However, it was far more important to hear and understand the needs for offices such as this one with regarding
to funding (instead of defunding) the police, training (skills) for law enforcement, awareness & mobilizing the grassroots (We the People), staffing, and legislation. There are so many different areas where the systems are broken and can be fixed.
I attended another meeting that broke my heart. The slave market is well funded and must be shut down.
The satanic rituals embedded in the slave trade has fast and vastly expanded over the last 20 years. I’ll save that topic for another post/day.
The Christian adoption agency working with child protective services (foster system) in the above linked case, has since shut down. Not sure for the reasoning. I can imagine this case had something to do with it. Additionally, one of the pedophiles in this case that raped,
exploited, and trafficked the little boys was a previos offender. The previous case was never prosecuted. Now, it has been re-opened.
I am thankful for the insight from the Walton County DA. I explained to them that I (with others) are seeking castration and death penalty for
pedophiles, rapists, and traffickers (penalty dependent on offense).
Our Senators in SC have suggested a bill that gives first time offenders a $250 fine as well as a misdemeanor charge. This is unacceptable. We are waiting for those bills to come across to the House.
I have met with @ChrisMurphySC98 ‘s office offering significant changes to be submitted via amendment.
We have to address and define sexual grooming behavior, pedophelia, rape, and trafficking more clearly. Multiple states are looking at the death penalty.
Florida Speaker of the House Paul Renner advised as much for Florida when I met with him a couple of weeks ago. He thinks they will get the death penalty into law this year.
We must eradicate this global criminal enterprise. We must #SaveOurChildren.
It starts at the local levels first.
If you would like to support what I am doing, please purchase my book “I Am Silent No More” @
You can submit a request through the below link if you are interested in having me to come speak with your group. We have grassroots popping up and uniting all across the country.
The way the justice system has been weaponized against @realDonaldTrump is criminal.
There is no accountability with the current administration, members of Congress, and various other agencies with regard to extreme criminal activity.
Just to name a few…
Biden, Obama, and Clinton families.
Let’s not forget J6! So many members from Congress (for example @NancyMace@RepNancyMace ) want to back pedal and try to fight for them. However, their previous actions render their current statement of the event,
powerless. Many other members to include former VP Mike Pence have not moved their position. Meanwhile, we have American Citizens that still have not been given a trial as the Constitution clearly defines.
See long thread (as promised)
I choose not to be a victim or even labeled as a “survivor”. I am an overcomer. There are many victims, survivors, and overcomers when it comes to human trafficking.
Trafficking is defined by the exchange of something or someone for a profit.
I find it so very interesting that Twitter accounts are banned for calling out solid facts when @elizableu was caught in multiple lies. She was propped up by the system to denounce pizzagate when our own DOJ and even recent law enforcement have shown proof that “pizza” is a code