April 6th, 2023: @Twitter has been randomly shutting down API access for many apps and sadly we were affected today too. Hopefully we will be restored soon! We appreciate your patience until then.
Some people in the SARS2 aware communities overseas keep asking me to help them find the correct words to use in King’s English to describe aspects of the pandemic response. So I’ve collated their questions and this thread is just to help them out. #IgnoreMe
“How should I describe public health not telling the general public that SARS2 is an airborne virus, and that wearing a respirator type mask (and only that type of mask) might help protect them from infection, disability and death?”
Oh that’s called attempted MURDER.
“When a government decides to empty hospitals of elderly patients into care homes, without quarantining or testing them, resulting in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths what’s that called?”
Ah yes, that would be mass MURDER!
“What word should I use to describe forcing parents to send their children into schools with no mitigations, regardless of if they live with clinically vulnerable parents, on threat of legal action and hefty fines?”
An obscure word that, the word for that is MURDER!
“If a government just abandons the clinically vulnerable to their fate in an airborne pandemic, with no mitigations, assistance or advice whatsoever what’s that called again?”
Oh yes, that’s a thing called social MURDER!
“Remind me what’s the word for removing all masks and infection controls from hospitals full of immunocompromised patients, leading to their inevitable infection with a BSL3 level pathogen resulting in unnecessary deaths?”
On the tip of my tongue, MURDER yes that’s the word
“If public health stops providing information about prevalence, variant pathogenicity, and stops providing tests, whilst a BSL3 virus is raging, and the public are just told to take sensible precautions appropriate for them, what’s that called?”
Oh, we call that MURDER.
“You say 7/7 but you haven’t said END, why haven’t you said end Jim?”
Ah that’s because there is no end to the number of ways our government and public health officials have been and are carrying out MURDER.
I might do another thread on another day to further help my cousins overseas with their vocabulary. They are looking for words to describe the specific people in power who made the decisions regarding the pandemic response. I think the word BASTARD might pop up in that thread.
If you write/tweet often enough eventually you’ll find your voice.
I think I might be finding mine, it’s a voice utterly pissed off with my species.
So here’s a thread of misanthropy laced with depression that I’d suggest you ignore. #ApologiesAgain
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If I took the tablets my doctor wants me to take I’d probably start thinking humans were ok.
But I’m not taking them, because I don’t want to be so utterly mistaken.
Extroverts, introverts, black, white, gay, straight, men, women, right, left, rich and poor, EVERY demographic contains a very high percentage of complete and utter a*holes. #ImNotPrejudicedWhatsoever
A thread of four RAGE tweets about covid, on the theme of husbands who’ve moved ‘beyond covid’ now and are living their ‘best lives’ regardless of their partners mask wearing and clearly expressed desire that they don’t want to be repeatedly infected with covid. #Apologies
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Busy day at the office? Don’t neglect your loved ones. While having a quick pint on the way home you can pick up some covid to give them and show them how much you love them.
Nothing says you love your sweetheart more than damaging their heart with a viral infection.