Established #sakusuna + oblivious Atsumu, eventual nsfw

Atsumu had only ever had two crushes in his life, and somehow, they'd ended up dating each other.

Not just in high school either, nope, they kept on dating for years and somehow in all that time,
Atsumu’s feelings had never faded.

They complimented each other perfectly, all that snark for the world to see, but with matching soft underbellies when it was just the two of them, or, the two of them plus Atsumu.
He was touched that his friends were so easy going around him, but it had taken a long time not to flinch at their easy affection behind closed doors.

Sweet kisses, long hugs, cuddles, the things that Atsumu had craved since he knew what love was.
But instead, Atsumu got to watch the two men he loved, love each other, and that was that.


Miya Atsumu was an idiot. When they’d been teenagers, neither of them had the emotional capacity to try to turn their two into a three.
They barely got it together enough to start dating themselves, much less bringing Atsumu into the mix, and since Atsumu was the glue, it was easier to risk romance on themselves than risk Atsumu.
Low risk, low reward as they say, because now, they were forced to deal with Atsumu’s seriously thick skull and inability to get a hint.

They only ever spent time with him. Atsumu was in their home more often than he was at his own.
Movie nights, sleep overs, sleepy breakfasts where they all sat way too close together to be platonic.

The affection was easy for Suna and Sakusa, and at first they’d tried to use it to make Atsumu jealous.

If they could just push the right button than maybe…

Aaaand, nothing.
Atsumu would blush, squeak, leave the room, but never did he confront either man with desperate kisses or over the clothes groping.

So, a change of tactics was needed.
Atsumu reached for something on a high shelf, Suna pressed up behind him, using his slight height advantage to reach what Atsumu had been eying, all while keeping their bodies flush.
For a moment, Suna had heard Atsumu’s breath catch, had sworn that the man leaned back into him, but then he was gone, taking his warmth with him.

Still, it had been better than no reaction at all so when Atsumu came over it was to things like,

Yoga in the living room
Sakusa fresh out of the shower

Suna shirtless from a workout

The tailend of heated makeout sessions

And even, in an extreme case, the mutual agreement to wear booty shorts.
They both wanted to top Atsumu like no tomorrow, but if the only way they could tempt him was by offering their asses, then so be it.
This of course had backfired on them magnificently as Atsumu insisted that he join the “short-shorts gang” and paraded around their apartment in the most sinful ass huggers known to man.

To say that it had been a long night was an understatement.
They’d talked about him extensively. Was he really that dense? Could it possibly be that he simply wasn’t interested in them like that? Were they making him uncomfortable? Risking pushing him away?

But no, unlike Miya Atsumu they weren’t blind.
They saw the longing looks, the love in his eyes, the way he reached for them without realizing it.

And it was time he saw it too.

// what's their plan?
(Added tag for light angst)

“You should be the one to do it,” Sakusa whispered, keeping his voice low so that Atsumu couldn’t hear him from where he was in the kitchen, “you’ve known him longer.”

“You’re the one who brought up being poly in the first place,” Suna countered.
“Only because /you/ didn’t bring it up first.”

“Does that mean you don’t really want this?” Suna challenged.

“Of course I do,” Sakusa hissed, “Just–” then he gestured in Atsumu’s general direction like that explained it all.

It did.
Suna wasn’t even sure why he was arguing, he /did/ want to be the one to confess. He wanted to be the one to kiss Atsumu first, even if he was perfectly fine–happy even– with sharing.

Something about being the first just….
“You better be one step behind me,” he murmured, kissing his boyfriend on the lips for courage.

Sakusa smirked, “of course, I wouldn’t miss a second of that dumbfounded expression of his, or, what’s going to come after.”

Sakusa’s surety gave Suna the little boost he needed.
This /would/ go well, and any second now, he’d have Atsumu in the way he’d fantasized about for years, with Sakusa firm at his side.

It was everything he dreamed of and more.
Suna was quick and brutal with his approach, backing Atsumu up against the countertop and boxing him in with long arms.

/There, now you can’t get away from me/

As if they’d ever let him.

“H-hey,” Atsumu sqeaked, partially in alarm, partially in something else.
Suna was close enough to see his adams apple bob, see his eyes flick to Suna’s lips, and see the apprehension and want fill his eyes.

Suna had expected this, but his reaction was no less visceral, seeing it play out in front of him.
They were practically chest to chest, if Suna leaned in any more, Atsumu would be able to feel the erection stirring in his pants.

“You need to start being honest,” Suna intoned, voice husky, “because whatever this is, isn’t cutting it anymore.”

/I need more, WE need more/
Atsumu chewed at his bottom lip, eyes darting to the side, “I don’t-”

“You do,” Suna challenged, firm, “and I want to hear you say it.”

Astumu wobbled, conviction slipping, but then his lip was quivering too, and his eyes were filling with tears and–

“I-I can’t,” he choked, “I won’t, I’m not willin’ to—yer too important to me!”

Oh no, he was crying, and Suna was freezing, panicking really because he hated seeing Atsumu cry, and it was….his fault.
“Rin,” Sakusa chided, nudging Suna enough that he could squeeze between the new crying man and his shaken boyfriend. Immediately, he started to wipe at Atsumu’s tears, cooing gently, “It’s okay Atsumu, this isn’t what you think it is.”
The first time this softer side of Sakusa had come out, Suna’s world had tilted. Not in a bad way–surpising, yes– but in the way that made Suna love him even more.
Yes, they could be rough, and snarky, and even mean, but when it came to the people they loved, they were both capable of shifts like this.

Suna grabbed Atsumu’s shaking hand, all bravado lost, “I love you,” he blurted.
It was the only thing, only truth he had to make this right, “I love you Atsumu, please don’t–” cry, but that last word was smothered against Atsumu’s lips as he was kissed wetly.

“Yer not allowed ta take it back,” Atsumu said, “ya can’t cause those words are mine now.”
One second he’d been crying, the next he was making demands with sparks in his eyes.

Yeah, that was the man he loved alright.

Atsumu looked to Sakusa then, hope and maybe a tinge of fear, “Omi?”
“Yeah Atsu, me too,” he assured, initiating the kiss instead of waiting for Atsumu to come to him.

It was meant to be a plan of seduction, but instead, they were just two whipped men carefully cradling a weepy one.
Suna was glad there was no one to witness, even if Atsumu would surely tell this story a million times over. He loved to embarrass them, Suna especially, and yeah this whole thing was up there on the embarrassment scale, even if he was so happy right now that he didn't care.
Soft, exploratory, loving. That’s how their first kisses went

Well, right up until Atsumu pouted out a lip and asked, “does this mean yer gonna fuck me now, cause I really don’t want to wait.”

And just like that, the seduction plan was back on.
TBC-- smut incoming!
With the two of them working together, it was easy to manhandle Atsumu into their bed; finally.

He looked too pretty there, cheeks flushed, lips wet, eyes hungry. Like he was just waiting to be devoured.
Sakusa started low, nipping at the thighs he’d been obsessed with since he joined the team, while at the same time working on getting Atsumu naked, because not a single person in this room wanted to wait.

Suna though, well, he was already addicted to Atsumu’s mouth.
Not a surprise really. He’d always found Atsumu funny, even if he never let it show because he knew how it drove his friend crazy. Now that he’d gotten a taste, he just couldn’t give it up.
One of Atsumu's hands held Suna by the neck, encouraging and steady, while the other intertwined with Sakusa’s. It was like he was trying to stay connected to the both of them. As if, now that he had them, he was going to make sure they stayed together forever.

Fine by them.
Atsumu let out a surprised moan into Suna’s mouth, as Sakusa licked up his shift, sudden and hot. His mouth went slack for just a moment, and Suna used it to his advantage, taking control of the kiss and licking behind the blonde’s teeth.
When they finally parted for air, Suna looked down, watching Atsumu’s cock disappear between his boyfriend’s lips at a steay pace.

He couldn’t help but groan, he knew what it was like to be at Sakusa Kiyoomi’s mercy; it was the closest to heaven he’d ever felt.
“That’s it baby,” he encouraged, erection throbbing as Sakusa peered up at him, undeterred from his task. Sakusa’s pupils were blown, lips red, clearly enjoying himself, “don’t forget to prep him too.”
If they didn’t start now, they’d be more likely to rush it later, and they weren’t in the game of hurting each other (and definitely not Atsumu).

Sakusa popped off Atsumu’s cock with a slurp, and the answering whine from above told Suna that it felt as good as it sounded.
Sakusa didn’t move far though, glaring in the pouty way he did every time Suna tried to redirect him to something equally as pleasurable when he was already enjoying himself. “You do it, I’m busy.”

Just like that, and then he went back to what he was doing,
sinking over Atsumu’s cock with a happy groan.

Suna ought to admonish him, but how could he when Sakusa looked like /that/, not to mention Atsumu was tugging at his hair and whimpering, “Rin” like Suna wasn't giving him enough attention.
It was a lot to juggle, keeping Atsumu’s mouth occupied while digging into the bedside drawer for lube, then squeezing some out onto his fingers, then adjusting not only Atsumu but also Sakusa (who was no help) and finally, putting those same fingers to work.
Atsumu was tight, /really/ tight, like he hadn’t been fucked in forever. Good.

Tight and warm and fucking perfect around Suna’s fingers. Eager too. He kept moaning things like, “more” and “please” and “Omi” or “Rin
Better yet, every time that Sakusa did something that felt particularly good, Suna felt it too as Atsumu clenched around his fingers, clearly trying to stave off his orgasm, but no, that wouldn’t do now would it?
Sakusa was such a cum slut that he’d love nothing more than for Atsumu to release right down his talented throat. Also, of course, Atsumu deserved to cum more than once, obviously, which meant that when he found Atsumu’s prostate, he honed onto it like a goddamn beacon.
“Mmph, Rin!” Atsumu cried, lips sliding away as he tilted his head back to moan.

It was such a pretty sight, all that bared neck, and Suna took full advantage wanting to leave as many marks as he could

Atsumu wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without everyone knowing he was taken

Atsumu’s voice was panicked as he exclaimed, “stop! Oh—I’m gonna cum, ya gotta stop.”

Most people begged /to/ cum, and here Atsumu was wanting to hold out. How cute.

“Go ahead,” Suna encouraged, licking over the fresh hickey he’d just made, “Give Kiyo what he wants.--
--Cum down his throat and let him suck you clean.”

“F-f—” was all Atsumu managed, before he came just like Suna had told him to.

Sakusa, the greedy bastard, swallowed, licking at his lips once he was finished like he wanted to be sure he hadn’t missed a single drop.
“Is he ready Rintarou?” Sakusa asked, eyeing where Suna was working diligently to make sure Atsumu was ready for them. His pace had slowed to help avoid any oversensitivity, but Sakusa, well, he was as usual, feeling a little impatient.
Suna snorted, “first of all, I did the work, I get him first,” that earned him a pout, but not a glare. Fair was fair. "Second, let’s give the guy a second, yeah?”

“Don’ need a second,” Atsumu slurred, hand pushing lightly at Suna’s wrist like a physical ‘go away’.
Then, he really sealed the deal as he sighed, deep and content, “want ya Rin, wanna feel ya”

Suna drew his fingers out, a bit too quickly if Atsumu’s flinch was anything to go by, and scrambled for a condom. He’d tried to keep his head, but his brain had officially left his body
Gone, bye-bye, never to be seen again because of one Miya Atsumu.

“N-no,” Atsumu said, “No condom, please?”

/whatever you want/ his mind agreed, but what made it out of his mouth was, “okay” right before he chucked the condom as far away from him as possible.
If Atsumu didin't want it, then it could fuck off forever as far as he was concerned.

Atsumu’s legs spread for him easily, and with all the hard work Suna had done, his cock slid inside easily too.

Suna had to clench his teeth to keep from cumming right then and there.
There had been too much listening to the sounds Atsumu and Sakusa made, watching them together, and feeling Atsumu around his fingers and against his mouth to have any hope of keeping it together.

"It's gonna be fast," Suna warned through gritted teeth,
nearly whimpering as Atsumu’s heels dug into his ass and pushed him in that much deeper.

And maybe Atsumu would’ve teased him for that, he certainly had that look on his face, but Suna’s pace was too fast and too brutal for either one of them to form coherent thoughts.
Atsumu was reduced to moans as Suna grunted into his neck like a fucking animal.

Sakusa’s hand traced his spine, moving lower, teasing between Suna’s cheeks and then pressed against his hole with firm pressure.
It didn’t matter how Suna moved, Sakusa could always move with him, always give him exactly what he needed to fall over that edge.

Was it embarrassingly fast? Yeah. Was it one of the best orgasms of Suna’s life? Also yeah. He was /inside/ Atsumu. Sakusa was right there with him.
What more could he ask for?

Cum leaked from Atsumu as Suna pulled away.

He’d love nothing more to stay snugly within Atsumu’s body until the blonde pushed him away, but there was another, just as eager as he, waiting for his turn.
Suna flopped onto his back beside Atsumu, watching through slitted eyes as Sakusa took his place.

If he were capable, he’d already be hard again from the hunger in Sakusa’s eyes alone.
Atsumu’s fingers wove between his own as Sakusa filled him up, needing that connection all over again. Suna happily obliged him, though, he was feeling too fucked out to do much more than let Atsumu hold onto his limp fingers.
“Omi!” Atsumu cried, and Suna knew that he'd found that spot inside Atsumu that lit him up like a damn Christmas tree. Sakusa had always been good at that.

By now, Atsumu was hard again, begging and whimpering for Sakusa to “fuck me harder” and “please, /please/ touch my cock,”
and Sakusa was so accomadating.

He could be mean in bed sometimes, loved to withhold and tease until Suna either took action or broke down, but for Atsumu, he was practically a puppet.
Fisting Atsumu’s cock when he asked, echoing his moans, pressing kisses to any available skin

It was a beautiful sight to see, but certainly not more beautiful than Atsumu’s spine curving as he came all over himself, Sakusa’s answering grunt announcing that he wasn’t far behind.
They were messy, tired, emotional and cuddled up together even as cum and lube dried on their skin.

Normally, it was something Sakusa nor Suna could tolerate, but with a happily drowsy Atsumu between them, they made an exception.
“Omi, Rin,”

They both answered, “yeah?”

Atsumu drew Sakusa’s arm more firmly around his waist and burying his face into Suna’s chest, “I love ya too.”

Things would be different from here on out; better for sure.

• • •

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Feb 18
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Feb 10
Idk how many I'll have since I tend to write what comes to mind, but I'm sure there's a few rattling around up there 🤣 maybe drop some ideas you'd like to see me tackle, something I haven't really done?
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2. (Not all will be HQ ideas btw)
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Feb 8

Sakusa Kiyoomi stressed out and pent up because the moving company somehow managed to lose the ONE box with his tried and true vibrator in it.

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Feb 6
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"Okay, and?" Kenma said, as if he didn't know what was coming.

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Warm, tight, wet, perfect.

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