Yesterday, activists with Australian based Farm Transparency Project and Dominion Movement chained themselves to a CO2 gas chamber at Benalla slaughterhouse in Northern Victoria.
WATCH LIVE: Here's how you can watch the entire #SmithfieldTrial live online. 🧵
The trial will be streamed on a video conferencing platform called Webex starting on Tuesday (not during jury selection on Monday). You can join WebEx must you must register. 1/5
Go to the court's website and register for each day you want to watch by clicking on the video icon. The site is very slow. 2/5
Taxpayer dollars paid for the farm's last mass killing after infectious disease ran rampant in 2015. Now, the farm's billionaire owner, former Senator Glen Taylor, who also owns @Timberwolves & @StarTribune, may get bailed out again despite posing a public health threat.
Please share this video to help spread the word about the #AvianFlu & the industry's violent response. #VentilationShutdown