The first milk that mammals produce after giving birth with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral, gut healing, neuroprotective, anti-cancer, immune-boosting post-exercise, anti-spike protein, and free iron chelating properties.
Colostrum is the first milk that mammals produce after giving birth; it has been known for centuries for its health benefits and has a very different composition from milk produced later in lactation.
This milky fluid has evolved to optimise the care for mammalian neonates and is composed of various bioactive components that contribute significantly to the initial immunological defence in the baby as well as to the growth, development, maturation of the neonatal GI tract.
Research has shown that the bioactive components in bovine colostrum from cows are 100- to 1000-fold more concentrated than those in human colostrum; humans are also able to digest bovine colostrum; thus, it is emerging as a food supplement.
Colostrum is rich in bioactive components such as immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, oligosaccharides, vitamins, and various growth factors.
The available evidence suggests that bovine colostrum supplementation may reduce microbial translocation across the gut mucosa; may suppress gut inflammation and thus a possible treatment aid in those with inflammatory bowel disease; helps maintain gut barriers;....
....may improve overall immunological function (for e.g. increasing NK cell function); may improve post-exercise recovery as well as attenuate exercise-related immunosuppression;....
...may help to reverse short-term memory lapses caused by neuronal cell death as well as attenuate the damage done by prions, just to name a few benefits.
Lactoferrin, a glycoprotein found highly in colostrum, exerts antibacterial as well as antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory, neuroprotective, and anticarcinogenic effects.
These activities are thought to be largely down to lactoferrin’s capacity to bind to iron. However, the potential molecular mechanisms by which lactoferrin exerts its multiple effects are still under investigation.
The other well studied component of colostrum is transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), a cytokine with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory functions that has not only shown to balance and maintaining intestinal immunity....
Most studies have been conducted in healthy adults using doses that range from 14 mg taken three times per day to 60 g daily. Some benefits are usually noticed after long-term use (>2 months).
It is recommended that colostrum be produced organically and be free of adulterants like pesticides, herbicides, anabolic hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals. It should also not be processed at high temperatures and pressures.
A friend of mine approached me last year in search of advice for a friend of hers that was diagnosed with stomach cancer that had spread to his lymph nodes.
He had 6 months to live.
I emailed back info.
Scans now show no cancer.
He took a stack of different supplements including mushrooms, fenbendazole, black seed, CBD, THC, paw paw, serrapeptase, various other vitamins, reduced carb consumption and was on chemo.
This is what he was taking below 👇🏾
Trolling through my database and what I knew, this was what I found that may specially aid with stomach cancer 👇🏾
Firstly, get sleep, exercise, sunshine, diet optimised.
With special emphasis on how it harms the immune system.
Water fluoridation was once heralded as one of the best public health achievements of the twentieth century.
But this sentiment is rapidly changing as major concerns over excessive fluoride intake and related toxicity have been raised worldwide, leading several countries to ban fluoridation.
CT with the contrast of the chest before (left) and 2 years after (right) starting inositol hexaphosphate + inositol showing complete radiologic resolution of the upper right hilar lymph node.
"The patient was offered systemic therapy with both immunotherapy and targeted therapy but he declined both and instead elected to pursue the combination vitamin IP6+inositol (800 mg/220 mg), five tablets in the morning and five in the evening daily."