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Lifelong Learner. Award-winning Objective Thinker. Certified outer spectrum enthusiast. Social mediaholic. Yes, my profile pic is middle finger of Galileo.
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Sep 20 12 tweets 4 min read
Human-to-human (H2H) transmission of #BirdFlu has not been scientifically eliminated as the cause of the 3 human infections in Missouri. @CDCFlu has done nothing to eliminate the probability that #H5N1 receptor binding mutation has occurred. #TexasMooFlu @CDCFlu Was it a failure of the pasteurization process?
There's zero effort from the @US_FDA to evidence this initial patient and close contact wasn't infected from poor pasteurization because the @USDA isn't capable of reporting the infected dairy herds. Image
Sep 19 12 tweets 5 min read
When we started the #AirborneAIDS hashtag we received significant pushback for being a hysterical twit chick for saying there's a 100% chance we're all going to die.
We have a cure.
But, we keep denying #LongCOVID is #AirborneAIDS
#DontLookUP #WearN95 Image "SARS-CoV peptide–HLA tetramer-specific CD4+ & CD8+ T cells, together with probe-specific B cells, are established in #longCOVID patients, and maintained over 24 mo, similarly to SARS-CoV-specific T cells & B cells detected in non-long COVID individuals"
Sep 16 6 tweets 3 min read
"Most patients with Long Cövid never get hospitalised"
#LongCOVID patients are hospitalized in China.
That's how draconian the Chinese are, providing constant medical care for those with chronic symptoms. 🧵 China has far fewer #LongCOVID patients and they tend to resolve in less time (9-50 days) due to the repurposing of HIV ART medications. Providing constant care for the disabled has beneficial financial outcomes in the long run. Image
Sep 13 9 tweets 4 min read
"Scientists are worried that persisting cognitive issues may signal a coming surge of dementia and other mental conditions"
Why is it only the financial press warning people about permanent brain damage from SARS?
#AirborneDementia #NEUROcovid #WearN95… What if their motive is greed?
Perhaps the economic press has crunched the numbers of potential economic losses, amplified by the direct costs of caring for those injured? What if paying for sick leave saves money in the long run?
Aug 17 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you remember when we warned you mPox + SARS co-infections are capable of genetic recombination? Orthopox viruses are unique DNA viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm - where SARS has already hijacked host ribosomes. 1/
#mPox #BoxOfNails As we have been warning for 21 years, the real threat of SARS is every single other virus that we have previously minimized and declared endemic. 2/
Aug 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Why is China screening for mPox at international airports?
Because when @WHO declared mPox a PHEIC that's how nations are supposed to act according to IHR (2005).
The real question you want to ask is - why isn't your nation announcing screening for mPox?!? Your nation has a legal obligation under their agreement to the IHR (2005) to temporarily inconvenience a few international travellers for the health and safety of the many millions in your nation.
The needs of the many, outweigh the few!
Aug 12 5 tweets 2 min read
Two reasons why inactivated #BirdFlu #H5N1 HPAI viral RNA in retail samples of milk is a serious concern:
1/ The #H5N1 RNA wouldn't cause an infection but someone drinking contaminated milk who's already suffering from another influenza infection (#H3N2 or #H1N1) is a potential mixing vessel needed for human-to-human #BirdFlu transmission.
Aug 6 17 tweets 7 min read
Allow me to translate this tweet into plain English (Common Muggle) so even Left or Right wing Americans can understand the complex @WHO language:
#ZeroMPOX #MuzzledScientists #DontLookUP
🧵 The IHR (2005) are legally binding Public Health guidance where @DrTedros can declare a PHEIC. PHEIC enables "surveillance" measures, like:
- Testing & Tracing for mPox
- reporting mPox cases
- providing free treatment
What Americans refer to as "Global Totalitarian Control"Image
Jul 29 11 tweets 4 min read
HIV and SARS share ribosome frameshift abilities: this paper posted by Mr. Dugger discusses how SARS-CoV controls human protein synthesis, affecting translation and directly impacting ribosome manufacturing. 1/
#AirborneRibosomeHijacking #AirborneAIDS Try this:
1. Alter the summary text I highlighted below from SARS-NSP1 to HIV.
2. Google it.
3. Come back and ask me questions if you still don't understand why SARS-CoV is #AirborneAIDS
2/ Image
Jul 24 6 tweets 2 min read
We often discuss how the UK was provided a Pandemic Plan which provided a balanced economic and health approach that included simple international travel surveillance but they changed after 2009 because airlines complained.
1/ Political interference overrode the science after a powerful airline executive lobbying group complained about the drop in profits when they had to temporarily inconvenience the few international flights during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.
2/ Image
Jul 19 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a big deal: we've been informed a #LongCOVID Clinical Definition has quietly been approved by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. This changes everything!
#LongCOVID being reported to the @WHO by @CDCgov as per their legal obligations to report on diseases as per the IHR (2005) is a massive shift in policy from the US.
Jun 5 7 tweets 3 min read
Asymptomatic #LongCOVID
We’re going to eventually have evidence of transient persistence after SARS-CoV infection in 100% of cases where chronic #LongCOVID symptoms appear in only 30% of all SARS-CoV infections.
#AirborneAIDS Minimizers going full steam to question whether men should wear a condom for 6 months after infection are distracting from the findings that #LongCOVID can be asymptomatic - because the immune system doesn’t have a pain receptor.
#AirborneAIDS #WearN95 Image
May 31 5 tweets 2 min read
It's been 24 hrs since a human was sent home with respiratory #H5N1 #BirdFlu & in response ... @CDCgov has tested <50 farm workers!
Based on our epidemiological risk assessment** only a porn star could ever hope to save America.
** We're all phucked!… Did you notice CDC recently recommended farm workers, wash their hands, before using N95 respirators with eye protection for their own health and safety?

May 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Our “Holy Mother of God™️” moment was 3 months ago in early March when a mixed American farm with unvaccinated chickens, cows, pigs and goats was infected by #H5N1 #BirdFlu but @USDA swept away the evidence in a manner that would leave China’s Xi blushing. @USDA Scientists being denied access to the genome data are buying milk and digging through wastewater to be able to complete their research. Read this thread by @ejustin46 to understand how long #H5N1 #BirdFlu has been hidden by American interests.
May 23 8 tweets 3 min read
"We explain the immunological mechanisms, hypercoagulability states, and viral reservoirs in the skull that feed #NeuroCOVID in patients with #LongCOVID"
SARS-CoV is neuroinvasive
#AirborneAlzheimers #WearN95… "Beyond its morbidity, #LongCOVID more disabling than fatal, exacts one of the most substantial tolls on public health in contemporary times, with the potential to cripple national economies"
SARS-CoV doesn't need to kill you to prevent you from living.Image
May 7 8 tweets 3 min read
Highlighting: "transient" lymphopenia.
That means "temporary immune dysfunction".
Or, short-term AIDS lasting 2-3 years.
For many, this AIDS will last a lifetime, due to early onset autoimmune deaths and/or repeat re-infections. 1/
#AirborneAIDS #WearN95
SARS Survivors from 20 years ago faced the same challenge: the liver, kidneys, and pancreas rely on a robust immune system, which, in turn, relies on the health of these organs.
Lymphopenia exacerbates recovery!
Re-infection exacerbates lymphopenia!
May 2 5 tweets 2 min read
Do you want to know why Associate Professor Philip Britton, can never be held criminally responsible for giving this false medical advice that will cause serious injury to kids?
@NCIRS @drphil2014 @NCIRS @drphil2014 Because "Freedom of Speech" protects anyone from spewing misinformation when it's published. No matter how insane it is to suggest children should be exposed to toxic Mycoplasma bacterium, this quack will never end up in prison for these words. Image
Apr 30 13 tweets 4 min read
The udder (sic) lack of human #H5N1 cases from this cow/poultry outbreak is extremely odd. We’ve come to expect a small handful of human cases without H2H transmission.
But going a month with zero cases amongst a dozen farms? My concerns are twofold:
- temporary foreign workers falling ill are typically denied care and returned home by the employer
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
-lack of testing
Apr 26 12 tweets 3 min read
How could #H5N1 bovine influenza appear in human wastewater?

Let me explain why asymptomatic cows are a huge concern. Pasteurized milk can act as a mass distribution of a live-attenuated vaccine.
We know #H5N1 is in raw milk and lethal for cats.
We know #H5N1 live virus in milk, then pasteurized leads to viral RNA traces in milk, which could induce #H5N1 immunity.
Apr 25 4 tweets 2 min read
Why aren't American chickens #H5N1 vaccinated?
Not only has an #H5N1 vaccine always been available for day-old chicks, but it's regularly updated for circulating variants.
Only the US doesn't have mandatory #H5N1 vaccines for poultry. If you were not previously aware, last year the @CDC was considering a vaccination campaign for chickens, which is otherwise completely optional for American farmers.
Apr 22 20 tweets 7 min read
What if I told you every major novel influenza pandemic of the last 150 years originated in the US, and science-denying antivaxxer American farmers were to blame? We thought it would be useful to review this murky American chapter in veterinary vaccine history to understand why we are seeing Highly pathogenic #H5N1 avian influenza (HPAI) evolve from zoonosis before our eyes.