Carlos That Notices Things Profile picture
The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night.
Dec 6, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Wait, is this whole woke right thing just retarded libertarians again?

All Statecraft is "left wing" because it involves "Government"?

All "Identities" are "left wing" because "Collective"?

All recognition of "Race" is "left wing" because "woke"?

What is this, 2011?? "White People exist and have interests"

Um Marxist much?? Thanks for the newsflash STALIN!
Oct 30, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The Luce thing kinda makes me start to believe that there is a strain of western iconoclasm unique to Protestantism and that it is, in a way I cannot really describe, linked to modern progressive ideology very deeply.

If your "conservatism" is revolutionary... It took John Calvin's Geneva only about a century to produce Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jul 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Movie makers raised on modern movies are also shit

Pokemon started because the creator liked collecting bugs and exploring as a kid, not playing video games

Inbred media George Lucas grew up in the 50s around hot rods and malt shops, maybe saw a few movies a week. His movies reflect his interests.

If all he did was stay in his room and watch movies? He would be a worse director for it.
May 31, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
FF12 has such a confusing message

The story recognizes that there are strange Gods controlling humanity behind the scenes, but the villain is a luciferian figure that is trying to raise Humanity to rule in their stead, by any means

Even if the game is rigged, act honorably? Image The game and story are all well written, but ultimately are very cold. The lack of interpersonal relationships, romance, even characters trying to justify their passions...

All are less important than duty and honor and doing "the right thing" which amounts to:

Know your place
Mar 14, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Dune was good Beautifully shot film Shame Villeneuve sees Paul as a villain. I would have thought a Quebecois would identify with the separatists, but they hate religion

Ultimately a film from a director that doesn't believe in anything

But for current year? As good as it gets This is why current year morality is a doldrums. Zero belief in the extraordinary individual.
Consensus based worldview can't allow it.

But man, is it pretty.
Mar 6, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dirk Willems (died 16 May 1569) was a Dutch martyred Anabaptist who is most famous for escaping from prison but then turning back to rescue his pursuer—who had fallen through thin ice while chasing Willems—to then be recaptured, tortured and killed for his beliefs. Image Willems was executed in Asperen, and with a strong eastward wind blowing that day, the fire was driven away from the condemned's upper body, prolonging his torturous death. It was reported that the wind carried his screams of "O Lord; my God", etc., over seventy times.
Jan 11, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
4chan post thread?
4chan post thread Image Image
Nov 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
White liberals hate their family and compensate by loudly stating their love of abstract concepts

They see "loving your kin" as evil.

They don't have to do charity, the state will do that.

They don't have to have children, they have ideology.

Self obsessed and narcissistic.
Image "I hate my family, my ethnic group, and my culture, but I love humanity" is the most evil, cruel, sadistic sentiment I can imagine. Not even human.
Mar 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Most women are cute.

Let me explain.

I used to know a Biologist that would come down from the US.

He was a nice guy, loved nature. His hobby was going to the highlands to try and photograph rare birds.

His trips regularly took days, sometimes weeks. He would stay at the most isolated villages, real backwoods.

We are talking dirt floors, no dental care, no running water, the whole thing. Like traveling back in time.

The people looked rough is what I am saying.

At first the man was shocked.

By the third day he didn't mind.
Dec 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Japanese have a word "Ma" which roughly translates to "negative space" or "gap" but is usually used in a deeper context, where a perceived absence can end up enriching the whole

The pause between claps that makes applause

The silence between the notes which makes the music Image Joyce often wrote how the absence of something could overshadow the thing itself, like a sundial telling time.

"Absence is the highest form of Presence" Image