Rory Profile picture
Hegemonic "transgender" ideology is sexist, homophobic and anti-feminist: deeply body and sex-negative. Biology ≠ bigotry. Truth ≠ transphobia. 2 + 2 = 4
Liz Panton #POW 4 Newcastle East and Wallsend Profile picture Formerly Woke 🇺🇸 Profile picture Diane Profile picture 4 subscribed
Feb 26 6 tweets 3 min read
Sam Keen was one author popular among "mythopoetic" men thirty or so years ago, especially his 1991 book Fire In the Belly: On Being a Man.…

Image An excellent sense of his insights can be found by searching for terms such as “phallus” or “goddess” in this book, or , noting how far they fall from Andrew Tate or today’s “manosphere.”……
Feb 19 9 tweets 5 min read
The "mythopoetic" men's movement came into prominence in the mid-1980's, as various books about archetypes emerged into popular, public consciousness.

Books such as Jean Shinoda Bolen's Goddesses in Every Woman and Robert Bly's Iron John drew insights from myth and fairy tales.

"Mythopoets adopted a general style of psychological self-help inspired by the work of Robert Bly, Robert A. Johnson, Joseph Campbell, and other Jungian authors."

Thousands of men are still active in such "work," with hundreds of circles…
Feb 12 11 tweets 4 min read
Modern male socialization in the United States often falls short on "EQ" or "emotional intelligence," such that men have trouble distinguishing even basic emotions in themselves and others.

This creates a number of problems, so a thing I often share is a "multiple choice" tool…
Image Adapted from page 38 of Bill Kauth’s 1993 book A Circle of Men, this tool has a number of key advantages, both in its simplicity and its rhyming.

When pressed, most men can identify one of these four feelings, and often even clarify where in their body they feel it. Image
Feb 5 15 tweets 5 min read
Male friendships are an area that merits discussion, with examples in literature from the epic of Gilgamesh forward.

How can men today normalize better friendships as part of healthy masculinities?

#MasculinityMonday #Masculinities #MasculinitiesMonday…

Image Male friendships in the 19th century were more common, affectionate and sentimental than most friendships today, as touched on at .

“Homosociality” is common from middle childhood forward, but persisted for US men longer in more sexually segregated…
May 13, 2023 56 tweets 10 min read
Translated from the Dutch at…. Image Examining Differences between men and women

Source:… (translated to English)

There are visible but also less visible differences between men and women.
May 10, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Blood-serum hormone levels are a red herring, since most of male competitive advantage is mechanical and permanent with male puberty.…

This man is an entitled asshole, and male bodies should NEVER colonize female sport. Image Sports have rules and categories for sound reasons of equity, dignity and safety, with DECADES of data across every sport showing clear and persistent advantage across events.…

Categories and rules are not created capriciously, but methodically refined.
Apr 18, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
“The Minbari say the only way to understand the battle is to understand the language. War is as much concept as execution.”

A #2023Thread on language. 🧵 “Queer theory” is shallow and facile, coming entirely out of language and literature departments, half-clever pseudo-intellectuals in love with their own vagueries and pretensions.

Some are philosophical idealists,, but most are playing silly wordgames.
Apr 15, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
HUGE congrats @RevFemStBeat and the other women of #GetMenOut New Jersey for their protest against male felons in female prisons, and solid coverage in the New York Post,…!

This is the best I've seen yet in the United States.

Brilliantly done! @RevFemStBeat The UN "Mandela Rules" or "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners" state that male and female prisoners should never be housed together.…

To do so is a human-rights violation, under Rule 11, "separation of categories." Image
Apr 12, 2023 21 tweets 9 min read
I've been meaning to create a #2023Thread on some basic biological terms for a while now, and apparently today is the day…

🧵 Biology is the study and science of life, and reproduction is a basic category of all living things.

Ignoring viruses for today, reproduction can be classified as sexual or asexual.

Single-celled organisms such as bacteria reproduce…
Mar 31, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we want you to know that we see you just as you are," indeed!

See things as they are, this #TransDayOfVisibility, including predatory males and brave trans-identified people who choose not to be part of the "affirmation-only" #gendergrift.

🧵 Corinna Cohn @HeteroDorx is one trans-identified male who deserves greater visibility on #TransDayOfVisibility2023.

They are among the most reasonable voices I know on Twitter, consistently rational and kind.
Mar 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It is important to distinguish zero-cost "liberty rights" (such as free speech) from zero-sum "claim rights" (such as private property or participation in a restricted sport category).…

Male bodies should not colonize female-only spaces. As a general rule, men pretend to be women for access to private spaces, while women have pretended to be men for access to public spaces and opportunity.

This is an important distinction.
Mar 25, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

🇳🇿 KJK' video of Auckland is up at….

#LetWomenSpeak #LetWomenSpeakNZ
Feb 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I cannot recommend Affirmation Generation strongly enough, especially for those new to these issues. It is engaging with up-to-the-minute data, both viewable AND downloadable via Image I particularly loved this graphic which shows the lock-step #gendergrift factory model. Image
Feb 17, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
A #2023thread on grief and grief resources 🧵 “Growing Around Grief,”… references Lois Tonkin, 1996. Growing around grief—another way of looking at grief and recovery, Bereavement Care, 15:1, 10,….
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
One cannot talk about "sex" in biology without acknowledging anisogamy, and that is the key error in this (often-referenced) thread. The definition of sex (across kingdoms) is tied to gametes, whether plant or animal.

Male gametes are small and motile.
Female gamers are large and sessile.

Sex is determined by what gametes a structure, organ or individual can support.
Dec 12, 2022 26 tweets 9 min read
Lisa Selin Davis @LisaSelinDavis, 2022. Liberal media refuses to tell full truth about transgender kids. New York Post,……, 10 December 2022.

🧵 Links from article unrolled below… Puberty retardant "blockers" and then cross-sex hormones likely to cause sterility.

PJ Cheng, AW Pastuszak, JB Myers, IA Goodwin & JM Hotaling, 2019. Fertility concerns of the transgender patient. Translational andrology and urology, 8(3), 209–218.….
Nov 30, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Good people who essentially trust institutions have trouble understanding the main issues with "pediatric transition" because they don't understand it is a business model.

The pediatric #gendergrift is not medicine so much as an assembly-line toward easy profit.

🧵 A thread… Naive parents and youth think they are "buying in" to a science-based treatment regimen, but the profit model is not in curing or health but in creating lifelong medical patients, through induced anxiety and a series of systematically replicable, fairly low-skill steps.
Oct 17, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
There is an organization in the US called Braver Angels @BraverAngels, which specializes in teaching people skills to de-escalate tribalisms, particularly political tribalism such as the US red/blue divide. 🧵 I attended an online workshop on "Depolarizing Within" this weekend, which focused on preparing oneself to be more fair-minded and calm in potential conflict or escalation scenarios, and got some good tips.
Oct 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"Doctors never simply affirm a patient’s self-diagnosis for a new condition, except for gender dysphoria."…

To what extent have patients who present with "transgender identity" elected to remove themselves from all normal medical protocols?

#Abandonment I know the medical ethics of this, but when licensees have been legislated into a corner, indifference seems the only logical choice.

Some patients are simply less sympathetic than others, and foolish or crazy patients can quickly land on that list.

#LetThemDie #SelfTriage
Oct 16, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Chad Terhune, Robin Respaut, and Michelle Online, 2022. Youth in Transition: As more transgender children seek medical care, families confront many unknowns. Reuters Special Report,…, 6 October 2022. "Puberty blockers and sex hormones do not have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for children’s gender care. No clinical trials have established their safety for such off-label use. The drugs’ long-term effects on fertility and sexual function remain unclear."
Oct 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
"Rape is a specific form of torture used most frequently against women. To subject female prisoners to thread of rape and sexual assault is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and a form of psychological torture."…

#KPSS #KeepPrisonsSingleSex "The United Nations ‘Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners’ (called the Nelson Mandela Rules) require that 'different categories of prisoners shall be kept in separate institutions or parts of institutions, taking account of their sex… The United Nations ‘Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatme