- Click Add Sample in the CMS panel
- Then you can change it to whatever you want
#2 Create a Component from the Collection List
- Create a Component from the Collection List
- Turn off the Layout, hide the text, Overflow: Hidden, Radius: 16px
- Create two variants, the image larger than the component, Variant 1: aligned left, Variant 2: aligned right
#3 Create Hover States
- Place the text in the lower left corner
- Set the image transparency to 0.7
#6 Adjust the Layout of the page to get the CMS in the center of the page
- Add a parent frame to the CMS, 600px by 600px, No layout, Overflow: Visible
- Add another parent frame, Width: 100%, Height: 100vh, Layout: Stack, Horizontal, Center, Overflow: Visible
#7 Create a Scroll Section
- Add a frame as the scroll section. Name it "Trigger."
- Width: 100%
- Height: 600
- Pin Bottom 400
- Z Index: -1
- Pointer: None
#8 Add Scroll Variant effect to Component
- Trigger: Section in view
- Viewpoint: Center
- Replay: Yes
- Section: #trigger
- To: Variant 2
#9 Add Scroll Transform to CMS
- It's still Sction in view, same as the previous step
- Transform settings, opacity, and scale are both 1
- Only the move of the X-axis is required, -1400px
#10 Set the CMS page to the Home page, then delete the old home
- Create the basic component, a slim rectangle
- In the Hover state, the image is enlarged appropriately
- A variant of the transition state containing the title
- A variant of the expanded state containing the title and content
I thoroughly enjoyed living in Tokyo for two years.
Although China and Japan share some cultural similarities as East Asian countries, there are distinct differences in design.
I discovered that Japanese design focuses on meticulous details, alluring textures, and pure simplicity.
Designers skillfully utilize materials' innate qualities and optimize materials' characteristics to achieve an effortless yet profound design.
For any design project, one can confidently determine three crucial elements to consider: the design itself, the time required to complete the project, and the personality you intend the design to convey.
The design refers to the robust structure, content, visual elements, functionality, and other technical aspects of the project.
Precisely what will be included in the masterful design? What will the polished product accomplish and how will it dexterously work?
Answering these types of questions will help define the scope and details of the ingenious design.