“Bazen bir kalbi onarmanin, bir kalbi kirmaktan daha zor oldugunu ögrenir insan”
ama -
“Başka bir kalbi kıran bir kalbi onarmak bazen bir o kadar zordur”

Episode 23 : A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD 🧵 #SeyFer #yaliçapkini Image
The first blow:
Having become her theme song at this point, Takinti (obsession) plays. While Pelin’s planted seed continues to poison Seyran’s heart. She associates that doubt to every time Ferit has proven it to be true+ Image
The red light (the unison of fire and ice) dissipates as she pushes him away. The same that appeared the moment Ferit unlaced her+
If anything, F wanted this to be special. He didn’t wanna freak her out, tried to read for permission at every point. He gives her space, backs off immediately, eyes as fearful/doubtful as can be; ‘’did I do something wrong?’’+
While Seyran keeps trying to dodge continuation, he keeps staring at her. Looking for something. Is it doubt or is it nervousness? What is she thinking. He plays with her by concluding it to shyness. Though gradually he starts to realize the opposite+ Image
Patience being put to his test, he confirms by taunting her. ‘when will you be ready Seyran? Expression turned stern from doubtful now+ Image
His complexes start peaking through a little. Patience having given out, flares up quickly. “am I scaring you?’ ‘’am I disgusting to you?’ the same that Pelin told him he was, when he was lashing out at her. Tho quickly calms himself down, thinking he will keep trying (for them)+ Image
Begging for love:  
To me, the time F asked her to confess wasn’t him begging for love. Its this moment right here. ‘can’t you give us a chance Seyran?’  + Image
Their hopelessness highlighted once again. She’s right, but he’s not wrong either. Both are wrong, both right. She can’t trust him this quick, this easily. He’s begging her to love him+
Sitting there on his knees, like a child, asking to be loved the same. Can’t you do something to make our relationship progress too? can’t we accept each other? +
‘’But loving each other isn’t just being together this way Ferit. Can’t you see the progresses I’ve made recently; can’t you see the fights I’ve fought myself for you?’’ 
‘’And can’t you see mine Seyran?’’ Image
The symbolisms of new beginnings, unisons, happiness, now lay blurred in the background.  
They continue lost #SeyFer +
Life, their path:  
There’s a saying, on my ancestral side;
“marriage/relationships are like a vehicle driving itself on two wheels through life (a road)”  
Their little silent skirmish, on the way home, said something like this #SeyFer + Image
On a long road, Ferit is driving them (home) (he initiated their marriage, and so drives their destiny) 
Their love shining above them (the head liner), yet they don’t confront it.  
Fighting over changing the course of their relationship (the songs) +
He wants her - she wants him to prove himself first - he insists - she pulls away.  
He says he wants to be together (completely) again - she refuses - he insists again - she compromises but changes the song (boundaries)
She stands on her opinion (wanting to take things slow). ‘’Let this stay, don’t change’’ - he tries to defy again - she pulls his pinky towards her to stop him from changing it+
a cute little detail. but gunger bey is one for the symbolistic perfections belisssssssin+
The Pinky hold and her pulling his towards her:  
While it casually speaks for vowing, this gesture of holding hands with one’s partner symbolizes boundaries and independence - Respecting each other’s space and opinions without spacing out from the relationship too much #SeyFer Image
Theatrical evidence over the years depicts this way of holding onto someone when they’re close to parting+
Though another viewpoint forms here, because they’re not holding each other’s. rather seyran is pulling Ferit’s towards her; symbolizing imbalance in the relationship+
The partner who pulls the other’s hand is more likely to be decisive and controlling. Whereas, the other partner may not want to be in the same pace as their partner and this might lead to conflict. 
Both viewpoints stand as hints to the divorce plot and future episodes+
he finally, gives out patience and defines her stubbornness as selfishness. Shuts out the noise of her song “the only thing that matters is your own desires (emphasized later when he talks about divorce). She turns up the volume in unrest +
They continue on the road, still being as distant and low on communication/confrontation as ever.
Can I trust you? : Abidin and Suna
From Suna Hanim and Abidin Bey to just Suna and Abidin, they both get a little closer everytime they meet in that empty pathway, hidden from the world #AbSun + Image
Establishing everything Seyran and Ferit lack. Trust, communication, assurance. They fall in love in secret. Though will it ever come to light? Their love. Or would it be left behind in that empty pathway, when Suna decides to play Ifakat’s pawn? Image
Küçüğüm : Fuat 
I talked about the factors triggering his antagonism last week, so will not stretch this long. Though the ‘over-responsibilty’ is highlighted highly here + Image
the corrupted mansion coming right at him as if. It had outgrown him and He’s stayed little. Buried beneath the colossal walls of it+
@Doganpolat justifies his place in the cast, playing a severed and neglected child laudably.
Looking up to the mansion that has become somewhat of a beast that has outgrown him, he calls out to Halis+
All his complexes forming words of their own, he shouts into the walls all that they’ve been imprinting on him. “Keeping the mansion’s order and Halis’ wishes alive, even if it means killing your conscience and love in the process”+
“Golden boy” he spits out the comparison/hate they’ve put into him for his little brother.
Suna’s plot:
First standing with arms open/pinned to hips, Suna stands at the threshold, approachable. She’s hesitant, but still that + Image
After Asuman has come into frame, she’s seen standing arms crossed (now unapproachable) at a threshold between Asuman and Fuat. An outsider, but still in side, in between+
Fuat looking at Suna in indifference, then pushing Abidin out the threshold, wasn’t a coincidental shot but rather a manifestation on this again+
With Ifakat pushing against her boundaries, it’s only a matter of time until she weakens them. Suna will be shown fighting for her priorities soon. Image
Ferit: the golden boy who suffers within

If anything but the last seyfer scene, Ferit’s reaction to Fuat’s breakdown was tragic atop.
This little boy, who’s been shown as the self-centered “golden boy” of the Korhans, was laid bare here for what he actually is #FeritKorhan Image
Suffering the same in silence, buried beneath the weight of the mansion just as deep, he could relate to his brother. Watching Fuat helpless like (he) usually is, he couldn’t bear him to be feeling that darkness+
Despite being pushed and hit several times, hugs him as if he’s hugging himself.
They both cry, helpless to the pressure, the burden. Two brothers who are forced to be pitted against e/o. Image
Angel wings, emphasized in the shot lie at just the entrance of the room. Symbolizing protectiveness, over shadowing, guardianship. The room becomes somewhat of Orhan’s fatherhood to his sons. Fatherhood that one gets and the other is stripped of+ Image
Playing to this scene: “engin yalnızlık” translating directly to “vast loneliness” is exactly what Ferit feels while he watches his father give so easily to Fuat, what he’s craved his whole life. Presence. Image
kudos to @mertramazandem mid-script here for bringing Ferit Korhan to life. The way this guy let’s us feel with him the heart of a child, who’s never gotten enough love to grow up, is another matter+ Image
Is it because of me baba ? (Am I the reason I can’t be loved ?)
Still blaming/doubting himself deep down.
hands again positioning themselves the same as when he confronted Halis: fingers Infront of the other. Thumb tucked behind, he feels insecure (denotes low self confidence)+ Image
Tears, uncontrollably running down. Listening to Orhan explain Fuat’s misery, when he never tried to understand his. “Your brother wants dede to notice him already, all these years, so long, it had to happen. He exploded” Feeling the irony, F changes the topic, hiding his tears+ Image
Couldn’t take his needy eyes off his father as he left. “Treat him with understanding”, when he was never shown how to. Image
The painting that holds a man paddling a boat in a vast sea, with just another little one beside him, lies in the background as he leaves the room+ Image
Looks at his father loving his brother, while he dies within himself for it - drowns in the sea. Helpless, needy for a little love, he goes back to Seyran+
Second blow :
What they lack, highlighted again.
After returning Broken, from Orhan. He tries to hide in Seyran. His medicine is her. “Im right in some places too”. If not anybody else, maybe ? You could love me ? Image
She misunderstands it as lust again. Doubt takes over again. Seyran left demurred, Ferit left needy for love again.
Halis now confronts seyran face fronted to the mirror. He doesn’t doubt her reigns on her marriage, neither her position.
As he used to say to Ifakat, now says it to Seyran “my word is your word”
Gives her responsibility, gives his mansion into her trust gradually. Image
Pelin’s pov of family trauma:

starts to define itself too as she reaches the end of her presence in the storyline Image
“Pelin is a complexed and consumeristic uptown girl, who manifests on looks, status and labels as the highest step to success (hence the highest medal is “Ferit The Korhan). A neglected youth with both mommy and daddy issues who clings to materialism for survival”+
The way she drowns out of burden in her mother’s presence, strengthens my opinion on her being traumatized by it. “I didn’t ask if you like it or not” as if she’s not allowed to have an opinion+
Referring to Ferit as some kind of mission again and again that Pelin has failed to complete.

Left alone by both parents. Pelin formed all her current toxicity as a reaction to loneliness (just as Ferit in some matter).
“To warm the world, that’s done in warming us.
Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere;”

the way the suns shines with all its love over them, when Ferit runs to her, hugs her like he’s been gifted life again #SeyFer +
The slightest possibility of something have happened to her, shakes his grounds.
Eyes unaware of any peace, Hands fallen to knees, he found himself unbalanced for a moment.
(I would parallelize this scene to when he was worried about P, but the angles weren’t that contrasted)+ Image
Safe: Seyran
Have you noticed when Seyran is the happiest ? The calmest ? The safest ?
It’s when she sees his soul shining through him. When she sees him for the heart she’s fallen in love with. Image
Little things he (even unintentionally sometimes) does for her. Things that she’s never been shown and been deprived of all her life.
She doesn’t need anything else, nor big surprises, not confessions. Just this. Genuine love. Worth.
Something she’s craved all her life. Something Kazim had snatched from her.
She falls into his arms as if she could stay there all her life. Never felt this safe. Never felt this loved, these are times when she believes his love.
scry: Halis
Contrary to @gungerbob bey goading us analysts with Kazim’s question 💀👀 The crystal ball actually does represent something;+ Image
Because of their transparency, crystal balls were utilized to see into the past, future, and even the present.
The reader is offered glimpses of far-off vistas from the past by concentrating on the item.
Thus, by tapping into the past, they could be utilized to glimpse the future based on the scenario and the present difficulty.
Halis recalls his love and promise to Hattice. Then his best-friend (Seyran’s grandfather)’s death. It seems as if he took the bullet for Halis. Due to which’s guilt, Halis didn’t claim his love for Hattice (his sister)
Thing to take away is, everything is slowing going back to the past, then coming right back. Ferit and Seyran’s last scene and Halis falling into this trance here, indicates first clarity, then the end of the past.
Theft: Orhan and Gulgun
Gulgun as it seems, is dwelling over the fact that her husband included her in something that’s important to him for once. Agreeing with the surreptitious shit he’s pulling, she paints herself the same+ Image
Halis is open to another betrayal. to which this time he will react indignantly (hinted in the scene from his past: “insolence, theft, immorality”)
Reflections of the future:

Reflected as if; like now when he’s facing her, he’ll face her back when he looses her. Indicating regret and hence parting for him and Asuman in the future. Image
Bir Ay Dogar:
Abidin serenades the misery flowing through the house at night. Some scared, some at peace, and come confused. Love stays a mystery. Nothing’s in control. Not falling out of it, neither falling in it, nor staying in it.
He won’t leave:
Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, stands base for yali capkini too.
But it goes both ways. As he will trust you, you will trust him too. There’s no in between. Though if you can’t establish just this, there was nothing worth to begin with+ Image
Asuman’s line here also hints to the future again:
“If I don’t leave, he won’t leave”
Ferit will not be the first to leave, but Seyran (if she does) thus another proof of the divorce matter being weak
How one trust stands so different in both the sister’s hearts. Seyran is afraid he’ll break her heart (isn’t able to trust him), while Suna is afraid she’ll break his (knowing Ifakats intentions) Image
Another beautifully written detail of this story is how they fall in love with their lovers’ scent. Breathing it in, and keeping it protected within themselves. Abidin strokes her hair, like Ferit does Seyran’s. Beautifully written and played. Image
change: Ferit and Seyran

Their acceptance and confidence in their love is clear at this point. Not having to pretend to be a married couple, approaching each other without hesitating. Image
It was just yesterday, when these two were dying to steal each other, but hesitated. Look at here now, how he doesn’t even think twice. How she acts to be asleep, stops him first but then melts after the second. Misses after he’s gone.
Let the violet daisy bloom first, and then the snowdrop: #SeyFer

I don’t think the beauty and softness of the scene can be described in words better then how it was presented. So I won’t bother.
However the meaning that it holds stays closer to my heart than the obvious. Image
He tells her to consider the flower he brought her “a snowdrop”. Even though it was not. Instead it was a close to “a violet daisy”:
The snowdrop : As one of the first flowers of spring, it symbolizes new beginnings, hope, rebirth, especially the ability to overcome challenges. Whereas..
The violet daisy: is a composite flower. Meaning they are actually two flowers, joined together in harmony. the flower he gave her was a little bit towards both purple and blue+
Symbolic between the lines of apologizing or mending a misunderstanding (the purple) and trust, honesty and loyalty (the blue)+
The fact that Ferit wanted it to be a snowdrop (new beginnings) but it was a Daisy (owning up/trust) instead; says what needs to be said.

“New beginnings won’t bloom until concession and establishment of loyalty blooms first”
The final blow: “boşanalım”
They’re so happy. Despite their differences, they’re still it. It’s until that one question that her emotions splash out. Like when you’re bottling up a sea of emotions and someone askes you “how do you feel?” You’re unable to control it #SeyFer
“Kabul et” you love him.
He starts to come out from behind, expecting to catch her confessing finally.
“It’s not enough”
He stops right there.
“No matter how much I love him, I don’t trust him” +
It’s exactly like that first night. When she couldn’t get out of the dress. “It doesn’t work” “I can’t”
Just as that night she was confused about what was happening to her, unable to control what’s happening to her+ Image
As if where then she couldn’t get out of the bridal dress (marriage), right now she can’t get out of this doubt (hesitancy to love him). She’s lost direction while fighting for it.
It’s just like when seyran stood outside P’s apartment, listening to Ferit tell her he didn’t want to marry Seyran. She was broken then, and he is broken now.
Ferit’s expressions change quickly from those of happiness to nonplus. This is the first time, she’s mentioned everything he’s made her go through (from the beginning). Did I really hurt her so much, that she can’t forget it ? Image
Nails to the mouth, he changes to embarrassment/anxiousness now. “There’s so much that you don’t know” Scared that Suna will know everything that he’s done till yet. Image
“He can love anyone” “he’s selfish” “can not be trusted” he raises his teary eyes in dubiety. Everything that he’s heard from his family, and everyone in his life. He hears coming out her mouth. She, who he was trying to change for for the first time+ Image
“She sees me the same as everyone else” “is this love” “was I right to reject it all this time?”
Emotions changing again. To, he realizes she’s right. Something will happen and they’ll hurt eachother again+
This last time, that his expression changes, is the final blow. The final straw of hope.
“do you want to spend you -whole life- with someone you can’t trust”+ Image
An exclaiming sound effect, a tiring breathe and he goes back to his old self with that word. “Whole life” it pulls out that last grain of hope in him. The one person, the first, that he risked falling in love with+ Image
Something he never believed in. He fell. And this person had no hope for a future with him ? “She really means, her whole life ?” Is my love that weak, that she doesn’t even see a beam of light in me ?
Having lost sight of the man he was trying to become, now. Realizing not even the woman he love’s understands him for what he is. He becomes as he was before. Defensive, cruel, cold+ Image
She stands in shock already. In fear. She knows what he’s about to say, though still waits for the words to come out, as she couldn’t understand how he could say something so cruel to their love, so easily. She was confused the first time, she’s scared still+ Image
Stuttering, trembling, palpitating. Unable to form the words. He calls for her to stop him. Pauses in between, telling her to give him a sign to stop. To stop from uttering those words…

“Let it all end” “boşanalım”
Firtinadiyim takes over, the endless game continues endless.
#Seyfer contrast:

Ferit: his anxiousness to be with her

He’s used it as an escape all this time. Physicality. Image
Though After realizing what love is. He’s anxious to experience it “while being in love”. As if it was his first time. He wants to devote himself fully to her, and wants her to do the same. He’s told her and himself both, that she’s the only one in his life+
He says it, thinks it, but it’s not true though. She’ll never be the only one in his life until P is out for good. She knows his past with Pelin both by his and her words. She knows Pelin now. Until he doesn’t drive her out himself. Seyran wont trust. Symphathy becomes sickness+
Seyran: her demurral on his efforts

Pelin has severed her belief in Ferit. The way she saw his soul, amidst all the noise. She’s flipped it with doubt+ Image
Being discouraged and let down again and again on something you believe in, sometimes weakens it. She’s come to a point where she doesn’t know how to get out of this duality of feeling. She knows she should trust him. But the doubt and dilemma won’t let her
Seyran and Ferit: “The double edged sword”

Time is a double-edged sword: while it might heal all wounds; it also kills all the healed Image
In familiar words;
“Bazen bir kalbi onarmanin, bir kalbi kirmaktan daha zor oldugunu ögrenir insan” +
But I’d like to add life’s double edged truth to this:
Evet, “Bazen bir kalbi onarmanin, bir kalbi kirmaktan daha zor oldugunu ögrenir insan”
ama !
“Başka bir kalbi kıran bir kalbi onarmak bazen bir o kadar zordur”

A broken heart with a broken trust will take great effort to heal. Though the heart that has broken it, will take just as much.
Seyran has burnt out. Confusion, demurral, doubt. Finally accepting loving the one she loves but not being able to.

Late rains would not alive fallen flowers. Her concience has been severed to such an extent. That she’s unable to revive it+
The fire she’d lit for Ferit in her already flared heart, has burnt her. No matter how much she tries, the trauma he’s left her will not go away easily.
Though Ferit’s getting tired. For someone who hasn’t tried to heal, believe or be in a better place for a whole of a life. Trying again and again and not seeing any impact is tiring. He’s never believed in changing, because he’d never been shown why he had to+
Now that he wants to with all his heart. She’s tired.

This is a point in their relationship where they’ve come equal with their misery for once. Both are right in what they blame the other for, yet both are wrong too+
When she trusted him, wanted him to be better. He took it for granted/kept making mistakes/kept breaking her. Though now that he’s changed for the better, she’s lost her trust. Image
While usually I’d wait for the fragmans to know what’s going to happen. This time the whole episode from beginning to end was a spoiler for the next: Image
📎 Every character and plot serves and comes back to seyran and ferit deciding their future. Absun within communication. Fuat and Asuman within trust, Hattice and Halis within sacrifice+
Fuat : “We’re getting divorced” “but I love Asuman baba” “I don’t know what to do” -
F realizes he can’t leave S no matter what.

Asuman : “we don’t talk, we don’t discuss” “we act like there is no problem and the problem just keeps getting bigger” -
S realizes what they lack.
Halis: “They need to not listen to what they’re told” (the doubts people project in their relationship) “rather they need to talk to someone themselves and be understood at the same time” -
(again, communication and understanding within themselves) (seyfer)
Hattice: “I did what I saw in my mother and fathers house” “didn’t even think if it was right or wrong” I just did. -
Ferit’s pov

Gulgun: “To remove to destroy is the easiest. Yapma” -
Seyran stands in the background
📎 “Life is like a journey with a known beginning, and a mysterious end. Neither can you stop, nor can you go back”
They had to accept their beginning, and stay scared of the end. Neither will they part, no can they go back like it never happened.
📎 Firtinadiyim (the storm I’m in)

Everything that they’ve been through together flashing before their eyes. others appeared Just at the starting when they were bound together, other than that it was all them (from hate and doubt to falling in love)
Emphasis on the fact that every storm has three stages - it’s the third time the song has been played Image
the developing stage (storm clouds form) - her trauma formed (disgraced);

the mature stage (the storm is fully formed) - he fights for her; and finally

the dissipating stage (when the storm weakens and breaks apart) - they go back to the beginning.

• • •

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Mar 15
I need your reading capacity stats for you to read what’s coming bro #yaliçapkını
no episode. I repeat. NONE OTHER. has made me feel like this one has. @mertramazandem @afrasaracogIu you are two for an era. aferim 👏🏽 #AfRam #yaliçapkini Image
I’m resting my fingers. kendini hazırla #YaliÇapkini
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