Human Rights Commissioner troubled by end of mask mandates in healthcare settings
Human Rights Commissioner Kasari Govender released the following statement on recent announcement that universal mask mandates in healthcare settings would be eliminated 1/…
“As mask restrictions have been lifted.. I have repeatedly expressed concerns about human rights implications of these policy decisions: that removal of mask mandates has disproportionate impact on marginalized people, seniors, and those who are clinically extremely vulnerable.2/
This represents a violation of their rights to equal participation in our communities. Masks minimally impair those who wear them, but the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable people are well known and they vary from the mild to the deadly.
If there is one space that all vulnerable people should be able to rely on to prioritize their safety, it is in healthcare settings, including long term care facilities.
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“Infections should not be occurring in healthcare facilities,” said Assoc. Prof. Philip Russo, infection prevention expert
The data was initially leaked by an emergency doctor. The Age independently verified the information came from an official health department document.
"Many hospitals across Victoria have begun winding back pandemic restrictions in recent weeks, including disbanding COVID wards and dropping mask mandates for staff and visitors.
Note: the reported infections and deaths happened before the reductions of prevention measures!
South Korea: Government funds mandatory air purifiers at schools
"The South Korean government on Tuesday passed a revised school health act to improve quality of air and safety at preschools and primary and secondary schools.
The revised law requires installation of air-cleaning systems and air quality sensors in classrooms and allows the use of state funds to cover costs. School councils and parents are also permitted to attend classroom air quality monitoring sessions, conducted each semester.
“Korea aims to have air-cleaning equipment installed in all classrooms in preschools, elementary schools and special education schools by the first half of this year, and at all middle and high school classrooms by the end of the year.”
"The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is launching a program that will distribute over 60,000 HEPA air purifiers to more than 3,000 Illinois schools to help reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.
"The $29.6 million program is funded by the CDC through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and is aimed at school districts serving lower-income communities and counties with elevated air pollution counts.
Senior care facility charged in connection with 14 COVID-related deaths
[Three managers] "were charged with felony counts of elder endangerment and five felony counts of violation causing death. The company is also facing the same charges."
"According to the complaint, in March 2020, Silverado admitted a new resident from a psychiatric unit in New York City, which was a COVID-19 epicenter. When that person arrived..they allegedly were not medically assessed for the virus or other conditions.
"That person began displaying COVID symptoms the following morning and tested positive for the virus. After the resident displayed symptoms of COVID, they were allegedly not placed into respiratory isolation, the complaint alleges.
Meat-packing facilities were early epicenters of the COVID epidemic in the U.S., with employees working closely together on the production line. At least 59,000 meat-packing workers contracted COVID-19 and 269 workers died in 2020, according to a U.S. House report in 2021.
"The lawsuit claims Tyson knew about COVID as early as January 2020, when the virus was spreading through its facilities in China. On March 13, the lawsuit said, Tyson suspended all business travel and mandated that non-critical employees at its corporate office work remotely.