1/ New research @UniLUT@KeinerDominikdoi.org/10.1016/j.apen… investigates the role of #hydrogen in on- and off-grid residential solar PV prosumer systems as seasonal storage option in cost-optimised micro sector-coupling systems until 2050.
2/ Power, heat, transportation segments are modelled and analysed in 8 scenarios varying the availability of grid connection and cars in the system, compared to a 9th grid-only scenario. Cost-optimised solution found via linear optimisation of #LUTprosume model.
3/ Modelling of small-scale water electrolyser and fuel cell economic input data based on growth rates, learning rates and scaling of size. Capex strongly depends on device capacity and is usually high for small-scale applications.
4/ Core results show limited application case for hydrogen storage system. Mainly Northern regions found suitable for hydrogen seasonal storage use if no grid connection is available. No single case found for on-grid scenarios with beneficial hydrogen system use.
5/ Self-consumption ratio especially in off-grid scenarios is low, as highly oversized cheap solar PV capacity with battery storage is a more cost-effective solution in most regions.
6/ Higher self-consumption found for on-grid scenarios; balancing via grid more cost-effective and solar PV capacities can be kept smaller. Self-consumption for on-grid w/o hydrogen confirming earlier research: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
7/ Similar to the global overview, comparable results have been found for the #German case, in particular, for single-family houses and tenements: journals.aau.dk/index.php/sepm…
8/ Least cost battery capacity (in kWh) per least cost solar PV capacity (in kW) up to a factor of 4 if standard EV used in off-grid; on-grid factor of up to 1.8 sufficient; with standard EV at least 5 kWh in all regions in 2050.
9/ One issue for PEM: #iridium based on 0.04-0.12 kWel #electrolyser and #FuelCell per kWp PV, 400-1200 GWel electrolyser and fuel cell capacity can be estimated by 2050 if all 9970 GWp prosumer PV would be equipped. Ca 1000 GWel can be produced, if 50% of potential is used.
10/ Conclusion: #Hydrogen in residential micro sector coupling beneficial for off-grid niches; least cost system with solar PV + battery achievable even off-grid; seasonal balancing via grid more beneficial; high FLH for electrolyser and fuel cell indicate inflexible operation.
1/ New research @UniLUT @hasretshnmetu examines the net energy performance of 9 #decarbonisation global energy transition scenarios until 2050 by applying the systemwide #EROI at the electricity level. @NatureComms doi.org/10.1038/s41467…
2/ Methods: The energy quality discrepancy of #EROI analyses was overcome with alignment to the energy quality level of electricity () and analysing #EROI on system level instead of technology level.
3/ Key findings signify that 9 energy transition scenarios remain at the upper limit of the net energy cliff (above 10), and they are feasible from a techno-economic perspective. #100RE systems do not result in any significant disruption to #EROI trends.
1/ New research @UniLUT shows the impact of transportation on the final cost of green e-ammonia imported to #Europe . Cost of imports from #Chile & #Morocco are assessed for the case of shipping and pipelines in 2030-2050. doi.org/10.1016/j.jcle…
2/ Methods: The central focus of the paper is the impact of transportation on the overall competitiveness. Based on detailed e-ammonia cost modelling transportation via pipelines & shipping was considered, incl terminals, ships, storage. Imports vs domestic costs are investigated
3/ e-Ammonia production costs depend on availability of wind & solar resources. Today regions with excellent wind resources yield the lowest costs. In future, lowest cost ammonia is produced in regions with the best solar resources. Deeper cost analyses: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
1/ New research @UniLUT demonstrates that a #100RE system for the Caribbean & Puerto Rico can be achieved with an important role of offshore floating PV in case of land restrictions. New insights @eu_scores & @serendipv_eu ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10268…
2/ Novelties: first #100RE study for the Caribbean & Puerto Rico considering all energy sectors (power, heat, transport). First inclusion of offshore floating PV in an energy system optimisation model, based on earlier analysis on the case of #Maldives . doi.org/10.1016/j.apen…
3/ background: Puerto Rico has a #100RE target for electricity , while scientific studies are missing. Review on scientific #100RE system studies for islands reveals substantial research gaps for the entire Caribbean bvirtualogp.pr.gov/ogp/Bvirtual/l… doi.org/10.1002/wene.4…
1/ New research @UniLUT examines critical materials in the energy transition. It finds the current definition is short term & local. Cobalt, copper, nickel, others, may face severe supply issues in two decades. A global approach is vital. doi.org/10.1016/j.mine…
2/ The core analysis reveals the complexities of critical materials in the energy transition. The current criticality concept is influenced by short-term local concerns, hindering a globally agreed list of critical materials.
3/ Global material flows are complex. Reserves don't always align with production locations. Politics & geology are entwined, complicating coordination. Global data can hide local challenges. Cobalt criticality ties to politics, silver to overexploitation. Balance is vital.
1/ New research @UniLUT identifies the Solar-to-X Economy as the central element towards prosperity in Africa and South Asia. Both regions will reach more than 50% of world population & energy demand in this century. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
2/ Africa & South Asia represent 40% in world population and 17% in primary energy demand today, but will grow to 60% of world population and more than 50% of primary energy by end of this century.
3/ Energy systems will develop towards a Solar-to-X Economy as shown on the case of #Africa. This is a special case of the Power-to-X Economy . South Asia follows the same path.
1/ New opinion article @UniLUT & international collaborators doi.org/10.1371/journa… discusses requirement of tightening the 1.5°C climate target to avoid risk of elevating climate tipping points. A 1.0C climate target is a safer target and possible via negative emissions.
2/ Even the 1.5°C climate target requires about 500 GtCO2 negative emissions if fully accounting for uncertainties. Climate budget according to @IPCC_CH for reaching 1.5°C with max certainty has been used up in early 2022.
3/ Though reaching the 1.5C target seems already hard to reach, it is not a safe target for civilisation. Local extreme weather events will have global consequences risking global food security doi.org/10.1038/s41558…