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Sometimes Search And Rescue, always Solidarity And Resistance! Abolish Camps And Borders! https://t.co/64cEkWCBBr
Nov 8, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read


Yesterday, the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice delivered his opinion on the #Kinsa case, the lawsuit challenging the facilitation laws both at European and Italian level.
1/6 Orange background. Text in white „THE QUESTION REFERRED TO THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE: "'ls it legitimate and proportionate to criminalize any person who facilitates or assists unauthorized entry into the EU, regardless of the circumstances and without excluding altruistic acts"? 👉🏼KEY POINTS OF THE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S OPINION👈🏼

1️⃣ Broad scope of criminalization

The Advocate General notes that under current EU law, "facilitating unauthorised migration" could apply even to cases such as a mother helping her daughter and niece enter the EU.
2/6 Orange background. Text in white: „KEY POINTS OF THE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S OPINION This interpretation clearly contradicts the European Commission's assurances, as they argued in the Kinsa hearing, that the law did not intend to target a facilitator who has a personal relationship to the facilitated person. We've argued all along that this law needs amending to exclude, at the very least, altruistic motives“.
May 22, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read

The reasoning behind the judge's decision was published yesterday.

A 490-page document that dismantles definitively a case built with a political will: to prevent the arrival of people on the move in Italy by criminalising sea rescue NGOs.

First thoughts on it.
1/7 Blue background, picture of the iuventa ship on the left, on the right reads "THE JUDGE'S REASONING OF THE IUVENTA RULING IS OUT!" "#FREEIUVENTA“ The reasoning not only clarifies once and for all that the iuventa-crew commited no crime, but more importantly it recognizes the right and duty to rescue, as well as the fundamental rights of people to flee, to be rescued and to be brought to a place of safety.
2/7 Blue background, lila letters, reads "STRONG REASONING AFTER A LONG JUDICIAL BATTLE!"
Apr 19, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read


After 5 years of investigation and 2 years of preliminary trial, both the
prosecution and the judge admit that the accusations were baseless.
1/5 Image This confirms that this has been a political prosecution by the Italian authorities with the only aim of discouraging solidarity with migrants.

But it is hard to celebrate while living in the Fortress Europe…
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
It seems that our judge realise that what the prosecution has so far presented as the biggest investigation against the evil SAR NGOs, might instead have no evidences that support the charges against them.

To everyone's surprise,...
(1/x) Das Meer ist zu sehen. Viele kleine Boote und ein kleines Schiff links oben. In der Mitte steht in weissen Buchstaben judge requests key witnesses and more evidence To everyone's surprise, the judge has ordered more witnesses to be heard and more data to be analysed before he can decide whether the case should be dropped or drag on for years.

As much as we hope...
Jun 27, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Trapani, last Friday, afternoon.

...every corner smells of sunscreen, fried food&sunset mood!

Some hours before a judge took a stand: border protection justifies the violation of human rights.

We walk up&down the streets, ice cream in our hand....

The banality of evil!
1/7 The judge's decision is a crying shame and a blatant slap in the face of those who suffer under the laws he thereby further legitimises and perpetuates.

...but those who, as part of a wealthy white elite, are granted by birth to benefit from it, don't give a damn!
Mar 18, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read

➡️Border externalisation, designed to prevent from entering the EU, lead to inhumane and degrading treatment, refoulement and death of people on the move

➡️We stand for the immediate termination of the EU-Türkiye Deal, as well as all externalization agreements
1/8 Türkiye and European Union flags under barbed wire Because of the Deal…

1️⃣People were pulled back by so called 🇹🇷 coastguards

2️⃣The Aegean islands were turned into open-air prisons

3️⃣> 2,000 people (non-turks) were deported from 🇬🇷 to 🇹🇷, detained and subjected to serious human rights violations

Mar 10, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
THREAD! The trial begins...
The start of the recently announced preliminary hearing (21.05.2022) in Trapani, Sicily, marks a new stage in one of the largest and longest-running cases in the process of criminalisation of maritime rescue NGOs.
B! auf dem bild ist imvordergrund das schiff iuventa zu sehen, The Iuventa, together with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Save the Children, is the last open case where people are facing long prison sentences for SAR operations in the central Mediterranean. During the preliminary hearing,
Jun 29, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
"Ich hab das Glück, dass unser Prozess viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommt." (Dariush)
Viele Menschen haben dieses "Glück" nicht. Vor allem die Fliehenden. In Griechenland, Spanien und Italien sind Tausende verurteilt wurden. Ihre Prozesse sind zynisch und eine Farce...

1/ in jeder ecke des bildes ist eine zeichnung von einem jungen Sie werden zu 30, 40 oder 146 Jahren Knast & abstrusen Geldstrafen verurteilt. Auch das ist EU Abschottungspolitik. Und fast niemand interessiert es.

Joma, Ali, Abdelrahman & Mohannad sind vier von ihnen. Auch sie werden der "Beihilfe zur illegalen Einwanderung" beschuldigt.
Jun 17, 2019 68 tweets 36 min read

Two years ago today, we were patrolling in the Central Mediterranean, the deadliest border of the world. We didn't know it yet, but we were spied on by an undercover cop. Now we risk 20 years in prison. This is what really happened on 18 June 2017:

(THREAD) 2017-06-18

Handover on the bridge of the #IUVENTA, the new night watch takes over. Captain Dariush is still fast asleep, getting some rest before this first day of the mission. Today, some things will happen that will affect him for years to come.