Mainstream is waking up to the fact that SARS-CoV (the virus) damages the immune system. Congrats, we knew this 20 years ago. Get up to speed, read science.
There is no other way out than to eliminate SARS and care for SARS survivors, now called Long COVID patients.
A research puzzle and political challenge after significiant misinformation: How did people ever think "Living with highly pathogenic betacoronavirus SARS/MERS" is possible, much less desirable?
Here the solution. It will demand focus. Scholars—you there?
You will find this information only on twitter so far, accessible only to information-savvy, driven individuals. This is no way for modern society to sustain itself.
Share accurate scicomm. Above all, ask your political representatives what their plan is.
We warned. @fitterhappierAJ was right all along, respect for the intellectual foresight and courage in standing up to his entire field in public. Underlined here what was called #Leonardi_Effect.
OK policy scholars and practicioners, now focus. Time's up.
@fitterhappierAJ The paper quotes this study on immunosenescence in HIV and hepatitis C virus. It's the closest analogy that I think has any chance of being widely understood in public.
MDs/experts can ofc look at Ebola virus (EBOV) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).…
@fitterhappierAJ Honorable mention of @RealCheckMarker, who as been impressing this point on profs with public voices roughly as insistently and successfully as I've been banging my head against the wall of climate science. (not very! but special points for effort! 🤣🙏)
@fitterhappierAJ@RealCheckMarker It doesn't mean "in all survivors" but even in a fraction, at current COVID-19 prevalence, a problem demanding high-level political attention. We are a long way from that.
@fitterhappierAJ@RealCheckMarker This thread to understand the mechanics of "Living with COVID until 65 yo". With the age limit I'm fine with the phrase! It's an honest-to-god political programme.
Respect Dr. Leonardi's never speaking beyond his expertise. Wider links made are only mine.
@fitterhappierAJ@RealCheckMarker Here the Ebola link. Always recall this isn't "scaring people" but accurate scicomm. No need to be scared even; we're just passing the time until folks understand we need to eliminate SARS-CoV-2, which we could do any day. (IHR 2005 is the legal framework)
Quick Twitter break as a last direct family link to the period of rapid gains in life expectancy 120 years ago just faded. Learn from history - assumed OC43 coronavirus pandemic 1889, events of the early 20thC, SARS 2003.
For any open scientific questions, kindly request angelic reinforcement below or per DM - the basics should be clear enough. The real challenge is organization and politics. Over to you all!
Get the political scientists and lawyers involved. Climate and SARS are questions of law and language - science matters in understanding reality, but who changes reality is people like @NateB_Panic here: communicators, activists, scholars and all others who care. 🔥
This is wrong, don’t listen to this immunologist. There is no sterilizing immunity to MERS/SARS-CoV or even other HCoV. @DrScottBalsitis how can we help?
Marc mercilessly summarizes my Twitter feed (and probably most to all climate and SARS scicomm) 😂 Exceptionally, this isn’t a standalone video, so I’ll add required reading as background.
1. WHO can integrate climate-COVID policy analysis?
Thorsten is too pessimistic. The outlook on international cooperation is great. It's the only way to eliminate SARS-CoV. The only real question is how long to wait.
We estimated ~2.5 years. Many will be saved if we are faster.
2. Why 5 years since the start of pandemic spread (of which 2.5 years already passed)? The math, for those of us who can't run their own models for lack of supercomputers or data:
Genius! 🖖 Idiopathic inflation from idiopathic cellular inflammAging, all thanks to the worldwide abandonment of century-old public health principles and modern diagnostics (PCR and T cell depletion tests). We might as well study and converse in Latin again!