Today I feel like throwing a some excitable comments in the room & getting the #miltwitter feedback.
Topic: Naval contested logistics is too important to leave just logisticians to solve.
Issue: Organizations focused on lethality solutions
<or maneuver options should be forced to wargame their distribution and sustainment requirements with their logisticians. You don't get to just play mobility & engagement at tactical edge w/o defining the logistical support requirements & enterprise consequences. 2/4
3/4 Proposal: The naval services need to conduct a 3 wargame series for DMO/EABO. Tactical logistics, solve OPLOG C2 (with Army Theater Sustainment and JLENT integration), & Strategic Logistics from transportation to organic & national industrial base requirements.
4/4 Question: How should each of those games be organized (sponsors), what questions should they answer, what is a good scenario at each level?
1/x It is interesting that the retired community feels themselves as the guiding light to save "time honored contributions". Webb cites the fact that 22 4-Stars (& others politically connected) have started a daily working group to oppose Gen Berger. wsj.com/articles/momen…
2/x Unironically Mr. Webb points out it is the duty of the CMC to have structure changes approved by SECNAV. What Webb is really saying is this self-appointed cabal is impugning SECNAV's decisions & have chosen to lobby an entire enterprise of natsec elements to have their way.
3/8 It appears the retired community has made their case merely on decremented numbers w/ no acknowledgment of the studies, wargames, and research that have gone into this design. This too against all public clarification of their concerns by Gen Berger.