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Feeling a little peculiar #MahsaAmini #ExMuslim #Feminist #EatTheRich #RescueMom
Mar 15, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
My favourite ExMuslim @YasMohammedxx has a message for you. Share your stories of #Islamotrauma for the world to see why our fear of Islam is rational and rooted in our subjugation, oppression and abuse. #LetUsTalk Image As an #ExMuslim, I can never go back to Iran because the government could put me in jail indefinitely or hang me for the simply saying I don’t believe in Islam or God. There’s no going back on your religion in Iran. You’re born a Muslim, you die a Muslim. Literally. #Islamotrauma
Mar 12, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Because I am tired of my identity being erased. Because I can’t ever go back to Iran. Because I would be murdered for not wearing hijab. Because the Islamic Regime could imprison/ hang me for stating I don’t believe in Islam. /1 #Islamotrauama #LetUsTalk #ExMuslim Because I was born into it and never given a choice. Because everyone assumes automatically that I still believe Islam is the only true path to heaven, and therefore believe I am half a man as preached by Islam. Because a man practically owns me/2 #Islamotraums #ExMuslim