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Mar 31, 2023 199 tweets 36 min read Read on X

"Tae, if only you can wait for a month, I'll go travel with you to Iceland," Seokjin whines, clearly worried about his younger brother.

"Hyung, I'm leaving tomorrow," Taehyung giggles. "And we perfectly know that I can no longer be
this free when I get back after three weeks."

Seokjin slumps into Taehyung's bed.

"I'm just worried about you," he admits. "This is your first time travelling alone. I'm surprised Dad allowed you out of his sight. We all know you're his favorite son."

"I'm not!" Teahyung
protests. "I just convinced him to give me a chance to do things on my own before we launch KTH Gaming next month."

"Waah, my baby brother will be the newest CEO under the Kim Group!" Seokjin sits up and grins at him. "I'm so proud of you, Tae!"

"I'm so proud of myself, too!"
Taehyung confesses. "I'm really happy that Dad allowed me to branch out to the gaming industry. He hated my gaming habits back in the days."

"Because he saw how passionate you are," Seokjin reasons out. "How can he resist you?"

"I promised him success, that's why," he grins.
"And I'm sure you will succeed," Seokjin assures him.

"You're talking like you're not a CEO yourself," Taehyung teases him. "Your hospital is the most prestigious here in Seoul."

"But I did not spearhead it, Tae," Seokjin explains. "I was groomed for this and took over from
Mom. Just like Namjoon, who will be taking over when Dad steps down next year. You, you started your own fucking gaming company. From scratch."

"It's not all me," Taehyung shrugs. "You know my hyungs helped me with everything. If they did not support me with this, I'm sure I'll
be under Joonie hyung's wing, working my ass off, burying myself into something I don't like at all."

"Are you all set for the launch when you get back?" Seokjin suddenly becomes curious. "You're leaving amidst the preparations?"

"I am," Taehyung proudly responds.
"I have the best people working for me. And we've finalized almost everything. There are still some pending matters. But Yoongi hyung and Seojoon hyung assured me that I have nothing to worry about."

"You're really lucky to have friends like them, Tae," Seokjin comments.
"I didn't expect Yoongi to quit his finance work with Namjoon to transfer to your company. Even Seojoon. He's doing well as one of the best profilers at the Prosecutor's Office."

"They are shareholders in KTH, hyung," Taehyung looks around, looking for his passport.
He finds it under Seokjin's handbag. "Of course, they'd give their all into it. It's like our little project."

"Except it's not little," Seokjin chuckles. "I'm excited to try the first three games you'll be releasing at the launch."

"I'm excited as well," he sits beside his
brother. "And very nervous, too. What if it flops? Dad will disown me."

"Your ads are making noise on social media," Seokjin counters. "I personally know people who are already dying to play them."

"By people, you mean you and Namjoon hyung?" Taehyung laughs.
"You know that's not true!" Seokjin laughs. "Namjoon will pretend he's excited but will never even know the interface of any of your game."

They both laugh hard knowing that it's true. When their laughter die down, Seokjin speaks again.

"But seriously, I've been hearing a lot
of people at the hospital anticipating your games; staff and patients alike."

"I hope we really take off successfully," Taehyung becomes serious once again.

"You will, baby brother," Seokjin smiles fondly, getting up. "I'll go now and leave you be."

"Thanks for dropping by
hyung," Taehyung stands up to hug his brother. "What would I do without you?"

"The same? Nothing will significantly change in your life without me," Seokjin laughs.


"I'm leaving," he moves away. "Namjoon will be here at 5am tomorrow to take you to the airport."
"Okay, I'll be ready by then," Taehyung confirms.

"You take care, okay?" Seokjin says, walking towards the door. "I'll see myself out. And I'll pick you up when you get home."

"Yes, hyung," Taehyung grins at him, falling back into his bed when Seokjin is no longer in sight.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim," a man named Jung Hoseok apologizes. "My wife let another guest check in the unit you reserved just because he's Korean. She thought he was you."

"Fuck!" Taehyung curses. He feels a throb inside his head, an onset of a migraine. "What do I do?"
"We're going to find you another place to stay," Hoseok says apologetically.

"Shouldn't you be finding another place for the person you allowed to check in the unit I booked last month?" Taehyung asks, keeping his anger at bay. He knows being angry will not help solve the issue.
"That's what I was trying to do since I found out about it," Hoseok explains. "I tried to get him out of the unit since he just arrived five minutes before you did. I explained to him that we made a mistake. But the man is not feeling well. He had a long flight."
"Which I also had," Taehyung responds, sarcastic. "And my head is aching so bad because of tiredness and the situation I am in now."

"We're very sorry, Mr. Kim," the man apologizes again, then points to the couch. "If you can sit down for a while as we try to resolve the issue."
"Just please book me to a hotel or something," Taehyung requests. "I badly need to rest right now."

"We will do our best," Hoseok promises. "We don't want Yoongi hyung to get mad at us. He recommended our place to you. We don't want you to think that we're irresponsible."
Taehyung simply nods, thinking that what occurred was definitely a high level of irresponsibility. He walks to the couch, tiredness seeping into his bones.

He starts to question his decision to fly alone and listen to his hyung that this place is much better than the hotels.
He is tempted to call Yoongi and lash out at him, but before he can do that, a European looking woman approaches him with a tray in hand.

"Mr. Kim, I'm Helga, Hoseok's wife," she introduces herself in English. "I'm really sorry. It's all my fault. Please accept my apology.
Hoseok already threatened to divorce me because of what happened. I didn't know that another good-looking man would come here on the same day."

Taehyung doesn't want to talk to her, but the woman looks like she's about to cry.

"It's okay," he sighs. "No, it's not okay.
I just hope your husband finds a place for me to stay the soonest. I can't sit here the whole night."

"You see, what happened was he told me our unit out at the back was recommended to him by his Yoonie hyung, so I welcomed him thinking it was Yoongi hyung be was saying.
We don't advertise our place, so we get visitors upon recommendations of those who visited us before."

Taehyung nods.

"I assume the tea is for me?" He asks, his attention caught by the tea pack with 'natural caffeine-free for detox' label.
"Yes, yes. Please have some tea while you wait," Helga pushes the tray on the coffee table towards Taehyung.

Taehyung is fascinated when he opens the packet. Inside are dried slice each of lemon, apple, cucumber, and pear.

'Just add hot water, and you've got yourself a
refreshing detox tea,' he reads softly. 'Exactly what I need,' he thinks to himself.

He empties the packet to the mug and pours hot water into it. He doesn't notice that Hoseok and another man are walking towards them, voices hushed as if they have a secret.

"Ah, he's here."
Helga whispers, agitated.

"Mr. Kim," Hoseok starts nervously. "This is Mr. Jeon Jungkook, whom my wife accidentally allowed in the unit you booked."

Taehyung looks up, but he can't see the man clearly. He is blocking the only light in the area, casting shadows around.
The man extends a hand to him.

"You're beautiful," Taehyung hears the man named Jungkook say as he shakes his hand.

"Uhm, thank you, I guess?" Taehyung blurts out, suddenly shy. He feels really ugly at the moment, flight-tired and restless. So a compliment is a surprise.
Hoseok walks to his wife, and Jungkook moves to sit opposite him.

Taehyung can now see his face clearly - sharp jaw, cute nose, and beautiful doe eyes. Just like himself, he looks very tired.

"Mr. Kim," he starts.

"Taehyung, you can just call me Taehyung," he offers.
A small smile forms on his lips, and Taehyung notices the lip ring.

"Then call me Jungkook," he responds, and Taehyung nods. "Uhm, I'm really sorry about the misunderstanding. I came here without reservation. And I believe you're the one who should be occupying the unit."
"You're correct," Taehyung responds. "I booked the place a month ago."

"I'm very much willing to move out," Jungkook states, and Taehyung wants to celebrate. "But since it's quite late, will you let me share the place with you for tonight?"

"Huh?" Taehyung is shocked.
"I don't think so. I can just move to a hotel."

"I can't let you do that," Jungkook quickly says. "I don't want to inconvenience you. I know changing plans is hard. My trip is actually rushed, and one of my hyungs suggested this place. I was just trying my luck.
I will move out in the morning. I occupied the smaller room, if this fact would help."

"There are two rooms?" Taehyung asks. He didn't really check the place out. He just booked it after Yoongi showered it with praises and great review.

"Yes, there are two rooms," Hoseok
informs him eagerly. "One of the rooms, twice as big as the other one. However, there's only one bathroom that you have to share. There's also a living area and a kitchen that you can use."

"It's too obvious by now that I didn't really know what I booked," Taehyung admits.
"I blindly trusted Yoongi hyung."

"Yoongi hyung can be convincing like that," Hoseok comments.

"So will you let me stay for tonight?" Jungkook asks, expression so hopeful that Taehyung wants to laugh.

"Okay," Taehyung decides. "I was uncertain earlier because I thought we'll
be sharing a bed."

He gasps, realizing what he just said. He looks at Jungkook, and the man is blushing profusely.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," Taehyung is quick to apologize, also blushing. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. But that was the thought earlier, so..."
"No, you don't need to apologize," Jungkook tells him. "Would you like to go to the unit now? I can help you with your luggage."

"I can manage, thank you," Taehyung declines the help.

"I should be the one to carry that, as your host," Hoseok offers. "It's the least I can do."
"I'm fine, really," Taehyung insists. "It's already late. We must all rest."

His stomach grumbles. "I guess I'm hungry," he giggles shyly. "Is there a convenience store where I can buy food at this hour?"

"The fridge in your unit is full," Helga informs them.
"Hmmm," Taehyung hesitates. He can't cook.

"If you need a quick fix, there's a frozen pizza in there," Helga supplies. "And some other ready fo eat food. You just need to put them in the microwave for a few minutes."

"Oh, that's great," Taehyung finally grins, thinking that he
can easily do that.

"Just let me know if you'll need a car tomorrow," Hoseok reminds him.

"I'll inform you in the morning," Taehyung responds. "I'm not sure I have the energy to sight-see tomorrow. I'll be resting most probably."

"Goodnight then," Hoseok bows a little.
"And thank you so much for allowing Mr. Jeon to stay tonight."

Taehyung slightly bows as well. When he turns, he sees Jungkook waiting for him, holding the door open to what looks like a lawn at the back of the house of the owners.

"Goodnight!" Jungkook waves to the couple.
When they're outside, Jungkook grabs Taehyung's luggage. "I'll pull this for you," he says with authority.

"Okay," Taehyung has no energy left to argue.

"Would you like to have ramyeon with me?" Jungkook suddenly says.

Taehyung stops walking.

"Literally!" Jungkook exclaims.
"Oh, I promise I'm not hitting on you. I meant it literally. Though you're really the most gorgeous man I've ever met, really."

Taehyung giggles. "Please, you no longer need to sweet talk me. I already said you can stay tonight."

"Well, I was hoping to extend it to my whole
trip," Jungkook laughs. "The house is comfortable. It's too bad that I'd need to leave."

They reach the front door, and Jungkook opens it.

"Welcome to your home in Iceland!" Jungkook says excitedly as he enters the place, and Taehyung follows, only a few steps behind.
The house is a classic Nordic style. The walls are all white with large windows.

Taehyung immediately feels calm. The interior is minimally designed. A couch, a coffee table, and a huge TV are in the living area. The kitchen is modern.

A few accent pieces are there, in aqua
and lavender.

"Here's your room," Jungkook stops by a door. "The opposite one is mine."

He opens his room to let Taehyung see the inside.

A double-sized bed, a bedside table, a dresser with a folding chair - all simple furniture, but they look as if carefully chosen.
Taehyung opens the door of his room. It looks basically the same but with a queen sized bed and more room to move around.

Jungkook walks to another door at the end of the hallway. "This is the bathroom," he says when Taehyung follows.

He peeks inside and hums.
"It's a lot spacious than I expected," Taehyung says, admiring the very clean room. "There's even a bathtub."

"Would you like me to prepare a bath for you?" Jungkook offers.

Taehyung chuckles nervously. "Hey, please don't feel like you need to do things for me. I'm fine."
"That's the least I can do, I guess," Jungkook says shyly. "After getting you stressed by me taking your space."

"You're not at fault here. It's theirs," Taehyung nods on the direction of the Jung's home. He walks back to his door and the other man follows behind.
"To be honest, I'm putting my best foot forward so you can consider sharing this space with me for the whole duration of my stay here," Jungkook admits.

Taehyung stills. He doesn't know Jungkook. He has no idea who the man is. What if he's a fugitive or something?
"You don't need to decide now," Jungkook says, seeing the apprehension in Taehyung's face. "I told you I can move out in the morning. But my offer to cook ramyeon still stands. I'm quite hungry myself so please don't say no."

"Okay," Taehyung gives in. "I'm starving, so yes.
But please don't make my share too spicy. I can't handle too much spice."

"That's noted, Tae," Jungkook catches himself, giving him a nickname. "Oh, sorry. Is it okay to call you Tae?"

"Sure," he grins at Jungkook's uncertainty. He finds it cute. "Only if I can call you Kook."
"Of course!" Jungkook quickly agrees. "You can call me Kook, your cook for the night."

"That's lame!" Taehyung says but laughs nonetheless. "I'll just change my clothes and be right out. Maybe I can help you?"

"Just take your time, and I'll prepare our food," Jungkook smiles.
Taehyung closes his door and dives into the bed. He planned to be alone for three weeks, with minimal interaction with other people. Just sightsee and enjoy what the country can offer.

But having someone to talk to is not bad, he realizes. Maybe he can let Jungkook stay.
"So where are you from?" Taehyung asks after a few bites of ramyeon.

"I'm originally from Busan," Jungkook answers while chewing. " But I live in France now. You?"

"I lived in Daegu as a kid, but my home is Seoul now," he shrugs. "I'm 29. You?"

"27," Jungkook answers
after having a big gulp of water. He made his ramyeon extra spicy.

"You must call me hyung, then," Taehyung demands.

"Okay, hyung," Jungkook grins at him. "Can I be honest?"

Taehyung nods, taking a mouthful of noodles to his mouth.

"You look very familiar," Jungkook says.
"Are you an actor? A model? I really think I've seen you somewhere.

"I'm not," Taehyung shakes his head. "Maybe my face is too common, that's why."

"Definitely not. You're gorgeous. Especially now, up close," Jungkook looks at him carefully. "I just can't place it."
Taehyung would not admit that he graced society pages of magazines and had a share of a few billboards with his brothers as the most sought-after bachelors of Seoul.

"I'm just Kim Taehyung, tourist of Iceland," he giggles. "Don't think too much about me being familiar."
"Okay, if that's what you want," Jungkook caves in. They continue eating after a while.

But Jungkook wants to know Taehyung better. Not because he wants to stay in the house they are in, but because he finds him really attractive.

"Are you joining a group tour?" He asks.
"No," Taehyung sips water before he continues. "I'll just go alone, visit some interesting places."

"Really? That's what I'm planning to do as well!" Jungkook exclaims, getting excited. "Would you like to join me? Let's be alone together."

"I don't know," Taehyung hesitates.
"It's okay if you don't want to," Jungkook says, a bit sad. But he doesn't want it to dampen his spirit. "Why are you here, Tae?"

"Just taking a much needed break," Taehyung responds. "I'll have a new work when I get back, so I figured it would be nice to travel before I get too
busy. I didn't want to delay it, or I wouldn't have a chance to go at all. What about you?"

"Running away," Jungkook says, telling the truth. "My parents arranged a marriage for me, business decision."

"Oh," Taehyung is familiar with the situation. Many of his friends got
married because of business mergers. He's just glad that his parents met and fell in love in college, and they want their sons to marry because of love.

"Are your parents also in Paris?" Taehyung asks. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"Strangely? I want to."
Jungkook looks at Taehyung. "It's so easy to talk to you. I don't know why."

Taehyung chuckles, finishing his food. "That's my charm, I guess. People love talking to me, and I love listening, I guess. So you don't like the person they want you to marry?"

"I haven't even met
her," Jungkook confesses. "But the thing is, I'm not straight. I like men."

"Oh," Taehyung opens his mouth to say something, but he closes it again.

"Are you disappointed?" Jungkook asks. "I know most people in Seoul still frown upon people like me. That's why I love Paris."
"I'm not disappointed, not at all," Taehyung brushes his hair out of his face. "I totally get you, Kook. I'm actually bisexual. My family and friends know."

"What about the people you work with?" Jungkook is curious. "I've heard a lot of stories about the community in Seoul,
getting hated on, sometimes some getting hurt. Is that true?"

"Yes, unfortunately. There are still instances like that," Taehyung admits.

"So you're not open to the public? I mean, with the people you work with? Your other acquaintances?"

"I don't see a reason why I should
let them know of my preferences," Taehyung expresses himself. "Only the people that matters to me need to know."

"Wow, I think I'm falling in love with you," Jungkook jokes.

Taehyung chokes on his water, and Jungkook is quick on his feet, gently tapping Taehyung's back.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to fluster you. But you're really something," Jungkook says bluntly. "Now, there's another reason for me to insist my stay here. Maybe I have a chance with you."

"You're such a flirt," Taehyung says when he recovers.
"And I came here for rest and adventure not to fuck around."

"Oooh, I didn't mention about fucking, Tae," Jungkook giggles. "But fucking is an adventure. Yes."

"Please pack your bags," Taehyung says seriously. "I want you out in the morning. Gone when I wake up."
Jungkook stills. "Fuck! I'm sorry, I thought I could joke around with you already. Please don't kick me out."

"So everything was a joke to you?" Taehyung raises an eyebrow as Jungkook sits on the chair he previously occupied.

"Well, the fucking was a joke," Jungkook honestly
says. "All others are true. You're very attractive, hyung. I would really want to get to know you better."

"So the fucking is a joke," Taehyung shakes his head. "What a shame. I was just testing you. I would've fucked you tonight if it's not a joke. You're very attractive, too,
Kook. I've been looking at your wide chest, veiny arms, and thick thighs since I met you earlier."

He stands up, picking up the ramyeon cup and his chopsticks. He throws them in the trash, trying to control his laughter.

Jungkook is sitting, unmoving, face totally in shock.
"Thank you for the ramyeon, Kook," he turns to go to his room, and then he looks back, grinning at Jungkook, who's staring back intensely at him. "And yes, you can stay here. I'd be glad to share this place with you."

He winks before he opens his door.
Taehyung wakes up to Jungkook talking loudly, like he's having an argument.

He gets up thinking that it's with the Jungs, and he wants to clarify that he's letting him stay in the unit.

But when he reaches the living area, he realizes that Jungkook is alone.
He is cooking pancakes.

Taehyung almost jumps when a woman's voice echoes in the room.

"Don't play hard to get, son," the voice says. "Nari is on her way to your apartment now. I gave her the code."

"I'm so glad I changed the code," Jungkook says angrily.
"Mom, I told you I'm not going to marry someone I don't know."

Taehyung finally sees where the voice is coming from. Jungkook's phone is on the table. It seems that he's talking to his mom on speaker.

"That's why she's going there!" She is exasperated. "To get to know you."
"Well, newsflash, Mom! I'm not in Paris. I am on vacation here in Iceland," Jungkook says, flipping a pancake. "So your good girl Nari can turn back now and leave me be."

"Why are you being so difficult, Jungkookie?"

"I think if there's someone who's being difficult between
us, it's you, Mom," Jungkook stops and turns to face the phone. He sees Taehyung then. "You know I'm gay."

"It's just one of your reasons," his mom responds.

"Oh, honey, you're awake," Jungkook suddenly says, looking at Taehyung, gesturing for him to speak up.
Taehyung stays frozen in place.

"Jungkook, stop pretending," his mother says on the line. "I know you're in your apartment. Just please entertain Nari. Her parents expect you to get married within the year."

"No one's getting married with the year, Mom. Please," he begs.
"And I told you, I'm here in Iceland. I'm on a vacation with my boyfriend."

Taehyung opens his mouth to object, but Jungkook is quick to get in front of him.

"Please, hyung," Jungkook whispers. "I'll do whatever you want."

Taehyung simply stares at him. He shakes his head.
"Jungkook, son, you have no choice," Mrs. Jeon continues to speak. "The wedding is happening whether you like it or not."

"Mom, I can't. Please," Jungkook's tears fall.

Taehyung feels like he needs to do something. "Mrs. Jeon," he finally speaks up.
Jungkook's mouth opens in shock. He didn't expect Taehyung to help him.

"You're even changing your voice to deceive me?" His mother is also getting angry.

Taehyung clears his throat, "I am not," he says, getting closer to the table. "Your son is telling the truth.
He's here with me in Iceland. We both arrived here last night."

"You are his boyfriend? What's your name?" Mrs. Jeon demands.

"We're actually getting to know each other," Taehyung rolls his eyes at Jungkook. He doesn't want to lie.

"My son is really gay?" She asks.
"I have no reason not to believe him, Mrs. Jeon," Taehyung is bothered with her behavior. "I think he's been telling you that for the longest time."

"Who are you? How would I know that you're not one of his friends pretending to be his boyfriend?" Mrs. Jeon is doubtful.
"Mom, you have no right to demand anything from him," Jungkook interjects. "We're together, and you can't do anything about it."

"I just want to know his name," Mrs. Jeon insists. "Okay, if you tell me his name and I find out he's real, I'll cancel your wedding myself."
"No!" Jungkook denies his mother. "I don't want you to ruin his life. I know you will find him and pay him off or threaten him. I know you!"

"Jungkook, you know I will never do that," his mother scoffs.

"No! I'll protect him from you!"

"I am Kim Taehyung," they hear him say.
Mrs. Jeon laughs.

"You must be joking," they hear Mrs. Jeon giggling.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung, and for the second time that morning, he rolls his eyes.

"What's so funny, Mom?" Jungkook asks, confused.

Taehyung walks to the fridge and takes out a bottle of orange juice.
"Of all the names in the world, you chose one of the names of the Kim brothers, the youngest one at that!" She laughs hysterically. "The most sought after."

Jungkook looks at Taehyung in question, and the latter simply shrugs, drinking his orange juice.

"Son, stop dreaming."
"What are you talking about?" Jungkook is getting more and more confused.

"The Kim family is one of the richest in Seoul," Mrs. Jeon supplies. "Tell me, you read his name somewhere and decided to use that? Maybe in a magazine?"

Jungkook glares at Taehyung.
"I'm cutting the call, Mom! We're busy!"

And he cuts the voice call immediately.

"Hyung! It's not your real name? You lied to me?" Jungkook questions him.

But before Taehyung can answer, Jungkook's phone rings again. This time, a video call from his mother.
"Answer the call," Taehyung demands.

"No way! She'll find out I'm lying and marry me tomorrow!" Jungkook panics. "They might even come here."

"Kook! Just answer the phone!" Taehyung is getting impatient.

"No! I'd rather die!" Jungkook is crying again.

"You're so dramatic."
Taehyung grabs the phone from the table and accepts the call. But before he can show himself, Jungkook grabs it and faces his mother.

"Mom, I beg you, please stop your plans of marrying me off. I want to marry out of love," he cries.

"Let me talk to your boyfriend."
"He doesn't want to talk to you," Jungkook hurriedly says.

"Just let us talk so we can have breakfast already," Taehyung says as he pours himself another glass of orange juice.

"Mom, I'm going to let him talk to you. But please, I love this man and you can't make me leave him."
Jungkook hesitantly passes the phone to Taehyung, preparing himself to the biggest blunder of his life.

"Mrs. Jeon," Taehyung greets as soon as he gets into the frame.

"Oh my fucking God!" Mrs. Jeon curses in surprise.

Taehyung chuckles. "Please don't curse God, Ma'am."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Mrs. Jeon is quick to say. "And I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier."

Jungkook stands in front of Taehyung, eyes wide in shock.

"It's okay, Ma'am," he chuckles. "Not everyone is familiar with my voice. And I'm also sorry I look like this. I just woke up."
"You look dashing!" Mrs. Jeon says. "I think it was our argument that woke you up, I'm sorry."

"Ah yes," Taehyung says confidently. "I think I heard you're going to marry him off to a girl? Why would you do that, Mrs. Jeon? He is so gay, he will not be happy with a woman."
"That's never going to happen now," Mrs. Jeon says with conviction. "Jungkookie convinced me earlier that he loves you, and we can't make him leave you. And it's time that we respect his wishes."

"Really now?" Jungkook has recovered from the shock and responds sarcastically.
"Kook, is breakfast ready?" Taehyung asks.

"Oh, go ahead and have your breakfast," Mrs. Jeon says happily. "I hope to see you when you're back here in Korea."

"I'll treat you to dinner, Mam, if Kook here will come home with me," Taehyung grins at her.
"But we know he loves Paris too much, so it might take a long"

"Ah, maybe now that you're together, he'll accept the offer for him to work in Seoul," Mrs. Jeon gives out information.

"Oh, now I'm curious," Taehyung smiles charmingly at Mrs. Jeon. "What company, if I may ask?"
"I forgot the exact name of the company, but it's about games," Mrs. Jeon thinks hard.

"How did you even know about it?" Jungkook asks, bewildered. "I told no one about the offer."

"Someone called me and asked for your contact details in Paris," Mrs. Jeon explains.
"An old friend of yours. When you were kids. Yoonie?"

"Ah, I hate Yoonie hyung for calling you," Jungkook sulks.

"Anyway, I have to go and call Nari. She needs to come home," Mrs. Jeon shyly says. "We also need to meet with her parents to cancel the wedding."
"Finally!" Jungkook breathes out.

"But I hope we can meet your family soon, Taehyung?" Mrs. Jeon suggests.

"Let's talk about it in the future, Mam," Taehyung gives her his boxy smile. "For now, let your son and myself enjoy our vacation. Iceland is so beautiful.
Oh, and please keep this within our families first. I haven't introduced Kook to any of my family members, and I don't want them to find out through gossip columns or social media posts."

"Of course, of course," Mrs. Jeon assures him. "We will do whatever you want."
"Thank you, Ma'am," he smiles brightly.

"Maybe you can start calling me Mom, too?" She giggles. "Or mother sounds better, right?"

"Bye, Mom! Taehyung is hungry, I will feed him!" Jungkook says and cuts the call, pouting.

Taehyung laughs so hard that his stomach starts to hurt.
"You're fucking filthy rich and you didn't tell me?" Jungkook is mad.

"Why are you upset?" Taehyung stops laughing. "I don't go around introducing myself and saying how much I'm worth. It's absurd!"

"Fuck! I have a bigger problem now!" Jungkook hits his head on the table.
"Stop thinking about problems and prepare our breakfast now," Taehyung demands.

"Wow! I know you're rich, but I'm not your maid," Jungkook glares at him.

"Oh, I remember you saying earlier that you'd do anything I want. Did I hear it wrong?" Taehyung asks innocently.
"I hate you!" Jungkook stomps his feet but proceeds to prepare breakfast. He was about to make new pancakes, but Taehyung stops him.

"Let's eat what you cooked earlier," he points at the plate by the stove.

"But they're already cold," Jungkook reasons out.
"Then just put it in the pan for a few seconds. It will be hot again," Taehyung suggests as he stands up and opens the fridge. He gets some fruits that will go well with the pancake.

"For a filthy rich person, you seem to be frugal," Jungkook comments. "I like it."
"I also remember you telling your mom that you love me and you won't leave me," Taehyung chuckles. "Why are you so dramatic?"

"Well, I didn't know who you were," Jungkook admits. "I wanted her to know that I'm not changing my mind. Now, my Mom worships you.
I was worried she'd be able to dig some things about you. They're capable of that, you know? Turned out she's already in love with your wealth. I'm sorry."

"Hey, can we not dwell on it?" Taehyung offers. "I'm used to people being attracted to me because of my status."
"For the record, I liked you before I even found out who you are," Jungkook blurts out, then gasps, covering his mouth.

"Is that a confession?" Taehyung teases him.

"Shut up!" Jungkook is red all over.

"Don't be shy," Taehyung teases more. "I'm all ears."
"I'm leaving," Jungkook stands up and pretends to be angry. But he is just extremely shy.

"Okay," Taehyung shrugs and starts to eat his pancakes.

Jungkook sits down again. "You know I'm not leaving. I like it here with you," he confesses. "But let's change the topic for now."
"What do you want to talk about?" Taehyung asks.

"I'm fine with anything," Jungkook tells him, shoving a big chunk of pancake inside his mouth.

"Tell me about that job offer in Seoul," Taehyung asks carefully. He has an idea earlier, but he wants to confirm it.
"But first, what do you do for a living?"

"I develop games and sell them to companies," Jungkook informs him.

"You don't work in any company in Paris?"

"No," Jungkook answers. "I'm actually a street artist in Paris. I love to paint people. So I develop games to have money.
Then go to the streets to do what I love.'

He smiles brightly, talking about his passion.

"What about the job in Seoul?" Taehyung asks again. "What's the story there?"

"Aah, it's actually a very generous offer," Jungkook starts. "My hyung, the one mentioned by mom earlier,
contacted me about four or five months ago, asking me if I have games I recently developed. I have one then. It's an IQ game."

"Oh, God," Taehyung whispers, putting down his fork and focusing on Jungkook.

"Huh? Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, surprised by Taehyung's reaction.
"I think I just fell in love with you, Jeon Jungkook," Taehyung blurts out.

"You're crazy!" Jungkook laughs. "You like games that much? Or painting?"

"Both, to he honest," he tells him the truth. "Gaming and painting are my weaknesses. Now my only weakness is you."
Jungkook laughs again. "You're smooth!" He exclaims. "Please stop with your sweet words, or I'll believe you."

"Go on with your story," Taehyung picks up his fork to eat again.

"Where was I?" Jungkook asks himself. "You distracted me with your crazy pronouncements."
"You developed an IQ game," Taehyung supplies.

"So apparently my hyung's boss loved the game and bought it," Jungkook grins. "I made a lot of money. That's why I can afford this trip and I can live comfortably back in Paris. I sold about 5 games already, before this one.
To companies here in Europe and in the US."

"Wow! You're rich," Taehyung comments, really impressed.

"Comfortable, I guess. But not that rich," Jungkook grins. "Rich is you. Old rich, sleeping on money."

"Yah! I'm hardworking, and I don't live on my parents' wealth."
"Ooh, that's sexy!" Jungkook winks at him.

"I'm actually launching my own company when I get back," Taehyung says proudly.

"That's impressive! Will you marry me, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks. "I think I'll be secured forever if I marry you. I'd love to be your husband."
"Stop it! You're distracting me," Taehyung laughs. "Continue with your story. You haven't even touched on the job offer in Seoul."

"You're so impatient. It's all interconnected," he continues. "So Yoonie hyung's boss was so impressed with my game. He wants more.
They offered me to be the Head of Game Development Department of KTH Gaming."

"Did you accept the offer?" Taehyung asks nervously. He badly wants this man on his team.

"I haven't replied yet," Jungkook tells him. "I have a lot of things to consider. I have a week to decide."
"Like what?" Taehyung asks. He will definitely give anything to this man to have him sign with his company. He loves his IQ game. A lot.

"Well, we got rid of the main problem," Jungkook chuckles. "I didn't want to come home because of the arranged marriage."
"Oh, I'm so glad to have helped you with that!" Taehyung grins happily.

"You seem to be so excited about this," Jungkook chuckles. "You're making me excited, too!"

"It's very exciting, don't you think?" Taehyung encourages him. "It's a great opportunity. A challenging one.
And the responsibility being given to you, wow! Head of a department! And since it's a gaming company, you'll be the heart and soul of it."

"Why are you so good at this?" Jungkook asks. Taehyung is getting more and more attractive to him.

"I'm a sweet talker," Taehyung laughs.
"By the way, you mentioned that the main problem is solved, the arranged marriage. What other issues do you have for not accepting the job?"

"Just another one," Jungkook hesitates. "I'll miss my art. I'll miss painting."

"That's not a problem at all!" Taehyung almost shouts.
"Wow! You're really so enthusiastic about this," Jungkook observes. "You know what? That's what I want the most from a partner. Supportive. It's such a bonus that you're too sexy."

Taehyung giggles. "You're a lot sexier. Fuck! Developing games! I'm so head over heels."
They both laugh happily. Attraction is getting deeper.

"Seriously, I think you can bargain an extra day off for your passion," Taehyung suggests. "Maybe they can give you a four day work week? Then, work on your art for the three days that you're free."

"Where will you fit in?
If I'm busy the whole week, when can I see you?" Jungkook asks. "I bet you're busy, too. How can we go on with this?"

"Are we seriously going to talk about us?" Taehyung asks.

"Yes? I think I've shown you since last night that I'm very attracted to you," Jungkook reminds him.
"And I want you to know that I'm definitely considering this job because of you. Because you're living in Seoul and I really want to know you better. Maybe progress into something more serious, make my Mom really happy."

Taehyung chuckles. "Wow. I didn't know you're that
attracted to me. But for the record, I'm also very interested in you, right before this gaming job was mentioned. I even entertained your Mom. And didn't you notice that I'm willing to see your family if you meet me in Seoul as well."

"I noticed. But I thought it's a bluff."
"It's not, I'd want to see you in Seoul or in Paris or wherever I can meet you," Taehyung confirms.

"Fuck! You're so romantic!" Jungkook giggles. "You're making me want to call Yoonie hyung and bargain the work schedule."

"Then call him now and find out what will happen,"
Taehyung encourages. "I might fuck you on this table when you finally agree to get the job."

"Aah, don't say something you don't mean," Jungkook warns. "I'm calling hyung now."

"Video call him. I want to see your hyung. I'll introduce myself as your boyfriend after you talk."
Jungkook giggles.

"What?" Taehyung is getting impatient. "Let's stand by our lie."

"I will turn that lie into a hard truth," Jungkook says courageously. "I will make you my boyfriend by the end of this trip. I swear."

Taehyung laughs heartily. "I'd like that."
Taehyung is wondering who will Jungkook contact. It can be Seojoon or Yoongi.

He hears the ringing on the other side.

"Kookie! Are you finally joining us?" It's Yoongi.

"Hyung! Not that fast, I have one request," Jungkook looks at Taehyung and the latter nods in encouragement.
"What is it? I'm sure I can work my way to give it to you," Yoongi says calmly.

"You know I love painting, and I don't want to stop once I start working with you, if I start working with you," Jungkook starts.

"Okay? So what's the request?" Yoongi wants the details fast.
Taehyung smiles at Yoongj's no-nonsense attitude. It's very efficient.

"Well, I was hoping you could allow me to have a four day work week?" Jungkook asks nervously. "So I'll still have time to paint and do my passion."

Taehyung raises his thumbs up to Jungkook, grinning.
"That's it?" Yoongi asks.

"That's it!" Jungkook confirms.

"Deal!" Yoongi approves, and Taehyung wants to shout in happiness. But he controls himself.

"What made you change your mind? You were undecided when you called me yesterday about the place I stayed in in Iceland."
"The wedding is off, hyung," Jungkook grins at Yoongi.

"Wow! Congratulations!" Yoongi is so happy for his childhood friend. "You look so happy, Kookie. I'm so happy for you."

"Well, hyung, there's a more important reason why I'm happy now," Jungkook grins at Taehyung.
"Well, I met someone here in Iceland," Jungkook starts.

"You're in Iceland?" Yoongi is suddenly very alert. "I know someone who's there right now."

"Apparently, the place you stayed in before was booked by someone else," Jungkook continues, not paying attention to Yoongi.
His eyes are focused on Taehyung and his beautiful smile. "And that someone else is now my boyfriend. I'd like you to meet him."

Jungkook pulls Taehyung to sit on his lap.

"Hi, hyung," Taehyung greets Yoongi, smiling wide.

"What the fuck!" Yoongj curses. "What are you doing?"
And to show Yoongi that they are, in fact, an item, Jungkook kisses Taehyung on his cheek.

Taehyung giggles, and Yoongi lost it.

"Oh my God!" He exclaims. "Jeon Jungkook! Do you know who's sitting on your lap? You moron!"

"I know him, hyung," Jungkook says proudly.
"My boyfriend! Kim Taehyung!"

Yoongi opens his mouth but closes it again.

"I understand you, hyung," Jungkook chuckles. "My Mom was also shocked when he saw Tae."

"Tae? Your mother?" Yoongi is so shocked he's just repeating some words Jungkook said. In question form.
"Yes! Mom decided to let me go when she met Tae earlier."

"They've met?" Yoongi goes into a higher level of shock.

"Like this, hyung," Taehyung explains. "Video call."

"And your boyfriends now?" Yoongi asks.

"We are," Jungkook intertwines their fingers.

"You met when?"
"Last night. Mrs. Jung let me in the unit, thinking I was Tae," he narrates.

"Kim Taehyung, explain!" Yoongi demands.

"Hyung, you're being rude," Jungkook pouts.

"Kookie, I'm not," Yoongi exhales loudly. "I'm telling you, I'm not. Kim Taehyung!"

Taehyung cups Jungkook's face.
"You trust me, right?" He asks.

Jungkook nods, getting drunk with the other's touch. And to his surprise, Taehyung kisses him on the mouth.

It's just a simple kiss, lips touching, and not even moving. But Jungkook is loving it a lot that he moans.
"Oh, fuck! Stop it!" Yoongi shouts.

The two giggle, giddy with their first kiss, before facing Yoongi again.

"Wait!" Taehyung stops Yoongi who clearly has something to say. He looks at Jungkook, willing him to listen. "Again, for the record, I liked you since last night.
I even told you that you can stay here."

"Yeah, I know," Jungkook nuzzles his neck.

"Please don't make out in front of me," Yoongi begs. "And Jungkook, since you're being horny right now,"

"I'm not!" He protests.

"Don't deny. I can see through you," Yoongi glares at him.
"Fine!" Jungkook admits, blushing profusely.

"Listen to me, you brat," Yoongi commands. "You need to report to the office on a Monday, three weeks from now. I'll be sending you the final draft of the contract within the day to include the request you made a few minutes ago."
"Okay, hyung," he smiles, very happy with his decision.

"We have this verbal agreement, so you can no longer back out," Yoongi tells him. "Or you will be facing legal consequences, am I clear?"

"You don't need to scare me like that!" Jungkook whines. "I'm not backing out."
"I just want everything to be clear," Yoongi fake coughs. "On your first day, come in a suit. That's the official launch within the company. Everyone will be introduced to one another. It's a formal event. Another one will be the public launch, a week after. Formal as well."
"When will I meet the CEO? The one who loves the IQ game I developed?" Jungkook asks. "Will he be in both events? I'd really love to meet him."

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Are you playing a game with me? It's not funny. You're both crazy!"

"Huh?" Jungkook is confused.
"You really don't know?" Yoongi becomes serious. "Oh, my God, Kim Taehyung, I will kill you!"

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook looks at Yoongi, who is dead serious, then at Taehyung, who is suddenly nervous.

"Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi shouts from Seoul.
"Tell him, hyung," Taehyung is looking directly at Jungkook.

"Look at me, Kookie," Yoongie gets his attention. "I'm cutting the call after this statement."

"You're making me nervous," Jungkook whines.

"Meet the CEO of KTH Gaming, the man you'd love to meet, Kim Taehyung."
And true to his word, Yoongi cuts the call immediately.

"Surprise!" Taehyung shakes his hands in the air awkwardly.

Jungkook groans and hides his face against Taehyung's chest. He feels totally ashamed.

Taehyung lets him process it first, not daring to move or talk.
Taehyung thinks he messed up and is ready with his apology.

But Jungkook speaks first, without lifting his head, still hiding his face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispers. "I feel like a fool now."

Taehyung breathes out, "I'm sorry. I really am," His voice breaks.
"I purposely didn't tell you before you agreed to it because I'm selfish," he starts. "I want you for the company so bad. I didn't want to ruin our chance to get you by telling you that I am the CEO. Somehow, I know it will affect your decision.
When I heard you say IQ game, I Iost it. I realized you're the one who developed my favorite game that the company will launch next month. I told myself that the company should have a chance to get you. On a personal level, the attraction zooms up, I want you to myself as well."
Jungkook sighs and looks up at Taehyung.

"You had no idea about me?" He asks.

"None at all," Taehyung admits. "I just found out earlier. I had a hunch when your Mom mentioned an offer. But I knew it when you described the game. Because it's the best we have right now.
I trust Yoongi hyung and Seojoon hyung on recruitment. I didn't even know you were being recruited, I guess they really saw your potential."

"So you will be my boss?" Jungkook asks another question.

"Technically," Taehyung is honest. "Though as a head of a department,
you'll get to decide what's best for your team. But you'll also have to take responsibility for it."

"Will it be okay if I date the CEO of the company I work for?" Jungkook ponders. "Will it not create a problem later on?"

"Maybe if you abuse your connection?" Taehyung grins.
"But I won't allow that. I'm a professional."

"I am, too!" Jungkook whines. "You know we can date outside the office."

"Or we can date inside my office," Taehyung suggests.

"Hyung, I'm just bothered right now," Jungkook confesses.
"What if people think that I got the job because I'm dating you?"

"What's the truth, Kook?" Taehyung prods him.

"I didn't," Jungkook responds, pouting, knowing where their conversation is leading.

"You got the job because you're good at it," Taehyung assures him.
"Let people talk. They don't know the truth. They don't matter to you . To us."

"But hyung," Jungkook still protests. "Tae, they will talk about you, too. Your reputation might take a hit."

"Let me get it straight," Taehyung stares at him. "Correct me if I'm wrong.
Are you suggesting that we end this attraction that we have for each other because of other people? Or would you rather not accept the job? Do you just want to take one and not the other? But you can have both. We have to be honest as early as now.
When I get myself into something, I'm all in. I'm not into half-baked, half-ass commitment. So tell me what you want right now."

Jungkook is in awe.

"Hyung, you're fantastic," he says with heart eyes. "Why would I let go of the possibility that I can have you?
Though, I can let go of the job. As long as I can be with you."

"That's not going to happen. No," Taehyung rejects his proposition. "You're an asset to my dear company. You can't back out now. You already agreed. Did you hear Yoongi hyung's warning? Aren't you afraid of that?"
"Well, yes. I clearly heard the threat," Jungkook chuckles, then smiles sweetly at Taehyung. "I'm taking everything that I can take. And that includes you, CEO Kim Taehyung. So we're doing this, yeah?"

"Only if you want to," Taehyung leans closer. "Only if you're ready for me."
"I'm not sure if I'm totally ready," Jungkook honestly says. "But I am a versatile man. I can do almost everything above average. I promise to give you all of me, true and unadulterated."

"I'll take your word for it," Taehyung decides. "Deal?"

Taehyung extends a hand.
Jungkook accepts it. "Deal."

Taehyung stands and pulls Jungkook up.

"As early as now, I'd like you to know that I'm always, always true to my words," Taehyung says softly. "And what did I say that I'd do if you decide to get the job?"

Jungkook shivers all over.
"Now?" Jungkook asks dumbly. "It's morning."

"Does it matter?" Taehyuhg walks towards his room. "It's now or never. To seal the deal?"

"O-okay," Jungkook stutters. "Ahm, let me get something in my room."

"I have everything we'll need," Taehyung says, taking his shirt off.
"Are you sure, hyung?" Jungkook asks again, standing just outside Taehyung's room.

"I am. No pressure, though," Taehyung sits down on his bed and rests his back on the headboard. "Will you let me fuck you, Kookie?"

"Who am I to disagree?" Jungkook stands in front of him, and
strips to nothing. "Where do you want me?"

"Wow, your body's a wonderland," Taehyung murmurs.

Jungkook giggles. "Reciting song lyrics now?"

"Don't be a brat! Come here and kiss me," Taehyung commands. Jungkook obeys. Until their bodies can no longer keep up with their desires.
Their first day of sight seeing was a disaster. They were not able to see anything because both of them were not able to communicate properly with the locals.

Before lunchtime, they went back to their place, already tired. They just spent the afternoon in bed.
That night, the Jungs invited them for dinner. They informed them that Jungkook would be staying and that they would cut the visit short.

They will just go to the beautiful tourist destinations and quaint areas around that the two of them would decide on.
Helga advised that since they're pressed for time, they should join tours for sure transportation and a structured schedule.

The new couple realized that it would be the best option.

The married couple were caught off guard when Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips while they were
hanging out for tea after dinner.

The two revealed that they're indeed dating, and the blunder made by Helga resulted in something great.

They also talked about how they know Yoongi. Because all of them were able to meet because of him.

Hoseok met him in a group tour in
the country they're in, where he also met Helga, one of the designated tour guide to their group.

Taehyung met him in college. They became groupmates in one of the assigned tasks. They automatically clicked and remained close friends until now.

Jungkook knew him since forever.
They were neigbors in Busan.

Yoonie came about because Jungkook had a hard time pronouncing Yoongi properly back then. And even after he can say his name with no problem anymore, the nickname remained.
Now that they're packing to leave Iceland, they are discussing the most memorable places they've visited in the last 11 days.

"We agreed that our favorite is Godafoss, the waterfall of the Gods," Taehyung remembers. "It was so majestic! Probably that's why it's also
called as The Beauty. I took a lot of pictures."

"You took a lot of pictures in every place that we visited," Jungkook teases him.

"You're not wrong," Taehyung giggles. "Out of all the pictures, the best one is our selca with the aurora borealis as our backdrop."
"I love it, too!" Jungkook agrees. "I will have it framed so we can display it in our home in Seoul."

Taehyung stills.

"You're agreeing to live with me?" He asks, breathe hitching.

"Well, there's no place else I'd rather be," Jungkook reaches out for a hug.
"When we get there, I want us to find a new place. I don't want your family to think that I'm taking advantage of you. I'm loaded, too. I can buy us a house."

"Then that's what you'll do, then I'll move in," Taehyuhg smirks. "So I'll be the one taking advantage of you."
"There's another photograph that I'd like to frame," Jungkook suddenly remembers. "The one that I clicked on the black sand beach of Stokksnes and your backdrop was Vestrahorn Mountain. You, in that place, were breathtaking. I didn't know how I survived that day."
"You're a smooth talker, Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung hits him on the chest. "Let's sort out the pictures when we arrive in Seoul."

"I think your photos when we visited Geldingadalir are blackmail materials," Jungkook laughs. "But I'll keep them all, I don't want you to divorce me."
"Yeah, I'll divorce you without getting married!" Taehyung laughs as well. "To be honest, my legs were shaking when we were there. I was too afraid that the volcanoes would erupt and eat us alive."

"That's what you call adventure, baby," Jungkook kisses his neck.
"Yah! Stop that adventure of your lips, or we'll not be able to leave," Taehyung warns but gives more access.

"I'm crazy about you, Tae," Jungkook whispers against his skin.

"I know," he whispers back. "But we need to go to Paris so we can pack your things.
Say goodbye to your friends there, as well."

"I also want to take you to my favorite places in the city of love," Jungkook says excitedly.

"Tell me where you'll take me," Taehyung asks as he checks their belongings, making sure they have everything in their luggages.
"Just ordinary places I frequent," he responds as he backhugs Taehyung. "To the quiet cafe near my apartment where I love to watch passers by. To the river for a boat ride around the bend. To the park at night so I can kiss you underneath the moon."

Taehyung faces him.
"You're such a romantic!" He pecks his nose.

"I didn't know I had it in me," Jungkook gives him a quick kiss. "I'm like a new person since the day I met you. I feel more alive."

"I'd like to visit the Louvre again," Taehyung suggests and Jungkook laughs.
"Here I am confessing my inner feelings to you and you're thinking about the Louvre," Jungkook boops his nose. "We will visit the Louvre. We will go wherever you want to."

"What about Maldives?" Taehyung teases.

"I love the beach so why not? But maybe we can schedule?"
Jungkook has a playful smirk. "I'll be reporting for work soon and I need to impress my boss. Maybe after I develop 10 more games, I can ask for a vacation."

Taehyung burst out laughing.

"Let me give you a tip," he says when he calms down. "Just kiss him and he'll give you
anything you want. Maybe if you let him fuck you everyday, you can sneak in a travel every two months, all expense paid trips."

"You think so?" Jungkook continues to play along. "He's loaded like that?"

"He is," Taehyung grins. "And crazy about the man he met in Iceland."
"Really?" Jungkook asks, suddenly serious.

"I think that CEO would want you to meet his parents and brothers at the launch of his company so he can introduce you as his boyfriend," Taehyung is subtly asking.

"I'd wear my best suit," Jungkook smiles lovingly. "I have to look
the best so I can stand proudly beside him. Because he is the most gorgeous person I've ever met."

"I think I'm falling in love with you," Taehyung confesses.

"I feel I'm already in love with you," he leans in and kisses him softly. "Let's get married?"

~ FIN ~
Thank you so much for joining me in this journey. Another story for the #GProject has come to an end.

This is for you, @HelmoniBTS
I hope you like it!

I'll see you all again at the end of the month for the next one.

Much love,

• • •

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More from @sataekooklang

Jun 26, 2023
They go up the stairs, hand in hand.

Taehyung's body hums in excitement. Jungkook's shivers in nervousness.

They reach the room and hold each other's gaze.

"I think nothing will happen if we just look at each other," Taehyung giggles nervously. "Fuck, why am I also nervous?
You're nervousness is rubbing into me."

Jungkook chuckles awkwardly. "I'm technically a virgin for more than a year now."

"So we're basically the same," Taehyung grins, eyes crinkling. "We're laughing like crazy as if we're not making love any minute now."
He steps closer to his boyfriend and gently cups the tent in his pants. "Let me take care of you, Jungkookie."

Jungkook simply nods, his attention focused on his hard dick and the hand rubbing it oh so slowly.

"Tae..." he says, voice broken.

"What do you need, Jungkookie?"
Read 28 tweets
Jun 19, 2023
"Dinner is impossible with my schedule, Hyung," Taehyung says a bit downcast. "But I can do brunch."

"Then let's do brunch," Yoongi agrees immediately. "I'm sure Jin and Hobi would also be glad to see you."

Taehyung chuckles dryly. "Will they?"

"Can we join?" Namjoon asks.
"Of course, you can," Taehyung chuckles. "Let's schedule, yeah?" He looks at Yoongi again.

"Okay," Yoongi agrees. "Can I get your number, Tae?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, I didn't realize my phone died," Yoongi says, bothered. He grabs Jungkook's phone from his hand just then.
He shoves it to Taehyung. "Please save your number here."

"Okay," Taehyung accepts the phone hesitantly. But he doesn't want to be rude. He keys in and saves his number. He hands it over to Jungkook instead of Yoongi.

"Call him," Yoongi demands.
Read 171 tweets
May 15, 2023
Taehyung is sleeping when Jungkook arrives at Yugyeom's home. Instead of waking him up, he lies next to him and embraces him tight.

His boyfriend doesn't wake up, and he is glad that he is getting the rest that he needs after taking care of him the previous night.
break up with you if you ever pass out drunk again."

"I'll just have a bear tonight," Jungkook raises a hand in a promise. "I won't risk it. I'm too scared of my boyfriend to even get tipsy here."

They share a good laugh with that.

"The sea breeze feels nice," Taeyung smiles.
"That's why we chose this," Lana explains. "We're always holed up in our respective work places. When we're off, we stay in. We miss hanging out like this."

"You must thank us," Jungkook says smugly. "If not for us, you'd be home watching a drama like every old couple."
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