- BEM: reusable components and code sharing
- OOCSS: promotes code reuse and modular design
- Suit CSS: structured class names and meaningful hyphens
Utility based:
- Tailwind: utility-first CSS framework
- Daisy UI: customizable and themeable Tailwind extension
- Flowbite: faster website development with Tailwind components
- Atomizer: unopinionated CSS utility library
CSS Frameworks:
Bulma: components for responsive web
Bootstrap: powerful, extensible, and feature-packed
Ant Design: React styling framework with a unique design language
React MUI: UI tools for faster feature shipping
Vue Vuetify: modular, performant components
Material Design:
- React MUI: production-ready components for Material UI
- Vue Vuetify: meticulously crafted components for Material Design
- Svelte Material UI: strictly typed Svelte components and actions
Pre/post processors:
- Sass: mature, stable, and powerful CSS extension language
- Less: leaner feature set and CSS-like syntax
- PostCSS: adds vendor prefixes based on current browser popularity and property support
React Headless CSS:
- Radix: unstyled, accessible components for high-quality design systems and web apps
- Headless UI: completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components
- MUI Base: unstyled React UI components extracted from MUI
React CSS in JS:
- Stitches: CSS-in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class developer experience
- JSS: authoring tool for CSS which allows you to use JavaScript to describe styles in a declarative, conflict-free, and reusable way.
Thanks for reading!
If you want to learn about any of these technologies in this list, I've created a @NotionHQ document with descriptions, links and documentation.