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Apr 7, 2023 54 tweets 11 min read Read on X
Tsukki sends this to bokuto when he wants to get laid and is outside of his house. No one believes Bo because tsukki deletes his texts afterwards.
#bktsk #bokutsuki nsfw nsfw


Kei sends the text off, zipping his jacket up further as he waits for Bokuto to come open the door. The night is cold after a long day of burning sun, and it sends goosebumps over his skin. Goosebumps he would rather be caused by the occupant of
The townhouse he was standing in front of. He can hear Bokuto bounding down the stairs and braces himself for the energetic man to open the door.

‘Tsukki!’ He exclaims as he opens the door, smiling from ear to ear. With all of his concentration on Kei like this, it sends a
Shiver down his spine, reminding him too well of what it feels like to be pinned underneath the massive man, his golden eyes pinning Kei in place with their piercing stare. ‘Are you cold?’

He shakes Kei from his memory. ‘Yes, someone is blocking the entire doorway,’ Kei snarks,
Clicking his tongue and sliding past Bokuto as he shifts over. Bokuto shuts the door behind him, an apology on his lips that is forgotten when Kei unceremoniously drops his bag on the floor, shoving at Bokuto’s shoulders until he’s backed against the door, and swallowing the
Words with his own mouth pressed firmly against him. He wastes no time deepening the kiss, hands coming to slide their way up Bokuto’s shirt as the older man chuckles into the kiss.

‘Impatient, Tsukki,’ he breaks the kiss, tilting his head to give Kei access to his neck. Kei
Murmurs a shut up as he licks his way along the familiar skin, latching on at a spot that causes Bokuto to groan, eyes fluttering closed. Kei feels one of his hands move to rest on his hips, squeezing slightly. Bokuto’s hands are huge, warm and calloused as they brush along the
Sliver of skin between Kei’s shirt and pants. He can’t hold in the whimper at the familiar feeling, sinking deeper into his desire every time Bokuto does something that signifies how much larger he is than Kei.

Sure, Kei has him beat in height, but Bokuto takes the cake in
Every other area. Width, personality, overall stature. It’s hard for a semi-pro athlete Kei’s size to find someone who can check those boxes for him, and it’s probably part of the reason Kei has kept this going for as long as he has.

They had started hooking up in college,
When fates had aligned(Bokuto’s words) to bring Kei to the same school as him, join the same team as him. Late night practices lead to late night hookups in the showers lead to Kei keeping Bokuto’s number favorited in his phone even after he has to quit the college team to take
The offer from the Frogs. (Kei had expected Bokuto to whine and pout that he was joining the v-league in some capacity before him, but was only met with Bokuto’s earnest grin, so bright Kei had to look away.)

Now, in different cities, Kei still finds himself gravitating towards
The former owl. He’s once again brought back to the present when he realizes Bokuto’s hands are both on his waist, trying to guide him backwards. He pulls off of the mark he was cementing in the crook of his neck to glare at the man.


‘No?’ Bokuto stops moving, a
Questioning look on his face.

‘No.’ Kei reiterates. ‘You absolutely do not get to post pictures like /that/ on your story and then expect me to wait till we’ve moved to your bedroom,’ he explains, sliding down Bokuto’s front until he’s kneeling in front of him, face to face
With the growing bulge in his sweats. Bokuto laughs above him, but it quickly turns to a moan as Kei mouths along his still clothed half hard dick.

‘Didn’t know you’d like it so much, Tsukki,’ he jokes, threading his fingers through Kei’s hair.

‘Liar,’ he retorts but it’s
Muffled as he continues to nuzzle his way down Bokuto’s quickly growing erection. The picture in question had been a stupid thirst trap taken with the blonde Miya in the gym, a pair of sweats similar to the ones he was wearing now doing little to hide the size of himself. Kei’s
Mouth had been watering since seeing it, mind drifting to how heavy Bokuto always feels on his tongue all day.

‘Made you ah-‘ Bokuto keeps talking, voice growing more affected as they go. ‘So desperate for it you won’t let me take you to bed?’ Kei levels another glare at him,
Before trailing his mouth upwards, pressing a kiss right next to the trail of hair leading to his final destination. Bokuto’s abs jump in a reflex, cursing quietly as Kei tugs the pants down.

Bokuto doesn’t quite ‘spring up’ as the authors of the smutty books Kuroo always gets
Him to read like to describe it, his cock a bit too heavy for that, but it does jut out from his body in a way that has Kei moaning out loud, straining against his own pants. He wants to dive in, to choke on it until the only thought in his mind is Bokuto, but he remembers his
Endgame, what his brain kept circling back to this morning, and he waits. His hands fist in the material of his own pants, resting on his bent knees as he blinks up at Bokuto, the perfect picture of patience. Bokuto’s beam widens, recognizing Kei’s game from a mile away.

You want to be a good boy for me today? I made you that horny from a simple picture I already broke you, huh?’ Kei’s gut is coiling tighter and tighter, arousal racing through every vein in his body. He nods. ‘Shit. Okay, alright. Glasses on or off?’

‘Off.’ Kei lets Bokuto
Gently pull his glasses off, folding them and letting them hang from his shirt. He tries to not think about the sign of trust that he lets Bokuto handle his glasses, let alone keep them on his body for the next part. Instead, he angles his face upwards, turning his pleading eyes
To Bokuto’s face. Bokuto grasps himself, stroking once or twice to ease the pressure, before slowly rubbing the tip of his cock along Kei’s face. He starts at Kei’s lips, closed only by sheer willpower, smearing his precum on them, before moving to slide them along his cheeks as
Well, eyes tracking the path he makes.

‘This what you wanted, huh? You’ve been so patient haven’t you? Open up.’ Bokuto commands, and Kei’s stomach clenches at his tone, mouth dropping open. As Bokuto slowly feeds his cock into Kei’s mouth, Kei’s grip on his pants starts to
Loosen, feeling sated by the stretch on his lips trying to accommodate the sheer mass of Bokuto, the slightly salty slightly bitter taste he had been craving all day. He moans, his own eyes closing as his world narrows down to being a tool for Bokuto’s pleasure. Bokuto’s hips
Twitch when he hits the back of Kei’s throat, hissing out an apology as Kei gags at the sudden movement. He goes to pull back but Kei moves before thinking, hands darting up to wrap around the back of Bokuto’s thighs, keeping them connected. Bokuto groans at that, holding still
For a moment before moving again.

‘Shit, fuck you’re such a slut for me, huh? So good baby, so good. You take me so well pretty boy.’ Praises fall from his lips as he continues rocking his hips, encouraged by Kei’s hands kneading along his thighs, by the tiny whimpers Kei lets
Out. He’s honestly in heaven, feeling the velvety weight of Bokuto drag across his tongue as he slowly fucks his face. Every word that falls from Bokuto’s lips keeps him feeling syrupy sweet, unable to focus on anything too specific as the usually innocent man spouts out complete
Filth, knowing he did that to him. He forces his eyes open, wanting to see how affected Bokuto was. He knows his own face is probably a mess, wet from tears and saliva, flushed from a lack of air, but wanted to see the smiling Bokuto losing his own composure. Golden eyes meet,
And Kei shivers, whining at the way Bokuto’s eyes bore into his own. His sounds set off a chain reaction, and before he knows it, Bokuto is holding his head in place as he cums directly down Kei’s throat.

‘Oh fuck, Kei. That’s it, take it, fuck. Take my cum baby, so good.’
Bokuto keeps up the praises, slipping back to the usage of Kei’s first name as he so often does during sex. One of his hands tightens in Kei’s hair, and it’s enough to have Kei spilling in his own pants, his own hips twitching as the weak orgasm washes through him. Bokuto groans
As he realizes what’s happened, slipping out of Kei’s mouth to drop to his own knees on the floor next to him, shoving his tongue in Kei’s mouth. Kei responds eagerly, trying to crawl into Bokuto’s lap but he’s held back.

‘Your glasses, baby. We don’t wanna smash them,’ Bokuto
Chides him. Kei rolls his eyes mentally, ignoring the way his heart flips at the care, and tries to keep the displeasure at being denied off of his face.

‘Koutarou,’ he whines. His voice is wrecked, hoarse from Bokuto’s cock dragging along his throat. ‘Please.’

‘Bedroom,’ he
Demands, helping Kei stand. Kei battles his urge to be as close to Bokuto as possible to power walk to the bedroom as Bokuto laughs behind him. His laughs are silenced when Kei’s discarded shirt smacks him across the face. By the time Bokuto makes it to the bedroom, Kei’s already
Laying bare in the middle of the bed, palming his still half hard cock. Bokuto carefully sets Kei’s glasses on his nightstand before tossing his own shirt to the floor and crawling to hover over Kei.

‘Hello, pretty baby.’ He smiles down at Kei, so close but not actually making
Any skin contact with him. Kei tilts his face up, lips pursed, until Bokuto presses a chaste kiss to his lips.

‘Koutarou,’ he murmurs again. ‘Was I good for you?’

‘So good, Kei.’ Bokuto kisses a path down Kei’s neck, latching on to his collarbone.

‘Do I deserve a reward for
Being so good?’ He prompts, hoping that Bokuto’s not in the mood to deny him.

‘Of course. What does my baby want?’

‘Wanna ride you. When you’re ready. Until then you can do whatever you want to me, I won’t cum again, promise.’ He watches Bokuto mull over the offer. Bokuto
Normally likes to take complete charge, including being the one to dictate the pace and the speed while Kei pulls the strings in the background. It’s not unheard of for Kei to ride him, but it definitely happens less often than Kei would like.

‘Anything I want?’ He clarifies.

Kei almost regrets the deal when he finds himself face down with Bokuto behind him, three fingers and a tongue inside of him. He’s sobbing into the pillow, shaking at the effort of holding his orgasm back. ‘Please, please Kou, I’m too close,’ he begs.

‘You said
Anything I wanted though baby. Don’t you wanna be good for me?’ Bokuto pulls back, sinking his teeth into the meat of Kei’s ass.

‘Koutarou,’ he sobs. Bokuto pulls his fingers out, cursing as Kei’s hole clenches around nothing. Kei whimpers at the loss, trying to catch his

‘Show me how good you can be and beg,’ Bokuto says, slowly sliding the tip of his once again solid cock over Kei’s sloppy rim. Kei whines at the feeling of him, and begs.

‘Please, I’ll make it so good for you. Wanted it all day, please Koutarou, please.’ It’s not the
Best begging he’s ever done but it’s enough for Bokuto, who flips the both of them. Kei gasps as his legs are stretched even further apart as he’s made to straddle Bokuto.

‘Okay. It’s yours, baby boy. Take it.’ Bokuto reaches up to brush the tears back off of Kei’s face, laying
Back and allowing the blonde to lower himself down on his cock. Kei’s mouth drops open, feeling the thin line between pain and pleasure blur as he’s split open by the man below him. Three fingers were enough to make him loose, but not loose enough to fit all of Bokuto inside
Without a pause. He sinks lower and lower, hips rolling almost involuntarily as he fucks himself on Bokuto’s dick. When he’s fully seated, Kei has to stop for a few moments to collect himself so he doesn’t cum at the feeling of being so stuffed full. He’s vaguely aware that he’s
Shaking again, but finds it hard to concentrate on anything other than the way he can feel Bokuto’s dick in his throat, and the praises once again encouraging him.

‘Kiss,’ he demands, ignoring the way Bokuto coos at him, laughing as he presses their lips together.

‘You’re so
Cute Kei.’

He’s too far gone to care, finally able to move without immediately falling over the edge. His pace starts slow, building up speed as he goes. Bokuto’s hands wander up his back, along his chest, thumbs brushing his nipples before moving up to tangle in his hair,
Never settling on one place for too long. It’s the most Kei lets him do as he rides him so he takes advantage. Kei’s seeing stars, blood racing as he scrambles closer and closer to the edge. When his orgasm hits him, it’s 100 times stronger than the one before, his vision whiting
Out as he slumps onto Bokuto’s chest, hole clenching almost painfully around Bokuto’s cock. To his credit, Bokuto works him through it expertly, until Kei is shivering above him.

‘Hey, pretty baby,’ he mutters as Kei finally tilts his head up. ‘You good for me to pull out?’
‘Did you cum again?’ He asks, confused how he missed it.

‘No, but it’s fine.’ Bokuto reassured him.

‘No,’ Kei shakes his head, laying it back down on Bokuto’s chest. ‘Use me, fuck me til you cum inside me. Please.’ He feels Bokuto’s cock jump at that, the groan he lets out
Rumbling through his chest directly into Kei’s ear. He doesn’t waste time, planting his feet on the bed and slamming his hips into a boneless Kei. He gasps as the over sensitivity courses through him, but Bokuto doesn’t slow down. He uses Kei as directed, fucking into him with
The sole purpose of getting himself off once more. Kei takes it, shuddering and whining.

When Bokuto finally hits his peak, he cums to a groan of Kei’s name, and the feeling of Bokuto filling him up is enough to push Kei back over the edge a third time.

They lay there for a
While, until Bokuto is clear headed enough to help Kei move off of top of him. One thing to be said about Bokuto is that he does not skip aftercare, and after cuddling Kei half to death, he drags them both to his bath to clean up. Once Kei confirms that he’s spending the night,
Bokuto helps him into clothes he can sleep in, and they curl in bed next to each other.

‘Kou, can I see your phone?’ Kei asks, stifling a yawn. Bokuto nods, passing it to him.

‘Setting an alarm?’ He asks.

‘Not quite.’ Instead, with skilled fingers, Kei swiftly pulls up his
Own message thread, deleting the original text. He’s done before Bokuto realizes what he’s doing, and he laughs as Bokuto whines.

‘Kei, they seriously never believe me. You can’t leave it there once?’

‘Nope. Screenshot it before you open the door one of these times,’ he
smiles, knowing that Bokuto always forgets. Bokuto sighs dramatically into his skin.

‘One day, one day I’ll show them.’


• • •

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