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Mar 27 50 tweets 10 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
Nsfw nsfw nsfw continuation of this #atsutsuki


Tsukishima isn’t ashamed to admit that he has a healthy sex life. Most people would assume with his prickly personality, he was the same when it came to his bedroom activities but they would be wrong. There’s nothing Tsukishima
Loves more than giving pleasure. Watching his partner fall apart before him from just a few strokes of his hand, or the warmth of his mouth. His skilled tongue helping them see stars. The feeling of him clenching around them as he rides them, fucks them like they were planning
On fucking him.

Atsumu’s above average sized. His cock’s long, veiny. He can see why the blonde has his own fair share of bedroom partners. He wants to choke on it, show Atsumu how far down his throat he can take him, but vaguely remembers he’s supposed to be showing him the
Way to use his new tongue piercing, and he refrains.

He starts off slow, licking a path from the base to the tip, dragging the ball of the piercing along the vein. Atsumu rewards him with a moan, punched out and low, as he throws his head back and shuts his eyes.

Supposed to be watching, Miya. How are you going to learn how to use your tongue if your eyes are shut?’ He pauses, waiting for him to wrench his eyes back open. The setter does, rearranging himself until he’s propped up on his elbows, cocky grin smiling down at Tsukishima.
‘Sorry, teach, I’ll-’ he start to joke but it’s cut short when Tsukishima flicks his tongue against the tip of his dick, where the precum has started to bead up. He does it in a way that has the bottom ball of the piercing slide across the slit, causing Atsumu to curse, unable to
Stop his hips from twitching.

Tsukishima swallows him down, swirling his tongue as he goes. Atsumu’s a wreck above him. He only makes it a few bobs before Atsumu’s groaning again, head thrown back. He shifts his weight to one arm, bringing a hand down to curl into Tsukishima’s
Locks. A shiver races through Tsukishima at the contact, whining slightly as Atsumu tightens his grip.

‘Fuck, that’s it. Ya like that?’ The cocky grin is back and as much as the combination of the grin and the hand guiding Tsukishima’s head up and down are Tsukishima’s
Kryptonite, that’s not what they’re here for. He shakes the hand off, pulling off of Atsumu’s cock completely, reveling in the disappointed noise he makes.

‘Maybe I do. Doesn’t matter, not what we’re here for.’ He kisses a sloppy trail up Atsumu’s hip, letting him feel the cold
Metal of the piercing on his heated skin. His eyes are glued to Tsukishima this time, following his every movement, feeling every purposeful press of the metal. Tsukishima dips his tongue inside Atsumu’s navel, rolling the ball to press inside. That gets a groan out of him,
Another twitch of the hips.

‘I think I need another example of yer mouth on my cock,’ Atsumu tries to sound put together but the desire is laced in his voice. Tsukishima drops back down, huffing out a laugh that has his breath ghosting over the shiny head of Atsumu’s dick. It
Twitches, and Tsukishima can’t help but make a detour. He momentarily abandons his prior path, using the flat of his tongue to apply steady solid licks to the tip, body thrumming as Atsumu pants from his ministrations.

‘Fuck,’ he groans out above him. ‘Yer torturin’ me.’

A fan, Miya?’ He smirks.

‘Eugh stop callin’ me that. Atsumu or Tsumu’s fine, christ you’ve got my cock in yer mouth.’

‘Noted,’ Tsukishima huffs again, moving down to his intended target. A few disarming kisses to Atsumu’s thighs, where his golden skin stretches tight over
The mass of muscles. He mouths at the bottom of his shaft, before dipping lower and rolling his tongue over Atsumu’s balls. His moans increase in pitch as Tsukishima presses the piercing against the skin directly below them. He flattens his own hips against the bed,
Looking for a bit of relief from where his own erection is throbbing. This is the moment he loves the most, when the person he’s with loses themself in it. When their usually restrained moans turn to keens as they take in the pleasure he’s giving. He gives another lick before
Pulling back.

‘What the fuck,’ Atsumu sounds almost dazed, blinking down at him. He just smirks before letting the saliva pooling in his mouth, spitting it on the flushed tip of the cock. He grasps it gingerly, twisting his hand around the tip and pressing his tongue in harder,
Shivering when Atsumu yelps, gasping at the pressure. He keeps his wrist moving, fingers sliding wetly and twisting off at the end, and keeps the pierced part of his tongue pressing in to the sensitive skin. Tsukishima can feel his Atsumu’s thighs flexing around his head as he
Whimpers, breaths coming out harshly, until he crests over the edge, spilling between Tsukishima’s fingers. Tsukishima moans, the vibrations prolonging his climax.

When it becomes too much, he tugs at Tsukishima’s hair, keening. Tsukishima pulls back, wiping the excess spit off
Of his face with the back of his hand. Atsumu’s wrecked on the bed, and when Tsukishima darts his tongue out to lap at the release covering his fingers, Atsumu groans again, throwing his head back against the bed.

‘What the fuck,’ he repeats. Tsukishima laughs, short but loud,
Climbing off the bed to go wash his hands in the bathroom. When he comes back, Atsumu’s sprawled like a starfish across the bed.

‘Move, I’m paying for this room, not you.’ He pulls Atsumu’s leg, yanking him to the side. He yelps again, glaring at Tsukishima.

‘Fuckin’ rude
Ass,’ he huffs. ‘Ya suck my soul out through my dick and have no sympathy for me?’

Tsukishima laughs again, laying on his back. He’s still rock solid in his own pants, can feel the after-thrum of a wringing out a good orgasm from someone, but he isn’t expecting the setter to
Return the favor.

‘Do you think you learned skills you can apply in the future?’

‘Future? What about now?’ Atsumu frowns, scrunching his eyebrows.

‘What about now?’ Tsukishima asks, tilting his head.

‘I learn better after a hands on lesson.’ His eyes travel up and down
Tsukishima’s form, before zeroing in on his neglected bulge. ‘Alright, pants off let’s go.’

‘Remind the next person you need a lesson in how to woo a man,’ Tsukishima snorts, allowing Atsumu’s deft hands to unbutton his pants, lifting his hips so he can pull them down. He
Straddles Tsukishima, reconnecting their mouths, licking in almost immediately. His boxers join their pile of discarded clothes, and Atsumu licks his lips greedily at the sight.

‘Yeah, knew ya would be pretty,’ he murmurs. He wastes no time, pulling Tsukishima into his mouth.
He groans, feeling Atsumu’s clumsy attempts at mimicking how Tsukishima used the piercing. It’s admittedly not the best head Tsukishima had ever gotten, but there’s something to be said about Atsumu’s eagerness to learn. Tsukishima talks him through it, voice low. He wasn’t (tbc)
Joking about being a hands on learner and soon enough he’s got the motion down right, sliding his own piercing perfectly along the underside of Tsukishima’s cock. He’s pretty sure he can come like this, especially when Atsumu’s lower lashes start to shimmer with tears, but he

‘Roll over,’ he demands, voice raspy.

‘For?’ Tsukishima questions, eyebrows arched.

‘Lemme eat you out, fuckin’ obviously. C’mon.’

Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, Tsukishima complies, clicking his tongue as Atsumu pulls the spare pillow to put under his
Hips for a better angle. ‘If the hotel charges me extra for cleaning this pillow, I’m having Hinata steal your bank account—‘ he goes to complain but it’s cut off in a moan as Atsumu palms both of his cheeks, squeezing them in his hands. He feels his breath first, and then the
Dual sensations of the warm wet tongue Atsumu loves to show off so much, with the cold metal ball attached, licking over his rim. He quiets down his complaints, letting Atsumu get to work.

‘Fuck,’ Tsukishima groans as Atsumu alternates between solid licks and pressing the tip
Of his tongue in as far as he can. ‘You’re better at this than sucking dick, just do this from now on.’ He whimpers, feeling the tongue and piercing flex inside of him, breath hitching as Atsumu pulls back.

‘Compliment or insult?’ He asks, pout evident in his voice.

‘Fuckin’ rude ass, hard to impress asshole,’ Atsumu curses, smacking Tsukishima’s ass hard enough the sound echos across the room, barely hiding the moan he let out at the contact. ‘Didja happen to bring lube with ya to make this easier on yerself?’ Tsukishima nods, pointing to
His bag. Atsumu goes to grab it, laughing on his way back. ‘Fuckin’ slut,’ he says, but with a tone of endearment.

‘Excuse me for being prepared,’ Tsukishima argues back.

‘Yeah, yeah.’ Atsumu pops the cap after squinting at the type, and drizzles it directly on Tsukishima’s
Rim. He hisses at the temperature before Atsumu firmly presses the pad of his thumb in. It slides in almost too easily, making Tsukishima’s hips twitch at the intrusion, moaning. ‘Fuck, that’s right. Knew you’d suck me in like that, fuckin’ greedy. Is the piercing good for this?’
Tsukishima nods, and Atsumu switches from his thumb to his middle finger, sliding the digit inside.

Soon, he’s two fingers deep and Tsukishima is belatedly thinking about how they’ve gotten off topic from the tongue piercing, when Atsumu’s proving him wrong. He slides his
Tongue in alongside the fingers, and Tsukishima is seeing stars. His fingers press in further than the tongue can reach, brushing against his prostate while Atsumu’s tongue and the fateful piercing rub against his walls, shallower but just as good.

‘Please tell me you have a
Condom,’ he manages to groan out. Atsumu’s pulls back with a slurp that should be illegal before humming.

‘Course, got one in my wallet always.’

‘And I’m the slut?‘ Tsukishima glares over his shoulder.

‘Damn, true. Maybe we’re both the sluts here.’ He muses.

‘Are you
Going to get it?’ Tsukishima asks, impatient.

‘For?’ At Tsukishima’s blank stare, it clicks. ‘Oh! Oh shit yeah, lemme..’ he trails off, digging in his discarded pants for his wallet. He grabs it, waving it in the air triumphantly. ‘Am I that good with my mouth huh?’
The arrogance is back and as desperate as Tsukishima is to have Atsumu’s dick buried inside of him, he can’t help but snark back. ‘No actually, you were that bad I realized I was never going to come.’

‘Oh. Really?’ Atsumu freezes where he was about to rip the condom open,
Genuinely pouting.

‘No, idiot,’ Tsukishima hisses. ‘Will you please just fuck me before I kick you out?’

It spurs him back into motion and after sliding the condom on and another generous application of lube, Tsukishima feels the tip of Atsumu’s cock slowly dipping inside his
Stretched hole. He moans, arching his back further, trying to get Atsumu to go deeper. The blonde was teasing him, sliding in a bit before pulling back out, eyes transfixed on Tsukishima’s hole clenching as he left him empty.

‘How’re ya still so tight even after my fingers?
Fuck, yer killin’ me.’

‘I’ll kill you for real if you don’t fuck me,’ he gasps as Atsumu pushes in even further.

‘Don’t rush me,’ the setter snaps. He moves his hands to grip Tsukishima’s waist, holding him in place as he inched further and further inside.

‘I’ll rush you if
I want, I’m not the one who’s already gotten off once today,’ he all but snarls.

‘Fuckin’ christ, fine. I’ll fuck ya, I’ll fuck you good.’ Atsumu finally bottoms out, immediately pulling back out to slam home again. His thrusts are brutal, his pace is relentless, and Tsukishima
Is boneless. Second only to the thrill of giving pleasure was being fucked like this. Harsh, rough, he knew he would feel it in his muscles for days. Knew that Atsumu’s hands were gripping bruises into his hips and that he could do nothing more than to lie there and take it. He
Was completely at the mercy of an Olympic level athlete, who was showing Tsukishima what his stamina could do for him.

Tsukishima’s reduced to keening, gasping every time Atsumu brushes against his prostate. He’s moaning a mix of Atsumu’s name and pleas for it to be harder,
Faster. Atsumu compiles, slowly falling apart behind him as well. He must be close to the edge again, because his mouth kicks back in.

‘Fuck, Tsukishima. Take it, yeah like that. Oh fuck s’like you were made to take my cock, oh fuck.’

Tsukishima moans, and is about to pull
His arm out from where it’s trapped under him to touch himself when instead, Atsumu remembers earlier, and moves a hand to Tsukishima’s hair. He grabs part of it on the back of his head, tugging to test the waters. Tsukishima makes a sound he would never admit to, and Atsumu
Pulls harder. It does the trick, and his vision whites out as he comes. He vaguely registers Atsumu’s moans and stuttered thrusts as he fills the condom, and he lays there as Atsumu rolls them over, tossing the condom and grabbing a towel from the bathroom. The cleanup is subpar,
But Tsukishima is too exhausted to care. Atsumu crawls back into bed next to him, pulling the covers up and around them.

‘You’re not gunna be so heartless and kick me out, are ya?’ He asks sleepily, curling himself around Tsukishima.

‘If you snore, you leave.’ He murmurs, but
He’s asleep before he hears the reply. When he wakes up in the morning, he opens his phone to a few messages. Kuroo and Hinata have both texted him, asking what the curse of Shoyou has brought him this time. He rolls his eyes, grabbing his pants for modesty before snapping a
Picture in the mirror, showing the marks on his body along with the messy, unmistakable hair of Miya Atsumu sticking out of his bed.



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