5 Days to Bankruptcy: Cohen argues a multi-billion $$ valuation of BABY as the Ultimate Destination for Babies. He sells his Bed Bath position in Aug at the start of M&A negotiations. His letter suggests his willingness to hold the board accountable. #BBBY
"Given that BABY is estimated to reach $1.5 billion in sales in Fiscal Year 2023 with a double-digit growth profile and at least 50% digital penetration, we believe it is likely much more valuable than the Company's entire market capitalization today."
($1.6b at time of writing)
"We believe under the right circumstances, BABY could be valued on a revenue multiple, like other ecommerce-focused retailers, and justify a valuation of several billion dollars."
The math presented in the following tweet assumes 550m shares outstanding at Bed Bath.
A revenue multiple of 2x $1.5 billion in BABY sales = $3 billion market cap, or roughly $5.50/share.
2.34x multiple like Chewy, BABY would be valued at $3.5 billion, or roughly $6.36/share.
6.72x multiple like Etsy, BABY would be valued at $10 billion, or roughly $18.18/share.
Cohen refers to BABY as "the Ultimate Destination for Babies", a phrase only used twice with Chewy and GameStop,
"Our own experience taking Chewy from a start-up to the ultimate destination for pets..."
"Maximize Stockholder Value by Becoming the Ultimate Destination for Gamers"
But then on Aug 16th, Cohen sells his entire Bed Bath & Beyond position.
The company makes an announcement the following day on Aug 17th saying,
"We were pleased to have reached a constructive agreement with RC Ventures in March and are committed to maximizing value for all shareholders."
The following day Aug 18th, Bed Bath taps Kirkland and Ellis for help addressing its debt load.
Is it more likely Ryan Cohen quit on a project for the first time in his life? The man who was told no by over 100 funds to finance Chewy? Or is it more likely he was exiting his position to perform an acquisition of BABY?
Reminder: Cohen spent $121 million to own 9.8% of Bed Bath & Beyond, $45 million more risk than the $76 million he spent to become the Chairman of GameStop.
Is he after buybuy Baby in an effort to build a conglomerate aimed to take on Amazon?
Maybe a good time to drop the Teddy DD for those who are curious. Teddy for life.
For those who think Cohen failed to win over the board even with three of his own RC Ventures designees, I offer this quote with which he closes his letter,
"This does not mean, however, that RC Ventures will not seek to hold the Board and management accountable if necessary."
Which means you're calling Ryan Cohen a liar. If you argue he failed to win the Bed Bath board and quit, you're telling me Ryan Cohen is a liar. Awfully weird take for anybody long GameStop. 🤫
Yesterday's Discussion: 6 Days to Bankruptcy w Cohen's Board
On Mar 30th, Bed Bath files $300m ATM offering to be completed Apr 26th or face bankruptcy. The funds would close the ABL w JP Morgan 3 years before maturity. Any acquisition requires JPM approval, except in chapter 11 proceedings. #BBBY
The $300m ATM offering Mar 30th states,
"Upon filing our annual report Form 10-K, which is due by April 26th, 2023, we will lose S-3 eligibility and therefore we expect all sales made pursuant to the sales agreement will cease by April 26th, 2023...
…If we do not receive the proceeds from the offering of securities covered by this prospectus supplement, we expect that we will likely file for bankruptcy protection."
9 Days to Bankruptcy: Jake Freeman announces ownership of 2024 notes and 6.21% equity stake in Bed Bath & Beyond on July 21st, proposing a bond issuance to raise cash while opposing a sale of the company or a significant amount its assets. #BBBY
"Freeman Capital advocates for a debt realignment that does not change or affect the control. BBBY's effective realignment is a top priority for Freeman Capital and is made in the context of a disinterested shareholder-"
"Freeman Capital does not advocate for a sale of BBBY to another company, Freeman Capital does not advocate for the sale of a significant amount of the issuer's assets, Freeman Capital does not advocate for the restructuring of the issuer..."
Bloomberg reported Sunday, "Bed Bath Begins Three-Week Countdown to Possible Bankruptcy". I'd like to celebrate our final days to April 26th w a daily discussion of various topics hinting at the latest corporate raid of @Carl_C_Icahn
"On or around January 13, 2023, certain events of default were triggered under the Company’s Credit Facilities (as defined below) as a result of the Company’s failure to prepay an overadvance and satisfy a financial covenant, among other things."
Why didn't JP Morgan seize assets right then? What kind of sophisticated investment bank issues default on a company with a 'Going Concern' and doesn't immediately collect on it's loans? Bed Bath owed JPM $550m on its Asset-Backed Loan as of Nov 26th (as reported in the default)
I'd Like To Solve The Puzzle:
A 12-Page Report Exploring Strategic Acquisitions with GameStop CEO, Matt Furlong,
🍎 GameStop Achieves Near-Term Profitability
📙 Mathematical Analysis of Acquisition
🍎 GameStop Achieves Near-Term Profitability
At Q2 FY22 earnings, Furlong announced a transition of focus, "on a new set of priorities that include achieving profitability". He mentions a 14.3% reduction in SG&A as they, "right-sized corporate expenditures and headcounts."
I'd Like To Solve The Puzzle:
A 60-Page Report detailing the Marriage of Carl Icahn and Bed Bath & Beyond,
🍎 WHAT: Leveraged Buy-Out, Spin-off BABY
📙 HOW: Bond Exchange, The Team & Kastin
🌲 WHY: Merger with WestPoint and Newell
🫐 WHEN: Filings, Earnings, Bond Payment
🍎 WHAT: Leveraged Buy-Out, Spin-off BABY
On Jan 13th, an input into Pitchbook indicates a rumored leveraged buy-out was negotiated. The same day, certain events of default were triggered with the JPM loan. The ABL mentions a change in control is considered an event of default.
GM $bbby tomorrow is finally here! Sunday, February 5th, today is a FULL MOON!!🌝
I'm going to share insight on what happened 2/1 and why I believe today (or very soon) we may see @Carl_C_Icahn tweet, "IEP has acquired Bed Bath in a majority-equity transaction for $45/share."
In case you missed Friday's post, here's a brief introduction of the general conditions surrounding $bbby indicating a hostile bond takeover has been in the works for several months now.
2/1 was an interesting day. The WSJ reported bond payments had been missed, but the stock price remained green. Bond prices rose that day and over the week; 24s from 1.20c to 6.50c (!), 34s from 2.01c to 4.56c, 44s from 3.41c to 4.79c. Large volume too, particularly the 44s.