#OTD 29 March, 1813, Wittgenstein moved his headquarter from Berlin to Potsdam, followed by the Crown Prince of Prussia.
As the Russians completed building a stone bridge in Dresden, Blücher reached the Elbe, the maximum line of advance according to Kutuzov's grand strategy.
Eugene could not believe that "the corps of Wittgenstein and Yorck, although strong together of 40 to 45,000 men, will venture to pass the Elbe before the enemy, operating on the upper Elbe."
Were they making a feint attack on the Lower Elbe, as he had suspected earlier on?
As indicated by the reports from Wittenberg and Torgau on the 28th, the Russians were finishing up the bridgeworks. But no enemy has been seen in Leipzig, which confounded Eugene. Why advance ahead of his main army, wondered he, and risk running into the Austrian army?
The situation was more complicated than Eugene's naive assumption about the Austrians. Certainly, the army of Wintzingerode was on its way to Meissen and Leipzig, and Blücher just about to enter Dresden with 26,000 men. In addition, Wittgenstein was impatient to join them.
But they could do no more, for Kutuzov, recalling the Proposed Plan of Action Beyond the Elbe announced on the 20th, wrote to Wittgenstein:
"I believe that one should not exceed the Elster; there is the most extreme term; but this order does not apply to the partisans.
...Is this advantage worth the danger that we will face by weakening ourselves through the extent of our separation, which only serves to reinforce the enemy? ...I thus hold it as absolutely necessary that we go no further than the Elster, which is the extreme line.”
Although the French line of defense between Leipzig and Erfurt looked tenuous enough, the Field Marshal worried that such actions will cause the army to scatter dangerously. It is worth noting that even this judgment was based on overestimation of the Russian manpower.
Thus, he wrote to Wittgenstein in a firm tone:
“But one must consider...that the forces of the French do not consist merely of these troops; instead, they consist also of those that are already en route from the Rhine or those that soon will be…
By greatly distancing yourself from the Elbe, you may encounter a superior enemy; thus, your movement beyond this river would have the sole purpose of inflaming the spirit in all of Germany and paralyzing the enemy with uncertainty and inaction.
No doubt you will see that this manner of war must change in time, and this change will occur with the approach of our reserves.”
(Natzmer; Forster; Droysen; Eugene to Napoleon, 29 March 1813; Du Casse; Kutuzov to Wittgenstein, 29 March 1813; Leggiere, Struggle for Germany)
#OTD 31 March, 1813, possibly due to Narbonne's influence, the Bavaria-Prussian relations reached the low point again. Hertling, the Bavaran ambassador to Breselau, suddenly demanded his passport. In response, Hardenberg prescribed a tit-for-tat approach for Ambassador Jouffroy.
Narbonne's visit to Munich on the 15th preceded Jouffroy's interviews on the 22nd and the 30th. The Prussian ambassador believed he had successfully convinced had turned Count Montgelas, a conservative, pragmatic minister aligned to the French for the sake of national security.
On the 31st, when Jouffroy was writing another optimistic report to Hardenberg, he received a letter from the same chancellor-that the Bavarian ambassador to Breslau, all of a sudden, was demanding his passport.
#OTD 30 March, 1813, at the Conseil de Cabinet, Napoleon appointed Marie-Louise and the King of Rome regents during his absence.
Frederick William left Breslau to meet Alexander in Kalisch, where Kutuzov was struggling to restrain Blücher and Wittgenstein from advancing.
Too laden with issuing orders to the army in Germany, Napoleon had wanted to skip the formal proceedings; but the Malet Affair and the rumors of the British spies remaining in Paris consigned him to respond to “the wishes of the whole Empire.”
(Fain; Bourrienne)
Surrounded by the princes, dignitaries and ministers, and noblewomen-including Queen Hortense, the Queen of Westphalia, all the ladies of honor-, the Empress swore the oath to temporarily govern the French Empire:
(Fain; Bausset)
#OTD 30 March, 1813, after three days of uneasy pause at Tostedt, Morand finally received reinforcements. In order to distract the Russian scouts from Luneburg, he began a feint march on Hamburg via Haarburg. In Hamburg, the Senate issued a more all-encompassing call to arms.
Morand’a intention was to seize Luneburg and establish the northernmost outpost for Davout’s maneuver. The Marshal, leaving Saint-Judohl tor Werben in the morning, intended to “make the parties who are on the lower Elbe run after him.”
Thus, as Eugene briefed to Napoleon, “it would be very important that they be able to cross the river again and…be able to link up with general Morand,” especially after Carra St. Cyr had “stopped halfway to Luneburg on the rumors that the enemy had people there.”
So to calm down and explain what I’ve been up to:
My workplace, which makes people stay up together from morning to midnight, had been monitoring me eating alone during lunch breaks, and gave me an ultimatum for it: Either not eat alone for this project which starts today, or..
Mind you, I’ve met many friends here, thanks to me talking easily to strangers (like how most of my lasting friendships had started). I eat alone for the sake of resting, so that I can stay fresh for the remainder of the day. I also did not always eat alone.
And I was always the first to arrive at work, despite often being the teammate who lives the farthest from there (It takes me 1.5 hr to commute, about 2.5 in total if I leave after 9 p.m., which is considered a ‘lucky day.’) Yet I am even not allowed that time.
#OTD 29 March 1813, Montbrun moved from Werben to Lichterfeld, where Chernyshev's vanguard commanded by Major Puchkin and Colonel Pahlen drove him back to Werben. The skirmish saved a ford for Chernyshev, Benckendorff, and Dornberg on the Elbe, enabling their march on Lüneburg.
Since Vandamme's arrival in Bremen on the 27th, Napoleon and Eugene concentrated a formidable nuclei of the army on the Lower Elbe, with the goal of stabilizing Hamburg. As soon as the day dawned, Napoleon wrote a letter assuring Eugene that Vandamme and Davout would do the job.
"It is probable that General Vandamme will have enough to do to contain the insurrection and the coastline. It is necessary that the Prince of Eckmühl, with the 1st division and a little cavalry, to which you could join the Saxon regiment which was in Pomerania,
#OTD 29 March, 1813, as Schwarzenberg travelled to Paris, Wessenberg arrived in London, where his peacemaking initiative was received coldly by the hawkish public.
Alexander, taking a step forward from Metternich, stated that peace will depend on Austria’s return to glory.
Sir George Jackson, after visiting Carlton House, noted that "Wessenburg is arrived, and a Hamburg mail." The latter contained a notice that "[t]he Danes have agreed to the neutrality of the Elbe" and an overview of the situation in Dresden in mid-March:
"The Emperor and the King were to meet at Dresden on the 23rd. Davoust commands at Dresden on the south side of the town. There had been great discontent among the people, a fracas had ensued, the French blew up the bridge and the Russians entered on the north side.