The Luce thing kinda makes me start to believe that there is a strain of western iconoclasm unique to Protestantism and that it is, in a way I cannot really describe, linked to modern progressive ideology very deeply.
If your "conservatism" is revolutionary...
It took John Calvin's Geneva only about a century to produce Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Yes yes I am also recognizing that without Protestantism you don't get the industrial revolution and that a lot of commies are catholic and that jews are progressive as well I know, it's just an observation
The story recognizes that there are strange Gods controlling humanity behind the scenes, but the villain is a luciferian figure that is trying to raise Humanity to rule in their stead, by any means
Even if the game is rigged, act honorably?
The game and story are all well written, but ultimately are very cold. The lack of interpersonal relationships, romance, even characters trying to justify their passions...
All are less important than duty and honor and doing "the right thing" which amounts to:
Know your place
Again, I consider it the best written mainline Final Fantasy of the last 20 years
It is Anime Game of Thrones, only without the edge
However it never quite seems to achieve its vision
Dune was good Beautifully shot film Shame Villeneuve sees Paul as a villain. I would have thought a Quebecois would identify with the separatists, but they hate religion
Ultimately a film from a director that doesn't believe in anything
But for current year? As good as it gets
This is why current year morality is a doldrums. Zero belief in the extraordinary individual.
Consensus based worldview can't allow it.
But man, is it pretty.
Reductive materialism and consensus based world view pervade all his movies, couldn't quite place it until now but it's true. No room for it.
The man is honestly hollow and boring
But his images are amazing
A shame he doesn't use them to say anything he really feels.
Dirk Willems (died 16 May 1569) was a Dutch martyred Anabaptist who is most famous for escaping from prison but then turning back to rescue his pursuer—who had fallen through thin ice while chasing Willems—to then be recaptured, tortured and killed for his beliefs.
Willems was executed in Asperen, and with a strong eastward wind blowing that day, the fire was driven away from the condemned's upper body, prolonging his torturous death. It was reported that the wind carried his screams of "O Lord; my God", etc., over seventy times.
The way you react to this story will tell you a lot about yourself and your faith.