➡️Border externalisation, designed to prevent from entering the EU, lead to inhumane and degrading treatment, refoulement and death of people on the move
➡️We stand for the immediate termination of the EU-Türkiye Deal, as well as all externalization agreements 1/8
Because of the Deal…
1️⃣People were pulled back by so called 🇹🇷 coastguards
2️⃣The Aegean islands were turned into open-air prisons
3️⃣> 2,000 people (non-turks) were deported from 🇬🇷 to 🇹🇷, detained and subjected to serious human rights violations 2/8
We demand the end of the #pushbacks , in which the right to life and the prohibition of torture as enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights are routinely violated
We demand remedy mechanisms for the survivors to be implemented immediately!
THREAD! The trial begins...
The start of the recently announced preliminary hearing (21.05.2022) in Trapani, Sicily, marks a new stage in one of the largest and longest-running cases in the process of criminalisation of maritime rescue NGOs. 1/ B!
The Iuventa, together with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Save the Children, is the last open case where people are facing long prison sentences for SAR operations in the central Mediterranean. During the preliminary hearing,
which is not yet known how long it may last, the judge must decide whether or not the case should ultimately go to trial. The defendants face a sentence of 20 years imprisonment and an additional 15.000 euros for each rescued person.
"Ich hab das Glück, dass unser Prozess viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommt." (Dariush)
Viele Menschen haben dieses "Glück" nicht. Vor allem die Fliehenden. In Griechenland, Spanien und Italien sind Tausende verurteilt wurden. Ihre Prozesse sind zynisch und eine Farce...
Sie werden zu 30, 40 oder 146 Jahren Knast & abstrusen Geldstrafen verurteilt. Auch das ist EU Abschottungspolitik. Und fast niemand interessiert es.
Joma, Ali, Abdelrahman & Mohannad sind vier von ihnen. Auch sie werden der "Beihilfe zur illegalen Einwanderung" beschuldigt. 2/
Sie müssen mit 30 Jahren Gefängnis rechnen.
Das Schicksal dieser vier jungen libyschen Fußballer wird am Donnerstag, den 2. Juli, vor dem Kassationsgerichtshof in Rom entschieden.
Lest und verbreitet ihre Worte
(und folgt zb @BorderlineEurop die über solche Fälle berichten) 3/
Two years ago today, we were patrolling in the Central Mediterranean, the deadliest border of the world. We didn't know it yet, but we were spied on by an undercover cop. Now we risk 20 years in prison. This is what really happened on 18 June 2017:
Handover on the bridge of the #IUVENTA, the new night watch takes over. Captain Dariush is still fast asleep, getting some rest before this first day of the mission. Today, some things will happen that will affect him for years to come.
[04:19] The night watch reports the current position of the rescue ship #IUVENTA to the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in Rome. Nothing extraordinary, just daily morning routine to ensure good cooperation. After all, the crew is here for a reason.