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Is SARS-CoV-2 a lab-created chimera?
A Frankenstein virus created from the genetic material of other lethal organisms, creating similar pathophysiological mechanisms in the body?
Gene sequences say YES >
The SC2 spike protein contains gene sequences that are homologous to those found in HIV, SEB, animal venoms, herpes, malaria, rabies and more.
The sequences from these organisms could release toxic peptides and pathophysiological mechanisms in the body similar to those found >
in the original lethal organisms.
Mechanisms are chemical recipes, like baking recipes.
A list of instructions from the genes that, when followed, produce a unique product like micro clots or a cytokine storm.
Just as a recipe for π pie produces π and not π pie. >
It is interesting to see the similarities between the mechanisms produced by SARS-CoV-2 and the original lethal organisms it shares gene sequences with. Several scientists have sequenced the the genome of the spike protein >
The Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Immunology, The U of Patras, @ konstantinospo7 identified a toxin-like sequence, similar to π venom in the genome of the spike protein >
The Craniomed group of carlobrogna1 identified ππ toxin-like peptides produced in COVID patients >
Prashant Pradhan and teams from Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, Indian Inst. of Technology, U of New Delhi and SUNY Stonybrook found gene inserts similar to HIV in the spike. #PradhanWasRight >β¦
Luc Montagnier, Pasteur Inst. and Jean Claude Perez, IBM European Research Center on AI, found gene sequences similar to HIV in the spike. >
These genes, and the toxic peptides they produce, could make SARS-CoV-2 (SC2) and its spike protein (SP) an aerosolized bioweapon.
A coronavirus that causes the severe endothelial damage, clots and immune disorder of COVID.
A lethal cold.
How might this manifest? >
Covid is a bi-phasic disease.
The 1st phase is a cold-like respiratory virus.
One which most immune systems can destroy without π.
Or it can be overcome with early treatments like the Zelenko and FLCCC protocols. >
The 2nd phase is Acute COVID (AC)
Here the pathology of the bioweapon commences,
the patient becomes severely hypoxic, losing 02 at a cellular level as the virus destroys the cells of the endothelium and the mitochondria and causes micro clots.
The lethal phase of COVID. >
SC2 causes a specific amyloid clotting cascade, and inflammo-thrombotic-response (see Doctor_I_am_The) /cytokine feedforward loop. This mechanism is quite similar to the one produced in the envenomed prey of Cobra and Krait snakes and Cone snails. >
Amyloid clots are made of disordered, fibrous misfolded proteins, during AC and envenomation they are produced rapidly. >
When the SP is expressed on endothelial cells it signals the start of a feed forward loop. The immune system is hyperactivated, a "cytokine storm" occurs.
It attacks the cells expressing foreign spike protein, and damages the endothelium. >
The spike and the immune system begin to destroy the membranes, vasculature, and all organs.
Organelles like mitochondria responsible for cellular respiration, and delicate cells/tissues like erythrocytes, alveoli, and capillaries are shredded.
This results in ferroptosis >
vessel leakage, bleeding.
O2 is lost in cells in many areas of the endothelium simultaneously.
Repair mechanisms begin amyloid clot formation to repair damaged vessels. This causes fibrosis and stiffening of the vessels and organs. Sepsis, lymphocytopenia and dysregulation >
of the autonomic nervous system also occur.
Shock, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, cardiac failure, or stroke cause death. >β¦
The pathophysiology caused by the genetic sequences in COVID is similar to the pathophysiology caused by the similar sequences found in the original lethal organisms.
SARS-CoV-2 could be a lab created chimera.
A corona virus with a toxic spike protein, an aerosolized bioweapon.
Several researchers sequenced the genome of SC2.
They detected gene sequences similar to sequences found in other lethal organisms. >
spliced together in the spike protein. (HIV, SEB, Hepatitus, Herpes, Malaria, Rabies, Venoms).
These genes code for toxic peptides which are produced in the body, like a recipe.
The peptides produce mechanisms and symptoms similar to those found in the original organisms. >
Textπ is a quote, I forgot to put quotation marks.
Descripton of the amyloid micro clotting mechanism seen in COVID. This is similar to the mechanism in envenomed prey of π. The clots are ssimilar, the symptoms are ssimilar, the deaths are ssimilar. >
It's simple, the DoD has been funding gain of function venoms research and coronavirus research for years in the U.S. and CCP bioweapons labs.
They recently reinstated the funding.
No one is hiding it. π #ItCameFromALab
Not content to push a myth about her scumbag father Jack who pimped his intern out for BJ's in the WH pool while he watched, and took her virginity on his marital bed, or her uncle Ted who drove drunk into Chappaquiddick, then nursed his hangover as >
Mary Jo Kopechne suffocated in his car, or her cousin David who OD'd on coke alone in a hotel room, or her cousin Joseph who drove recklessly, paralyzing 18 yr old Pamela Burkely; or her cousin Michael who beat and st@bbed his 15 yr old neighbor Martha Moxley to π >
or her cousin Michael who brutally r@ped a woman he'd just met while drunken Uncle Teddy swaggered around pantless and singing; or her cousin Michael who repeatedly r@ped his 14 year old nanny then π after drunkenly skiing into a tree, or her cousin Patrick who drove drunk >
After introduction to the cell membrane, the LNPs
cluster around it, and because of adhesive attractions
between them, the LNPs can become attached,
wrapped and enwreathed by the cell membrane.
This allows translocation of the LNPs across the membrane & delivery of the mRNπ °οΈ. >
This process achieves the delivery of the payload but, ultimately at the expense of the membrane.
During the process, tears can occur which are permanent and, in time, can destroy the cell membrane completely.
The initial adhesion happens quickly, < 20 seconds.
2 years ago Richard Hirschman bravely put his images on social media and it started me thinking about mechanisms which could cause such tough rubbery clots. >
Where they in the bodies of unvaxxed with C0VID,
or π or both?
What became clear is, that there are mechanisms for persistent clots in the bodies of both.
#MicroClots #TeamClots #TinyBubbles #LetItAllHangOut #DiamondsOnTheSoleOfHerShoes>
What happens when a lab created chimeric π¦ with gene inserts of HIV, is used as a template for a gene therapy, which also includes an HIV fragment as a stabilizing agent? >