ryosuke-Sensei put his arm around him and whispered in his ear.

“It’s fine.. it’s fine.” Izuku giggled. It occurred to him then… “Sensei..?”


“What’s your quirk?”

Ryosuke ran his hand down his arm and giggled. “That’s a secret.”
Izuku was intrigued but felt a little embarrassed for prying. “Sorry for asking.” He grumbled.

“Don’t be.” Ryosuke led him outside as the show ended. “I’ll show you one day.”

“You will?” Izuku blinked.

“When you’re ready.” He smirked. “I think you will be very soon.”
When Izuku returned home from the puppet show, he was tired. It was a fun night and he was happy Ryosuke took him out but… it didn’t make his craving to see his childhood friend any less strong. He was sad that he couldn’t have his one moment with Kacchan today.
Izuku’s stomach rumbled as he approached the kitchen. He reached for his granola bars and opened the box which was empty.

“Huh? I just bought a new box!” Izuku grabbed it dejectedly before seeing a note on the front.

Izuku’s heart tugged before he opened the fridge to see a delicious meal wrapped in a bento with his name on it. No matter how far apart they had to remain, it didn’t mean they had to stop checking in with each other.

“Thank you for this food.” Izuku sighed in contentment.
It was delicious. Maybe these eight weeks will fly by faster than he thought.

When he finished eating, he sent a text thanking Kacchan for thinking of him.

‘You just got home?!’ Kacchan texted him back.

‘Yeah. I went to see a puppet show with Ryosuke-Sensei!’
‘Oh. Then I hoped it sucked!’

Kacchan 💥
‘For him, specifically’

‘He’s really not that bad!!’

‘Why is he taking you out?! Doesn’t he have friends his own age?!’

‘I guess not all of them like heroes like I do.’
‘He’s pathetic! And everyone is kissing his ass like he’s god’s gift to Class A but I see through him!’

‘If you say so 🤷🏻‍♀️’

‘How can you not be pissed at him?!’

‘I’m pissed at the assignment, I guess? Not him.’

‘Whatever! I’m going to bed!’

‘Can I call you?’

Izuku asked impulsively, and expected no response when Kacchan video chatted him.

“Kacchan!” Izuku smiled. “You’re not in bed!”

“I was just doing more research for that paper, alright?!” Katsuki barked at him.

“Of course you were!” Izuku smiled.
They talked all night about random stuff until they stopped talking and fell asleep to the sound of each other breathing on the other line. Whatever this assignment’s purpose was, it showed Izuku one thing: nothing could keep them away from each other. Not even a little distance.
“Midoriya-kun. Earth to Midoriya.” Ryosuke-Sensei tried to get his attention when he helped him train again after class the next day.

“S-sorry! Did you say something?” Izuku was currently trying to get Blackwhip to catch smaller and smaller targets.
“Yes… did you stay up all night?” Ryosuke turned him to face him and traced his thumb slowly across his eyebags.

“I guess I did..” Izuku looked away guiltily. “It’s hard for me um… to get peaceful sleep after everything.”

“I understand you’ve been through a lot,”
“But sleep is important if you’re going to improve on anything. Let’s stop today.” Ryosuke sighed and turned off the baseball machine.

“I can still-”

“I know you can but that doesn’t mean you should! Come with me.” Ryosuke led him to a familiar room and Izuku froze.
“What’s wrong?”

“Sorry, this is where All Might and I used to meet. It just feels weird being in here without him.” Izuku explained.

“Come on.” Ryosuke smiled understandably and grabbed his hand, leading him inside, before shutting the door. “It’s good that you’re comfy here.”
He sat him down on the couch and turned him around.

“It’s important for you to relax, you know. You’re really tense. That’s why it’s hard for you to focus.” Ryosuke slowly massaged his shoulders. “You’re tensing up even more.” He laughed.

“S-sorry!” Izuku blushed.
He didn’t know why he was so nervous, but there was something about the way he touched him that was different than any other time he had been given a massage.

“Breathe, Midoriya.” Ryosuke whispered in his ear.

Izuku took a deep breath and tried to relax.
He let him dig into his shoulders and iron out the knots and he didn’t realize just how tense he was. The massage was much needed. It felt amazing, he found himself relaxing and deeper into it. His eyes drifting closed slowly but surely.

“There we go. Good. Relax.”
Izuku didn’t realize just how how tired he was. He was falling asleep. He tried to fight but with all the tension leaving his body, it was impossible. He heard the sound of Ryosuke unzipping his track suit, and then he passed out.

“Hey. Izuku!”
“Huh?” Izuku blinked his eyes open to see Kacchan hovering over him in the sky.

“You need to wake the fuck up!” He demanded.

“But I am awake, silly.” Izuku smiled at him before grabbing his hand. “I feel more awake than ever!”

“Wake up, NOW!”
Izuku let out a loud gasp as he found Ryosuke putting a blanket over him.

“Oh! You’re awake!” Ryosuke laughed. “You must have been more tired than I thought.”

“Where am I?!” Izuku sat up quickly and looked around the room.

“This is my place. It’s just down the street.”
Ryosuke informed him.

“Why did you bring me here?!” Izuku looked down to find his jacket was gone.

“UA is noisy. But my place is nice and quiet. I thought you would get some good rest here.” He smiled.

“Oh… um, where’s my jacket?” Izuku felt uneasy.

“Ah! Right here!”
Ryosuke reached into his bad and handed him his folded up jacket.

“I thought maybe you would be able to relax more if you had less layers over yourself. But then you fell asleep!” He laughed.

“Oh…” Izuku grabbed it before standing up. “Well, um.. I should get back…”
“Wait! Now that you’re here! I should show you!” Ryosuke walked to his closest brought back a cassette tape.

“What’s this?!” Izuku blinked.

“A family heirloom. My great great grandfather worked security at Beijing General…”

“You mean-” Izuku gasped.

Ryosuke pulled up an old cassette player and put the video in.

“This is one of the first security footage of the golden baby.”

Izuku’s eyes were glued to the screen. There was no way! He watched as the doctor pulled the baby up to the camera.

Izuku forgot about all about that weird dream and twisted feeling in his stomach as Ryosuke Sensei told him all about his great great great grandfather and everything he witnessed and recorded at the dawn of quirks. He brought him an old scrap book and Izuku was invested.
So invested, he lost track of time.

“Woah, it’s dark outside, huh?” He noted when he glanced out the window.

“If it’s too late, you can stay here. I can sleep on the futon.” Ryosuke smiled.

“No. I should get home. I have homework I gotta do!” Izuku stretched.
“Right! Of course! Sorry!” Ryosuke handed him his jacket. “Sorry, when we get comfortable like this, I sometimes forget you’re only 17.”

“S-Sensei you won’t get in trouble for hanging out with me, will you?” Izuku suddenly grew worried for him.

“Not if no one finds out!”
“Right…” Izuku chuckled to himself. “It’s kind of like when All Might was training me. We had to hide too. It was kind of fun sometimes.”

“You’ll have to tell me more stories about him!” Ryosuke led him to the door and opened it.

“I have lots!” Izuku beamed.
“How about you tell me this weekend?” Ryosuke suggested. “I know it’s kind of risky since you’re very recognizable these days. But maybe we can put on some disguises and go out! There’s a hero themed club I’m dying to take you too.”

“A club? I don’t think I’m allowed.”
Izuku smiled nervously.

“Oh. This one will let you in, don’t worry. I know the owner. It will be fun. It would be nice let yourself loosen up once in awhile. I know you wanna be a hero, but you’re only young once!” Ryosuke ruffled his hair. “Be bad once in awhile.”
Izuku had never been instructed by a teacher to break the rules before. Maybe Ryosuke really didn’t have friends his age and was longing to go to clubs like this with someone. It would be fun to see what a hero themed night club is like.

“I-I’ll think about it.”
Katsuki was pacing back and forth in Kirishima’s room. He was a nervous wreck. He didn’t know why, but he had an awful feeling in his gut and every time he called Izuku and it went to voicemail, he felt worse.

“He’ll be home soon, man.” Eijiro sighed, exhausted.
“He’s probably just out late helping the heroes, you know?”

“It’s one in the fucking morning! No hero would let him work that late when there’s school the next day!” Katsuki seethed. “I’m calling Aoyama again!”

“He needs to sleep too!” Eijiro yawned.
Katsuki ignored him and was about to call Aoyama again when Aoyama called him.

“Is he home?!” Katsuki questioned anxiously.

“Yes mon amie…” Aoyama yawned. “I just saw his majestic glow float pass my window.”

“Can you knock on the door and tell him to charge his phone?!”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Eijiro grabbed Katsuki’s phone and shut it off. “Take your assignment seriously!”

“Give that back asshole!” Katsuki snapped.

“Dude, you’ve went one day without hanging around him and you’re losing your sanity! Do you not see how that’s a problem?!”
“It’s not a problem! You can fuck off!” Katsuki snatched his phone back. “I just feel like something is wrong! It’s that damn Ryosuke bastard, he gives me the creeps!”

“What does Sensei have to do with this?! He’s probably asleep! Like you should be!”
Eijiro lamented. “Look, I get after everything you and Midoriya are in love with each other and too stupid to admit it to each other but stop making it all of our problem!”


“GO TO SLEEP, Bakugo!” Eijiro shoved him out of his room.
“SOME FRIEND YOU ARE!” Katsuki roared before marching to his room and turning his phone on.

Nerd 🐰

Nerd 🐰

Nerd 🐰
‘I was training and fell asleep!! I appreciate you checking on me! I’m falling asleep now! But! Ah! Please!’
Nerd 🐰
‘Get some sleep too!!!’

Katsuki sighed in relief before passing out in his bed. Maybe he did over react. Maybe he was too attached. Maybe Kirishima was right. About how it was a problem, not about about the in love thing of course. He was dumb for that! Or was he?
Katsuki closed his eyes as his exhaustion took over. Then his eyes snapped open.

Who the fuck was the nerd training with?!
‘Good morning!’

Izuku had left him a note on his desk folded in an origami dynamite stick. Cute fucker.

Katsuki grabbed a sticky note and wrote back
‘What are we? Middle school girls?!’

Then he not so subtly crumpled it in a ball and threw it back, hitting him on the head with it.

Katsuki could hear him furiously scribble before even less subtly plopping the note on his head with Blackwhip.
Katsuki opened it and tried to contain his laughter.

‘Do you miss me?’ Izuku wrote in exaggerated girly cursive.




Katsuki wrote his own ‘Fuck no!’ And was about to toss it back when Aizawa grabbed it out of his hand.

“I’m too old for this.”
The disgruntled teacher sighed.

“Do I seriously have to separate you like children?!”

“No, Sensei…” Katsuki and Izuku hung their heads low.

“Pay attention to the lesson then!”

“Yes, Sensei…” Katsuki and Izuku said at once.
The two snickered to themselves as soon as he turned around Izuku felt a buzzing his stomach. It was nice to get into trouble a little with Kacchan. It reminded him of when they were kids and had to run from Auntie Mitsuki’s wrath when they colored on the walls.
Ryosuke was right. It was good sometimes to be a little bad.

Later that afternoon, in hero course Katsuki couldn’t help but be extra vigilant as he saw that creep Ryosuke put his hands on Izuku.

“Stop hunching your shoulders, Midoriya. You won’t be able to aim right that way.”
The way he squeezed his shoulders and ran his fingers down Izuku’s arm gave him the creeps.

“Right! Breath!” Katsuki watched as Izuku closed his eyes inhaled deeply before Ryosuke caught him staring.

“Shit.” Katsuki quickly looked away and went back to his training.
At the end of the day, Katsuki was tired and troubled and was heading to the locker room to change when Ryosuke pulled him aside.

“Bakugo-kun. Mind if I speak with you for a moment?” He questioned.

“What?” Katsuki tried not to lose his temper.
“I noticed you staring at Midoriya today.” Ryosuke said in concern.

“Wasn’t staring at him.” Katsuki growled. “I was staring at you! Everyone here might think you’re great. But I’m watching you.”

“Bakugo-kun.” Ryosuke sighed. “Do you know why I gave you this assignment?”
“Something something you’re concerned about how close we are blah blah blah.” Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“That’s what I told Aizawa because I don’t think he will say this to your face. One for All isn’t your power. It’s Midoriya’s. You can’t rely on him to save you all the time.”
Katsuki whipped his head around in shock as Ryosuke put his hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re powerful, stronger than most pro heroes even. A scary force for villains to reckon with. But you’ll waste all of your potential living under his shadow.”
Katsuki felt his face heat up before he shoved his hand off his shoulder.

“Fuck you!” He stormed off before Aizawa approached Ryosuke.

“What was that about?” He asked him.

“He really takes awhile to warm up to people, huh?” Ryosuke laughed.
“Yes, but he’s usually not so abrasive with his teachers.” Aizawa noted. “Believe it or not, he’s a respectful kid.”

“I guess he’s taking my assignment personally.” Ryosuke sighed. “Teaching is hard, Sensei. You can’t win them all over. But you want to.”

“What did you say?”
“I noticed him watching Midoriya during the exercise today. I just reminded him of his assignment, that’s all.” Ryosuke shrugged.

“Don’t be too hard on them. Not being around each other is tough enough.” Aizawa reminded him.

“No offense, but you were there, right?”
Ryosuke questioned him. “You saw Bakugo-kun die?”

“Yes, and I’d appreciate you not bringing it up.” Aizawa looked away.

“He’s not just a miracle kid, Sensei. He’s still a student. He still needs to learn. We can’t let up on him, right?”
Aizawa gave him an ungrateful glance and then turned around in embarrassment, making Ryosuke laugh.

“You are a softy afterall, Eraser Head.”

Izuku was nervous. He didn’t know what to wear to a club. He looked through his closet and groaned.
“Kacchan was right! You are a damn nerd!” Izuku said in exasperation. Maybe he could ask someone to borrow an outfit. But most of his friends were bigger than him and he couldn’t very well ask the girls to borrow their clothes. He looked online to see what people wore to clubs.
He blushed as he realized it was a whole lot of nothing!! Izuku came across this one blog that gave him hope.

‘Some go to looks for a first time club goer!’

Izuku devoured the article like it was his savior.
‘If you don’t have anything flashy, my go to is always some tight ripped jeans or leggings, and my boyfriend’s shirt!’

Izuku had an epiphany then. He pulled out his phone and texted Kacchan.

‘Can I borrow your skull shirt?’
Katsuki was having a rough week.
He hated this stupid assignment. He hated that Ryosuke asshole’s bullshit advice and he hated that his friends weren’t taking his side. Everyone was so quick to defend Ryosuke. Katsuki felt frustrated and misunderstood and angry. It wasn’t that he relied on Izuku…
It wasn’t that he lived under his shadow or anything like that. He could see how idiots who weren’t even trying to be heroes could think that. But him and Izuku really did work better together. Izuku needed him just as much. They were meant to team up together. Work together.
Fight together. Be heroes together. There was nothing wrong with that! Look at the Wild Wild Pussycats and other hero teams! No one gives them shit! Katsuki of the past would have let that losers opinions mean something. It would have fed into all his insecurities and-
made him lash out at Izuku even more. But now, he knew better. He didn’t need some stupid assignment to prove to him he could do anything without Izuku. He knew he could, he just didn’t want to. He liked spending time with him. He liked being around him. He liked being this close
To him, Izuku was…

Kirishima’s words rung in his head.

Was he in love with Izuku?

His phone buzzed and he grabbed it quickly and smiled at the text.

‘Miss me that much?’

‘😖😖😖😖😖 I don’t have cool clothes. That’s all.’

‘Since when do you need cool clothes?’
‘Since always?’

‘Fair. But why do you need it now?’

‘I’m going out with a friend somewhere cool. And I don’t wanna stand out.’

Katsuki knew he would be overbearing as hell if he asked him 20 questions so he tried to calm down.
‘Just admit you miss me and I’ll send it over.’

‘I miss you but I swear that’s not why I need the shirt! 🙇🏻‍♂️

‘K. Stalker.’

Katsuki ripped the shirt he wearing off his back making sure whoever the nerd was going out with could smell that Midoriya Izuku was off limits! Then he texted Kirishima to deliver it for him. He hoped he didn’t regret lending it out.

“Wow! This is-!”
Izuku was amazed by the inside of the club. It truly was hero themed. The seats and couches were all denim as a nod to Best Jeanist, the lights were the colors of All Might’s costume, the music was from Present Mic’s Heroic Playlist, and-
there was a giant ice sculpture of Endeavor in the center.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Ryosuke put his arm around him and led him inside. “But what’s more amazing is you? You look great.”

“Y-you think?” Izuku blushed. “This is all I had.”
Kacchan’s shirt hung off his shoulders, exposing his skin, and he happened to have a choker Mina left in his room when she was over studying one day. All in all, he felt cool!

“Yeah. Now come on, I have some friends I wanna introduce you to.” Ryosuke smiled.

So much for him not having friends.

“Yeah! The bartender here is someone from my old gaming club in high school!” Ryosuke informed him.

He led him to the bar and Izuku felt nervous going up to it. He definitely wasn’t supposed to be there.

“Hey! Ryosuke!” The bartender smiled.
“Woah! Wait! Is that-?”

“Yeah. Midoriya. Meet Nao-kun. Nao-kun, this is Midoriya Izuku or as you know him, Deku.” Ryosuke introduced them.

“Wow! I’m a huge fan little guy!” Nao bowed. “But you could totally shut this whole place down! What are you doing here?!”
“Quiet, quiet, he’s with me!” Ryosuke laughed. “Come on, no one but you has seemed to stare at him long enough. As long as I keep my arm around him, no one will notice!”

“Ryosuke.” Nao shifted uncomfortably.

“Let the kid have fun! For me?” Ryosuke pleaded.

“Start simple. Two Jack and cokes.”

“Oh! I-I’ll just take a regular coke!” Izuku protested.

“Come on, Izuku.” Ryosuke squeezed him tight. “Live a little. Just tonight.”

“I-I could get in a lot of trouble, Sensei.” Izuku whispered.

“No one will know.”
Ryosuke leaned over the counter and whispered to Nao. “Make them extra strong for me.”

Izuku felt a buzz all over. He understood why people drank. He hadn’t felt mid muscles relax this much since he received One for All. Speaking of…

‘Ninth! Stop! One drink was enough!’
En scolded him.

‘Izuku! You really should get home!’ Nana pleaded.

“What’s this?” Izuku ignored them.

“It’s called an old fashion!” Ryosuke informed him. “Wanna try?”


“I’d love to!” Izuku gulped the whole thing down, hoping it would quiet the voices.
“Sensei..” Izuku giggled as his head felt light. “You’re smart…”

“You think so?! That’s the third drink of mine you’ve tried.” Ryosuke laughed. “Maybe we should sweat some of it out, yeah? Dance with me?”

“That sounds…fun!” Izuku hiccuped. Everything sounded fun.
For once he wasn’t bombarded by an endless cycle of thinking and overthinking and trying not to over think. It was like there was nothing in his head. He could finally live in the moment and enjoy himself.

“You’re so beautiful, you know.” Ryosuke praised as he span him around.
“Me? Idunno ‘bout that…” Izuku giggled. “I’m plain!”

“You are not! You’re stunning!” Ryosuke pulled him back in and swayed with him to the beat.

“You’realiar…” Izuku slurred as he booped his nose. “You don’t have to lie to me…”

“Izuku.” Ryosuke caressed his face.
“Wanna see my quirk?” He whispered to him. “I’ll take you to my favorite room here.

“Theresrooms here too?” Izuku blinked, in a daze. “Sure. Show me your quirk. I wanna see it! But spin me one more time! It was fun!”

“Alright alright!” Ryosuke laughed.
He span him out and Izuku laughed before bumping into the person behind him.

“Ah, imsorry sir! I was jus- HAWKS?!” Izuku froze as he recognized the pro hero.

“Midoriya?! What are you doing here?!” Keigo looked concerned. “Are you drunk?!”
“Um… uh… uh.. I…” Izuku looked behind him but Ryosuke was nowhere to be found. “No…?” He sniffled as panic overtook him.

“Come on, Midoriya-kun!” Hawks grabbed his wrist. “Let’s get you out of here!”

Izuku felt his stomach twist. He was so screwed.
Izuku woke up on the couch in Hawks’ flat and wondered if he should sneak out before the hero had time to interrogate him. He brought him here and gave him a change of clothes, let him shower and gave him tea and water to sober up. Then let him sleep. Izuku should be grateful.
He should thank him. But he was so worried about getting himself and Ryosuke-Sensei in trouble. He took a deep breath and sat up before his head pounded like crazy.

“You might not want to get up so fast, Midoriya-kun.” The pro hero’s voice startled him as he exited the kitchen.
He handed him water and some aspirin and a plate of toast and eggs.

“Thank you…” Izuku blushed before eating his meal in silence.

“You know I’m going to have to ask you were there eventually, right?” Hawks smiled at him. “I’m not going to get you in trouble.”
“I experimented with that stuff at your age. The commission was a tough life. But I found it’s not really helpful. It just makes things worse.”

“I’m sorry.” Izuku said after swallowing his toast. “I shouldn’t have drank anything at all. I just um…” He couldn’t say the truth.
That he was offered it by his teacher and he let loose and enjoyed himself for once.

“…wanted to try it, I guess.”

“Was there anyone you were trying it with? I find it hard to believe you wandered to a club like that by yourself.” Keigo questioned.

“It was hero themed!”
Izuku said excitedly. “I saw a flyer for it and thought I would see what a hero club would look like and then a few nice people bought me drinks when they recognized me and I just wanted to have fun for a night, that’s all! It was dumb! I shouldn’t have gone!”
“Those nice people that bought you drinks…” Keigo looked at him seriously. “Did any of them ask you to go to a room with them?”

“A room?” Izuku blinked. The whole night was fuzzy. He didn’t remember anything about a room. “Not that I remember. I was just dancing.”
Hawks sighed in relief and massaged his temples. “You need to be wary of where you go. The whole world is watching you. I understand it can be overwhelming. But you should enjoy what you have left of your childhood. Don’t be in a hurry to grow up, okay?”
Izuku nodded gratefully in understanding. He really didn’t know what he was thinking. Things could have been a lot worse.

“Did you happen to see anyone else your age there?” Keigo questioned.

“Um, I’m not sure.” Izuku shrugged. “There was a lot of people.”
“Then I think you’re very lucky I found you when I did.” Keigo noted. “I won’t tell UA. But Midoriya, you have my number. If anyone offers you a drink again, call me, okay?”

“O-okay…” Izuku couldn’t help but feel that this was about something bigger than him dancing at a club.
But he didn’t want to pry or ask questions. Ryosuke just wanted him to let loose a little. That’s all it was. But Izuku was a little hurt he left him all alone to get in trouble by himself.

When he returned to school that week, he was a little upset. After class was over,
he asked Ryosuke-Sensei if he could talk to him.

“Not today, Midoriya-kun.” Ryosuke smiled nervously at him. “I have a meeting.”

“So that’s it?” Izuku whispered under his breath. “You’re just gonna ice me out?”

“No, no! I do have a meeting! Be patient.. tomorrow, okay?”
“Fine. Tomorrow.” Izuku grumbled.

“Hey.” Ryosuke looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them before tucking his hair behind his ear. “I’m sorry.”

Izuku looked at him and knew he meant it. But he still didn’t appreciate being ditched like that.
For once in a long time, Izuku actually had time to himself after class. He guessed now would be as good a time as ever to catch up on his favorite detective series. He walked home and heard his friends gossiping in the kitchen and he wandered over there when he heard his name.
“Come on guys, that’s mean.” Kirishima chastised Mina and Kaminari.

“He was like a kicked puppy all weekend! And when Midoriya didn’t come home? He sat down and my room and didn’t say anything! He just sat there! For hours!” Denki lamented.

“Leave him alone.” Jiro snickered.
“I fell asleep and when I woke up, he was still there!” Denki held himself.

“Bakugo-San wasn’t the only one worried about him.” Yaoyourozu noted. “Todoroki couldn’t pay attention to anything I was saying that night.”

“That Midoriya.” Mina rolled her eyes. “Always running off.”
“Did you see him after class today?” Jiro giggled. “Went straight to Ryosuke-Sensei again.”

“It’s not fair that he gets to be everyone’s favorite teacher’s pet yet again!” Mina fumed.

“He really does have Ryosuke-Sensei under his thumb, huh?” Eijiro laughed nervously.
“And who wouldn’t want that?” Jiro swooned. “Ryosuke-Sensei is so dreamy.”

“H-he’s not that hot!” Denki protested. “But he does have amazing guitar playing skills! He gave me tips the other day when he heard me playing!”
“I’m going to miss him when he ends his study and goes back to University.” Momo sighed. “He is so smart and insightful.”

“Yeah he’s great! If it wasn’t so weird, I’d ask him to hang out after school!” Eijiro cheered.

“Same here.” Kaminari blushed. “He’s great!”
“I bet that’s why Midoriya asks him to train so much.” Mina snickered. “I’d use any excuse to touch his arms!”

Izuku had enough eavesdropping and went back to his room. Maybe he shouldn’t be so mad at Ryosuke. He was lucky to spend time with him, afterall. He was amazing.
Izuku’s thoughts were interrupted by a text from Kacchan.

‘Why did the flamingo hero stop by campus to return this to me?!’

Attached was a picture of his skull shirt. Izuku felt panic rise in his chest. So much for keeping his secret!

‘You mean Hawks?!’
‘Why did he have it?!’

‘I stayed out too late helping out with hero work and he let me crash at his place!’

Izuku deleted the message before sending it, feeling guilty about lying to Kacchan. He shouldn’t lie. Kacchan would keep his secrets safe.
‘I got into trouble. I know it’s dumb but when I hung out with my friend, I had too much to drink.’

Izuku braced for a call but to his surprise, his phone didn’t blow up. Maybe Kacchan didn’t see the message yet.
Izuku grew tired and plopped on his bed. Maybe a quick nap would be good for him. He scrolled mindlessly for a bit before drifting to sleep when his balcony door flung open, startling him.

“WHAT THE HELL, IZUKU?!” Katsuki snapped.

Izuku looked down at his wristband then back at Kacchan. “Why isn’t it going off?!”

“This school is to predictable!” Katsuki clicked his tongue. “They depend on that support course girl for everything and of course this was one of her contraptions!”
“I bribed her to fudge my location for 30 minutes!” He said proudly.

“You paid her off to yell at me in person?!” Izuku gawked.

“No, you idiot! I paid her off to check on you! Why would you do something so damn stupid?! Drinking?! That’s not like you at all!” Katsuki seethed.
“I know! It was stupid! I just…” Izuku sighed. “I guess my friend convinced me it was a good idea to let loose so I did!”

“Alright!! I wasn’t gonna ask, but you leave me no damn choice. What friend?! Who the hell took you out drinking?!” Katsuki plopped down next to him.
“I can’t tell you!” Izuku looked away.

“Why can’t you tell me?!” Katsuki snapped. “Since when do you keep secrets from me?!”

“Because he doesn’t want me to tell anyone! It’s not that I don’t trust you! It’s that-”

“I’m liking this guy less and less by the minute!”
“Well you don’t have to like him! I’m not asking you to!” Izuku snapped.

“Well when you ask for my clothes to get drunk with him, maybe my opinion should matter, huh?!” Katsuki pointed out.

“I didn’t think I’d get drunk when I asked for your shirt! I’m sorry! I didn’t-”
“Do you like this guy?!” Katsuki interrupted him.

“Huh?” Izuku blinked.

“Do like this guy?! Ya know, like a stupid crush or whatever. Do you want him to fulfill all your stupid nerd fantasies and-”

“Kacchan! No!” Izuku grabbed his hands. “Is that why you’re so upset?”
“No, I’m upset because you got so drunk you had to sleep in a bird’s nest! I’m upset cause you drunk at all.” Katsuki grumbled.

“I’m sorry.” Izuku caressed his hands reassuringly. “It was stupid. The whole night was stupid. I guess I just wanted to be stupid for once.”
“After everything that’s happened, it was nice to just… do something a little out of the ordinary.”

“Well next time, you should wait for me. I’ll make sure you don’t get caught.” Katsuki grumbled.

“Kacchan would get drunk?” Izuku giggled. “I couldn’t even imagine.”
“Hell no! That stuff reeks. But if you really wanted to, I’d make sure you don’t get into even stupider shit!” Katsuki shoved him back down.

“Hey!” Izuku laughed before throwing his pillow at him.

“Damnit!” Katsuki grabbed the pillow and whacked him with it.
“Stop!” Izuku shrieked before grabbing the pillow and forcefully pulling it away from him, causing Kacchan to fall on top of him.

The two stared at each other for a long moment. Izuku missed him. Everything about him made him feel so safe and cared for and loved.
He was beautiful. This assignment was hell, not getting to spend time with him. Izuku reached up and caressed his face.


“Kacchan..” Izuku’s heart was beating quickly as his childhood friend leaned closer when suddenly his bracelet blared.

Hatsume’s voice blared.

“Damnit!” Katsuki cursed before leaning up. “Take care I guess, Izuku. Stay out of trouble.”

“I will! I promise!” Izuku’s heart almost burst out of his chest. “And Kacchan?”

“What?” Katsuki questioned as he walked toward the balcony.
“Thank you for checking on me! I really appreciate you!” Izuku blushed.

“Anytime, nerd.”
The next day after class, Izuku met Ryosuke once again in the room he always met All Might in.

“Midoriya, I’m so sorry for panicking!” He gave him a present.
Izuku opened it to see a limited edition Mt. Lady pinup puzzle and sighed before placing in his backpack. “You didn’t have to get me anything. I could have gotten in serious trouble. I could have gotten expelled!” He teared up.

“I know, I’m so sorry!”
“But you have to understand, while you could have gotten expelled, I could have gone to prison! Or worse…” Ryosuke shuddered. “Given your heroic actions, I was sure you would only get a slap on the wrist! UA would be crazy to expel you I’ve one night out!”
“If it wasn’t Hawks who caught me, my entire reputation could have gone down the drain! You’re not trying to be a hero, Ryosuke-Sensei, so you don’t get how bad this could have ended up for me! All Might’s entire legacy was in jeopardy!”Izuku cried.
“Oh Midoriya…” Ryosuke sighed before gently placing his hand on his back. “I feel sorry for you. You can’t even make one bad decision without having that over your head. I’m sorry. I didn’t see you as All Might’s successor. I didn’t see you as Deku, the hero.”
“I saw you as Midoriya Izuku, my friend who I wanted to have a little fun with. It’s weird. But I feel like I have this deep connection with you. I don’t see your age. I forget myself, my career path everything. I just wanna keep hanging out with you. So, I’m sorry. Truly.”
Izuku looked at him then looked away. “I’m sorry for getting so mad… I.. I feel close to you too. I forget you’re my teacher and I’m your student. We have a lot in common. My friends are jealous that I’m close to you like I was All Might but… I don’t wanna stop hanging out.”
“Maybe we should stick to doing legal things.” He giggled.

“Yes! Let’s stick to that!” Ryosuke squeezed him close.

“S-speaking of… I think you’re right, Sensei.” Izuku blushed.


“I think I like Kacchan.” He looked at him nervously. “A lot.”
“Anyone with eyes can see that, Midoriya-kun.” Ryosuke smiled tensely.

“Do you think he can?” Izuku questioned nervously. “Do you think he knows?”

“I guess you both have 7 more weeks to figure that out.” He grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “You haven’t seen him, right?”
“O-of course not! These bracelets make it impossible!” Izuku laughed. “I mean, I’d have liked to but… other than in class, I can’t. You’re mean Ryosuke-Sensei!”

“And you’re a bad liar, Midoriya.” Ryosuke said bitterly. “I won’t dock you points this time. But I’m a bit hurt.”
“H-hurt?” Izuku blinked. “Why?”

“I thought you had respect for me as your teacher, at least.” Ryosuke growled.

“I-I do respect you! It’s just Hawks returned Kacchan’s shirt that I was wearing that night and Kacchan was concerned and-”

“You didn’t tell him I was there, right?”
Ryosuke stood up.

“Sensei, of course not! I would never! I kept you to myself! I swear!” Izuku pleaded.

“I have to trust you, Midoriya. To think I was ready to show you my quirk.” He scoffed.

“I’m ready anytime you are! I won’t tell anyone!” Izuku swore. “I promise!”
Ryosuke grabbed his face and looked deep into his eyes, startling him.

“I need you to know how important this is to me.” He whispered harshly. “My quirk isn’t suited for teaching. It would make people question me and my integrity. If I show you, you cannot tell a soul.”
“Y-you can trust me.” Izuku gulped. “I promise on everything.”

“Good.” Ryosuke let him go. “I’ll show you soon. But, promise me something?”

“Anything.” Izuku stood up.

“Hang out with your other friends. That’s the point of the assignment. It’s great to fall in love,”
“But it’s healthy to balance yourself out. Growing too attached can poison everything.” Ryosuke informed him. “Don’t neglect the one’s important to you.”

“R-right.” Izuku plopped down on the couch.

“See you after class tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you after class.”
Izuku felt dizzy and light headed when he left. There was something about this conversation that felt heavy. Different than their other ones. He felt like his brain was put in a blender. He liked Ryosuke and looked up to him, but he confused him.
He guessed that consequences of being friends with your teacher. Sometimes it was okay to break the rules and sometimes it wasn’t. It was just up to Ryosuke’s whims.

Izuku hung out with Todoroki that night. He always made him feel calm.

“Where did you get this puzzle?”
Shoto questioned. “Mineta’s room?”

“No! A friend gave it to me!” Izuku laughed nervously. “It’s silly but Mt. lady isn’t too sexy in it! I think it’s tasteful!”

“If you say so.” Shoto shrugged. “How’s the assignment going for you?”

“Kacchan snuck into my room the other day.”
Izuku blushed. “He’s impatient for it to be over.”

“I think we all are.” Shoto huffed. “Bakugo is making it everyone’s problem.”

“I shouldn’t worry him so much…” Izuku smiled softly. “How’s your assignment going?”

“Helping with the behind the scenes stuff at Endeavor agency?”
Shoto ran his hands through his hair. “I didn’t realize how much paperwork really went into my father’s agency. He takes on so many assignments, that is keeps piling and piling up. There’s one case that’s interesting though.”

“What case is that?” Izuku asked excitedly.
“A lot of the heroes are investigating nightclubs. There’s supposedly one with a secret room where teenagers are being trafficked. They are trying to find which one it is. But after Hawks reported something to my father, the paperwork for it stopped.”
“Oh. So that’s why he asked me all those questions.” Izuku mused.

“Hawks spoke to you about it?” Shoto narrowed eyes. “It’s supposed to be too secret. Are you helping?”

“Um… something like that. One of my friends went to a club and Hawks traced it back to me somehow.”
“Well if your friend was our age, he should be careful. All sorts of awful things have happened in that room.” Shoto noted. “Posted on the internet too.”

“Yikes.” Izuku gulped.

“Yeah, that’s why all heroes are investigating… but maybe…”

“Maybe what?”
“Well if your FRIEND happens to be well known like you, for example. I can see why Hawks would want to keep finding you, I mean him, at this club discreet. Your FRIEND should be extra careful. It’s really bad news.”

“Oh…” Izuku’s heart raced. Ryosuke couldn’t have known.
He should talk to him about it. But, there wasn’t any room at that club as far as he knew. The details of the night were still fuzzy to him, but he was sure he would remember being dragged to a room.

Shoto told him more things about paperwork and such-
until they completed the puzzle.

“Wow! That took awhile, huh?” Izuku smiled proudly.

“Yeah. It’s nice. We should do puzzles more often.” Shoto smiled at him.

“We should!” Izuku laughed but something was bothering him. “Hey, Todoroki-kun?”

“What do you think of Ryosuke-Sensei?”

“Hmm… everyone seems to love him.” Shoto nodded.

“You don’t?” Izuku titled his head.

“He’s nice enough. But to be honest, yours and Bakugo’s assignment bothers me. I can’t think of one good reason for it.”
Shoto answered honestly. “Aizawa-Sensei doesn’t even seem sure about it. I get you two are close after the war but you guys never closed anyone else off. Bakugo still hung out with his friends and you still hung out with yours. Sure, your little trick in class was annoying,”
“But that’s all it was. Annoying. It’s hardly reason to separate you two. It just seems like he wants something from this.”

“What could he want from Kacchan and I being apart?” Izuku wondered.

“I don’t know. I just don’t like it.” Shoto shrugged.
The next day, Izuku was more wary as he met Ryosuke after school. Again, in the same room he used to meet All Might.

“Is something wrong, Midoriya-kun? You don’t seem to be paying attention to this.” Ryosuke laughed as he closed his laptop from the documentary he put on.
“Um… why is Kacchan and I’s assignment so important?” Izuku questioned.

“Ah. You miss him, huh?” Ryosuke rolled his eyes.

“Is that wrong to miss him?” Izuku tilted his head.

“I’m just looking out for you. Getting so attached to anyone is bad news. You saw that first hand.”
Ryosuke reminded him of that dreadful day.

“I don’t like to talk about that.” Izuku looked away.

“I’m sorry. But that’s the reason why… it’s going to happen again, you know… and he might not be so lucky next time.” Ryosuke asserted. “He’s strong…”
“But as long as you have One for All, villains are going to come after what’s most important to you. If that’s him, he needs as much distance from you as he can get.”

“Do you really think that?” Izuku began to cry.

“Don’t cry, Izuku.” Ryosuke pulled him close.
“Sorry, can I call you Izuku?”

“Mmhmm…” Izuku nodded his head as Ryosuke wiped his tears.

“I’m sorry for telling you how it’s going to be. But being a teacher means telling the truth. And I’m just looking out for you and him. It’s time you learn to be apart.”
Izuku stood up and grabbed his things. “I’m need to go…”

“Izuku.” Ryosuke grabbed his wrist. “Please stay. You’re upset. You shouldn’t be by yourself. I’m sorry for reminding you about something like that.”

“It’s fine… I should be reminded.” Izuku sobbed.
“Izuku!” Ryosuke watched as Izuku held his stomach and dry heaved as he succumbed to a full blown panic attack.

“I…can’t breath…” Izuku felt dizzy as the room span.

“Calm down, Izuku. Please calm down! Gosh… I didn’t want to show you my quirk now…but if it helps..”
Izuku felt a deep pain in his heart as memories of Kacchan’s dead and bloody body on a field came flooding back. He wanted to scream, to cry, to yell at the world. It hurt. It hurt so bad. Was it going to happen again? Was Kacchan really going to die because of him?!
It hurt. He just wanted the pain to stop.

“Izuku, look at me!.” Ryosuke grabbed his face and looked into his eyes which glowed pink.

Suddenly, Izuku didn’t feel anything. He was able to breathe again. Slow, steady breaths. And then he felt hot. Hot all over.
“Ahh…” Izuku felt shaky with need. He felt a strong desire fill him everywhere. He needed to be touched.

“Good… good boy, Izuku. Breathe for me.” Ryosuke whispered in his ear and his breath felt like heaven. His touch sent jitters all over his body. He felt so good..
“Wh-what’s happening?” Izuku panted. He needed more. He felt dizzy with desire.

“This is my quirk, baby. I’m going to make you feel good okay? Make you forget all the pain.” Ryosuke laid Izuku on the couch and kissed him. The kiss sent fire all throughout his body.

Izuku felt amazing. Everywhere. Goosebumps shot through. He had never felt such…pleasure.

“That’s right. Relax. Enjoy this.” Ryosuke climbed on top of him and Izuku crashed their lips back together but then he opened his eyes and realized… he didn’t want this…
“S-Sensei…” Izuku panted. “Stop…”

“I can’t, Izuku. As soon as the quirk effects you, you’ll stay like this until I’m finished, okay?” Ryosuke grabbed his hand and put it on his crotch. “I’ll try and do this quick. Just lay there and be good…”
Ryosuke kissed him again and suckled his neck making him writhe and moan in ecstasy. He didn’t want this. He didn’t. But it felt so good. So amazing. So…

“I’m almost there baby. Almost.” Ryosuke finished in his pants and Izuku came just as hard. Then Ryosuke collapsed on him.
After they collected their breath, Ryosuke kissed him once more.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, I was trying to help you!”

“What just happened?” Izuku teared up. “Ryosuke-Sensei, what did we just do?”

“Something you can’t tell anyone, okay?! No one can know!”

“What… happened?”
“Nothing. Nothing happened.” Ryosuke sat up. “No one had to know. And no one will know. But please keep this to yourself. It you tell anyone, that’s the end of both our careers! I will have no choice but to share this!”

“Sh-share this?” Izuku blinked in a daze.
“I record all encounters with my quirk.” He pointed to his laptop. “It goes to my cloud for legal reasons. I need proof to everyone that the people I use it on consents and baby, you were begging me to touch you. Alright?”

Izuku stood up and grabbed his things.
“I won’t tell anyone… cause nothing happened.” He said like a zombie.

“Yes, nothing happened!”

Izuku cleaned up, changed into his gym clothes then walked home. He felt dirty. Disgusting. Used. Trapped. He needed a bath. A long bath. He walked inside Heights Alliance,
And saw the same people that were in the kitchen the other day gathered around the TV.

“Hey Midoriya!” Kirishima greeted. “We were just about to start a movie! Want to watch with us?”

“What were you up to, huh?” Mina questioned. “Hogging Ryosuke to yourself again?”
“Hogging him…to myself?” Did Izuku ask for this?

“It’s okay to have a crush, we all do on him.” Jiro snickered.

“Abandoning Kacchan for the next hot thing already, huh?” Denki shook his head. “No loyalty these days.”

“Abandon… Kacchan? Is that what I did?”
“Hey man.. are you alright?” Kirishima stood up and put his hand on his shoulder making him panic and shove him across the room with One for All.

“WOAH!” Eijiro went full unbreakable just in time to not break his back against the wall.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I…”
“Midoriya…?” Everyone looked at him like something was wrong with him. Did they all know? Did everyone always know how disgusting he was?

“What’s going on down here?!” Kacchan’s voice startled him. Izuku turned toward the elevator where Kacchan stormed out of.
Their bracelets made an ugly blaring sound because they were so close.

“What the hell happened to you, Shitty Hair?!”

“Bakugo, something’s not right!” Jiro said to him.

Katsuki looked at him and Izuku felt petrified.

Izuku sobbed before bolting out the door and flying to his balcony. From the outside. He locked the door behind him, and closed his curtains. He also locked the his dorm room door and ran to his bathroom where he turned the water on ad hot as possible before putting hand in it.
He let it burn him. Let it cleanse him. Let it hurt like he deserved to be hurt.



Izuku, you’re disgusting. Burn. Burn away. Please. Please. Please.”

Suddenly his door burst open and Kacchan appeared by his side in the blink of an eye.
“IZUKU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Katsuki turned the hot water off and pulled his hand away.

“GET AWAY! GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME! All I do is hurt you!”

“Izuku!” Katsuki held him close and he broke down. He didn’t deserve him. Why didn’t he understand? Why didn’t he get it?
“What happened?!” Katsuki whispered as he cried too. “What happened?!”

“I’m disgusting…. I’m disgusting… I’m disgusting…” Was all Izuku could repeat before he passed out from the pain all over his body.
Izuku drifted awake to the feeling of a hand squeezing his own. It felt warm, strong, safe.


“Not quite.” A familiar voice said, making him jolt up.

“All Might?!” Izuku gasped. He then looked around the room and saw Hawks, his mom, Recovery Girl, Endeavor,
Principal Nezu, and Aizawa.

“I-is something wrong?” Izuku gulped as his mom burst into tears. “Mom… what’s going on?”

“You tell us.” Aizawa said. “You had a breakdown Midoriya.”

“You burned your own hand.” Recovery Girl said sadly.

“You sent Young Kirishima to a wall.”
All Might teared up.

“And you were found drunk at a night club.” Endeavor supplied.

“You told them?” Izuku asked Hawks, betrayed.

“I wasn’t going to, Midoriya. But when Todoroki us what happened. I realized it had to be connected.” Hawks informed him. “I’m sorry.”
“Izuku.” His mom grabbed his shoulders gently. “What’s going on? Is someone hurting you?”

“H-hurting me?” Izuku looked down at his hand. It didn’t hurt. Ryosuke-Sensei said he did it to help him. But he didn’t want it. He didn’t want him to use his quirk.
He would have rather calmed down from his panic attack on his own.

“Who brought you to that club, Midoriya-kun?” Hawks questioned. “You have to understand that Club is very dangerous. You’re not the only one your age to be brought there.”
Izuku looked around the room and felt his face heat up. These were all people who cared for him, helped him. Gave him so much. If they found out what really happened, they would be so disappointed in him. Ryosuke said he had a video of him begging for it.
“It’s okay. You’re not in trouble.” All Might hugged him to his chest and rubbed his hair gently. “Nothing you tell us will make us think any different of you. We just need to-”

“I’m so sorry I’m late.” Ryosuke Sensei burst in the room, sending chills down Izuku’s spine.
“I told you you to wait for me in the classroom.” Aizawa scolded him. “That I would brief you afterwards.”

“I know you did Sensei, and I’m sorry but I feel responsible!” Ryosuke bowed.

“How so, Ryosuke-kun?” Nezu questioned.

“I gave Midoriya the flyer for the club!”
Ryosuke confessed. “I told him it was something I was thinking of going to. I never imagined in a million years he would actually wander in there! He must have met someone there who took advantage of him! I’ll never forgive myself if that’s the case! Midoriya-kun, I’m sorry!”
Izuku noticed in his arm was his laptop. He had the video with him. Was he planning to show them all how disgusting he was?

“No one took advantage of me!” Izuku teared up. “Nothing happened. I’m just tired! I’m so tired! It’s overwhelming trying to live up to a legacy!”
“Maybe it finally got to me! I don’t know what happened today! I can’t even remember! I-”

“Midoriya. Todoroki-kun said you kept calling yourself disgusting.” Hawks lamented. “That doesn’t sound like someone who’s tired.”

“Young Midoriya, I’m so sorry!” All Might tried to grab his hand, but Izuku roughly pulled it away.


The whole room went quiet after that.

“Izuku, stop!” His mom begged.

“Nothing happened! I’m fine!”
Izuku stood up.

“Midoriya-kun! Where are you going?” Ryosuke questioned, and Izuku knew he had to be careful how he answered. One wrong move. One wrong move…

“To sleep. I just need sleep…” Izuku opened the door to find Kacchan waiting on the other side.
Izuku stared him, knowing it was hopeless to lie. It was hopeless to say the words ‘I’m fine.’ He wouldn’t believe them. He saw through him more than anyone else could. But one wrong move and he would be watching him please someone else, throwing everything they had away.

“Leave me alone, Katsuki.”

Izuku knew it was pointless to try and upset him to get him to back off. He wasn’t upset. He was even more concerned. Even more alert.

“I’m not going to. You know that.” Kacchan said calmly.

“Please..” Izuku begged.
Katsuki knew Izuku needed help. He needed help more than ever. Something terrible happened to him. The way he shook and trembled in his arms? He’d never seen him so broken. Getting angry wasn’t going to help.

“Come on, Midoriya-kun.” Ryosuke put his hand on his shoulder-
and Katsuki saw it. Izuku jolted. He was scared. Terrified.

“I’ll take you to your-”

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!” Katsuki launched an explosion at him, sending him through the halls.

“Kacchan?!” Izuku gasped.

“BAKUGO!” Aizawa and everyone ran out of the room.
“Bakugo-kun, what is going on?” Ryosuke spit out blood.

“YOU’RE DEAD!” Katsuki roared.

“STOP!” Aizawa activated his quirk but Katsuki grabbed the water bottle he had and squirted it in his eyes. “Ah!”

Then he launched himself across the room and was about to explode his-
stomach, point blank when Blackwhip pulled him back.

“STOP IT!” Izuku shrieked and cried. “PLEASE STOP IT!”

“YOU CAN’T STOP ME! NONE OF YOU CAN!” Katsuki was about to fire an AP shot when Izuku threw his arms around his waist.

“Please…. I need you.”
Izuku sobbed into his back and Katsuki dissipated his explosions and calmed down. All the teachers surrounded them and Recovery Girl went to help Ryosuke. They were all saying things. Probably about how much trouble Katsuki was in for attempting murder.
But he couldn’t hear them. All he could hear was Izuku’s desperate cries as he held him tight.
Kirishima sat in his seat and felt how heavy the room was the next day in class. Ryosuke-Sensei was in a cast and Midoriya and Bakugo were absent.
According to Todoroki, Midoriya was a victim to some underground trafficking ring and Bakugo mistakenly believed it was Ryosuke who hurt him and tried to kill him. At least that’s what the teachers believed happened. The two apparently haven’t said a word to anyone but each other
Bakugo was placed on house arrest in his room and Midoriya was taken to a psychiatric facility. The class felt empty and everyone felt at fault.

“I know things are grim. But it’s important you remain vigilant.” Aizawa said to the class. “I have failed in that aspect.”
“We all failed.” Uraraka piped up. “I should have seen it a mile away that something wasn’t right.”

“As class President and Midoriya’s close friend, I feel the most responsibility. I was so focused on my assignment, I neglected him!”

Everyone went voiced their feelings,
saying how upset they were by this whole debacle, but one person was quiet. Eijiro squeezed Mina’s hand.

“You alright?”

Mina looked at him and shook her head. When class was out, everyone apologized to Ryosuke for Bakugo’s actions.
“He’s just really protective of him!” Ochaco explained. “You have to understand what they’ve been through!”

“He really isn’t a bad guy!” Denki pleaded. “He probably got the wrong idea by your assignment.”

Eijiro was gonna out in his two cents until he saw Mina storm out.
He followed followed her out of the room and noticed her wander to an empty classroom where she broke down crying.

“Hey, Mina… what’s wrong?” Eijiro entered tepidly.

“I think…” She sobbed. “I think I’m thinking too much… but I feel it in my gut I’m right!”
“And if I’m right then I’ve been awful!”

“Tell me. Hey, you can tell me anything!” Eijiro grabbed her hand.

“I was jealous of how close Midoriya was to Ryosuke-Sensei!” She sniffled. “I was upset because I was tired of him receiving favoritism!”
“I thought with All Might gone, it would finally be an equal playing field but then Ryosuke paid just as much special attention to him and I was irritated! I blamed Midoriya! But…” Mina tried to collect herself. “I saw them. I saw them hang out after school.”
“They were hanging out in that old nap room and watching a movie or something. I thought it was so weird!! Was Midoriya really that close to him? He put his arm around him, Ei!” Mina sniffled. “Then this whole club thing… and Bakugo attacking him? I think he was right!”
“I think he… I think he may have been the one to do something to Midoriya!”

“We gotta tell Aizawa-Sensei!” Eijiro slammed his fist on the desk.

“I don’t know if that will work! If Bakugo’s actions weren’t enough to convince him, we need to find something that will!”
Mina lamented.

“How are we gonna do that?”

“Ryosuke-Sensei is always on his laptop!” Mina noted. “Maybe tomorrow after class… I can distract him and you can get it!”

“If you’re right… I’m worried he’ll do something to you.” Eijiro grimaced.
“I’ll be safe! I’ll be recording the whole time! And I’ll be sure he knows it so he won’t do anything to me!” She pulled out her phone. “You just worry about the laptop!”
Izuku woke up in a hospital bed and sighed. He was so tired of hospitals.
The door opened and All Might walked in, making him a feel a surge of guilt.

“What are you doing here?” He asked him. “Aren’t you busy?”

“Young Midoriya…” All Might sat next to him and held his hand. “You were right. I’m so-”

“Please don’t apologize!” Izuku cried.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me. I felt cornered and scared and I lashed out!” He explained. “I just wanted to push you away! But I understand! You’re busy! You have to be! You’re the greatest hero ever and I can’t hog you to myself!”

“No, Midoriya.”
“The world needs heroes. They don’t need me. You need me.” All Might bowed to him. “I’m so sorry for not checking in on your more. I’m sorry for thinking you would be more than okay without me. Of course this is all overwhelming for you.”
“I thought your friends and Aizawa-kun were plenty to keep an eye on you and help you grown. But I let my own insecurity as your mentor keep me away from you and for that I am deeply sorry.”

“All Might…” Izuku cried. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too!” All Might hugged him.
“And I’m not going anywhere no matter what you tell me! I’m here, Izuku.” He cried. “I’m here. So tell me… please… who hurt you?!”

Izuku knew he only had one choice at this point. He couldn’t let Kacchan get in trouble for nothing. That video might get out.. but…
Izuku took a deep breath and squeezed All Might’s hand for reassurance.

“I’m not sure where to begin..”
Mina fidgeted in her seat nervously the next day when class ended. Ryosuke was extra busy due to Aizawa being pulled out of class by Endeavor and Hawks, leaving him to teach the lesson. Everyone hovered around him and had plenty to say so she had to bide her time.
Eijiro looked at her and gave her a thumbs up, indicating the plan was ready to go into motion.

When the last student left the classroom, she approached him.

“Ryosuke-Sensei!” She greeted. “Can you come with me to the gym? I need your input on a dance!”
Ryosuke looked at her and smiled before standing up with his laptop still in his hand.

“I’d love to help you, Ashido-San.” Ryosuke smiled.

“Oh, but I need you to like, do it with me, you know? So you should probably leave that here!” She pointed at his laptop.
Ryosuke set the laptop down and laughed to himself. “Of course…”

Ashido was surprised it was this easy. Maybe his laptop really didn’t have that much on it. He followed her out the door, but then he turned around and locked it, extra secure. Both the top and bottom locks.
Whatever, that was nothing for Ei.

As soon as Eijiro heard them walk away, he stepped out the utility closet nearby and tried to open the door.

“Locked. Of course.” He took a deep breath. “Aizawa would understand.” Then he made his arm really hard and punched the door open.
He located the laptop and opened it quickly.

“Alright… password… password.. shit.” Eijiro realized they really didn’t think this far. Were they really gonna fail Midoriya so soon? His palms sweat as he guessed a few things that sounded like Ryosuke… nothing.
“Damnit, we’re stupid.” Ei cursed himself, but then he felt a deep ugly pit in his stomach. “If this works, I’m gonna throw up.”


It began to login and he felt goosebumps all over. Gross. Then the next notification made him jump up.

‘Passcode sent to cell phone’
“SHIT! He has two factor authentication! Of course!” Eijiro stuffed the laptop in his bag quickly in a panic.

“Kirishima? What the hell are you doing?!”
“Okay I know your arm is in a cast, but you really gotta move with more flow, Sensei!” Mina ordered.
“Ashido, maybe this is too complicated for your assignment. I doubt elementary level kids will be able to do these moves.” Ryosuke reminded her. “Try and simplify them.”

“Right! Simplify them! I can do that!” She nodded her head furiously.

“Work on that, I’m going to-”

Mina grabbed his hand. “I really need your help! This is stressing me out! Sensei, please stay!” She begged.

“Alright alright, I’ll s-” Suddenly he got a notification on his phone. He looked at it and his eyes widened. “I gotta go, Ashido! I’m sorry!” He bolted out of the gym.
Mina cursed to herself then grabbed her phone to warn Eijiro but his phone went straight to voicemail.

‘GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!!’ She texted him. She groaned to herself then ran straight toward the classroom. “I hope I’m not too late.” She cried as she ran in the hallways.
Mina ran up the stairwell and was about to turn the corner to 2A when a firm hand grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the wall.

“Shh! Shh! It’s okay Ashido…” Eijiro whispered in her ear before barely stopping her elbow from hitting him in the ribs.

“Ei! You scared me!”
Eijiro turned her around and smiled sadly. “It’s alright now, Ashido. The heroes know… they’re handling it.”

“Oh…” She sighed in relief, but then guilt filled her all over again. “So then he really did hurt Midoriya…”

“Unfortunately, yes. He told All Might everything.”

• • •

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Jan 26
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Bakugo Izuku lived in an isolated beach town with his childhood friend, and handsome husband, Kacchan!

In this town, everyone had quirks except for him. Which was how he lost his memory! It was accident and the one who did it was really apologetic!
But it was okay because everyone in the town was really helpful in reminding him who he was and what he did for a living! Kacchan and him were both detectives who protected this town since there were no heroes assigned to it!
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Aug 1, 2023
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Midoriya Izuku didn’t have the best of luck. He was a male omega which also meant he didn’t have the best of choices. And by that, he meant he had 0 choices. He was sold to marry an alpha he disliked who had a career he hated.
Monoma Neito made a career out of tricking people. That was how he ended up married to him in the first place. He convinced his family he was a noble with a family in a far away land that would give Izuku the world. He was no such thing. He was a traveling conman.
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"Yeah! There's lantern sharks! And Lemon sharks and Whale sharks! And Nurse sharks!" Kazui and the kid, Mahiro became fast friends. Kazui ended up following him and his family all through the aquarium.

"You should come have dinner with us!" Mahiro begged.
"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Kazui completely forgot about his class as he walked out of the aquarium with them to the parking lot.

"Where are your parents, dear?" Kazui's mother asked him. "We're happy Mahiro made a friend, but.. maybe it's time you go back with your Mama?"
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Jul 20, 2023
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CW: Self Harm, Dark themes (But major healing and love at end!)

Midoriya Izuku lived his biggest dream as the number one hero. It was a short time, but it was the best time of his life. He lost One for All at 23 years old and now he was back to being quirkless.
Izuku gratefully guzzled the water as Katsuki held his head to his heart and let him hear it beat. He always knew exactly what to do.

“Kacchan, you had a hard night last night.” Izuku reminded him. “I saw the news, you were helping those civilians evacuate for hours.”
“The last thing you need to worry about is my runny eggs!”

“Izuku!” Katsuki kissed him. “When we got married, I made an oath. In sickness and in health, damnit! Helping you and your runny eggs is my job that I take seriously!”

Izuku smiled gratefully at him.
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Bakugo Katsuki was a very important businessman. No, he was more like a business tyrant. Needless to say, he was extremely busy and this annoying ass wedding planner was the last of his worries. He looked at his assistant,
“I had the wrong idea about you. Thank you for watching over my son. Please continue to allow him to be part of your success.” Inko bowed.

“It wouldn’t be success without him.” Katsuki smirked before standing up. “I’ll try and take more days off for the both of us.”
Izuku jolted awake as his alarm blared for him to get ready for work. Shit! Was he at his mom’s?! He hadn’t slept here in two years, at least. His began to pound. Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no no no!

How much did he drink last night?! What did he do?!
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