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Apr 12, 2023 544 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Bound, a #yoonminau—[a/b/o]

There is a reason why Yoongi doesn't believe in marriage and commitments. He is not sure if he is made for any of that.

The alpha is quite satisfied with the life he is living while he nears 30. A single life with no responsibility.
- Dom/Sub kind of relationship
- Mpreg
- miscommunication
- Yoongi is terrified of commitments
- Jimin is terrified of being a burden
- Angst
- alpha Yoongi/omega Jimin
- will add more tags if needed
Yoongi looks at the papers on his desk and lets out a tired sigh before dialling a number.

“What are you doing?” he wonders as soon as Hoseok picks up the call.

“I am dying under the paperwork my boss sent my way,” Hoseok, his secretary and best friend hisses.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, pressing his thumb and index finger at the corners of his eyes, “let's go for dinner. I am done for the day.”

“I am not?” Hoseok says, “I literally have four files glaring at me!”

“Dump them in the bin for the night,” Yoongi chuckles, “boss' order.”
Yoongi finds himself sitting on Hoseok's car's hood, eating noodles out of a cup, while Hoseok leans against the car.

“Why are you here with me now?” Hoseok wonders, the alpha's eyebrows scrunched in confusion, “where's your omega? Isn't it the third day of the week?”
“I don't have an omega,” Yoongi stirs the noddles in the cup, “Jimin is busy with his work. He wanted this week off.”

Hoseok hums, “how long has it been since you are seeing this sub?”

Yoongi thinks, frowning at his best friend, “two years?”

Hoseok gives him a pointed stare.
Yoongi gives a pointed glare back, “you know how these things work. My last sub was with me for four years.”

Hoseok looks at the river beside which their car is parked, “I know, just...” he looks back at Yoongi, “with Jimin, you are different.”

Yoongi arches a brow.
Hoseok's lips twitch, “you can't tell me you didn't notice.”

Yoongi leans back against the car, wiping his mouth, “I don't know what you mean.”

Hoseok snorts, hoisting himself up on the car too, “you are more,” he gestures vaguely, “aligned with him. With his needs.”
Yoongi gives Hoseok a teasing smile, “I am a good dom.”

Hoseok snorts, “no doubt. But, that's not the point, and you know it!”

Yoongi shrugs, looking at the river, “no, I don't. That's all I am to him, and he is to me. I refuse to see more in this.”

Hoseok sighs, “right.”
Yoongi shifts the conversation to something else. By the time Hoseok drops him off to his building, Yoongi is tired. He goes up the lift to his apartment and loses the jacket right after his shoes.

On his way to his bedroom, he pauses by the door that is Jimin's room.
He likes to give his subs privacy. Whatever they get up to, Yoongi keeps it out of the sub's bedroom. He has never been there. He doesn't set his foot inside that room where he knows the subs build their nest or leaves their things.

Tonight, he wants to. Walk inside.
He lets out a deep breath before he grasps the door knob, and twists it. The door opens silently to the room.

Yoongi steps over the threshold and looks at the bed. There is a nest, a little messy, a little unkempt. Yoongi feels his throat tightens when he sees his clothes in it.
The room's air is tinted with Jimin's scent. The flowery scent carries around the four walls. Yoongi watches the dressing table where Jimin left a few boxes open. Yoongi's gifts lying around carelessly. The diamond necklaces, earrings, bracelets, all left there.
Yoongi frowns. He gifted them to Jimin for the omega to keep. Take it with himself.

Yoongi walks further in, peeking inside the closet. He stares at the lines and lines of clothes he gifted the omega. Jimin hasn't taken anything home.

Yoongi knows Jimin doesn't need it, but…
He traces the fine materials of the clothes with his fingertips. His eyes skimming each one.

Jimin comes from a filthy rich family. He doesn't need any of these. But, Yoongi buys these for him anyway. He goes all around the world for his work, and he brings things for Jimin.
Yoongi pulls out his phone, dialling Jimin's number.

“Yes, hyung?” Jimin's voice is sleepy.

“Were you asleep?” Yoongi sits on the stool in the closet, “did I wake you? Sorry.”

Jimin chuckles, “no, hyung. I was just working.”

Yoongi frowns, “it's past midnight, blossom.”
Jimin sighs, “the year ending is nearing, hyung,” he sounds tired, “everything is a mess right now.”

“You are not driving home, are you?” Yoongi wonders, “come over to my place. It's closer than your own house.”

Jimin clicks his tongue, “can't. Appa is taking me home.”
Yoongi leans on his legs, elbows resting on his knees, “tell him you will be with me.”

Jimin snorts, “and, when he asks why would I be with you, what do I tell him? That we are in this dom/sub kind of relationship? He will have a heart attack.”

“It's time he does,” Yoongi hums.
Jimin laughs, “stop trying to give my appa heart attack! What did he do to you?”

Yoongi's lips twitch when he hears the omega's giggles, “nothing? He is just a very good competitor of ours in the business field, and I wish him unwell.”

“I will cut the call,” Jimin threatens.
Yoongi chuckles, “fine, fine. I wish him long life. Long enough to see his grandkids. Is that good enough?”

Jimin is quiet for a few seconds before he hums, “yeah, good enough.”

Yoongi smiles at the tiles, “I will see you next week then? Or, you will drop by tonight after all?”
Jimin gives a warm chuckle, “I will see you next week, hyung. Sleep well. Yes?”

“Yes,” Yoongi sighs, gets off the stool, “blossom, you will reach home and text me. Yes?”

“Yes, I will,” Jimin hums, “I will send a nice picture too. Any special wish?”

Yoongi smiles, “come over.”
Jimin huffs out a laugh, “good night.”

He cuts the call. Yoongi goes to bed that night with a picture of Jimin on his screen. The omega's half face buried in the pillow, his sleepy eyes staring at the screen.

Yoongi closes the app, turning his phone off before he falls asleep.

The next week comes with Jimin in the living room. Sitting taut and poised. Yoongi sitting in front of him, a little confused because Jimin looks pale. His trembling fingers grasped over his lap as he tries to visibly collect himself.

Yoongi waits for Jimin to speak.
“I am pregnant,” Jimin breathes out, eyes never leaving the floor.

For a second, Yoongi just stares. His mind reeling with the words. His entire being locking up with this feeling of unknown.

Jimin clears his throat, “with your pup.”

Yoongi lets out a deep breath.
Jimin's throat bobs when Yoongi doesn't utter a word, “I am not asking for you to support me or anything,” he sits taller, spine straight, “I am completely capable of taking care of my pup on my own. I just thought you would like to know. You don't have to be involved at all.”
Yoongi feels his throat is running dry, “I...” he searches for eloquent words and finds nothing, “I don't know what to say.”

Jimin offers a shaky smile, “yeah, your expression speaks for it.”

Yoongi takes a deep breath, “you are thinking about keeping the pup?”

Jimin blinks.
“No, no, I mean,” Yoongi rushes, “are you sure about it?”

“That I want to keep the pup?” Jimin arches a brow, “yes. I do.”

Yoongi swallows, “do you want me to...” he grips his hands together on his knees, “what do you want me...”

Jimin sighs, “I don't want you to do anything.”
“I know how terrified commitments make you,” Jimin's lips twitch with a small smile, “I know you want to grow old alone, have the entire place for yourself to just chill. I know all that. I am not here to want anything from you. I had this information, I let you know.”
“I earn enough, so I don't need money,” Jimin counts, “I told my parents. They demanded to know about the father, but I brushed it off, saying it was a one-night stand. I will keep it that way,” Jimin leans forward, “now, breathe. You look a little blue in the face.”
Yoongi takes a deep breath, “Jiminah...”

“I am here to just let you know and also,” Jimin rubs his hands together, “I can't be your sub anymore,” he forces a smile on his lips, “so, that's all I came here to tell you.”

Yoongi watches the omega, “since when did you know?”
“Last week,” Jimin shrugs, “took some time to stop freaking out over it. Took a few more days to realize, I want the pup. So, that's that,” he hesitates before looking down at his hands, “do you want me to sign some NDA or anything?”

Yoongi frowns, “NDA about what?”
Jimin sighs, “about me not telling anyone who the baby's alpha father is?”

Yoongi blinks, shakes his head, “no. I,” he shakes his head again, “I trust you if you said you won't tell anyone.”

Jimin offers a small smile, “good. Then,” he gets up, “I will go now. Goodbye, hyung.”
Yoongi steps in front of Jimin, “this is so sudden for me,” he swallows, “I just...”

Jimin's eyes are warm when they match Yoongi's disturbed ones, “hey,” he reaches to place a hand on Yoongi's chest, “breathe. It's okay. Really.”

Yoongi holds that hand in both of his, “right.”
“It will be fine,” Jimin says, as if to both of them, “okay? Now it seems like a huge deal, but, down the road, it will be fine.”

Yoongi searches Jimin's face, “if you want, we can try to do this together.”

Jimin frowns, looking at the alpha, “huh?”

Yoongi nods, “yeah?”
“I mean,” Yoongi licks his lips nervously, “we can,” he searches for words, “get married-”

Jimin laughs, pulling away, “no, hyung. I am not getting married because I got pregnant. I am sorry, I don't want to settle down like that,” his smile dims, “I want my alpha to want me.”
“If my parents come to know that you are the father and I lied, they will try to save their faces and get us hitched,” Jimin shakes his head, “I don't want that.”

“I will talk to them,” Yoongi shrugs, “fine, let's not get married or anything. But, I can't just brush this off.”
“What do you want to do?” Jimin wonders.

Yoongi looks at the omega's face, “I want to be a part of this,” he looks at Jimin's flat stomach and up at his face, “I know I don't want to be in a relationship or believe in marriage but,” he sighs, “I don't want you to face it alone.”
Jimin reaches to press his hand on Yoongi's forehead, “are you having a fever?”

Yoongi laughs, swatting Jimin's hand away from his forehead, “shut up! I am serious. I am not going to run off leaving you alone like this, okay?”

“Are you even ready for co-parenting?” Jimin asks.
“I will try my best,” Yoongi steps up to Jimin, “and, if I fail, you can teach me.”

Jimin's throat bobs, “we can't be anything more, though. I don't want to jeopardize more of us than we already did. I want you to find another sub if you want. Okay?”

Yoongi nods, “fine.”
Jimin smiles, “good.”

“What do we do now?” Yoongi wonders, eyes stuck on Jimin's stomach, “what,” he pauses, eyelids flickering, “can I?”

Jimin arches a brow, “just so you know, the baby is just a dot for now.”

Yoongi nods, slowly resting his hand on Jimin's stomach, “right.”
“All I feel is your toned abs,” Yoongi lets out a soft laugh.

Jimin bites back a small smile, “you are so lame, I swear.”

Yoongi smiles, looking up at the omega, “we got this,” his hands rest on Jimin's hips, “right?”

Jimin nods, assuring, calm, “yes, we got this.”
🥀 🥀 🥀
Jimin trembles in Yoongi's embrace when the alpha pulls him in a hug.

“I got you,” Yoongi whispers, his voice is like nostalgia to Jimin, reminding him of times they spent together, “I got you, blossom.”

Yoongi always got him. Brought him out of his headspace, his trance.
Except, this time Jimin is not in any trance. He is not struggling to get out of a headspace. This time, he is dealing with reality. A reality Yoongi is terrified of himself. Jimin closes his eyes, soaks up the alpha's scent, burying his face against Yoongi's neck. His eyes burn.
Jimin grasps onto Yoongi, his fists capturing the alpha's shirt in both of his fists. Jimin clings onto the alpha for dear life. For just a few seconds. He lets himself have that. Just long enough for him to soak it all up, but not long enough for the alpha to catch on.
He pulls back to look at the alpha's face, eyes taking in the face he came to adore for so long now.

“Just tell me how and when you want me to be there, I will show up,” Yoongi says, cups the side of Jimin's face, “okay? No questions asked.”

Jimin's heart cracks, “I will.”
He looks at the room that was once his, “I will send someone to clear that room out.”

Yoongi blinks, looking over his shoulder at the room, “right,” he keeps staring at the door, “right.”

Jimin forces himself to say it, to normalize it for himself, “your next sub will need it.”
Yoongi doesn't say anything, Jimin doesn't wait either. He believes in leaving with grace. The little bit of dignity he still has. He holds his head high, leans in to press a chaste kiss against Yoongi's jawline, and then he is walking out of that apartment and down to his car.
Jungkook is leaning against the car, the bodyguard's eyes flicker over to Jimin when Jimin walks up to him.

“Did you drop Tae home, kook?” Jimin wonders, getting inside the car.

Jungkook goes to the driver's seat, gives a stiff shrug, “he wanted to go see his boyfriend.”
Jimin eyes the bodyguard, “right.”

Jungkook is not really talkative. He starts the car, putting up the partition between them without Jimin saying. Jimin is glad, though. He leans against the seat and closes his eyes.

He doesn't cry. He has done that too much for a week now.
'It will be fine,' Jimin tells himself, 'I got this. I always got things done and this time I will get this done too. I don't need anyone.'

He doesn't need anyone, but he does want someone beside him. During it all. Jimin chuckles, shakes his head.

No, he won't think about it.
The high-profile BDSM club is still the same. Yoongi finds himself walking down the corridors to the rooms of the clubs.

His mind takes him back to that night when he first met Jimin. In this corridor itself. The omega running down the length of it, giggling with Taehyung.
Yoongi still remembers how hard the omega had slammed against his chest. How Yoongi had grasped the omega's elbows so Jimin doesn't fall right back. Yoongi can pinpoint that exact spot where they met. He sees the painting in front of which it happened.

He sighs, moving ahead.
It's a gathering and the members of the club are invited for it. Every year. Yoongi walks inside the vast room and his eyes automatically finds Namjoon. The man is sipping a juice, sitting on a plush couch. Yoongi goes to the alpha, sitting down beside him.
Namjoon offers him a dimpled smile, “was expecting you.”

Yoongi takes a glass of scotch when a waiter offers, “kind of given. Judging by, it's the year-end party.”

Namjoon chuckles, eyes wandering around the room, “no, because I heard about Jimin.”

Yoongi leans back, “oh.”
Namjoon watches him with observant eyes, “didn't think you will be around for this, really.”

Yoongi shrugs, “it was an accident, but,” he looks at Namjoon, “Jimin wants to keep the pup.”

Namjoon nods, “so, just co-parenting and nothing else?”

Yoongi nods, “just that. Yes.”
Namjoon's eyes follow a certain omega, someone else's sub, “just make sure to not catch feelings.”

Yoongi looks over to see Jin sitting on a stool by the bar, smiling up at his dom who is holding out a drink for him. He notices how Namjoon's jaw tightens when they kiss.
Yoongi leans back against the couch, sipping his drink. Namjoon looks away when Jin looks over.

“You didn't renew the contract with Jin?” Yoongi wonders.

“No,” Namjoon places his glass on the table, “it got complicated.”

Yoongi hums, looking around, “right.”
Namjoon pats Yoongi's thigh, arching a playful brow at him, “are you going to have a sub soon?”

Yoongi snorts, shrugging, “well, I might,” he takes another sip of his drink, “today Jimin told me I need to get laid. Literally.”

Namjoon laughs, “damn. Then, go and find someone?”
Yoongi knows he can easily walk up to any available sub and start chatting. He sees the available subs. The available doms have a white rose tucked in their chest pockets, and the available subs have a yellow one tucked in theirs. There are quite a few milling around.
Yoongi notices a few subs eyeing him. Their lingering gazes are quite noticeable. Yoongi leans back against the couch.

His phone buzzes. A security alert from his house.

'Mr. Park is here, sir,' his security sent, 'to clear out the remaining boxes.'

Yoongi blinks.
He calls Jimin and waits for the omega to pick up.

“Yes, hyung?” Jimin sounds a little breathless.

Yoongi frowns, “you didn't tell me you were going to drop by?”

Jimin chuckles, “I didn't know when I will get the time, hyung. I am just dropping by to take the last two boxes.”
Yoongi nods, “I will just be there-”

“No need!” Jimin chides, “you are at the party, aren't you?” he sighs, “hyung, enjoy! Seriously. I got the boxes. I am leaving already.”

Yoongi looks at the sub who is making his way over to him, “blossom, just-”
“Hi,” the sub approaches him with a polite smile, “I couldn't help but notice you are sitting alone.”

Yoongi's eyes snap to the sub's face.

Jimin's voice is warm in his ear, “talk. Have fun, hyung. Really, I just had to take away my belongings. It's fine.”

He cuts the call.

Jimin looks at the empty room. He feels like a tenant who is leaving because his lease is up. He knows this room saw people before him and he knows it will see people after him.

He wonders if the room has a bias. If the room could talk, would he choose him as its favourite?
The thought is so stupid, Jimin laughs. He slowly closes the door behind himself.

Jimin walks out of the apartment and back to his then.

He found a place for himself. Away from his parents. He is tired of their nagging about finding a mate, or at least a date.
Jimin goes home to an empty apartment and places the boxes on the living room floor before going to bed. He flops down on the mattress and carelessly strips his clothes off of himself.

He is nauseous by the time he buries himself under the duvet.
Jimin startles awake when his phone rings. He looks at the name and a sigh escapes him.

His parents sent him the guy's details. He knows the guy from work events and everything. Jimin watches the phone ring and with a curse he picks it up.

“Hey,” the guy greets, “Taemin here.”
Jimin looks at the darkness outside his window, the city is slowly falling asleep.

“Hi,” he whispers, turning on his back, “Jimin here.”

Taemin gives a soft laugh, “Thanks for confirming. I reached the right person then.”

Jimin's lips twitch, “yeah, you did.”
Before Taemin can say anything, Jimin is speaking, “listen, I don't know what my parents told you, but, I am pregnant-”

“I know,” Taemin stops him, “I know it. They didn't hide anything from me.”

Jimin frowns, confused, “then… why are you still interested?”
“I mean, why not?” Taemin sounds genuinely surprised, “you aren't with the alpha, are you? You are single.”

“Even then,” Jimin wonders, “I am pregnant. Why would you want to start something with an omega who already has so much baggage?”

Taemin hums, “because, it's you.”
“What does that supposed to mean?” Jimin frowns.

Taemin sounds endeared, “I mean, it's you. Park Jimin. I have seen you during those meetings. Those company parties. You are so fierce. So hard-working. So good at your job. You are enticing. Who wouldn't want you?”

Jimin blinks.
Jimin couldn't answer. His doorbell ringing. He looks at the clock and whines.

“Listen, I will call you later, okay?” Jimin gets off the bed, grabbing his robe to shrug it on, “someone is at the door.”

“Sure, I'll wait,” Taemin cuts the call.

Jimin walks up the door.
Jimin knows it's safe to open the door if Jungkook inspected the person and let them get to his door. He yawns behind his hand and pulls the door open.

His eyes widen when he sees Yoongi standing there, with a few paper bags in his hand. The alpha offers him a small smile.
Yoongi's eyes drag over Jimin's frame and the alpha's throat bobs before he is matching Jimin's eyes again.

“Am I disturbing?”

Jimin wraps the robe tightly around himself, hugging his middle, “uhh... no. But, why are you here?”

Yoongi steps inside, toeing off his shoes.
Yoongi reaches casually, hand going around Jimin's neck to pull him in. Jimin sucks in a breath when the alpha's lips press against his temple.

“Just missed you,” Yoongi rubs his nose over Jimin's cheekbones, “blossom.”

Jimin's heart aches, “you were in the party. I thought?”
Yoongi looks around the place, “yeah. Left early,” he eyes Jimin, “it was boring.”

Jimin tries to smile, “what are those?”

Yoongi looks at the bags in his hand, “well, I thought of bringing something to eat but realized, you shouldn't have fast foods. So, got some groceries.”
Yoongi walks towards the open kitchen, “did you eat?”

Jimin follows after the alpha, “yeah. I had some ramen.”

Yoongi sighs, “I knew it. Sit. I will make you something.”

Jimin stops by the counter, watching the alpha familiarize himself in Jimin's kitchen.

“Why, hyung?”
Yoongi looks at him, offers a small smile, “because I want to look after you. Is that okay?”

Jimin's insides churn, “you are horrible.”

Yoongi looks a little puzzled, “why?”

Jimin's throat feels tight, “you are. You are horrible.”

Yoongi slowly rounds the counter, “blossom…”
Jimin closes his eyes when the alpha stands right in front of him. He hisses when Yoongi cups his face between both of his palms.

“Blossom,” Yoongi whispers, “hey...”

Jimin wrenches his face away, “please, stop. Please,” he blinks fast, looking at Yoongi, “stop confusing me.”
“What did I do?” Yoongi tries to smile, confused, “am I not supposed to take care of you?”

“No, you are not supposed to,” Jimin pulls away, “if this is because you think it is your duty to look after the omega you accidentally knocked up, please leave. I beg you!”
Yoongi steps right up to Jimin, “I'm doing this because it's you,” his eyes are persistent, “I will never stop caring about you, blossom. Knocked up or not!”

Jimin turns away, squeezing his eyes shut, “you have to stop. This is not going to look well.”

Yoongi frowns, “to whom?”
Jimin looks at the bags of groceries on his counter. He inhales the alpha's maddeningly warm scent all around himself. He feels his eyes burn.

He cannot have Yoongi this close and hold himself up. He cannot.

“To the alpha I am seeing.”

The silence is deafening.
Jimin hears the alpha move. He feels the alpha right behind him.

“The alpha you are what?” Yoongi demands in a low voice, “seeing? Since when?”

Jimin grasps for words, “for a few weeks.”

The lie sits heavy on his chest. The words leave a sour taste on his tongue.
Yoongi's voice is tight, “so... you never thought of letting me know about this alpha you are seeing?”

Jimin shrugs, tries to force a sense of nonchalance in his voice, “in our contract, it was stated clearly that we can have relationships. We are free to-”

Yoongi growls.
He takes a hold of Jimin's elbow and turns him, “yes, I know that. But, you didn't even think about telling me?” those eyes are burning into Jimin's, “Jimin,” Yoongi grits out, “are you sure this pup is mine?”

The question burns. Jimin feels the sting. It hurts too deeply.
Jimin shakes his head, “do you want a test?”

Yoongi reaches to grasp Jimin's elbows, “do I?” his voice contorts, “did you sleep with him?”

Jimin wants to backtrack. He wants to assure the alpha that, no, he didn't. But, then... he doesn't want the alpha to be here like this.
“It's a fucking yes or no question, Jimin!” Yoongi seethes, his voice low, “did you sleep with him?”

“I think you should leave,” Jimin says, looking at the bags on the counter, “take those with you. I really don't want you here.”

Yoongi's arms flex, “answer me first.”
Jimin watches the alpha in front of him. The desperation clear in Yoongi's eyes. There is a part of Jimin that wants to lie but he knows it will do nothing. One test will get the result anyway.

He looks away, “I didn't,” he whispers, eyes snapping to Yoongi, “I didn't.”
Yoongi's eyes still search his face, “why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?”

Jimin feels drained, “because, I didn't think it was your business.”

Yoongi slowly lets Jimin go, taking a step back, “right,” he inhales deeply, “no, it is not. Of course, it is not.”
The alpha looks at the kitchen, back at Jimin, “he is good to you?”

The question is so sudden, Jimin blinks, looking up at Yoongi with furrowed brows, “huh?”

Yoongi gestures, “the alpha you are seeing, is he good to you?”

Jimin swallows, “why else would I be with him?”
Yoongi's eyes are observant, those lips twitch with a small smile, “right,” his chest expands as he takes a breath and nods, “then, I am happy for you, Jiminah.”

Jimin watches the alpha hesitate, looking at the groceries and back at him.

“I should leave, then,” Yoongi says.
Jimin hugs himself, “yeah, you should,” he watches Yoongi walk around him to leave, “take the groceries with you,” Jimin calls after Yoongi.

Yoongi pauses, looking over his shoulder at Jimin, “those are for you,” he offers a small smile, “keep it.”

Yoongi leaves.
“Why would you lie to him?” Taehyung demands, the omega perched on the dressing table, “you just met this Taemin guy, you are not seeing him. You didn't have to lie-”

Jimin glares at his best friend, “I had to! He,” Jimin looks at the mirror, “he confuses me.”
“He is so caring by nature,” Jimin looks at his own eyes, glossy, “he is so gentle. He cares so deeply that…” the omega swallows, “I keep taking it as something more. To him, that's normal. He is like that with everyone,” Jimin looks at Taehyung, “to me, it's everything.”
Jimin shakes his head, tears brimming in his eyes, “I can't keep falling for him when I am the only one falling,” Jimin feels his ribcage tightening around his heart, it feels like just that, “I can't keep hoping some day he will change his entire belief system and want me back.”
“I will never love someone as much as I love him,” Jimin blinks back the tears, “but, I can't let him know that. I can't let myself hurt, either. It's time I acknowledge my feelings and try to move past them. You know?”

Taehyung shakes his head, “how is that working for you?”
“Good,” Jimin forces the word out of his mouth, “I went on a date with Taemin. I liked him. Enough to agree to go on another. I am working on the project and thinking of him less and less. With time, it will get better. Much better.”

Taehyung doesn't look like he believes him.
“And, how is that fair to Taemin?” Taehyung wonders.

“I am not fair,” Jimin shrugs, “I am not god. It's not on me to be fair to everyone. He knows what he got into, and if he still stays, that's on him.”

Taehyung stays quiet then. Letting Jimin get ready for the day.
“Would you be fine if he finds another sub?” Taehyung wonders.

Jimin smiles, applying the lip balm, “yeah. I will,” he matches Taehyung's eyes through the mirror, “I always knew he will. Some day. I have no control over it. So, why bother being upset over it?”
They both startle when they hear the knock on the door. Jimin looks at the door to see Jungkook standing there.

The alpha is suited and ready for the day. He bows to Jimin and Taehyung.

“The car is ready, sir,” Jungkook straightens, “Mr. Park said you have a party to attend.”
Jimin sighs, nodding, “yeah,” he makes a face at Taehyung, “our company's success party. Please punch me in the face, so I am bruised enough, and don't have to attend?”

Taehyung snorts, getting off of the counter, “yeah, right. I will be going now. Enjoy your stupid party.”
“You should come with me!” Jimin grasps Taehyung's elbow, “please, come with me!”

“Nope!” Taehyung laughs, “it's Chinhae's birthday tonight. I will be out with him for the evening,” the omega's eyes twinkle, “then give him a nice ride at night.”

Jimin grimaces, “shut up. Ew!”
“Jungkook,” Jimin looks at his bodyguard, “take a day off. I will be with my family. There are too many guards anyway.”

Jungkook bows, “will do, sir.”

Jimin holds Taehyung's hand, “did you get him anything else as gift?”

Taehyung shrugs, following Jimin, “I am a great gift!”
Jimin stops the car in front of his office, looking at the driver and Jungkook in the passenger seat.

“Jungkook?” Jimin calls, “please drop Taehyung off to his house for me. Thanks.”

Jungkook's jaw tightens, “yes, sir.”

Jimin gets out of the car and walks inside the office.
Jimin feels nauseous from the exact moment he steps inside the party. There are too many scents. His sensitive senses picking up too many disturbances at once. He sticks to his father, sipping his juice and nodding along to whatever his father is saying. Smiling at the guests.
“Ahh, you could make it,” his father says, voice a little tight, “I didn't think you will have the time.”

Jimin watches Yoongi walk up to them, offering a polite smile to his father.

“You made sure I don't have the time by inviting me an hour ago,” Yoongi shrugs, “of course.”
Jimin watches how his father grits out a smile, “didn't want you here, if the message wasn't clear.”

Yoongi's smile is easy, “didn't want to be here congratulating you on a flourishing company, either. But, oh, well.”

They shake hands. Jimin can easily pick up on the tension.
“Stay a few more minutes,” Mr. Park says, “don't leave without meeting chim's boyfriend. Soon to be fiancé. Did he tell you about Taemin?”

Yoongi's eyes flicker over to Jimin, there is nothing but warmth, “he did,” he turns to Jimin's father, smiles at the man, “tell me. Yes.”
“Yeah, I hope he told you how different Taemin is from you?” Mr. Park states, “unlike you, he doesn't run from his responsibilities.”

Yoongi's eyes never waver from Mr. Park, the alpha's voice light, “are you calling your own son a responsibility? The one who runs this company?”
Mr. Park fumbles, “no? I am talking about the baby-”

“The baby is not Taemin's to take responsibility of,” Yoongi's smile dims a little, “the baby is your son's and mine.”

Jimin steps up to his father, “appa,” he touches his father's elbow, “drop it. Okay? Seriously. Drop it.”
“Why are you defending him, chim?” Mr. Park hisses, “he walked out on y-”

“No, he didn't,” Jimin hisses, “there is nothing to walk out of. I am not a liability! For heaven's sake, stop creating a scene!”

Mr. Park glares at him, fuming. The alpha tries to calm himself for Jimin.
Mr. Park looks at Yoongi with a false smile, “enjoy the party, Mr. Min.”

Yoongi nods, “I plan to.”

Jimin sighs when his father marches away, “sorry. He is just...” Jimin looks at Yoongi with a teasing smile, “old and orthodox. Wanted his grandkid to come after a wedding.”
Yoongi chuckles, sipping his wine, “I get that,” his eyes flicker over to Jimin then, “is this why you are planning on getting engaged this soon?”

Jimin shrugs, “I like Taemin. He is good. Things are good. I don't know why not. I am almost 28.”

Yoongi hums, “right.”
“I keep forgetting that people want to settle down by this age,” Yoongi smiles into his glass, “keep seeing the world from my eyes.”

“How is the world from your eyes?” Jimin wonders, “growing old alone?”

Yoongi hums, “pretty much.”

Jimin watches Yoongi, “it's scary that way.”
Yoongi's eyes are heavy on Jimin's face, “yeah. I don't wish it on you,” he smiles at Jimin, “Park Jimin, you are made for a big family. Lots and lots of kids. Grandkids. Chaos. I can see it in your future.”

For a second Jimin can see it too. He smiles with the thought.
“Yeah, I want that,” Jimin wants it so much, it's like a physical ache in his chest, “I want to grow old with my alpha. I want to have grandkids. I want a house full of people,” Jimin's eyes wander over Yoongi's shoulder, with a faraway look in them, “I want a big family.”
“Doesn't it overwhelm you?” Yoongi wonders, “the thought?”

Jimin blinks, looking at Yoongi and then the omega gives the alpha a teasing smile, “if it does get overwhelming, I will come to you. Will you let me hide in your empty mansion? For a few days?”
Yoongi nods, his eyes tender, “my doors are always open for you, blosso-” he pauses, shakes his head, “Jiminah. When your world gets too overwhelming, you can always lean on me. No questions asked.”

“I have to leave though,” Jimin doesn't know what they are even talking about...
“Get back to my world eventually.”

Yoongi looks over Jimin's shoulder, an unreadable expression on his face, “surely. I won't stop you from that, either.”

Jimin feels two arms wrap around his waist, someone resting their chin on his shoulder.

“Hi, dove,” Taemin whispers.
Jimin feels those arms tighten around his waist, making him breathless. He stands, in Taemin's arms, watching how Yoongi takes them in. Then the alpha is taking a step back, turning on his feet to walk away.

Jimin wants to laugh at the thought that he already feels overwhelmed.
Jimin looks at Taemin then, nudging out of Taemin's grasp, “hi.”

Taemin gives him a small smile, “hi, dove.”

Jimin smiles back, “you are late.”

Taemin makes an apologetic face, “sorry. Had to run an errand before coming here.”

Jimin nods, “no worries. Come. Let's meet appa.”

Yoongi watches the omega walk up to his father with Taemin by his side. Jimin says something to his father that makes the alpha smile widely at Taemin. Yoongi notices how Taemin's arm easily loops around Jimin's waist. The alpha leaning in to whisper something to Jimin.
Yoongi has to take his eyes off the omega when people walk up to him to talk to him. He has to pay attention to those people when his eyes keep risking glances at Jimin.

One time he catches Jimin giggling with Taemin, almost falling on him while the alpha smiles at him.
Their hands are all over each other. Yoongi can't help but smile at the couple.

He has seen Jimin for these past two years. Jimin has always been independent, hard-working, always looking after himself and refusing to take help from others.

It feels good to see him like this.
Seeing the omega finally have someone who he trusts enough to let himself go like this feels good to Yoongi. Yoongi can't help but smile while he watches the omega let his guard down around Taemin.

There was a part of Yoongi that was worried about the omega. It settles now.
So, when Taemin goes down on his one knee to propose to Jimin, Yoongi can't help but feel happy for the omega. He smiles along with the guests when Jimin nods, claps when Taemin puts the ring on Jimin's finger.
He laughs along with the others when Taemin swoops Jimin up in a hug.
Yoongi takes off when people start to gather around the couple to congratulate him. He slowly slips out of the party.

“Take me home, Yujun,” Yoongi tells his driver, leaning back on his seat.

He watches the buildings pass by and his mind keeps playing the engagement on repeat.
Yoongi leans back on his seat, thinking how happy Jimin looked. He wishes nothing but that happiness to Jimin. The omega deserves it.

Yoongi wonders how it feels to be happy with someone else. He wonders how it feels to lose so much control to let someone in your life like that.
He grew up watching his parents fight. There was love at some point in their marriage, but it was long gone. Yoongi grew up watching them distant like that. There were fights, his parents tried to hide it from the kids, but it was never that easy.
That picture-perfect family was never really perfect.

Yoongi has seen his appa going on too many 'business trips,' and his papa bringing home too many 'close friends.'

He grew up watching his parents try to stick together for the sake of them until they couldn't.
The most amusing thing about it all was, theirs was a love marriage.

Yoongi still wonders where it went wrong. He still wonders how his parents managed to go so many years like that. Pretending to have a home in each other while taking long stays in others.

He never understood.
He grew up watching his friends go on dates and be so madly in love, just to break it all off and part ways.

Yoongi doesn't even know since when he started seeing the world as he does now.

Every time he sees a couple, his first thought is, 'it will all fall apart one day.'
His parents were loving. They never failed to be perfect fathers to him and his siblings. But, they were never perfect for each other.

Yoongi pulls out a cigarette and lights it, letting out the smoke with a tired sigh.

He wishes his pup doesn't grow up like him, though.
He wishes Jimin and Taemin stay together forever, so his pup learns about love differently.

Yoongi, there's a aprt in him, wishes the pup was Taemin's. He cannot help but wish that.

The pup would know a perfect family then, and not be related to him. His life.
He wonders if he should cut the ties. Jimin won't mind. Jimin said he won't.

Maybe he should. Tell Jimin that he doesn't want to be a part of the pup's life. That way, the pup would never know him. Grow up knowing Taemin and Jimin as his parents. Yoongi wonders if that's better.
“We will get married after the baby is born,” Jimin says to Taemin, “it's already going too fast for me, Taemin. You have to understand.”

Taemin smiles at him, nodding in agreement, “of course, dove. I can wait nine months. I will enjoy being here for our pup.”
Jimin hears the warmth in that voice. He hears the promise in that voice. The acceptance. Something in him flutters with gratitude.

But, it's just that. A sense of gratitude. It comes with a sense of affection.

But, nothing else.

'Our pup,' it makes Jimin's skin burn.
He is immensely grateful that Taemin is ready to accept the baby as his own. He is grateful that Taemin is already agreeing to be the pup's alpha father.

Taemin is a strong support beside him. He is a calm presence when Jimin feels too overwhelmed. It feels nice.
But, then there's another person.

A person as clueless as him. A presence as overwhelmed as him.


He is right where Jimin is. Both of them blind on this path of parenthood. Learning things side by side.

But, no matter how clueless, overwhelmed he is, Yoongi shows up.
Jimin is maybe resentful but every time he is nauseous, or have any minor inconvenience, he calls Yoongi instead of Taemin.

Jimin told Yoongi if he doesn't want, he can bail out, but in his heart, Jimin wants Yoongi to be there more than anyone else.

More than Taemin.
But, Yoongi never claims the baby as his. He never speaks like Taemin and calls the baby theirs.

Jimin frowns when he realizes, it hurts. Why? He doesn't know. He looks at Taemin and wonders why Yoongi doesn't ever address the baby as his, when rightfully the pup is indeed his.
That night, when sleep ditches him, his guts churning with nausea, Jimin calls Yoongi.

When Yoongi doesn't pick up, Jimin calls the home number.

“Hello,” his butler picks up.

Jimin frowns, “Minjoon ssi, where is Yoongi?”

“Sir,” Minjoon hesitates, “Mr. Min is home.”
Jimin frowns, “if he is home, then why can't he come to the phone?”

Minjoon gulps audibly, “he has company.”

Jimin is confused for a second, and then it dawns on him. He stares at the curtains of his bedroom, the phone pressed against his ear.

“I will let him know you called, sir,” Minjoon hurries to speak, “as soon as-”

“No need,” Jimin lies down on the bed, “just...” he closes his eyes, tightly, “is this the first time?”

Minjoon is quiet for a few moments before the beta breathes out, “no. He is moving in tonight.”
Jimin's heart stops for a second, and he feels the sharp pain shoot across his chest. He lets out a soft breath, chastising himself for even feeling this way when he is getting married himself.

“Oh, I see,” Jimin doesn't recognize his own voice, “do not disturb him, then.”
Minjoon hums, “I will let him know-”

“No need, Minjoon ssi,” Jimin forces his voice to sound friendly, “it's okay. I will call him later. Don't tell him I called.”

Minjoon answers a bit late, “...yes, sir.”

Jimin cuts the call, staring at the screen blankly.
He dials another number then, and breathes out a sigh when Taemin picks up on the second ring.

“What's wrong, dove?” Taemin sounds worried, “it's late. Are you okay?”

Jimin feels his eyes gloss over, 'can you come over? I am not feeling well,' Jimin wants to say, wants to beg.
But Jimin knows better. He knows he can't fill that void with Taemin. He wants to. That's why he called, but his heart protests nonetheless.

So, he lets out a deep breath and forces himself to sound as normal as he can, “sorry, I was going to call Tae and mistakenly called you.”
“Ahh, I see,” Taemin chuckles, “are you sure you don't want anything?”

Jimin shakes his head, turning to bury his face in his pillow, “no. I don't. I am fine.”

“How is my pup doing?” Taemin wonders next, “not disturbing you, I assume?”

Jimin feels the tears in his eyes then...
“Your pup,” Jimin tastes the words on his tongue, “your pup is fine,” he whispers, “not disturbing me.”

Taemin sounds satisfied, “then I will cut the call now. Okay? I will see you tomorrow.”

Jimin nods, cuts the call silently. He doesn't call Taehyung either.
He buries himself more into the pillows when his phone rings. Jimin groans, picking it up to see Yoongi's name. He glares at the screen. The anger unreasonable, but nowadays, his emotions are all over the place. Jimin doesn't question it anymore.

He picks up the call, “what?”
“Minjoon said you called,” Yoongi answers, “did you need anything?”

Jimin tries to regulate his breathing, pinches the bridge of his nose, “no.”

Yoongi sighs, “Jimin... what is it?”

Jimin sits up on the bed in agitation, “nothing! I told you, I didn't need anything.”
“No need to waste your time on me when you have company,” Jimin chews out, “I am fine!”

Yoongi is quiet for a second, then the alpha sighs, “okay, maybe there's something I want to talk to you about too.”

Jimin tilts his head up, “what is it?”

Yoongi lets out a deep breath.
“I accidentally bumped into Taemin today,” Yoongi speaks slowly, as if to not startle Jimin, “he told me how you two are thinking of buying a house after the pup is born?”

Jimin sucks his lower lip into his mouth, “he was telling me. I mean, it does sound like a good idea.”
Yoongi is silent for a few moments before the alpha talks again, “he kept referring to the pup as his.”

Jimin arches a brow, “well, yeah. And?”

Yoongi's voice is hoarse when he speaks next, “it got me thinking…”

Jimin frowns, waiting.

Yoongi takes his time speaking.
“What if the pup grows up knowing that too?” Yoongi says next.

Jimin hears the words, but they don't really register in his brain, “huh?”

Yoongi's voice is thin, “what if the pup learns Taemin is their alpha father?”

Jimin feels his fingers grasp the bedsheet, “sorry, what?”
“What are you talking about?” Jimin growls, “be clear. I am not getting it.”

“I can't do this,” Yoongi whispers, “I don't think I can do this.”

The silence after those words are heavy. Jimin sits on his bed, feeling the words echo in his brain.

“You... can't do this?”
“You can't do, what?” Jimin demands, “seriously, are you saying you can't do the bare minimum for your pup?!”

Yoongi sounds exhausted, “I am saying the pup can do better not knowing me.”

Jimin is too wounded to bother, he is too prideful to demand more, “right. Of course.”
“You are bailing out on them,” Jimin snorts, shaking his head in disgust, “yeah. I get it.”

“Thanks,” Yoongi says, not even trying to explain himself, “for understanding.”

“That you are a coward? A downright ass?” Jimin sneers, “yeah, I got it!”

Yoongi doesn't protest, “I am.”
“I am glad you figured it out soon,” Jimin chuckles, resentment, anger, hurt clouding his mind, “this way the pup doesn't have to-” he can't finish it, Jimin can't bring himself to even say it before his voice is cracking.

Jimin hides his face in his hand, trying to calm down.
The omega breathes through his mouth, blinking back tears, “I will go now,” his voice breaks off at the end, “I don't want to say something I will regret,” Jimin lies back down, hugging his pillow, “whatever you choose, it's your call. I have no say in it. I understand.”
There is a part of Jimin that doesn't understand. A part of him, his omega, that wants to demand the alpha's presence. That wants the alpha to take responsibility. Wants to throw a fit, but Jimin would never let that side win.

He would never ask for Yoongi to stay.
Both of them just stay on the call, both of them unable to cut it. Jimin holds on to the phone with his everything, suppressing the bile that tries to push at his throat.

Yoongi holds on too, just being there. Silently.

“What if the pup looks exactly like you?” Jimin wonders...
Jimin tries to make it sound like a joke, “what if everyone takes a glance and knows the pup is yours?”

He wipes at his eyes with rushes hands, trying to shift is sobs to uncontrolled giggles.

Yoongi's voice sounds thin, “Jimin...”

Jimin closes his eyes, face contorting.
“Let me have this, hyung,” Jimin whispers, “I will never get to tell my pup who their actual appa is,” Jimin curls in on himself, “let me have this. Just play along.”

Yoongi is quiet.

Jimin feels pathetic. The humiliation curls snugly in his stomach. He feels sick.
“I don't know what to say,” Yoongi whispers, “I don't know what I can possibly say.”

Jimin closes his eyes, lips wobbling, “tell the pup you love them. They will never hear it from you...” he cannot hold back the sob that cracks out of his lips, “tell them you love them. Once.”
Jimin clutches onto the duvet, begs almost, “Taemin keeps saying he loves the pup. He says the words so casually. So randomly. You never did,” Jimin hears the accusation in his voice, “you never did... for once, hyung-”

Yoongi's voice comes off thin, “it's not easy.”
“It's not easy for me to say something I am not acting on,” Yoongi chokes on his words, “I-”

“Why are you thinking so much?” Jimin wonders, “tomorrow, when the sun rises, I will go on with my life and never turn back to you. Just for tonight, please, be honest. Once.”
“Of course I love the baby,” Yoongi whispers, “you think it's easy to let someone go like this?” he sounds frustrated, “it's not easy knowing someone is solely yours and yet you have to let them go because you want the best for them.”

Jimin blinks back tears, “right.”
Yoongi sounds broken, “I am never going to be a good father-”

“You don't know that,” Jimin hisses, blurts out, “you are so terrified to take the risk. How would you know if you don't even try?”

“I can't do trials and errors here, Jimin,” Yoongi sighs, “it's a pup's life.”
“What if I am terrible at it?!” Yoongi curses, “I can't change anything then, can I? I don't know shit about parenting, but I know one should be ready for it!”

“I am scared shitless!” Jimin springs up on the bed, angry now, “and, the only person who should be here is bailing!”
“I know nothing about pups either!” Jimin hugs his stomach consciously, “but, I know very well that I will not run away. I will stand with my pup and learn. I will be the best papa for them, but that doesn't mean I won't make mistakes. I will just be there to rectify it too!”
“It won't be perfect,” Jimin whispers, shoulders sagging, “but, my pup will know their papa tried his best in every situation and I know they will be happy. I know, hyung.”

Yoongi swallows, “being a good papa is not it, Jimin. A kid needs a good family. We are not family.”
“You can be an amazing parent but the kid needs a home. A place where they can grow up seeing other happy relations too. They will grow up seeing you married to Taemin and me here. Alone. They will have other siblings who would be just yours and Taemin's babies...”

Jimin frowns.
“The pup will feel left out,” Yoongi whispers, “you know how I am. My lifestyle. They will grow up wondering why their parents aren't together. There will be so much baggage when they can simply know Taemin is their father.”

“What if me and Taemin break up?” Jimin wonders.
“How are you so sure that things will work between us? Always?” Jimin snorts, “what if down the road we broke up too?”

Yoongi is quiet.

Jimin rubs his hands down his face, “everyone doesn't have to end up like your parents, hyung.”

Jimin hums when Yoongi sucks in a breath.
“How- how did you-” Yoongi stammers.

Jimin snorts, “met them once. Got the memo. I am not stupid, hyung. I saw through the act of a loving family. Even if I don't, I know you like the back of my hand. I saw how tense you got around them. I understood what's wrong.”
“God, you were restless that day,” Jimin closes his eyes, “I have never seen you so disturbed in my life. Ever. The more lovely they were, the more agitated you were beside me. I got it. Also,” Jimin swallows, “I know what love feels like. Theirs didn't feel the same.”
“We will not be the same, hyung,” Jimin whispers, “our pup will not grow up like you did. They will know we didn't stick together just for the sake of it. They will know we respect and care for each other. We can give them a family differently. Every family isn't the same.”
“I don't want to lie to the pup,” Jimin begs almost, “I don't want to look at them and tell them Taemin is their father when he is not. When I know,” Jimin swallows, “how much their actual father can love them. I know how good you can be, hyung, you have no idea. I trust you.”
“Don't sell yourself so short, hyung, not when I know how good you can be,” Jimin shakes his head, “when I found out I was pregnant, I never, not even for once regretted the fact that it was your baby. I knew you will be the best. I trust you to be the best because you are.”
“Why do you trust me so much?” Yoongi's voice is thin, “why-”

“Because, you never gave me a reason not to,” Jimin gives a hollow smile at his lap, “I surrendered myself to you during our plays and you never, not once, let me go. I trust you with my everything, hyung.”
“And, rightfully so,” Jimin feels the clog in his throat, “you never failed me, hyung. Don't fail your pup,” his vision starts to blur, “I will never be a burden to you. I will never ask you anything for me, but the pup, hyung… don't abandon the pup. They deserve to know you.”
“You scare me, Jiminah,” Yoongi gives a small smile, “your trust in me terrifies me.”

Jimin bites down on his lower lip, staying silent.

“I would need you to guide me through this, then,” Yoongi swallows, “is that okay?”

Jimin lets out a deep breath, “that's okay.”
Jimin looks at the clock, “it's late,” he gets off the bed, feeling his stomach churn, “you should go to sleep.”

Yoongi hums, “I have too much work for the night to sleep. Also, the amount of boxes in this place is giving me a headache.”

Jimin tries to sound normal, “oh?”
Yoongi hums, “it's tiring.”

Jimin goes to his kitchen, taking a bottle of water, “yeah. Must be. But, it will settle soon. You need to calm down.”

Yoongi snorts, “I am trying to, okay? His scent is killing me.”

Jimin sips his water, his throat hurts, “how is he? Beautiful?”
Yoongi is quiet for a second before he answers, “uhh... yeah?”

Jimin leans against the counter, closing his eyes, “must be. You chose him.”

“Jimin...” Yoongi sounds confused, “what are you talking about?”

Jimin swallows, “your new sub. How-”

Yoongi chokes, “my who now?!”
Jimin frowns, “your new sub? He moved in today, right?”

“Fuck, no!” Yoongi curses, “it's Junseo, the guy Hoba is seeing? He moved in for a month because his house's lease got expired, and he doesn't want to move in with Hoseok this soon. That's it.”

Jimin blinks, “oh?”
Yoongi curses, “why do you even land on such conclusion without asking me?”

Jimin frowns, defensive, “well, you hate people in your space. You are also looking for a sub-”

“I am not,” Yoongi sighs, “I am not looking for anyone. Right now... I am not. It's too soon.”
“Too soon?” Jimin wonders, “it has been two months.”

“I don't want another sub right now, Jimin,” Yoongi murmurs, “I am not sure about that.”

Jimin's lips twitch, his voice teasing, “can you go more than a few days without sex?”

Yoongi coughs on a snort, “I am not an addict!”
“I see,” Jimin hops onto the counter, swinging his legs, “I see.”

Yoongi is quiet for a few seconds, then he speaks again, “it's not going to be a problem between you two, right? Me being in the equation?”

Jimin frowns, “with Taemin? No. It won't. Why would it be?”
“You were in this equation since the start, hyung,” Jimin shrugs, “if he has a problem, he can see himself out.”

“Don't do that,” Yoongi scolds Jimin, “Taemin really loves you. I could sense it.”

“You can sense love?” Jimin snorts, “you are dense, hyung. Don't overdo it.”
“Hey,” Yoongi protests, “I am pretty smart-”

“Not in this department,” Jimin shakes his head, “I will go now, hyung,” he smiles at his hand, “I am sleepy and tomorrow I have to meet Taemin for a date.”

“Jiminah?” Yoongi sounds all serious now, “he makes you happy, right?”
Jimin pauses, thinking, “he tries his best, hyung,” he closes his eyes, “he tries his best. I guess, that's all I can count on.”

Yoongi is quiet. Jimin holds his breath.

“That doesn't sound so reassuring,” Yoongi murmurs next.

Jimin snorts, “at least he doesn't make me sad.”
Jimin looks at the window in the kitchen, the city lights shining through them.

“Then why are you marrying him?” Yoongi wonders, “if you are not really happy, why are you with him?”

Jimin sighs, “hyung…”

“I am just asking, Jiminah. Why are you marrying him?”
“Because, I am terrified, hyung,” Jimin speaks up, glaring at the city lights, “of doing this all alone. I am terrified of letting my parents down over and over again. I don't want to show it, but I care about their opinions, and they will be disappointed if I didn't.”
“I keep telling myself that if I don't want to, I won't care what they think, but deep down I care about my parents' opinions,” Jimin rubs a hand down his face, “I also want someone to be here for me. As my emotional support. I need someone to lean onto. You know?”
“You can lean on me,” Yoongi supplies, his voice earnest, “you can always lean on me.”

Jimin snaps his eyes closed, “don't.”

Yoongi sounds confused, “don't, what?”

Jimin keeps his eyes closed as tightly as he can, tears still escaping, “don't say shit you don't mean.”
“I mean it,” Yoongi is adamant, “I meant it always. You can count on me.”

Jimin snorts, “you were running away just a few minutes ago.”

“For the pup's future,” Yoongi chuckles, “I still don't think-”

“Come over?” Jimin blurts out, shivering when he hears what he said.
“What?” Yoongi is a little startled too, “it's late.”

Jimin hugs himself when he realizes just how much he wants to be near the alpha. His insides churning with the need. He curls in on himself.

“Right,” he whispers, “yeah. Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Sorry.”
“I will go now, hyung,” Jimin forces a smile in his voice, “see you soon.”

He cuts the call and sits on the counter. His eyes aimlessly fixed on the window. Jimin is not sure how long he sits there, just silently staring off at nothing at all, when his doorbell rings.
The omega gets off the counter, dragging himself to the door and opening it. Knowing if Jungkook let the man pass, he is fine to open the door.

His eyes widen when he sees Yoongi on the doorstep.

“Wha-” Jimin blinks, confused, “what are you doing here?”
Yoongi takes a step on the threshold, “you asked me to come.”

As if it's that simple. As if that's all Jimin got to do. Ask.

Jimin can feel his chest swell with too many emotions. He gulps around nothing.

“What if I asked something else?” he wonders.

Yoongi smiles, “I'd do.”
Jimin lets himself go. Lets his heart take the leap before his brain can stop him.

He lurches forward to hide himself against the alpha's chest. His arms going around the alpha's stomach to hug him closer. Yoongi's arms gather him up. The alpha's nose burying in Jimin's hair.
And, Jimin knows. At that moment, in Yoongi's arms, he knows he will never find this peace or the sense of safety in Taemin.

His eyes water, nose buried in the alpha's neck where he inhales the alpha's scent.

“I hate you,” Jimin whispers, “God, I hate you so much.”
Yoongi's lips curve upwards, his scent soothing around Jimin.

“I know,” Yoongi slowly steps inside, smiling a little wider when Jimin steps on his feet, “what are you doing?”

Jimin shrugs, “walk me inside. I am tired.”

Yoongi lets Jimin stand on his feet as he slowly walks.
He closes the door behind himself, moving his feet slowly to not disturb the balance. Jimin clings to him, resting his head on Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi slowly manoeuvre them to the couch, sitting down to pull Jimin on his lap. Jimin goes easily, face still hidden from the alpha.
Jimin lets the alpha rub soothing circles on his back. His mind reeling.

“Don't you think you should sleep?” Yoongi wonders.

Jimin hums, “I do, but,” he sucks in his lower lip in his mouth, “don't leave?”

Yoongi's voice is calm, “I won't, promise.”

Jimin slowly falls asleep.
When he wakes up, it's dawn. The first rays of the sun are peeking through the curtains of the living room. Jimin yawns. He is lying on the couch, a pillow under his head. A blanket over him. Yoongi is sleeping on the floor, head resting on the couch beside Jimin's hand.
One look at that face and Jimin is getting out of the couch. He tiptoes inside his bedroom and picks up his phone.

He can't do this.

He pulls up Taemin's number and sends a text, 'can we meet? Today? I need to tell you something.'

Jimin leaves the phone there afterwards.
“Is everything alright?” Taemin wonders as soon as he sits down in the chair in Jimin's office, “you sounded rushed on the call.”

Jimin sits on his chair behind the desk, hands clasped together in front of him.

“I don't know how to say this, Taemin,” Jimin murmurs, “I...”
'Min Yoongi is seen with Kim Minho. Their fans are speculating a lovers' union after almost two years…' the television in the café is showing the news.

Jimin's eyes find Yoongi there, he is smiling at Minho while he omega grins up at him. They are in front of Yoongi's building.
Jimin knows Minho, the idol, was Yoongi's sub. The one he was with for three years. Yoongi never really spoke about Minho, but whenever he did, there was a certain note of fondness in his voice that Jimin picked up on.

He can see that same fondness in that smile on screen too.
The next slide is a video. Jimin watches Minho loop his arm through Yoongi's and lean against the alpha. Minho is a known face in the country. The nation's sweetheart, who just got back from a year long world tour. The two of them broke it off because the omega needed a break.
Jimin feels nauseous.

“Hey,” Taemin reaches to hold Jimin's hand, “what's wrong? You look pale.”

Jimin forces his eyes away from the television to look at Taemin. He wants to change the subject. He wants to just tell Taemin nothing's wrong.

“I want to break it off. Us.”
Jimin doesn't care what Yoongi is doing. He cares about what he is doing himself. He will not lead Taemin on when he knows where his own heart is.

“I can't do this, Taemin,” Jimin shakes his head, “I can't marry you. This whole thing is feeling so rushed, and I can't.”
“You have feelings for him, don't you?” Taemin whispers, offers a sad but knowing smile, “Yoongi?”

Jimin's eyes flicker over to the screen again. The images are scattered across the screen. Of Yoongi and Minho. From two years ago to now.

“Yeah,” Jimin whispers, “I have.”
“That's why I can't do this,” Jimin shakes his head, eyes meeting Taemin's glossy ones, “I know you like me,” Jimin grasps Taemin's hand in both of his, “and, I can't lead you on because, I know,” he swallows, vision blurring, “I know how it feels to love someone like this.”
“Where you are so deeply in love, but the other has no clue,” Jimin looks up at the screen again, “where you know you are setting yourself up for a heartbreak because the other will never love you back. I can't do this to you when I know how much it hurts. I am sorry, Taemin.”
“I know, with time, I will move on. Everyone does. But, I can't string you along for that time to come,” Jimin shakes his head, “I am sorry.”

“I will wait for that time,” Taemin gives a hollow laugh, “when you finally move on. I will swoop right in and win you over.”
Jimin slowly pulls the engagement ring off and holds it out for Taemin.

“I wish the world was perfect,” Jimin looks at the engagement ring, “where we fall for a person and they fall for us too. But,” he lets Taemin take the ring, “it's not. Life is never fair.”
“Love is unfair,” Jimin feels resentment, coiling in him like a serpent, “it makes you stupid. Blind. Helpless. I can't move on. One of my friends is lying to himself, staying in a relationship with a person who cheats on him. He knows and ignores it. Because he loves that man.”
“I wish I could move on,” Jimin blinks back tears of frustration, “I wish he gets out of that toxicity. He deserves better. I deserve better. I don't know why life is never fair. You know?”

Taemin squeezes his hand, “I get it.”

Jimin snorts, “of course you do.”
“I am the asshole in your story,” Jimin sniffles, wiping his eyes, “I am sorry.”

“Hey, it's okay,” Taemin reaches to wipe Jimin's eyes, “you can't help who you want, yeah? At least, you are honest. I appreciate it. Really. And, your friend... tell him nothing is worth it.”
“I keep telling him,” Jimin frowns at his hands, “he won't listen. He ignores it like if he doesn't acknowledge it, the truth will change. I don't know. If that helps or not. You can't help someone who doesn't want to accept the help, at the end of the day.”

Taemin nods, “yeah.”
Jimin shakes his head, “anyway, forget it. Just...” he looks at Taemin, face contorting, “I am so sorry.”

Taemin gives him a small smile with a shake of his head, “don't be. I told you. You could have led me on. You didn't. That's enough for me. We can be friends, really.”
Jimin doesn't remember when was the last time he went to the office and worked the full hours without any disturbance.

His nausea is intense. He finds himself vomiting more than he can count. His mood keeps deteriorating. He cannot help but feel irked most of the time.
Yoongi visits him every day. He goes on the doctor's checkup along with Jimin. But, Jimin can smell another omega on Yoongi and no matter what he does, he can't bring himself to talk to Yoongi about it.

The thought stays in his mind. Slowly digging deeper as days pass.
Jimin tries to tell himself it's none of his business. He tells himself he doesn't need to bother with whatever Yoongi is doing with his private life, but he can't help himself.

When it's late at night, he is up because he feels sick, he can't help but wonder about everything.
He sits on his couch and stares blankly at the television. Flips through channels mindlessly.

It's a night like that and he stops on a news channel. His eyes take in the grainy pictures of Yoongi driving up to Minho's building and going inside. Just him and no one else.
He watches how the pictures are blurred. Yoongi hurrying inside. The anchor is saying something about how the alpha is yet to leave the omega's house.

Jimin hates these gossip channels in the name of news. He still can't bring himself to change the channel.
Jimin picks up his phone, his eyes never wavering from Yoongi's pictures on the screen. He dials the alpha's number.

“Where are you?” he asks as soon as Yoongi picks up the call.

“I am working,” Yoongi answers, voice muffled, “what's wrong? Do you need anything?”
Jimin arches a brow at the screen, a sardonic smile on his lips, “no. Why? I can't call you if I don't need anything?”

Yoongi sounds confused, “no. That's not it. It's just late, and-”

“Not late enough for you to stop working, I see,” Jimin rolls the words in his mouth slowly.
“Anyway,” Jimin shrugs, “I will let you get back to work, it must be important,” he leans back against the couch, “if you are still up for it. Are you working from office?”

Yoongi hums, “yeah. Where else would I be?”

Jimin glares at the television screen, “where else, indeed.”
“Hyung,” Minho's voice is muffled but Jimin can pick up on it, “come back. I am sleepy!”

Jimin grasps the phone in his hand, eyes snapping closed. He feels bile rising to his mouth. The urge to empty his stomach right on the floor is strong.

“Jimin, I have to go,” Yoongi says.
Jimin gets off the couch, nodding to himself, “yeah. Sorry for disturbing.”

“No, you didn't,” Yoongi chuckles, “it's alright. You can call me anytime you want-”

Jimin cuts the call. His insides churning.

He runs to the washroom to empty his stomach. Body heaving with spasms.
By the time he is done, Jimin goes to take a bath. Lying in the bathtub, he closes his eyes.

“Why am I upset?” He wonders to himself, “he is free to have hookups, hell, even relationships. We are nothing. I have no rights to feel so terrible, but,” Jimin swallows, “why lying...”
“I could have dealt with everything as long as you were honest with me,” Jimin turns on his side, the water sloshing, “why are you lying to me?”

There are no answers. Jimin doesn't remember when he gets out of the bathtub, drags himself to bed. He falls asleep with the news on.
Yoongi sits on the edge of the bed, watching Minho sleep. The omega's entire body burning with fever.

Yoongi changes the soaked cloth that covers Minho's forehead, looking at the clock.

Minho's heat will start in a few hours, he thinks.
Yoongi checks the care-package he made once again. He goes through the list thoroughly for the last time before he gets off the bed.

“I will head home now, okay?” he leans in to speak to the omega, “lock the door for me. Yes?”

Minho whimpers, “why can't you stay, hyung?”
Yoongi offers a small smile, “Minho, we are not-”

“You are single now,” Minho grasps Yoongi's shirt, arching up towards him with pleading eyes, “I am single too. What's stopping you?”

Yoongi watches the omega, his eyes wandering over Minho's beautiful face. What's stopping him?
There is a picture of the first sonogram of their baby in his gallery. Maybe that.

Or, there is a picture of Jimin wolfing down a tray of pancakes Yoongi made for him. Cheeks puffy, eyes squinted with a smile. Possibly that.

Yoongi pulls away from Minho's grasp, “Minho…”
“You returned alone and there's no one to take care of you,” Yoongi caresses the omega's forehead, “that's why I am here. I,” he shakes his head, “I am not here because I am interested in you, love. I'm sorry.”

Minho's eyes are glossy, “hyung…” the omega whispers, “I love you.”
Yoongi can't help when the omega gets up on his knees and hugs him. He can't push Minho away when the omega breaks down in his arms, face buried in Yoongi's neck. He almost straddles Yoongi while crying.

Yoongi sighs, arms wrapping around Minho to calm the omega down.
He feels the omega scenting him, and the overwhelming sweet scent makes Yoongi nauseous. But, he knows Minho is vulnerable and the omega in him is overpowering his senses as his heat comes closer. Yoongi lets the omega have it. Sits there until Minho falls asleep.
Yoongi pulls the duvet up on Minho's frame and tiptoes out of the bedroom. He calls Minho's mother, who is on the way, to tell her about his departure before he is leaving the apartment. Locking it from outside and keeping the keys with himself as Minho's mother asks him to.
Yoongi gets in his car and pauses when he sees a few people miling around. Some of them holding cameras. This is the reason Minho didn't want him to tell anyone he is having his heat. The news would spread like wildfire. Yoongi knows how everyone thinks they are back together...
The alpha pauses, hands on the steering wheel. His eyes widen when realization hits him.

'Where are you?' Jimin's voice sounded off. There was a hint of sarcasm in the omega's voice afterwards.

Yoongi curses out loud, starting his car.
Yoongi gets out of the lift and sees Jimin's guards down the corridor. They look at him and bow. Yoongi nods and walks further down the corridor to press the bell for the omega's apartment.

After pressing it for four times, the door cracks open. Yoongi lets out a breath.
Jimin freezes when he sees Yoongi. His hand grasping the door and his eyes focusing on Yoongi.

Yoongi feels air fills his lungs. He inhales the flowery scent of the omega, nowadays infused with something citrusy. He stumbles closer to the omega.


Jimin's face contorts.
The omega steps back, “What are you doing here?”

Yoongi's eyes wander over Jimin's form. The omega is wearing a baggy sweater. The sleeves are long enough to hide his palms. The hem of the sweater reaching till Jimin's thighs. He looks cosy in it. Yoongi smiles to himself.
“Just wanted to see you,” Yoongi steps inside, as if pulled by the omega's scent.

Jimin takes a step back, bare feet silently moving away from Yoongi's boots.

“It's way past midnight,” Jimin hugs himself, looking sideways, “you realize that, right?”

Yoongi frowns, “so?”
Jimin's eyes snap to his, and for a second those eyes burn.

“You don't show up at a person's house this late!” Jimin chews out, “and, why are you here, anyway? By the smell of it, your omega is about to go in heat. What are you doing here?!”

Yoongi pauses, his mind reeling.
Jimin offers a sarcastic laugh next, “sorry, I mean, your work is about to have a heat,” his lips curl, “in your office. Where you were. Also, congratulations,” the omega takes a step back, his eyes glued on Yoongi's face, “for buying another office in Minho's building!”
Jimin lets out a garbled laugh, “must be a pleasant work environment if the scent is this strong!”

He turns to leave, and Yoongi reaches for him, blindly. His hand easily grasping Jimin's wrist in his. Jimin hisses, jerking his wrist free.

“Do not touch me!” Jimin thunders.
“Do not ever touch me!” Jimin seethes, “you have done enough!” he curses, “yeah?! You have done enough! Get out of here! How dare you show up to my doorstep smelling like a bitch in heat?!”

“Jimin!” Yoongi clicks his tongue, “what the hell!”

Jimin blinks, “are you upset now?”
“He has no one in the town,” Yoongi tries to reason, “he just came back from a world tour. His parents aren't here. I am the only known face-”

“Why are you explaining yourself?” Jimin crosses his arms over his chest, “who you spend your time with, is none of my business!”
“Just don't show up at my place smelling so pungent of sex!” Jimin can't help how his voice rises.

He pants for air, trying to breathe deep so he doesn't lose control over his anger. Jimin hates losing control. He hates giving so much away to others like this.
“Just go, okay?” Jimin inhales through his mouth, “go and leave me alone.”

“Look, I am sorry, okay?” Yoongi rounds him, stopping him on his way to the bedroom, “I am sorry for how I acted. I didn't mean to lie to you. I asked me not to tell anyone. I am sorry.”
Jimin doesn't match those eyes, “listen, hyung,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, “why it pissed me off is because I am sensitive to scents nowadays. Mild scents are giving me a headache. You're showing up smelling so strongly of heat is not helping me. That's all I am saying.”
“Otherwise, what you do in your spare time, who you are with,” he shakes his head, “that's none of my business.”

Yoongi gives a slow nod, “I get it. I should have gone home to shower first. I just,” he hesitates, looking away, “really wanted to come and see you.”
Jimin's voice is void of any emotions, “yeah, well, next time call.”

Yoongi watches the omega walk around him to go to his bedroom. He watches Jimin pause by the bedroom door. Jimin looks over his shoulder, not really matching Yoongi's eyes.

“The door locks itself.”
Yoongi tries Jimin's phone all over again, but the omega doesn't pick up. He frowns at the screen, sending a message.

“Hyung, I made you coffee!”

Yoongi looks over his shoulder to see Minho walking inside the room with his hands clutching onto two mugs of coffees.
He takes the mug from Minho's hand and smiles at him. Minho sits on the carpet beside Yoongi, sipping his own coffee.

“Aren't you going to buy some soft toys and stuff?” Minho wonders, looking around the nursery Yoongi is building, “a few clothes and all?”

Yoongi pauses.
He is assembling the crib in the nursery. He looks over his shoulder at the omega on the carpet.


Minho's eyes are fond, his smile warm, “hyung, when the baby comes, you would need clothes. A few toys. You can't offer them an empty nursery! We should go shopping!”
Yoongi looks at his phone, where it's ringing. He picks it up to see Jimin calling.

“Yes, hyung?” Jimin sounds tired.

“Where are you?” Yoongi wonders, “I am calling since morning-”

“I am out of country,” Jimin yawns, “for a meeting. I will be home in two days.”
Yoongi's brows furrow in confusion, “and, you didn't even bother to tell me?” he sits on his hunches, eyeing the crib, “is it safe to fly during this time?”

“Yeah, it is,” Jimin answers back, curt, “I consulted with the doctor. I am fine till 30th week. Don't worry.”
“Don't worry?” Yoongi lets out a disbelieved chuckle, “don't worry, Jimin?” he rubs his temple, “you didn't tell me about the doctor's appointment. Just sent me a picture and note saying the baby is fine. You told Taemin to get you snacks that you were craving, but not me...”
“You left the damn country, and you didn't even bother letting me know?”

Jimin sounds dismissive, “there's nothing to tell. It's for work. I don't see the point of sharing my schedule with you now. I never had to.”

Yoongi grips the edge of the crib, “now you should!”
Jimin snorts, “out of everything, hyung, don't be a hypocrite. Please. I am not a toddler. I will be fine.”

“I am worried about the pup!” Yoongi curses, “you should be more careful, Jimin! You can't just leave like this-”

“The pup is mine first,” Jimin hisses, “and, it's fine!”
“Hyung, calm down,” Minho places a hand on Yoongi's back, rubbing it soothingly there, “he knows what he is doing. He is the papa.”

Yoongi looks over at Minho and tries to control his anger and frustration. He looks back forward.

“Jimin,” Minho reaches for Yoongi's phone, “hi?”
“Yeah, hi. Minho here,” he giggles at whatever Jimin says, “oh, you know me. I keep forgetting that I am famous. Listen, I was thinking… is it okay if hyung and I go to buy some things for the pup? For the nursery he is building for the pup here? Hope you don't mind?”
Yoongi chews the inside of his cheek. Still reeling from the news of Jimin being out of country. He is still not over the doctor's appointment. Now this.

“Oh?” Minho nods, “sure! Thanks! Of course. You can call me hyung, you know? It's okay. See you. Take care, yeah?”
Yoongi's eyes widen, “Minho, don't cut the call. I want to talk-”

Minho makes an apologetic face, “hyung. He cut it. Said he had to go. Sorry?”

Yoongi takes the phone, dialling the number again. It comes as switched off. He curses, shoving the phone back in his pocket.
“He said, we can do whatever we want,” Minho squeezes Yoongi's bicep, “he will decorate the room in his place on his terms, and he doesn't care what we do here.”

Yoongi feels the itch run down his spine. His eyes glued on the crib.

“Right,” he sighs, “of course.”
“I will shower,” Minho gets up from the floor, “hyung, your bathroom needs cleaning. The stuff are on it. Can I shower in my old room?”

“No!” Yoongi gets off the floor, shaking his head, “just,” he coughs, “just use any of the guest rooms. There are two.”
“Since Junseo left last week,” Minho says, “you are all alone here.”

Yoongi hums, fixing the crib at the corner of the room, “yeah.”

Minho sighs, “let's go out tonight. You spend too much time indoors, and it's not doing you any good. Let's go shopping after I take a shower.”
Yoongi dials Jungkook's number when Minho is gone.

“Jungkook speaking.”

Yoongi lets out a deep breath, “Jungkook, is Jimin alone on his trip?”

Jungkook's answer is quick, “I am in no position to disclose anything to you, sir.”

Yoongi rubs his hand down his face, “please.”
“I am sorry, sir,” Jungkook sounds hesitant, “if you need any information about sir, I have to ask him first.”

Yoongi chuckles, “if he was alone, you wouldn't have to say this, Jungkookah. No?”

Jungkook is quiet. Yoongi hums.

“His fiancé is with him, then?” Yoongi wonders.
Jungkook coughs, his voice never wavering, “I will cut the call now, sir.”

“Don't tell him I called,” Yoongi begs.

Jungkook answers quietly, “sure, sir. But, if sir asks, I will. He pays my salary.”

Yoongi's lips twitch, “you are loyal, Jungkook. I am glad you are with him.”
The bodyguard sighs, “thank you, sir,” he pauses for a second before speaking, “I will always make sure he is physically fine. Along with the pup.”

Yoongi nods, “means a lot.”

Jungkook cuts the call. Yoongi walks out of the nursery and goes to his room to get dressed.

Yoongi jumps, in the middle of buttoning his shirt in his closet. He turns to face Minho, a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets glistening on his skin.

“Can I borrow a hoodie?” Minho wonders, “I don't have any clothes to wear. I didn't bring any.”
Yoongi chuckles, gesturing to his closet, "pick whatever."

He walks out of the room, going to sit on the bed to wear his socks. Yoongi's eyes flicker over to the closet for once, and he freezes for a second.

Minho drops the towel, walking around naked to the hoodies.
Yoongi turns away quickly, getting over to the dressing table to spray some perfume on himself. By the time he is done and putting on the jacket, Minho walks out of the closet.

He is dressed in Yoongi's hoodie and jeans. Almost drowning in them. He smiles at Yoongi expectantly.
“Looking good, Minho,” Yoongi says, knowing the omega likes praises, “let's go.”

Minho smiles wide, following Yoongi out of the house.

On their way to the shopping mall, while Minho drives, Yoongi opens his phone. He goes to Taemin's Instagram profile and a sigh escapes him.
Taemin posted two pictures of Jimin with the caption, 'he can do both.'

In one, Jimin is sitting at the head of the conference room and discussing something. In the other, he is buried in a few quilts. A small smile on his lips while he peeks at the camera with sleepy eyes.
Jimin hates hovering over his phone all day. He is done with the meetings and has a day to enjoy in Japan before he has to go back home. All he is doing is scrolling through trashy articles and reading their speculations.

He would laugh them off if he didn't see those photos.
There are pictures of Minho, bundled up in Yoongi's clothes. Jimin knows each one of Yoongi's hoodies, he knows each corner of the man's wardrobe. He zooms in and sees how Minho is carrying over a few things and dropping in the trolley Yoongi is wheeling around.
There is a sense of resentment in Jimin and then, the next moment, he is kind of glad.

He doesn't understand this side of him but looking at Yoongi, walking down the aisles and picking out things for a kid, feels good. Jimin saves a photo where Yoongi is staring at a teddy bear.
He sips his fruit juice and thinks maybe that's good. Whoever it is, Yoongi is trying to settle. Jimin feels how tight his chest feels. But at the same time, seeing Minho and Yoongi together like that, buying stuff for a baby… it feels good.

“If this helps you,” Jimin shrugs.
He lies down on the lounger, eyes on the sea ahead of himself. There are hot tears behind his sunglasses. Jimin rests his hand on his still flat abdomen.

“I will take it,” Jimin murmurs to the sea, “if he is what you need to understand you deserve a family, so be it.”
Jimin closes his eyes, “the baby deserves a family on both sides. I have to accept it and, well, that's all there is.”

He watches Taemin surf, waving at him. Jimin waves back. He looks over his shoulder and chuckles.

“Jungkook, go and enjoy the last day. Come on. I am fine.”
Jungkook shakes his head, hands joined in front of him, “I am fine, sir. Don't worry about me.”

Jimin sighs, “how is your mother doing? If you need a few days off to go and see her, please do.”

Jungkook is quiet for a few seconds before he speaks, “that's not necessary, sir.”
Jimin knows he won't win this one. He sighs, closing his eyes.

“You have changed a lot since I met you, kookie,” Jimin murmurs, “you used to be a sport.”

Jungkook doesn't answer. Jimin doesn't budge the man further.


'Do you want me to pick you up?' Yoongi's message comes.
'No,' Jimin types on his phone, 'I have six cars and four drivers. I will be fine.'

He erases that message after reading it once.

'No, hyung,' he types again, 'I am fine. Dad is sending someone.'

Yoongi types back, 'fine. I will see you tonight. Please be home.'
Jimin closes the phone. He drops Taemin off to his building and goes to his own.

He gets home and spends the day habituating himself with the timezone. He sleeps the afternoon away. Wakes up to take a bath and by the time he is done eating dinner, the doorbell rings.
Jimin yawns in his hands and goes to open the door. Yoongi is coming directly from the office. He looks exhausted. Jimin tries to offer a small smile.

“Hi,” he steps back, letting the alpha inside, “long day?”

Yoongi shrugs out of his coat, hanging it, “long week. How are you?”
Jimin feels like dying. The formal questions. Their stoic expressions. The tension between them. He has never felt this awkward around Yoongi.

He rubs his hands down his face, “look, let's cut to the chase. I am sorry,” Jimin waves his hand, “about the doctor's appointment.”
“I was a little out of my mind,” Jimin snorts, “everyone tells you how blissful and gifted pregnancy is. No one warns you about the mood swings, the weird headspace or the changes of your body and mind. I wasn't thinking.”

Yoongi watches him, “what's wrong?”

Jimin stares.
He forces a laugh out of him, “well, most of the days I wake up to the urge of vomiting the life out of me. Then I drag myself to work. But, the toughest time is when I come back and have nothing to do. Then I am just sitting on my couch for hours and just overthinking it all.”
Jimin sits on the stool of the kitchen, talking to himself more, “I am thinking how I am physically going to change. What if the baby is not fine when it's born. What if something happens to me and I can't contact someone. Some nights, I am just staring at the walls for hours.”
He looks at his hands, “every day I am pushing through life but nights are hard, you know?” he chuckles, “I have nothing to do. I overthink every scenario. That night I didn't sleep and the next morning I woke up to vomiting my ass off. I was so pissed, at nothing in particular +
“I just thought if I see you, I might say something weird,” Jimin shakes his head, “not an excuse. But, I am sorry. I wasn't thinking. Clearly.”

Yoongi nods, “I get it,” he looks around the place, “why don't you,” he swallows, looking at Jimin, “ask Taemin to move in here?”
Jimin plays with the loose ends of his sweater-paws, “I don't want to,” he looks at Yoongi, waving his hand, “forget about it. I didn't tell you all this for you to solve it. I just wanted to vent,” he forces a smile on his lips, “tell me, how is Minho?”

Yoongi blinks, “good…?”
Jimin nods, tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, “that night I was too harsh. I am sorry, for,” he waves his hand, “whatever I told you. I guess,” he snorts, “I am all over the place.”

“That's okay,” Yoongi rushes to assure him, “hey, that's okay. I get it. Really.”
Jimin looks up at Yoongi, “thanks. For understanding.”

Yoongi nods, awkwardly looking around, “I... uhhh...”

Jimin looks at him, “you have to leave? Is there something you want to say?”

Yoongi looks at Jimin, “you don't really hate Minho, do you? For some reason?”
Jimin blinks, feels his face heating up with embarrassment, “no, of course, not! Why would I hate him?”

Yoongi gives him a small smile, letting out a long breath, “oh, that's good to hear.”

Jimin stares at the alpha, watching Yoongi squirm on the stool. His brows furrowed.
“This is awkward,” Yoongi gives a laugh, short and sharp, “well, I,” he looks at his hands, squeezing them together, “my rut is coming in a few days.”

Jimin feels the chill run down his spine. He grips the edge of his stool.

Yoongi looks up at him, “I was thinking...”
Jimin feels the bile push up his throat. He looks down at his own hands.

He conceived on Yoongi's last rut. The thought leaves a bitter taste on his tongue. Jimin holds his breath.

“I know you will laugh at me for even asking you,” Yoongi sighs, “but, I feel like I should.”
“It's okay if I spend it with someone, right?” Yoongi wonders, trying to find Jimin's eyes.

Jimin lets out a long breath, matching Yoongi's eyes, “we are nothing, hyung. Who you bed is none of my business. It never was.”

Yoongi observes him, eyes wandering on his face.
Yoongi nods, “I had to ask. I mean, you are carrying my pup-”

“That's all we are,” Jimin tries to smile at the alpha, “having a pup. Nothing else. So, it's totally fine.”

Yoongi nods. The silence is heavy. Jimin is not sure how long he will be able to bear it.
He hates himself when he asks, “is it Minho?”

Yoongi's eyes snap to his. The alpha's pheromones heavy in the air. He nods. Doesn't voice anything. Just gives a short and simple nod. Jimin nods back, sucking his lower lip into his mouth.

“I see,” Jimin twists his hands together.
Yoongi tries to match his eyes, “hey, if you have problem, I won't do it. I mean-”

Jimin gives a small laugh, “it's okay, yeah? I mean,” he shrugs, “Taemin and I fucked on this trip,” he looks anywhere but at the alpha, “so, I don't see why you can't do the same. It's fine!”
Jimin cringes himself after he says it. What is he trying to prove? Why does he feel the need to say it to Yoongi?

He doesn't want to feel like a loser who got pregnant and is now going through it all alone. Jimin just doesn't like that image of himself.

Yoongi nods, “I see.”
Yoongi's business phone rings and Yoongi is picking it up then. Jimin turns away, trying to not eavesdrop onto whatever Yoongi is saying. The alpha takes the call to the balcony.

Jimin startles when another phone starts to ring. He notices it's Yoongi's personal phone.
Jimin hates how shrill it is. He ignores it for the sake of the alpha's privacy. The phone rings again and Jimin pulls it closer to see an unknown number flashing across the screen. He looks at the balcony where Yoongi is talking. He sighs, picking up the call.

“Uhhh... who's this?” the person on the line says.

Jimin rubs his hand down his face, “Yoongi hyung can't come to the phone, he is talking with someone. Whoever you are, tell me the name, I will let him know.”

The man hums, excited, “Jimin?! Is that you?! I am Minho!”
“I am calling from one of my friends' phone,” he rambles, “can you tell him I will get him dinner, so he doesn't eat out?”

Jimin stares, “uhhh… sure.”

Minho sounds happy as he speaks more, “also, tell him blossom said, he is missing him. Okay?”

Jimin feels his breath hitch.
With a trembling voice, he asks, “w-who?”

Minho's voice is loud and clear in his ears, “blossom,” the omega giggles, “he calls me blossom.”

For a second, Jimin just stares at nothing in particular. Everything is coming to a screeching halt in his brain. Then he cuts the call.
With trembling hands, Jimin goes to the alpha's contacts and searches the name.

It shows up, and under the name is a number he doesn't recognize. While his vision blurs, Jimin searches up his own name. It shows up too. With his number.

Jimin stares at the screen, immobile.
Jimin hears Yoongi walking back inside the room. He is still hovering over the phone. His eyes still on his own name.

“Did…” Yoongi frowns, puzzled, “did someone call?” he looks at his own phone and back at Jimin, “Jiminah-”

“So, it was something for every sub, then?”
Jimin breathes out a disbelieving laugh, “that name stayed the same, you just changed the number underneath. Convenient, I must admit,” Jimin nods to himself, not looking at the alpha, “who would remember every sub's name? Just keep it fixed. Change the numbers. No?”
Yoongi comes to stand right by Jimin's side, “what are you talking about?”

Jimin looks up at the alpha, his eyes red-rimmed, “your blossom,” he spits the word, “your blossom called,” he stands up, face to face with Yoongi, “told me to tell you, he will get your dinner.”
Yoongi's eyes are wandering over Jimin's face, his expression unreadable, “are you, perhaps, upset over a nickname?”

Something cracks in Jimin. Jimin cannot voice it. The emotions he attached to that name. To that one word.

“I am,” Jimin's lips quiver, “it hurts, you know?”
A teardrop rolls down his cheek, “I gave you up because you are not mine to hold back. I will share my pup with you and your future partner because the pup is not fully mine. But,” his voice cracks, “I thought I had that endearment for myself. Just for me,” his vision blurs...
“I thought it was mine,” Jimin takes a step back, “I thought it belonged to me. Good to know it doesn't.”

Jimin almost rushes to his bedroom, slamming the door behind himself. He feels breathless. He walks up to the floor to ceiling glass window, leaning against the glass.
He digs his nails on his stomach. The pain in his chest shooting through his body. He hopes Yoongi leaves. He cannot do this anymore.

Jimin knows if Yoongi comes to him right now, he will break down. He won't be able to put up the mask of bravery anymore. He is tired already.
The door, much to his chagrin, cracks open. He hears the footsteps and smells the alpha in the room. Jimin almost presses himself up against the glass, trying to keep as much distance as possible between the two of them.

Yoongi comes to stop right behind him, “Jimin...”
Jimin shakes his head, “go away. I told you to get the fuck away!”

He hisses when Yoongi steps closer, almost caging him there. The alpha doesn't touch him. But his chest is right behind Jimin's back.

“I asked if you are upset over it,” Yoongi whispers.

Jimin curses, “leave!”
“Because, if you are, I should get a chance to put my side forward,” Yoongi breathes out, “no?”

Jimin blinks at the city lights, “just go. I know you are thinking it's stupid that I am so bothered about a stupid nickname-”

“I call my subs by their names,” Yoongi murmurs.
“Unless it's a pet play or degradation play,” Yoongi sighs, “I have never,” he looks at the city lights too, thinking back to his own actions, “I have never called anyone blossom,” his eyes come back to Jimin, “until you came along. I swear.”

Jimin closes his eyes, “stop lying.”
“I am not,” Yoongi shakes his head, “I will talk to Minho about this. I don't know what happened, but I never called someone an endearment. I find them cringy. If I am being honest.”

Jimin doesn't look back, his forehead pressed against the cool glass. He feels too overwhelmed.
“Even then,” Yoongi takes a hold of Jimin's shoulders and forces him to turn and face the alpha, “why are you so bothered?” his eyes are persistent, “it's just an endearment.”

Jimin's eyes find Yoongi, “what are you trying to get out of me? What do you want to hear, really?”
“Why are you so bothered?” Yoongi wonders, hand reaching to take a hold of Jimin's chin so the omega looks directly at him, “so what if I call him with the same name? Who cares what your ex-dom calls someone? Why do you care so much?”

Jimin feels cornered, “I don't care.”
“You don't?” Yoongi wonders, his eyes intense, “you have tears in your eyes. Your scent is still sour. Are you sure?”

Jimin wrenches his face away, looking away from the alpha, “I just…” he closes his eyes, trying to find an excuse, “it caught me off-guard.”
Yoongi's eyes are intense on his face, “that's all?”

Jimin lets his hands come up to rest on Yoongi's chest, glaring at the alpha, “yes! That's all! What are you trying to get out of me?! What do you want to hear from me?!”

Yoongi's eyes never waver, “the truth.”
“Tell me why your scent goes sour whenever I mention Minho? Why do you-”

“What would you do,” Jimin scowls at the alpha, “huh?! What would you do with the truth?! What-”

“I deserve it because I have always been honest with you!” Yoongi snaps back, “haven't I?”
Jimin lets out a sharp laugh, “you demand the truth as if you have any rights on my emotions! But, can you take it?” his eyes oozes venom, lips curling back, “hmm? Min Yoongi?! Can you take it? The truth that you seek?! I can be honest, but then you will run for the damn hills!”
“You are not brave enough,” Jimin pats Yoongi's chest mockingly and pushes him back, leaning against the glass and giving Yoongi a delirious smile, “so, let's continue walking on egg-shells and praying one doesn't crack too loudly to startle you, yeah? Let's do that!”
Yoongi shakes his head, eyes never leaving Jimin's face, “try me.”

Jimin lets the alpha step closer. He lets the alpha's hands come and rest on his waist. He feels Yoongi's thumbs slowly rubbing circles on the sides of his hips.

“Try me,” Yoongi begs almost, “blossom.”
Jimin grasps the alpha's shirt between his fingers. His knuckles turning white.

“I don't want you to spend your rut with Minho,” Jimin hisses, “I don't want him anywhere near you! I don't want his chosen things in our pup's nursery. I don't want him staying at your place!”
“Then, I won't,” Yoongi is calm, “it's that simple.”

Jimin's chest rises and falls quickly. He is angry. Blinding anger coursing through him.

“Fuck you, really,” Jimin's voice cracks with sheer anger, “fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!”

Yoongi lets the omega scream at his face.
“Whatever you want, blossom,” Yoongi's voice is raw, a little rough, “whatever you want, I will do it. Just tell me.”

Jimin's eyes search the alpha's face, his breath caught in his chest. Yoongi's hands are squeezing his hips, slowly circling on the burning skin.
“Stop being so infuriating,” Jimin hisses, “stop saying it's that simple. Stop making me feel special like this. This, this right here, is the reason I am suffering!” Jimin turns away, closing his eyes, “you are horrible. You are the most infuriating alpha I know!”
“Why would you do this for me?!” Jimin demands, “why would you stop yourself for me?! Why would you-”

“It's you,” Yoongi answers, right away, “I would do anything for you.”

Jimin's eyes brim with frustrated tears, “and, how many of your subs you said this exact same thing to?”
“You would say these exact words, act this exact same way if it was Minho or someone else carrying your pup,” Jimin shakes his head, “it's nothing special. It's not me who makes any difference. It's you. Your upbringing. Your manners. You are this good to everyone.”
“Do you want me to be rude to others?” Yoongi's question makes Jimin snort.

The omega looks over Yoongi's shoulder, “no,” he gulps, throat tightening, “I just don't want to have this conversation over and over again.”

Yoongi's eyes are sceptical, “Jimin...”
“I think you should leave, hyung,” Jimin feels drained, “I am really not feeling like doing this-”

“I will tell Minho that I am not spending my rut with him-”

“Don't!” Jimin leans against the glass, his knees feeling weak, “I was being unreasonable. It makes no sense.”
“There's just too much going on,” Jimin looks away from those eyes, “I am feeling everything at once. I don't know. It makes no sense to torture yourself for no reason at all-”

“It bothers you,” Yoongi shrugs, “that's enough reason for me, you know?”

Jimin's chest hurts.
“Stop being so nice, hyung,” Jimin chuckles, “I might fall in love with you.”

The silence those words leave behind is heavy. Yoongi's eyes are startled, a little wide. Jimin watches the way the alpha's face goes pale. His scent fading as if the alpha is closing in on himself.
Jimin pushes off of the glass, rounding the alpha, “go home, hyung. Don't tell Minho off. It's ridiculous.”

Yoongi turns to take a hold of Jimin's hand, “Jimin-”

Jimin wrenches his hand free, “go,” he snaps, “home, hyung! I want to sleep now! Leave me alone!”
“I don't know what you expect me to say, Jimin!” Yoongi follows him to the washroom door, “you are not giving me a lot of options here, are you?! Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will!”

Jimin whirls around to glare at the alpha, “that's the point, hyung! I am fed up!”
“I am fed up with being your mentor! I am fed up with your bullshit! You are not a toddler! Do whatever you want! You want me to tell you what you need to do?! You need to leave me alone!”

Yoongi curses, frustration clear in his eyes, “god, you are making it so hard, Jiminah!”
“Yeah,” Jimin grasps the door, nodding at the alpha, “I know. I make it hard for you. Because, you make it so easy! You make everything so damn easy, hyung! I wish,” his throat bobs, “I wish I was carrying Taemin's pup instead! It would be so much easier!”

He slams the door.
Jimin locks the door and goes to sit at the edge of the bathtub. He sits there for a moment before he reaches for the phone on the wall and dials Jungkook.

“Jungkook,” Jimin rubs his temple, “come up and get him out of my house-”

“He just left, sir,” Jungkook murmurs.
Jimin nods, “thanks.”

“Do you need anything, sir?” Jungkook asks.

“Next time he shows up,” Jimin gulps, “don't let him get up here.”

Jungkook is quiet for a few seconds before he speaks, “yes, sir. I will make sure of it.”

Jimin cuts the call.
Minho's scent fills the apartment when Yoongi walks inside. He drops his coat and loosens his tie before walking inside the living room.

The omega is sitting on the couch, the dinner spread out on the tea-table. There is something playing on the television. Yoongi nods at Minho.
Minho gets off the couch right away, brows furrowed, “hyung?” he walks up to Yoongi, hand reaching to rest on Yoongi's shoulder, “what's wrong?”

Yoongi goes to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water that he finishes by the sink itself. He looks at the omega then...
“Did you take my phone and change the names of the contacts, Minho?” Yoongi asks, leaning against the sink, “of yours and Jimin's?”

Minho blinks, “…no?” he frowns at Yoongi, “change to what?”

Yoongi observes the omega, “to blossom?”

Minho lets out a short laugh, “no?”
Yoongi's brows furrow, “you didn't?”

Minho shakes his head, “no! Why would I do that? Who told you?”

Yoongi watches the omega, “Jimin said you did. You calle-”

“I called him to tell him that I am buying dinner,” Minho shakes his head, “and, he cut the call. Abruptly!”
Minho's face contorts, “I would never touch your phone like that, hyung. Also, I don't know your passcode! How would I do it? You didn't tell me the passcode.”

Jimin knows the passcode. Yoongi told him once. Yoongi frowns at the sudden thought. He looks at Minho again.
Minho's eyes water, “hyung, why would I do it?” he reaches to grasp Yoongi's wrist with both of his hands, “what would I get from doing that?”

Yoongi's minds reel. He ignores how Minho comes to stand in front of him, burying his face against his chest. Sniffling against him.
“𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑠𝘩 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛'𝑠 𝑝𝑢𝑝.”

Yoongi feels Minho's trembling lips against his throat. The omega whimpering.

“Why would I do it, hyung?” Minho sniffles, “I get nothing from it.”

Yoongi's arm wraps around Minho's waist, “shhh, calm down.” Image
There is a sense of anger in Yoongi that fuels him. He looks at Minho when Minho cups his face, pulling him down to face the omega.

“Hyung,” Minho's eyes are glossy, “he hates me. Doesn't he?” his voice cracks, “he is getting married. But, he wants you all to himself, too.”
“I don't know what he is told you, hyung, but,” Minho buries his face in Yoongi's chest, “I just called you to tell you I am buying dinner. I don't know what happened...”

Yoongi's ears ring. His mind reeling with Minho's words.
“𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑟𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝘩𝑜. 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝘩𝑖𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑤𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢! 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝘩𝑖𝑚 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒!”

Those words ring in Yoongi's ears. Along with Minho's cries. Image
“Minho,” Yoongi rubs the omega's back, “I think you should go and eat. It's okay.”

Minho looks at him, tears brimming in his eyes, “no. If you don't trust me, take me to his apartment. I will confront him right now.”

“No need,” Yoongi shakes his head, “calm down. I trust you.”
Minho doesn't budge, doesn't let him go, “you trust me?”

Yoongi nods, absent-mindedly, “yeah.”

Minho leans on his toes and presses a chaste kiss on Yoongi's jaw, “thank you, hyung,” his lips linger there, “I really thought you would kick me out of here,” the omega sniffles.
Yoongi sighs, “Minho, I would never do something without fully knowing both sides.”

Minho cups the side of Yoongi's face, “thank you for trusting me, hyung. I don't care who he is or what his business with you is. I am here for you and if you let me,” his voice waver, “the pup.”
Yoongi watches the omega, “huh?”

Minho's hands come to rest on Yoongi's shoulders, “he is going to marry Taemin and leave, hyung. He isn't going to be here to guide you through the journey of being a father. I will,” he nods, assuring, “no questions asked. I am here, hyung.”
“When he builds his own family, I will be right here,” Minho takes a hold of Yoongi's collars, slowly pulling the alpha closer, “with you. I don't need anything. I just want to take care of you like you take care of me. Pay you back for being so kind to me. Always.”
The kiss is a shock to Yoongi's system. His hands fly to Minho's hips, ready to push him away on instinct.

“𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝…”

Yoongi's eyes squeeze shut. His grasp tightening on Minho's waist. The omega opens his mouth further. Image
Minho's arms loop around Yoongi's neck. His lips moulding with Yoongi's while his tongue invades the alpha's mouth.

Yoongi's nose picks up on the omega's scent. Sweet. Too thick in the air. Minho whines into the kiss.

“Please, alpha,” his voice comes out as a moan.
Yoongi feels the way Minho's hands work on his buttons. The omega's lips trailing open-mouth kisses down Yoongi's throat.

Yoongi's skin burn when Minho pauses as his chest is revealed. Those fingertips trace over the compass Yoongi has tattooed on his chest.

“You got a tattoo?”
And, Yoongi remembers fingertips tracing over the tattoos. Lips ghosting over it as it healed. Smiles pressed against the tattoo.

It's a stupid tattoo. It's not even technically right. It doesn't have any direction. There are two letters on it. The pointer points at one.
Yoongi was drunk off his mind when he got it. Along with Jimin. They both had stumbled inside a tattoo parlour and got the tattoos together.

On Yoongi's one, it points at J. On Jimin's one, it points at Y.

They both had laughed at it the next morning, instead of freaking out.
Yoongi pushes Minho away, the omega's touch burning on the tattoo. It feels surreal. The tattoo was never exposed for someone else's eyes. No one ever touched it. Yoongi feels nauseous when his mind supplies, Taemin saw it. Maybe-

He stumbles, rounding Minho to get out of there.
Yoongi goes to his bedroom and locks the door. It all feels suffocating to him. He walks inside the washroom, splashing water on his face. It doesn't sooth the burn he feels. He stares at his own face in the mirror, and his eyes slowly find the compass.

Yoongi feels angry.
He watches how the pointer is fixed on the J. His eyes sharpen on the tattoo.

'I will get rid of it,' Yoongi tells himself, nodding to himself, 'I will book an appointment tomorrow.'

He shrugs out of his shirt and undresses before going to the shower.
He doesn't go to eat dinner. When Minho knocks on his door, Yoongi tells him off. When sleep deludes him, Yoongi finds himself in the nursery. He kneels by the crib, forehead resting against it.

Maybe, he should have backed away anyway. Yoongi thinks. Maybe, he still can.
He sits there, leaning against the crib. Hot tears brim in Yoongi's eyes the more he sits there.

For the past two years, whenever he felt down, Jimin was there. Whenever he found himself awake at night, unable to sleep, the omega would come and sit by his side. Hand in hand.
The omega would rest his head on Yoongi's shoulder and they both would sit in silence.

Yoongi flexes his hand, looks down at it.

There were nights where he would just come home and find the omega on the couch. Watching something. Yoongi would lie down on Jimin's lap.
Jimin would lean forward to kiss him on the forehead and then go back to watching whatever he was. Yoongi would turn to watch it silently too. He would find those fingers in his hair, slowly scratching on his scalp.

Yoongi feels his head hurt, he pulls his knees up to hug them.
“I wish I never met you,” Yoongi whispers, turns on his side to look at the crib, “then, I won't be here,” he lets the tears roll out of his eyes, “I wish we never met, Jiminah.”

Yoongi falls asleep there, on the carpet by the side of the crib.
“You are stressing too much,” the doctor frowns at him, disapproving eyes fixed on Jimin, “it's not doing you or the pup any good, Mr. Park. You have to understand, the first few months are very delicate. You have to try and take less stress.”

Jimin is not sure how.
Jimin avoids the alpha who is sitting beside him. He hasn't uttered a single word since he got here. Jimin plays with his fingers on his lap, anxiously looking at the doctor while she goes through the reports.

“The stress can be really harmful for the baby,” she sighs.
“Are you working more?” she wonders, “following the diet chart given to you?”

Jimin swallows, “there's too much work in the company-”

The doctor clicks her tongue, frown deepening, “you can't afford to make excuses, Mr. Park. You have to prioritize the baby and yourself.”
“Make sure you are in a comfortable place. Your omega needs time to nest. You need to settle the pup with the familiar scents too. Did you make a nest?”

Jimin feels uncomfortable. He risks a glance sideways at the alpha, who is looking ahead at the doctor.

“Y-yes, I did.”
She looks at Yoongi, “you both need to work together on this. I am not sure what is going on, but a hostile environment or overthinking won't do the baby any good.”

Yoongi gives a silent nod.

“What if I was a single parent,” Jimin starts, “won't I be able to do it alone?”
The doctor gives him a deadpan look, “yes, you would be. But, in you two's case, the alpha is present. But, not fully. It's kind of confusing the baby's developing senses. The nausea is because of that, Mr. Park. You are making the baby anxious this way.”

Jimin hates it all.
“Introduce the baby to the alpha's scent,” her voice is gentle, “the pup is meeting too many scents who work with you or are around you. They need to know the alpha's scent steadily. Introduce the alpha's scent in the nest. Keep only one scent a constant, except for yours.”
Jimin looks at the doctor with persistent eyes, “we don't live together. We are not,” he swallows, shaking his head, “we are not together.”

“Then either cut him off fully, or,” she looks at Yoongi and back at Jimin, “find a way to keep the scent around you. For the pup, sir.”
Jimin looks at Yoongi then. Yoongi is already looking at him. In those eyes, there is nothing. They are closed off. That face has no expression. Jimin looks back at the doctor, nods, and picks up the files she hands him over.

They silently walk out of the chamber.
He walks inside the lift and Yoongi presses the button for the underground parking. Jimin leans against the wall, closing his eyes to steady his breathing.

“Send me a few of your clothes,” he addresses the void, “hoodies and mufflers are preferable.”

Yoongi looks at him.
Jimin walks out of the lift first, going to his car. He gets inside and slams the door. Jungkook is sitting on the driver's seat. He waits for Jimin to say something.

Jimin watches Yoongi go to his car. He closes his eyes.

“Take me home, Jungkook,” Jimin curls up in himself.
It's past midnight, and Jimin finds himself making his nest all over again. He adds the clothes Yoongi sent. A few hoodies, scarfs, shirts. Jimin holds his breath when he spreads it all out on his bed, carefully giving it a shape of a nest. When done, he stares at it.
One hoodie catches his eyes. It's too worn out. Jimin knows this hoodie. It's one of Yoongi's favourites. The alpha wears it all the time. Jimin reaches for it, his fingers digging into the material. He pulls it to his nose, eyes snapping closed on their own accord.
The scent takes him back to when he was happy.

The thought is so sudden, it hurts Jimin's eyes. They burn with unshed tears.

When was the last time he was happy? Maybe before he found out he was pregnant. Maybe before they fucked it all up.

The thoughts are heavy in his head.
tw// thoughts of abortion

Jimin cannot help but wonder if he did the right thing by keeping the baby. If he did the right thing by telling Yoongi.

'Maybe I should have aborted-' the thought doesn't really form in him before he is shutting it down. Violently.
He hugs the hoodie to himself and lies down. Eyes slowly closing while his nose buries in the material.

Jimin hates nights like these. When he is all alone and there's no one stopping him from wondering. Wandering down the drain. It all feels so heavy around him.
He turns towards the phone and turns it on to see numerous messages from Taehyung. Some are from Taemin. He scrolls to the person he wants to text. He stares at the picture of the contact and scrolls up when a message comes.

'What are you up to this late?' Taemin writes.
Jimin buries his face into the pillow, typing back, 'nothing. Just scrolling.'

'Can't fall asleep?' Taemin writes back.

Jimin peeks at it, hums, 'no. What about it?'

'Want me to come over?'

Jimin stares at the message.

'Taemin, let's not confused ourselves,' he replies.
Taemin replies quickly, 'there's nothing to confuse, Chim. You are my friend. If not me, who else would do it?'

Jimin bites his lower lip, contemplating, 'fine. But, please know you don't have to!'

Taemin sends back a thumbs up, 'I want to.'

Jimin closes the phone.

Taemin pulls him in a hug as soon as Jimin opens the door. Jimin goes still for a second. The alpha's scent all over him. Then he realizes, how much he missed this. Someone just gathering him up in their arms and hugging him close.

He hugs Taemin back, grasps onto him.
“How are my babies doing?” Taemin wonders, face buried in Jimin's neck, voice light and laced with warmth.

Jimin's eyes burn, breath hitching, he pulls away with a shaky smile. He nods, trying to find his voice.

“We are doing good,” he gestures to the couch, “come in.”
Taemin steps inside, “did you eat?”

Jimin nods, “yeah.”

The alpha takes a hold of Jimin's shoulders, eyeing him, “did you?”

Jimin nods again, “as much as I could stomach.”

“Want me to make some midnight snack?” he wonders.

Jimin shrugs, “maybe... a little?”
While Taemin cooks, Jimin sits on the stool. Taemin asks him random questions, and Jimin finds himself smiling along with the alpha. He laughs at a few dad jokes Taemin makes.

“What?” Jimin asks, laughing and wiping his eyes, “what are you looking at?”

Taemin sighs, “you.”
“You look beautiful when you laugh,” Taemin reaches to caress Jimin's cheekbone, “you know?”

Jimin composes himself, looking at the oats the alpha is making, “I don't know, but, thanks.”

Taemin serves the oats in two bowls and rounds the counter to come and stand beside Jimin.
“You are everything, Jimin,” the alpha cups his face, “maybe, some day you will stop seeking the validation in people who aren't worth it, and then you will know.”

Jimin watches the alpha sit on the stool, and he focuses on the oats. Both of them eating in silence.
Jimin risks a glance at Taemin and sighs, “I am not seeking any validation, Taemin. The baby is his,” he places his hand protectively over his stomach, still not big enough to show over the hoodie, “I can't possibly wipe him off of their life.”

Taemin looks at him, “why not?”
“Why not, Jimin?” Taeming turns to face him fully, “that guy doesn't want to be in this. You know it. Since the start-”

“He is trying,” Jimin insists, “it's all new to him-”

“It's all new to you, too, chim!” Taemin's voice is gentle, “you are still fully up for the challenge.”
“He is just throwing you a few clothes, showing up for doctor's appointments and that's it? That's all his responsibilities are?” Taemin combs his hair back, “chim, you are here. Clearly tired and miserable. There he is,” Taemin waves his hand, “going on trips with his omega!”
Jimin frowns, “trip?”

Taemin nods, pulling out his phone, “that's why I messaged you. I thought you saw and were now probably overthinking it. That's why I showed up.”

Jimin leans in to check the alpha's phone. There are photos and clips of Yoongi and Minho at the airport.
“Minho is shooting his documentary for his next album,” Taemin stares at the phone along with Jimin, “Yoongi is going with him for now.”

Jimin reads the headlines and hears the reporters speaking on the clips.

'The couple looked cosy.' 'The alpha just had his rut if the scent-'
'The omega, according to our sources, was wearing the alpha's clothes. So we can safely say they were together during the alpha's rut-'

Jimin feels disgusted. He pulls away. Now his appetite fully gone. He pushes the bowl away, trying to keep the food in him that he consumed.
“Let him go, Jiminie,” Taemin whispers, “let him-”

“It's not easy,” Jimin chokes out, his hands on the counter, grasped together, “okay? It's not easy! I don't want to come between him and his pup! He can do whatever he wants. He is single, Taemin! None of this means shit.”
“He is not cheating on me,” Jimin shrugs Taemin's hand off of him, “we were never together. Whatever we had, now we don't. He is single, and he can do whatever he wants. I just,” Jimin looks at Taemin, “I just feel bad because I have feelings for him. That's not his fault.”
“I don't want to take away something so important from him. I know, I get angry and frustrated and say things to hurt him because he hurt me. Unknowingly. But, that's the point,” Jimin looks at the phone's screen, another video playing now, “he doesn't know he hurt me.”
Jimin chuckles, “I just need to accept that there is another person in his life now. That, he needs to focus on that too. I just need to accept that, I guess. He didn't want to be in this, Taemin. I asked him to stay. I begged him to be a part of all this. You know?”
“I told him so much shit too,” Jimin whispers, eyeing the oats, “hurt him when all he wanted to do was be there for me. I realized it when he was gone. That, I hurt him where it hurts the most. I just,” Jimin's face contorts, “I wish things were different, you know?”
“I wish,” Jimin bows his head, “I wish I never met him. He never met me. That would be so good,” he lets out a short laugh, “I wish, I met you before,” he looks at Taemin, “maybe carry your pups. Then it would be sorted. No?”

Taemin clutches his hands, “it can still be sorted.”
🥀🥀 🍂 🥀🥀
Jimin looks at the alpha, a little confused. Taemin takes his hands in his, gives them a little squeeze.

“I am going nowhere,” he says, “okay? I am right here. If you ever feel like,” the alpha offers a lopsided smile, “just say the words that you want me. I will be right here.”
Jimin feels his heart flutter, a current spreading through his ribcage. It kind of hurts. Leaves behind a sense of thrumming that makes his muscles tighten up. He pulls his hands away.

“Thanks, Taemin,” Jimin eyes the phone on the counter, another clip playing, “for the words”
Taemin doesn't ask more. The alpha takes the bowls to the sink and Jimin goes over to the couch.

“You don't have to stay the night,” Jimin tells Taemin over his shoulder, “I am fine. Really.”

“Nonsense,” Taemin waves his hand, “I will sleep on the couch. You go to bed.”
Jimin looks at the alpha, “you don't have to, you know? I will just sleep. It makes me feel bad if you just sleep on the couch.”

Taemin rolls his eyes, a smile on his lips, “seriously, you never had a friend or what? I am fine. I will leave tomorrow morning. Just go to bed.”
Jimin knows when to give up. He leaves Taemin a blanket and a pillow before he goes to bed.


It's around three in the morning when the phone on the tea-table rings. Taemin winces, picking it up.

“Hello?” he groans into the call.

“It's Jungkook, sir,” Jungkook replies...
“Yes, kook?” Taemin yawns behind his hand, blinking back sleep.

“Sir's phone is off,” Jungkook says, “can you please inform him Mr. Min is here?”

Taemin blinks, sitting up, “Min? Yoongi?”

“I don't know any other Min, sir,” Jungkook's voice comes out curt, “neither does he.”
Taemin closes his eyes, “hand the phone over to him.”

“I am afraid, I can't, sir,” Jungkook answers right away, “can you inform sir for me?”

“I can't,” Taemin hisses, “he is exhausted and sleeping! Tell Yoongi to leave. This is not the time he is showing up to someone's home!”
Jungkook lets out a breath, “sir-”

Taemin frowns when he hears the voice over the phone. Jungkook is talking to Yoongi. After a few moments, Taemin hears the voice clearly.

“Taemin, hey,” it's Yoongi, “can you just ask him-”

“No, I can't!” Taemin curses, “look at the clock!”
“I know you have no sense of responsibility or a trace of understanding of other people, but you don't show up at someone's doorstep at three in the morning!” Taemin gets off the couch, “he is sleeping next to me and I will not wake him up. Just come back tomorrow morning!”
For a second, the line is quiet. Then Yoongi lets out a deep breath.

“I see, fine,” the alpha hums, “I will come back tomorrow morning then.”

Taemin hums, “yeah. Leave. Please. Jimin kept telling me how he wished he never met you. Man, he was right. You are so irresponsible!”
“Just knocking someone up doesn't make you a father, Yoongi,” Taemin whispers, “being there, being responsible, looking after the omega, all these things add up to being a father. God, you are failing so badly, man! I get when Jimin said he wished the baby was mine instead!”
“Of course, he is seeing who is here for him all the time! He is seeing who is putting in efforts! You are just-” Taemin rubs his hand down his face, “just leave him alone, man! Just let him be! You confuse him. He is already feeling so low. You are doing no one a favour here!”
“Don't disturb him, seriously. I will tell Jimin you showed up but, seriously, leave him alone!” Taemin cuts the call, going into the log to delete the entry.


The next morning, Taemin leaves after making Jimin breakfast. He doesn't tell him about Yoongi.
Jimin takes a few days off of work. He dials Jungkook's number after taking a shower.

“Kookie,” Jimin pours himself a glass of juice, “take the day off. Baekhyun is there to take over the shift. You go home and rest.”

Jungkook hums, “yes, sir, I will. Good morning.”
Jimin sits on the carpet on the balcony, “good morning.”

“I hope I didn't disturb your sleep last night,” Jungkook says next, “sorry. I know you said you don't want Mr. Min to meet you, but I thought I should, at least, let you know that he was here.”

Jimin blinks, “huh? What?”
Jungkook hums, “you were sleeping. Taemin sir told me off.”

Jimin grasps the glass in his hands, “b-but,” he shakes his head, “Yoongi? Wasn't he out of town?”

Jungkook sounds confused, “I don't know? He showed up around three in the morning. Wanted to meet you.”
“Taemin sir and Yoongi sir talked for a bit before sir left,” Jungkook narrates.

Jimin stares at nothing in particular, “he didn't tell me this.”

Jungkook is quiet.

Jimin swallows, “what… what was he here for? Did he tell you?”

Jungkook clicks his tongue, “no, sir.”
“Maybe you can call him and ask?” Jungkook offers.

Jimin nods, “I might. Thank you, kookie. For the heads-up.”

Jungkook chuckles, “it's my job, sir.”

Jimin smiles into the line, “you do way more than your job requires, kook. Thank you for looking after me so well.”
Jimin cuts the call and dials Yoongi's number. It rings for a few moments before Yoongi picks up.

“Yeah?” his voice is impassive.

Jimin swallows, “you dropped by last night...?”

Yoongi hums, “yeah. I was trying to talk to you about the doctor's appointment.”
“What about it?” Jimin wonders, “you can come over now-”

Yoongi gives a short laugh, “no, it's okay. We can talk over the phone. It's better this way, really.”

Jimin frowns, confused, “what is it?”

Yoongi is quiet for a few moments. As if deciding how to break it to Jimin.
“I won't be able to do this, Jimin,” Yoongi speaks slowly, each word clear in Jimin's ears, “I want to take the doctor's suggestion and cut myself off of this, whatever this is, fully.”

Jimin sets the glass of juice down. It feels too heavy in his hold.

“Oh,” he whispers.
“I should have never got into the mix,” Yoongi sounds tired, “this is not my path. I don't want to get involved-”

“Right, of course,” Jimin nods, “no, I get it,” he pulls his legs up to hug them, “thanks for clearing it out. Really. The dilemma was more agonizing.”
“Thanks for clearing it out, hyung,” Jimin feels his hand trembling where he holds the phone, “I will go now.”

Yoongi hums, “yeah. No problem.”

Jimin hears the soft click of the phone. He places the phone on the carpet next to him, his eyes glued on it.

“Right,” he sighs.
Jimin leans against the railing, closing his eyes.

He picks up his phone and dials a number.

“Can you come over?” he whispers, voice tight, “please?”

Taehyung sounds alert, “I am coming. What's wrong?”

Jimin swallows, “everything.”

Taehyung curses, “I am on my way.”

“No, what I don't get is,” Taehyung combs Jimin's hair back, “why didn't Taemin tell you about the call?”

Jimin looks up at the omega, “and, out of everything else, that got your attention?”

Taehyung gapes at him, “it didn't get yours?! Why would he not tell you?!”
“The call is not even in the log, Jimin!” Taehyung scrolls through the phone, “he erased it! Why would he get so brave to act like this in your household?” the omega glares at Jimin, “what did they talk about? Did Jungkook say what they talked about? Anything else?”
Jimin curls in on himself, burying his face in Taehyung's lap, “I didn't ask. I wasn't in the right mind to do investigation work at that time!”

Taehyung curses, picking up his own phone to dial Jungkook's number.

“Since when you have Jungkook's number?” Jimin wonders.
Taehyung shrugs, “since forever. He is your head of the security.”

Jimin doesn't ask any more questions. He watches Taehyung talk instead.

“Jungkook?” Taehyung's throat bobs, “listen, last night when Yoongi hyung dropped by, did you hear what him and Taemin talked about?”
Jimin closes his eyes, feels how Taehyung scratches his scalp with his nails.

“Fine,” Taehyung sighs, “it just doesn't make sense. That's all. Sorry for disturbing you.”

Jimin looks up at the man, “what did he say?”

“He said, he didn't hear anything,” Taehyung sighs.
“Just talk to hyung once,” Taehyung says, “he won't drop by at ass o'clock in the night to say he wants an out. He can easily do it over the phone, like he did this morning. I am sure he was here for something else and Taemin told him something stupid. I am pretty sure!”
Jimin shakes his head, “it's whatever, Tae. I am not about to go and beg him to reconsider his decision. I am fine, really!”

Taehyung curses, “Jimin! It's not about him reconsidering! It's about Taemin hiding the truth from you! You and Yoongi hyung should talk about this!”
“You are completely capable of taking care of yourself,” Taehyung pulls Jimin up to a sitting position, “that's not what you will talk to him about. Just ask him why he was here. Tell him to be honest. Don't lose your temper. Okay? Just go and talk to him one last time.”
Jimin hates showing up to Yoongi's place. He sent a message. Asking if he can drop by. Yoongi sent a 'sure,' back.

Jimin's excuse is dropping off Yoongi's things from his nest. He looks at the bag in his hand and presses the doorbell.

The alpha opens the door for him.
Jimin walks inside and the first thing he notices is the scent.

The alpha's scent is heavy in the apartment. He breathes through his mouth, looking around the place he left behind.

“Sit,” Yoongi says, “I will get something to drink.”

Jimin sits, carefully, “thanks.”
Jimin takes the juice Yoongi holds out for him with a grateful nod. He sips it, watches Yoongi sip his coffee.

“Here's your clothes,” Jimin holds the bag out, “all of them.”

Yoongi nods, “thanks,” he places the bag behind the couch, “you could have sent it with Jungkook.”
Jimin waves his hand, squirming on the spot, “I just wanted to ask you, when you dropped by yesterday,” he watches the alpha's shoulders go taut, “what did you and Taemin talk about? Taemin didn't tell me about the call. I wonder, what's wrong-”

“Nothing,” Yoongi chuckles.
“I was just dropping by to tell you about what we talked this morning,” Yoongi leans back against the couch, “Minho is on a trip right now, when he gets back, we are kind of thinking about starting the contract between us. So, I was trying to sort out this as fast as I can.”
Jimin watches the alpha, “ah, I see,” he gets up right away, “Well, if that's the case, then I am glad we sorted it out, hyung. I will be out of your hair now.”

Yoongi gets up too, nodding, “thanks. For understanding.”

Jimin shrugs, “of course.”
“You won't be needing the nursery anymore,” Jimin chuckles, looking at the closed door, “have to return those things.”

Yoongi looks at the door and back at Jimin, “maybe, you can keep those?” he walks up to the nursery, opens the door, “if you want any of these. Go ahead.”
Jimin hesitates for a second before he walks inside the nursery.

For the first time, he steps inside the room. His eyes trail over the walls. He watches those lights in the shape of stars plastered on the walls. The moon hanging over the crib, along with a globe and the sun.
Jimin walks up to the crib, his eyes tracing over the empty frames on one wall. He frowns at it and looks back at Yoongi in confusion.

Yoongi shrugs, arms crossed over his chest, “I thought it would be nice to have the baby's pictures taken every month till they turn one.”
Jimin's heart flutters. He looks at the other side of the room. There is a small wardrobe. Jimin walks up to it, opening it to stare at the clothes. He picks up a few, caressing them.

He looks at the soft toys the alpha stored on another corner of the room. It all looks so cosy.
Jimin looks at the mirror to see Yoongi is looking right at him. The alpha's eyes stuck on him. His expression unreadable. Those eyes glued on him. Jimin slowly puts the clothes back in the wardrobe and turns towards Yoongi.

“You did so well here,” he forces a smile, “hyung.”
“You have always been good with wooden works,” Jimin chuckles, pulls his sleeves down to hide his palms, his skin breaking with goosebumps, “the crib looks so good. All these frames are so beautiful,” he looks around with longing heavy in his chest, “this is so good.”
He looks at the alpha, blinking back the moisture that gathers in his eyes.

“Keep it, hyung,” Jimin stands in the middle of the room, nodding at Yoongi, “keep it. Some day,” he looks at the crib, “you might need it,” he feels awkward standing there, “I don't need any of these.”
“Did you decorate a room already?” Yoongi wonders.

Jimin shakes his head, “no. I am too exhausted to work on a room. I will keep the baby with me, in my room. Get people to work on the nursery. I am not sure. A bassinet should be enough for a few months. No?”
Yoongi nods, “of course. That's a good solution. Just,” his lips twitch, but those eyes look troubled, “don't have sex in front of the baby.”

Jimin blinks, for a second his mind going blank, “huh?”

Yoongi looks at him, “I…” he shrugs, “sorry, that was crass.”
Jimin lets out a breath, shaking his head, “well, no. I,” he looks down at his hands, “no, I am not going to. That's weird.”

Yoongi hums, pushing his hands into his pockets, looking anywhere but at Jimin.

Jimin looks around the room again, “I should probably go.”
“If you have a room selected,” Yoongi's voice stops him, “just tell me. I will uninstall these and send it to your apartment. My men will install everything for you. You don't have to worry. I don't need these anymore.”

Jimin pauses, “keep it. I told you, one day you might-”
“I won't want a kid, Jimin,” Yoongi murmurs, looking away, “I know that for sure. Also,” his throat bobs, “I built all these thinking about,” he gestures towards Jimin's stomach, “it would be good if the baby can have these. Something of me,” Yoongi whispers, “if you let them.”
“Why won't I let them, hyung?” Jimin's voice wavers.

Yoongi's eyes are troubled, “well,” he bites his lower lip, “you might not. I mean, I get it. I am not a good influence on the baby. I mean,” he offers a smile, “I am not as good as Taemin. No?”

Something cracks in Jimin.
Jimin marches forward to stand in front of Yoongi, “I didn't mean it,” he shakes his head, tears brimming in his eyes, “I never meant it, hyung. I was upset,” he takes a hold of Yoongi's wrists, the alpha's hands still shoved in his pockets, “I just blurted out nonsense!”
“I am sorry,” Jimin whispers, “for saying that I wish it was Taemin's baby. I didn't mean it in a bad way,” the omega tries to find the alpha's eyes but Yoongi is looking anywhere but at him, “I just...” Jimin swallows, “I keep feeling I tied you down in a place you hate.”
“I know how much these things scare you,” Jimin waves his hand, “I know the situation between us is not right. I said, if it was Taemin's baby, it would be easy. I am sorry.”

Yoongi swallows, shrugs, “yeah, well...” his eyes wander around, “you are right anyway.”
“No, you are not,” Jimin grasps Yoongi's face in his both hands, making the alpha look at him, “you hear me? I was upset and I blurted out shit. I didn't mean it. I really didn't. I was hurt and I wanted to hurt you. I didn't mean it!”

Yoongi watches him, silently.
Jimin nods, “it's okay if you never have a kid. If you never want one. I get it. But, you are not going to be a bad dad. I know,” he takes a step back, looks at the room, “Minho helped buy these stuff?”

Yoongi shrugs, “a few plushies. Yes.”

Jimin sighs, “keep them.”
He tries to offer a teasing smile, “you might want it in the future.”

Yoongi's lips curl up in a tired smile, “just say you don't want anything of mine around the baby, Jiminah. I get it. It's okay. You don't have to try so hard,” his face contorts, “don't try so hard to lie.”
“I know you are starting a new family,” Yoongi looks away, “I know you want nothing to do with me. But, you don't need to lie about it. It's okay. Taemin and you, you make sense,” he nods to himself, turning towards the crib, “just... stop saying things you don't mean.”
“I am not marrying him,” Jimin whispers, he slowly walks up to the crib too, standing beside Yoongi, hands grasping the edge of the crib, “I am not,” he gulps, “doing it.”

For a second there is silence. Yoongi is staring at the crib. His hands gripping the edge, knuckles white.
“You are not...?” Yoongi whispers, frowns, “but... why not? Since when? He was there last night-”

“I broke it off a month or so ago,” Jimin closes his eyes, “didn't tell you because, it felt weird. I don't know, just,” he waves his hand, “I couldn't. I felt like a loser.”
“So, you lied to me about the wedding,” Yoongi turns to face him, his eyes burning into the side of Jimin's face, “then, why did he say he was sleeping beside you last night?”

Jimin blinks, a little confused, alert, “he did?”

Yoongi gives a curt nod. Jimin frowns.
Jimin's shoulders sag, “he feels like you are not good for me to keep around, I guess that's why he lied,” Jimin rubs his hands down his face, “I will talk to him.”

Yoongi watches Jimin with an unreadable expression, “why did you break it off? He really loves you.”
Jimin chuckles, “I didn't want to get married. Also,” he arches a brow, “if he literally lied about us like that, I don't think his love is really healthy for me. I don't,” Jimin looks at the crib, “also, I don't feel the same. I don't want to lead him on for no reason.”
Jimin combs his hair back, “I will go now,” he looks at his wristwatch, “I have a meeting to attend around evening.”

Yoongi looks at the clock, “you are still overworking?”

Jimin snorts, “nope. I am going to office now. I will attend the meeting and go home right away.”
Yoongi nods, looks at Jimin, hesitates before speaking, “if he,” he looks anywhere but at Jimin, “if he is nice to you, keep him around. You know?”

Jimin frowns, “huh?”

Yoongi's throat bobs, “Taemin. If he is ready to lie for you, stand up for you like that, keep him around.”
“He did that because in his mind, he knows I hurt you,” Yoongi looks at his hands, “he is also ready to take care of the pup-”

“The pup is mine,” Jimin's voice is stern, expression blank, “let's clear it up. The pup is mine, and I don't need him to stand up for me. I can do it.”
“Also,” Jimin sighs, tired, “we both are not at war that someone has to take someone's side. Jesus, hyung. We are parting ways here, I get that, but,” Jimin's voice cracks, “don't make it sound like we are the worst thing that happened to each other.”

Yoongi's face contorts...
Jimin tries to smile at the alpha, “we are adults. Yes, our interests didn't match. We had a fight. Now, you want someone, I mean, something else in life and I want something else. So, we are parting ways. But, it doesn't have to be so hostile that we choose sides.”
“I don't think I will survive if it's a war, and I am against you,” Jimin lets out a short giggle, “anyway,” he waves his hand, “I will go now. Took enough of your time. Sorry. You must be busy.”

Yoongi shakes his head, “no. I just,” he looks away, “I have nothing to do today.”
“Call hobi hyung and Joonie hyung up,” Jimin takes a last look around the nursery before walking out, “have a night off.”

Yoongi follows him, “yeah. I might.”

“Minho is out of town, I saw,” Jimin says, looking at the alpha, “I saw you with him at the airport too. On the news.”
Yoongi nods, following Jimin to the door, “he left for the shooting of his music video for the next album. He wanted me to go, he will be there for a week, but I have too much work.”

Jimin wears his shoes, gives Yoongi a pointed stare, “go. You are always working.”
“Take a break,” Jimin walks out to the elevator, pressing the button, “go and surprise him. When was the last time you went on a date? An actual date?”

Yoongi watches the omega. His mind reeling with memories.

Jimin gives a pointed nod, “see? You can't remember. My god.”
Jimin gets inside the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor.

He looks at the alpha standing there, gives a small smile, “this time, try to have a relationship without a contract, hyung. You might actually like it.”

The door of the elevator closes on them.
The smile drops off of Jimin's face instantly. He whirls around to face the glass of the elevator. He focuses on his breathing, trying not to break down. By the time the elevator opens, Jimin puts on his sunglasses and walks out of the elevator as if nothing happened.
Jimin finishes the meeting by evening. He smiles at the investors, shaking their hands. His father proudly watches him while Jimin wraps up for the day.

“Maybe you can come for dinner?” his father asks.

“No, appa,” Jimin sighs, “I am too tired for it. I will go home.”
Jimin dials Jungkook's number, telling the alpha he is leaving. Jimin feels exhausted. He walks out of the elevator in the underground parking lot. He almost drags himself towards his car.

“Good evening, Jungkook,” Jimin greets, “let's go home.”

Jungkook bows, “yes, sir.”
Jimin gets inside the car and promptly falls asleep while Jungkook drives.

“We are here, sir,” Jungkook's voice wakes him up.

Jimin yawns, getting out of the car, “thank you, Jungkook.”

Jungkook nods, “I will wait here.”

Jimin frowns, “huh?”
Jimin realizes then that he is not in his building's parking lot. He is standing in front of a high class restaurant. The omega blinks at the establishment before looking at Jungkook.

“What-” Jimin freezes when the scent reaches his nostrils, he looks over his shoulder, “what?”
Yoongi stands behind him. Jimin turns to the alpha with a confused expression.

“What is going on?” Jimin wonders, looking at the alpha.

Yoongi shrugs, “you told me to have a relationship without a contract,” he hurries when Jimin's eyes widen, “nothing drastic. Just a dinner.”
Yoongi takes a step forward, standing in front of the omega, “there's so much we have to talk about, but,” he takes Jimin's hand in his, “when you said, I should try to have something out of a contract,” his thumb rubs over Jimin's knuckles, “I thought about it and... well...”
The alpha's eyes are shining with suppressed emotions, “it's either you, or no one else.”

Jimin's heart cracks, “you,” he chokes on the word, “you are so,” he looks over at Jungkook, “you knew about this?!”

Jungkook winces, bowing, “I did.”

Jimin glares, “why did you agree?!”
Jungkook's expression is blank as practised, but his eyes shine with mirth, “because, I am paid to look after you and keep you happy,” his eyes move to Yoongi and comes back to Jimin, “and, I am doing just that.”

Jimin watches the alpha get inside his car, closing the door.
“I hate this guy!” Jimin mutters, “I can't believe-”

He pauses when he hears the alpha behind him cough. He turns to face Yoongi.

“Why?” Jimin demands, “why are you doing this? What is going on? I don't get it-”

“Can we talk over dinner?” Yoongi gestures, “please?”
“You didn't pay Jungkook to get him here, right?” Jimin follows Yoongi inside.

Yoongi shakes his head, “he told me if I make you upset, he will not hesitate to punch me in the face and cause me a concussion. So, no.”

Jimin bites back a snort, “keep an eye out. He never lies.”
Jimin follows the alpha inside the restaurant and they get a table. He sits down and watches the alpha do the same.

“What is going on?” Jimin wonders.

“You just told your part of the story and left,” Yoongi leans back on his seat, “I need to clear out a few things of mine too.”
They order the food and Jimin looks at the alpha quizzically.

Yoongi lets out a deep breath, “Minho lied about the entire contact name thing. Right on my face,” he nods when Jimin's eyes widen, “I didn't realize right away, but, when I did, I told him to leave my place.”
Jimin squirms, “what... I have no idea, what,” he frowns, “you...”

Yoongi nods, “he told me it was you who was lying. But, that can't be right,” Yoongi's lips curl up in a small smile, “you don't need to lie. The phone call that came that night was of an unknown number to me.”
“In my business phone,” Yoongi nods, “so, when I went to pick it up and make them understand it's a wrong number. Minho called you. What struck me is, how would he know when I will be busy. Also, how would you know that, either. So, I asked hoba to call up that number.”
“I told him to open the conversation by saying something about a parcel misplacement from Minho. That guy immediately knew Minho. So, it all made sense. While his one friend called me up on my business phone, he called my personal. Knowing you would pick it up.”
“He fed you all that bullshit,” Yoongi sighs, leaning forward, “while I was busy talking with that guy. It's also a point that as soon as my conversation ended, his was done too. They were together. Side by side. Pulling this stupid stunt off.”

Jimin feels breathless, “oh, god.”
Jimin rubs his hands down his face, feeling nauseous, “why would I lie about it? It makes no sense-”

“Well, for a second, I believed him,” Yoongi winces when Jimin snaps his eyes at him, “what?! He acted it out well.”

Jimin looks away, “yeah, surely,” he hesitates, “so...”
“Why did you drop him off at the airport?” Jimin wonders, “why did you show up at my doorstep?”

Yoongi shrugs, “he has no one here. I couldn't just bail out like that. Even when I was mad at him. I went to drop him off. Got him an apartment. Now, he is out of my hair.”
“I showed up at yours to tell you this,” Yoongi swallows, “also, I wanted to see you. Apologize for kissing him.”

Jimin stares at the alpha, “you literally spent your rut with him. I mean-”

“I didn't,” Yoongi frowns, “are you nuts? I promised you I will spend it alone.”
Jimin looks away, “Well...”

Yoongi looks away too, “I know, you didn't expect me to. But, I didn't.”

Jimin plays with his fingers, looking down at them, “you spent it alone? It must be painful.”

“I spent it in your room,” Yoongi's voice is rough, “it was a damn test.”
Jimin feels his face heating up. He fumbles for words. Throat feeling dry.

The alpha's eyes are intense on him. Yoongi reaches over the table to take Jimin's hand in his, thumb caressing over Jimin's knuckles.

“Too many times I thought of just showing up at your doorstep.”
Jimin is grateful when the waiter comes up with their food. He tugs his hand free, focusing on the napkin. Yoongi's lips are curled up in an infuriating smirk that Jimin hates. The alpha leans back on his chair, eyes never wavering from Jimin's face. Jimin focuses on the food.
Yoongi eats slowly. Jimin is too hungry for that. He munches down everything served to him, and then he is eyeing the alpha's plate.

Yoongi's smile is warm, he nods. Jimin digs in, leaning over to take spoonfuls of noodles from the alpha's plate.

“Come to my place?”
Jimin shakes his head, “no! You said, we will just have dinner.”

“Please?” Yoongi begs almost, “I will buy you your favourite ice-cream. Please.”

“What are you doing, hyung?” Jimin wonders, “what is all this? What does this mean?”

Yoongi is watching him for a few seconds...
“It means, I am trying,” Yoongi whispers, “for my family. This is me trying.”

Jimin feels his heart soar, then his lungs feel empty. He stares at the alpha, and Yoongi is looking right back.

“You scare me, hyung,” Jimin whispers, “your words affect me so much. It's terrifying.”
Yoongi nods, “I know. All of this is not easy for me. I am terrified, too. Just,” he holds his hand out on the table, for Jimin to take, “I realized, the thought of not having you two in my life is more terrifying to me than doing this.”

Jimin feels his eyes fill with tears.
He slowly reaches and covers Yoongi's hand with his own, “you won't leave?”

Yoongi shakes his head, “no. I am done running,” his lips quiver around a teasing smile, “Where on this earth will I go, Park Jimin, when the compass over my heart always leads me to you?”
- See you all soon x

- STREAM D - DAY! Please, stream D-Day, that's all I ask!

- If you want to support me, my writing, here's my kofi :

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More from @Aamyungv

Jul 9
Amour; a Taekook au where —

The Kims arrange a wedding for their omega son with the only alpha heir of the Jeons.

It's an arrangement both of the sons aren't very pleased about. Yet, both of them know there's no escape from it, either.
Tags -

— Alpha JK/Omega Tae
— Arranged marriage
— Underworld themes/families
— Happy ending
— Mature themes so minors DNI
— TWs will be added if needed
— Mpreg (maybe, not sure yet)
“If I close my eyes, I will just sleep through this.”

Jimin looks over at his best friend who is fretting since the morning.

“Okay, sleeping beauty part two,” he throws the magazine he was reading at Taehyung, “just sit down. You are making me dizzy with all the movements!”

Taehyung flops down on the couch, bouncing his knees now, “I have to meet him in an hour to talk about engagement, Mimi. I don't even know the guy!”
Read 339 tweets
May 22
Pretentious; a #taekookau

“You are home.”

Jungkook stops on his way upstairs and looks at his mother who is walking out of her room. He gives a small nod and watches the man behind her as he fixes his shirt.

“Where have you been for a week, bub?” She looks concerned, worry clear in her voice, “you know, we miss you.”Image
— Hurt/Comfort
— dysfunctional families
— angst with happy ending
— abuse of alcohol and drugs
— Cheating (not between the main pairs)
— Mature themes, so minors DNI

More tags/TWs will be added if/when needed

Taekook arc of Poisonous
The man wraps his arm around her and looks at Jungkook with a friendly smile. Jungkook can't really remember his name. He looks at his mother with a small smile.

“Sorry, mum,” he gestures at the stairs, “I am so damn busy with college and the basketball match,” he looks at her, “are you coming to the match?”

She sighs, “oh, bub. I won't be home for that. Sorry. Are you staying for dinner?”
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Oct 15, 2023
Fanaa; a #taekookau [a/b/o]

They were best friends since childhood. Grew up in the same pack. One was trained to be the pack leader. The other was trained to be his adviser. Be by his side. But not as his mate.

The moon goddess was cruel. To some, she was nothing but cruel.
— alpha jk/omega tae
— Childhood best friends
— one-sided pining
— soulmates/historical/fantasy shit lol
— TWs will be added if necessary
— possible mpreg (not sure yet)
— advised to not read if you want sunshine and rainbows, I don't write that
— angst with happy ending
“Get up already,” Jungkook marches inside the room, going to pull the curtains apart, “it is past ten in the morning!”

Taehyung groans, rolling over to bury his face into the pillow, “go away, Jungkook. I appealed for a leave!”

Jungkook walks over to the bed, “I cancelled it.”
Read 45 tweets
Jun 30, 2023
Faded; a #TaekookAU

Taehyung scrolls through the messages. He reads each one over and over again. Until his eyes are burning from exhaustion.

He looks at the clock, back at the phone in his hand. Jungkook told him he will be late. That he has work. The messages say so.

Taehyung sees the pictures Jungkook's colleagues posted. He scrolls through the pictures, stories. He closes his phone after a moment or two.

He looks at their last text.

“𝐷𝑜 𝑤𝘩𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑛.” Jungkook had said to Taehyung's string of messages.

Just three words.
Taehyung places the phone on the table. Looks at it, immobile. His mind racing through the last six months of their relationship.

The first two months went in screaming at each other, loud fights, throwing things in anger, hurt, trying to one up each other.
Read 64 tweets
Jun 28, 2023
Crimson; a #YoonminAU

The rain pours heavily. Jimin looks at the windows and hurries to close the shop for the night. He is getting all the art supplies in the back room when the bell over the door of his shop rings.

“We are closed-” Jimin freezes when he sees the visitor.

He looks at the man's white shirt, glistening with red patches. His eyes widen when he realizes there is a bullet wound on the man's shoulder.

“Oh, my god!” Jimin curses, “what- are you okay?!” he rushes to the man, grabbing him to hold up upright, “sir?! Are you okay?”
The door of his shop opens again, making Jimin flinch and look over. He goes all rigid when he sees the people walking inside. All of them wearing masks.

Jimin lets out a shocked gasp when the last man walks in.

“You…” Jimin whispers, his throat tightening...
Read 67 tweets
Jun 11, 2023
Raffish; #taekookau

“Sir,” Jungkook knocks on the door, looking at his wristwatch with worry, “sir, we have to leave. Are you ready?”

“Just a second, please,” Taehyung's voice is thin, “I am not done yet!”

Jungkook blows out a breath, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. ImageImage
Tags —
— a/b/o
— alpha JK/omega Tae
— Bodyguard JK/ Idol Tae
— pining/unrequited feelings
— angst with a happy ending
Jungkook chokes on a breath when Taehyung yanks the door open. Looking at him with a bright smile and an eager expression.

“How do I look?” Taehyung gestures at himself, “good?”

Jungkook holds his breath, nodding, “yes, sir. You look gorgeous. As always.”
Read 24 tweets

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