"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we want you to know that we see you just as you are," indeed!
See things as they are, this #TransDayOfVisibility, including predatory males and brave trans-identified people who choose not to be part of the "affirmation-only" #gendergrift.
They are among the most reasonable voices I know on Twitter, consistently rational and kind.
Buck Angel @BuckAngel is brave here on Twitter, and also on their YouTube where they address real issues such as inappropriate targeting of youth for lifelong medical treatment and longterm effects of T such as vaginal atrophy, .
Remember early trans-identified icons such as #MirandaYardley, mirandayardley.com/en/, longtime friend of lesbians and trans voice in defense of lesbians.
, whose twin brother is also attracted to men (but with less religious baggage).
"Trans is not a thing you are, but a think you do," and the sooner we can be clean about that, the more clearly we can discuss the many public-policy issues that trans identity raises.
We can protect "gender" expression and single-sex spaces both.
"Trans" has never been one thing but an umbrella often pushed without appreciation for its true diversity, hollylawford-smith.org/talking-past-e…, which varies greatly by
• Age at onset
• Motivation for change
• Political awareness
We particularly need to watch for comorbidities in youth.
Too much of the "trans" agenda is really a male sexual-rights campaign, focused on "forced teaming" of inattentive liberals who confuse "identity" claims with LGB orientations.
It is important to distinguish zero-cost "liberty rights" (such as free speech) from zero-sum "claim rights" (such as private property or participation in a restricted sport category).
As a general rule, men pretend to be women for access to private spaces, while women have pretended to be men for access to public spaces and opportunity.
If one accepts public spaces are the divine right of men, as is the case in Afghanistan or many other parts of the world, Bragg is right. Male entitlement is under direct attack, and compromised.
But why were female-only spaces created?
What public policy do they serve?
I cannot recommend Affirmation Generation strongly enough, especially for those new to these issues. It is engaging with up-to-the-minute data, both viewable AND downloadable via vimeo.com/800032857.
I particularly loved this graphic which shows the lock-step #gendergrift factory model.
My lightly-adapted, emoji version, with slightly more emphasis on the dangers of "social transition," which study shows is more of a launch pad than short respite.
Lisa Selin Davis @LisaSelinDavis, 2022. Liberal media refuses to tell full truth about transgender kids. New York Post, nypost.com/2022/12/10/lib……, 10 December 2022.
🧵 Links from article unrolled below…
Puberty retardant "blockers" and then cross-sex hormones likely to cause sterility.
PJ Cheng, AW Pastuszak, JB Myers, IA Goodwin & JM Hotaling, 2019. Fertility concerns of the transgender patient. Translational andrology and urology, 8(3), 209–218. doi.org/10.21037/tau.2….
Vast majority of children w gender dysphoria will overcome their angst w puberty.
R Kaltiala-Heino, H Bergman, M Työläjärvi & L Frisén, 2018. Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics, 9, 31–41. doi.org/10.2147/AHMT.S….