My favourite ExMuslim @YasMohammedxx has a message for you. Share your stories of #Islamotrauma for the world to see why our fear of Islam is rational and rooted in our subjugation, oppression and abuse. #LetUsTalk
As an #ExMuslim, I can never go back to Iran because the government could put me in jail indefinitely or hang me for the simply saying I don’t believe in Islam or God. There’s no going back on your religion in Iran. You’re born a Muslim, you die a Muslim. Literally. #Islamotrauma
I can’t dance or sing under the Islamic regime. I can’t be a judge or the president. I can’t get a divorce, except in extremely dire situations, and I can’t have 2 husbands but my husband can have 4 permanent wives and 99 temporary ones. #Islamotrauma
My father, uncle, brother, male guardian can stop me from getting an education, a job or a passport. They can kill me and say I dishonoured them and get very little to no punishment at all. #Islamotrauma#honourkilling
My witness in court is worth half a man. My inheritance is half my brother’s. My mom’s 1/8th mine and 1/16th her own son’s. My life is worth half a man. The punishment for killing me is half of killing a man. #Islamotrauma
There’s no abortion or bodily autonomy in the Islamic Republic and under Islam. My body is a ‘tilth’ for men to plough and impregnate to populate the Muslim world. I have no control over my own body as it doesn’t belong to me. #Islamotrauma
My father could marry me off as a child. The younger, the better according to Islam. Girls reach puberty at 9 y/o and the advice is that the marriage be consummated then but the husband can satisfy his needs however he likes even with infant brides. #Islamotrauma#GirlsNotBrides
My grandma married off my 3 aunts all before they were 15. They had children by their 16th birthday. I talk to my grandma twice a year. She still tells me that instead of reading all those books, I should have been a grandma by now! My life has no meaning otherwise. #Islamotrauma
I had to cover my hair when I turned 7 if I wanted to go to school. I had to cover my hair and body whenever I left the house after I turned 9. That was 3rd grade. My hair and body was too tempting for men to control themselves so I had to cover up. #Islamotrauma
I grew up in a gender apartheid. I had to bend to survive. I’ve spent years unlearning a lot of beliefs/ ideas/ dearly held traditions. I’m not strong or resilient. I’m bitter, angry and tired. I am who I am despite myself and my experiences and not because of them. #Islamotrauma
Don’t romanticize the trauma, whether individual or collective, that we’ve been through. I resent having had to survive my whole life, having had to survive my loved ones’ abusive behaviour, having had to survive my society and the religion I was born into. #Islamotrauma
I can’t still talk about my assault, I was 11 y/o, my forced ‘love’ marriage, my divorce, and years of abuse, subjugation, trauma that I have had to survive whether in the Islamic Republic or as the aftermath of leaving Iran/Islam easily and freely. #Islamotrauma
I am lucky to be here. I survived. A lot of us don’t. I know how privileged I am. But I will have to spend the rest of my life fighting and unbending and putting myself back together because of Islam and Muslims. My fear is valid and rational. #Islamotrauma#LetUsTalk
Because I am tired of my identity being erased. Because I can’t ever go back to Iran. Because I would be murdered for not wearing hijab. Because the Islamic Regime could imprison/ hang me for stating I don’t believe in Islam. /1 #Islamotrauama#LetUsTalk#ExMuslim
Because I was born into it and never given a choice. Because everyone assumes automatically that I still believe Islam is the only true path to heaven, and therefore believe I am half a man as preached by Islam. Because a man practically owns me/2 #Islamotraums#ExMuslim
if I don’t state openly and clearly that I am not a Muslim. Because I don’t feel safe. Because I deserve to feel safe. Because people like you enjoy erasing my experiences/ trauma as a born Muslim. Because Islam doesn’t give me a choice and I reclaim it./3 #ExMuslim#Islamotrauma