"Patel now fears a 'perfect storm' of factors will trigger inflammatory responses in some patients, causing cancer to arrive years earlier than normal and making it deadlier once it is diagnosed"
Cancer is the result when the #ImmunityBeanBag goes empty! ajmc.com/view/kashyap-p…
ALL VIRAL INFECTIONS damage the immune system driving:
- immune dysregulation
- aging of naive t-cells
- cellular senescence
- increased risk for autoimmune diseases (diabetes, Alzheimer's)
- oncogenic (cancer-causing)
- opportunistic susceptibility to secondary infections.
SARS just damages the immune system much faster and persistent SARS infection (#PASC/#LongCOVID) can lead to full-blown acquired lymphocytopenia in a matter of months. academic.oup.com/jnen/article/8…
You are born with a bag full of naive t-cells (beans).
Losing beans & reserve beans will not seem like a big deal because there are no pain receptors to tell you if you're walking around with half a bag of beans or no beans at all.
We haven't even started discussing #LongCOVID yet. Persistent illness that destroys all beans in circulation every 12 weeks until all your reserve beans are depleted.
#LongCovid sufferers know that SARS can replace the real beans with poison beans and that SARS can make the healthy beans attack your lung, heart, liver and brain tissue.
Your amount of beans determines your energy levels; your stamina, your balance, your sight, your sense of taste, your mood, your brain function, your breathing, and EVERY other organ function. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Most people are probably wondering why anyone wandering around with empty bean bags is not dying.
Full-blown AIDS does not kill you.
Full-blown AIDS only prevents you from living. pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pn…
We are not testing everyone who was infected for immunity dysfunction like we do AIDS patients. So nobody knows they are missing beans or leaking beans. nature.com/articles/s4159…
Nobody is finding out their bean bag is scarred and their bean bag is empty until it's too late. #incurable
So, can you replenish the beans and still live a shorter and normal life? Yes, but only if the bag is fixed and it takes a long time to fix the bag. frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
But there are Minimizers in charge who are in denial of the destroyed beans and insist there's an unlimited supply of reserve beans.
There are folk out there who are well aware their bags are damaged and their beans are almost empty and they're terrified because they aren't getting help.
Be kind to these people by protecting them and listening to them and loving them in every way they need.
Do you know why it is not fearporn to call SARS:
or #AirborneAIDS?
You can at any time wear N95 grade PPE with eye protection for your own health and safety - and the health and safety of your beans.
I would like to thank @1goodtern for providing all the context of this rant. Here's the original #ImmunityBeanBag thread:
Please don’t hesitate to ask clarification questions or general plain language explanation from my multi-lingual communications team;
@_ppmv & @therustychemist
Since we correctly prognosticated Trump would win and our epidemiological estimates correctly predicted the SARS-CoV Quasi Species swarm of 2024 - many have asked us for our prognostications for 2025. 1/
#MuzzledScientists #DontLookUP
Whilst we don't know exactly what POTUS47 will do in office, it seems inevitable that he will pull the US out of all international Public Health agreements and massively interfere with, and stop all US, UK & EU support of @WHO financing/research. #OneHealth 2/
@WHO Based on #Project2025 and those POTUS47 has surrounded himself with, it seems evident the US WH/regime will continue to wage the war POTUS45 initiated against the scientific community and Public Health. This will bleed over into the global community. 3/
That’s the word the medical community wants to ignore, because established dogma has always stated the BBB protects the CNS from viruses.
"Common Cold" is a minimizing term to dismiss those who suffer #MECFS
Seasonal HCoV-OC43 is a beta-HCoV with neuroinvasive properties which have been minimized and dismissed by the medical community for decades.
#LongCOVID is #AirborneAIDS so #WearN95 mdpi.com/1999-4915/12/1…
All of these brain immunity functions operate outside of the CNS, except microglia. Microglia work great against bacteria and cancer. Microglia are incapable of phagocytosis against viruses.
@CDCgov CDC is downplaying the infections could be from the same source except the source remains completely unknown. Those infected weren't around livestock or drinking raw milk. These HCWs were infected well after the initial source of infection.
@CDCFlu isn't counting the household contact Missouri case in its nationwide case count!
For the same reasons these HCWs were neither tested using PCR or antibody.
Zero testing = Zero Cases = Zero Reporting.
Poultry feces fed to dairy cows.
Raw milk fed to poultry.
That's why these #H5N1 sequences are all the same.
"wild birds" spreading #TexasMooFlu is a wild conspiracy theory. Only America allows this bull manure recipe for Mad Cow to end up at McDonalds.
What do you get when Corporate Fast Food sues the Corporate Cattle, Corporate Poultry & Corporate Meat conglomerates that own the Egg & Dairy Industry over price gauging? Greedflation.
Corporate America has decimated Public Health. #DontLookUP reuters.com/legal/litigati…
If "wild birds" are such a vector for #H5N1 in dairy cows?
Why are Mexico & Canada #TexasMooFlu free?
@US_FDA has approved #H5N1 contaminated milk produced by dairy cows that were fed bird feces and other garbage swept from the floor in poultry farms. @USDA removed the mad cow rules that would have prevented #TexasMooFlu
#DontLookUP #BirdFlu
@US_FDA @USDA 150 years ago, we eradicated a wide swath of bovine pathogens using pasteurization combined with increased farm health and safety measures.
@USDA eliminated safety laws of feeding feces to cows.
@US_FDA reduced the pasteurization efficiency.
@US_FDA @USDA The fallacy is: any #H5N1 viral protein in milk can be considered safe. Pasteurization is great for neutralizing bacteria, not viruses. This insanity of tolerating feeding poultry feces to dairy cattle bleeds over into tolerating any #TexasMooFlu in milk.
Human-to-human (H2H) transmission of #BirdFlu has not been scientifically eliminated as the cause of the 3 human infections in Missouri. @CDCFlu has done nothing to eliminate the probability that #H5N1 receptor binding mutation has occurred. #TexasMooFlu
@CDCFlu Was it a failure of the pasteurization process?
There's zero effort from the @US_FDA to evidence this initial patient and close contact wasn't infected from poor pasteurization because the @USDA isn't capable of reporting the infected dairy herds.
@CDCFlu @US_FDA @USDA @USDA_APHIS are doing absolutely NOTHING to eliminate #H5N1 from cattle! There's ZERO implementation of their own Farm Animal Disease (FAD) Red Books to prevent the utter and complete spread of #TexasMooFlu to all American herds! #ZeroH5N1