My name is Thomas Binder. I studied medicine in Zurich, obtained a doctorate in immunology and virology, specialised in internal medicine and cardiology, and have 35 years of experience in diagnosis and therapy of acute respiratory……
Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is working on transferring all vaccinations to the modifiedRNA “vaccine” platform. It is doing so, though just being able to count and to distinguish foreign from self, even having a trace of intelligence, is enough……
Mein Name ist Thomas Binder. Ich hatte in Zürich Medizin studiert, in Immunologie und Virologie doktoriert, mich in Innerer Medizin und Kardiologie spezialisiert und 35 Jahre Erfahrung in Diagnostik und Therapie akuter Atemwegsinfekte,……
Derzeit verhandelt Ihre Regierung über einen pLandemie-Vertrag mit der WHO. Unterzeichnet sie diesen, wird die WHO über die Verfassung ihres Landes gestellt und verlieren nicht nur Sie, sondern auch Ihre Regierung und Ihr Parlament jegliche……
On 07/09/2021, Prof. Ch. Berger, president of🇨🇭 Commission for Vaccination, claimed the LNPs largely remained in the deltoid muscle. This claim was already wrong at that time and disastrous for "vaccination" decisions!
Other 'leading corona experts' such as PD Dr. Ch. Fux, head physician in infectiology @KSAGroup & main corona advisor to the government of the @kantonaargau, even as late as 06/29/2022, repeatedly claimed the same (👉Video in German from 43:50).…
Based on theoretical considerations, it was already clear before emergency use authorisation of the modRNA injections that the LNPs are taken up by any body cell, including brain & embryo/fetus, thus that the modRNA is introduced into any cell.
Please excuse me for not joining the world tour of corona enlighteners, some even former poison PRopagandists. I must take care of my cardiac patients, incl. victims of the unnecessary, negatively effective heinous modRNA poison. Perhaps you would like to share some of my stuff?
The LNPs are INTENTIONALLY designed to reliably introduce the modRNA into any cell, by crossing even the blood-brain and the placental barrier also into the cells of the brain and of the fetus. Only the devil himself could have concocted this most insidious of all poisons!
In our open letter to @Swissmedic_, 7/8/2021, we, 🇨🇭 ALETHEIA, based on scientific evidence, called for immediate suspension of the temporary authorisation of the modRNA injections against COVID-19, because they are unnecessary, ineffective & unsafe.…
I find somewhat interesting that colleagues are currently being celebrated for telling today what we, @Drs4CovidEthics, first & foremost Prof. em. Sucharit Bhakdi, had predicted and told a long time ago. I can warmly recommend our website, and our Symposia I-V in particular.
Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice - Interdisciplinary Symposium I, July 29 and 30, 2021: CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION
Die LNP sind ABSICHTLICH derart konstruiert, dass sie die modRNA zuverlässig in jede Zelle einschleusen und dabei sogar die Blut-Hirn-Schranke des Gehirns und die Plazentaschranke des Fötus überwinden. Nur der Teufel selbst kann sich dieses heimtückischste Gift ausgedacht haben!
In unserem offenen Brief an @Swissmedic_ vom 8.7.2021 forderten wir, ALETHEIA, wissenschaftlich evidenzbasiert die sofortige Sistierung der befristeten Zulassung der modRNA-Injektionen gegen COVID-19, weil diese unnötig, unwirksam und unsicher sind.…
In unserem offenen Brief an @doctorfmh c/o @YvonneGilli vom 28. Juni 2022 erklärten wir, ALETHEIA, 100% evidenzbasiert, einmal mehr, das herrschende Corona-Nonsens-Narrativ & die unnötigen, negativ wirksamen, lebensgefährlichen modRNA-Injektionen.