Putin's Rasputin, A.K.A #AleksandrDugin. Top Philosophy professor among Russian universities, author, occultism, military strategist, and think tank for Putin are some of the crafts he is well known for. What is his role in the new world order, and why should we care? 🧵
Dugin discusses in his books a strong dislike for globalists. However, his ideologies fall in line with such values. Although what he says paints the picture of the exact opposite, his main goal is for Eurasia to become the world power (WP). WP inevitably leads to globalization.
In a book called #TheFoundationOfGeopolitics The Geopolitical Future of Russia, he outlines the strategy needed in order to secure this position. He discusses how it is a matter of the Atlantic Vs Eurasian societies, in simpler terms, Western Vs Eastearn societies.
According to Dugin, military will play a minor role, with the exception of military intelligence. Commonly known as social engineering, psyops, or 5th generation warfare. Dugins goal is the 'Finlandization' of all of Europe".
The following images break down key strategies in order to accomplish this. These images were pulled from the link below, access for more information.
Putin recently met with Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, President of the Republic of China. Xi is a active member of Davos, and Contributor to the World Economic Forum (#WEF). The same globalists Dugin claims to dislike so much. weforum.org/agenda/authors…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Dugins blueprint seems to be coming to fruition. However, on August 20, 2022, Darya Dugina daughter of Dugin died from a car bomb assassination. Some believe this attack was meant for Dugin.
Those behind the attack have not been officially found or announced.
Dugin is alive. Recently he appeared on the Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia). He makes a point of the importance of Ukraine, and countering Pro-Nato countries. He goes on to say that Russia cannot lose this war, and if necessary Nukes may be used. memri.org/tv/russian-phi…
For the past decades Russia has been building it's might. They now lead the world in Ice-Breaker ships. This has helped aid the the Russian front in the Artic. A strategic point of control for both resources and military positioning. #icebreakerrussia
Back to Dugins Atlanticism Vs Eurasianism.
Eurasianism is similar to Afrocentrism
and Eurocentrism. The idea that the
cradle of civilization rightfully belongs
to one of these locations. In reality, we
all come from the same celestial
elements, and the Earth as a whole is
the cradle of civilization.
If you've made it this far, I'm surprised.
Good on you for giving a 💩 . You
deserve something special. It's going
to get really weird. Get your tin foil hats
on and strap in.
Another name for Divide and Conquer
is Divide and Rule. Which is precisely
what a square and compass does.
Many have said, including presidents
like JFK, that secret societies run the
world. All cogwheels in an elaborate
machine ran by a cabal, or lizard
So wtf does this have to do with Dugin? Dugin is not only a think tank and philosopher, but also a scholar of esotericism and the occult. You can see this from symbolism which he has created for the Eurasia Party.
This symbol is associated to an occult usage representing chaos and chaos magick. Perhaps just a coincidence. Based upon previous points, divide and rule is clear, a.k.a order from chaos.
Including the center, the 9 points symbolize Pythagorean/Bliblical Conclusion (End).
It's easy to act as if we know everything. Unless you are clairvoyant and can see the inevitable future, no one knows. Why? Unfolding events are unpredictable. Similar to the Cuban Missle crisis when Soviet Naval officer #VasiliArkhipov refused to nuke America. A true hero.
Could Russia be double crossing China? Could China be double crossing Russia with the WEF? Is it all a ruse for the WEF elites Agenda 2030? Why does any of this matter if lizard people are just using us as resources for their space pyramid in the sky?
My advice. Stop enabling division. No seriously, stfu. It doesn't help anyone but the people who own you. Acknowledge majority of these celebrities and political personas don't give af about you. "All the world's a stage", and you're not even a main character. You're an extra.
Playing by their rules helps them accomplish their agendas. Take the power back and stop being so easily manipulated. Emotions make us human, but so does logic. Control your emotions, don't let them control you.
If you want to read more on the WEF, you can check out my unorganized mess of a thread below. Check out @KanekoaTheGreat@SpartaJustice@its_the_Dr@JamesMelville for everyday media sources on Twitter. I've reached the thread limit. ✌️
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.
The extraordinary group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future.
I said I was taking a break, but I've found it hard to do so. I've been neglecting work and my health, but this is my highest priority. WEF meet is coming up January 16-20. Prepare for what's to come, changes will happen. Proud to see many of you relentlessly active. 🙏
Some of you may have seen me reacting more aggressively. Yes I am angry. I'm angry at what has been done and those responsible. Much worse than the gaslighting and insults, innocent and good people have become permanently disabled, or have lost their lives.
People in powerful positions have been using their influence to misdirect those with disinformation. Half truths and personal attacks used to mislead people away from the truth. Minions troll and push buttons in order to mass report and cause us to lose our accounts.
If you support and follow people like @BallouxFrancois who enable mass murder, don't associate yourself with me. I have no tolerance for people who benefit from the murder of innocent people. The lot of you are guilty of crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0.
Biden, Trudeau, Zelenskyy, Putin, and Xi are all Young Global Leaders/WEF members, among many others in powerful positions globally. The WEF website had Putin's bio up until it began spreading on social media, it was then taken down. 🧵 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Shortly after the "Ukraine Vs Russia War" began gaining the MSM spotlight, the WEF removed Putin's bio. This was a conflict of interest among WEF agenda actors. Such as the ones mentioned above.
People argue what the "war" is all about, whether it be lithium deposits for "green energy", bio labs, money laundering, or simply big bad Russia vs Ukraine. There is not one reason, but many, all leading to an Agenda pushed by the WEF and its actors.