Funny because you can simply ask us. Hansen published the same in 2007. People didn’t want to know, and didn’t fund research. Yes, sea levels will rise several meters within the expected lifetime of a child born today. Happens whatever we do. Try to live ethically to avert worse.
What ChatGPT4 gets wrong: uncertainty (confidence intervals) are vast. You may see 7 m sea level rise by 2200, but also easily by 2100. We’ve share many threads about the mechanisms; more public and sustained scientific attention is needed. @globalhlthtwit
“The collapse of global ecosystems has begun”: a rate of 1 m per 20 years gets you dozens of meters of SLR. @PaulHBeckwith expects 7 m by 2070; an outlier, useful to constrain expectations. How much clearer do we need to be? Shall we dance the letters in sand when the tide rises?
I don’t mean to make fun of the good Dr. @globalhlthtwit, but if you guys listen to ChatGPT or other LLM bs over climate science - and even there you need guidance to interpret the natural science modeling correctly -, then you’ll be terribly wrong.
Let me make it clear: The planet your ancestors were born on already ceased to exist. At CO2 levels equivalent to 512 ppm, we are fast reversing the past 23 million years of cooling.
We need radically honest intellectual discourse and analysis to prepare society, to avert worse.
Imagine the privilege of being alive at this moment in world history! If you understood the above, you know why I think SARS-CoV is easy to solve in comparison. More important, ending SARS teaches the values needed to solve climate.
I don’t think society will learn it otherwise.
We need protests @AufstandLastGen#LetzteGeneration , but we also need rigorous intellectual engagement with these global dynamics and the human predicament that I don’t see yet at scale.
Thanks for the good work and humor everyone, be well,
Yes: NOT ending the SARS pandemic will inevitably erode social trust in institutions, shrink everyone’s time horizons in the most cruel of ways, and make climate mitigation definitively impossible.
You can’t care for 2100 if you can’t even get your child through school safely.
3. When one of the first HIV scientists calls for $15-30 billion *per year* in SARS-CoV research, I listen up. Dk about you all; despite rumors to the contrary I happen to have a solid survival instinct, and the gift to laserfocus for howeverlong it takes.
1. Good thread by Dr. @JadeKhalife. I add the missing social science of SARS: The question isn't if sarbecoviruses damage immunity; we've known since 2003 (known knowns+unknowns). The real question is how we achieved socially constructed ignorance (unknown knowns)? Study climate,
3. It's an ongoing struggle over knowledge, ideology, power. Science is a tool, a weapon. It never stands apart as independent actor. - The choice of scientists NOT to warn early about airborne immune harm was the most extreme option. Low foresight.
While we develop* effective pandemic policy, to eradicate SARS-CoV-2 before the virus damages most people's brains, CNS or other organs, @AufstandLastGen peacefully encourage effective climate policy.
@AufstandLastGen LEOs CAN be respectful, professional actors, not psychopaths who just rip peaceful protestors from the street. (If that happens, absolutely document and sue.)
As @ConstZerger says, we've known since 2019 that there's wide, tacit support in the population.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger * Better, we would develop effective pandemic policy. I still can't believe that we volunteer our time despite/instead of academic jobs; that the sum of political scientists in Germany with solid SARS knowledge fits into one boat.
Scientists need to focus on these mechanisms. Governments need to collect and report data. Strategists need to think ahead. - Unless of course people want to live with airborne DNA damage.
How are we doing on the DNA damage caused by the virus’ nucleocapsid? I have absolutely zero problems sharing this question daily until governments and experts answer.
Can you imagine the privilege of watching live how a civilization is causing its own collapse, subtly and gradually enough to be deniable? Gruesome, hard on the nerves for anyone who cares, but ever so intriguing
Thread - start with seroconversion, work your way through the labyrinth, share what you know.
To learn from experience, get those (re)infections in early - would recommend no sane person ever. Science is the only way we can learn now if we want to avoid learning from experience.
Welcome, we’re now in the surreal reality of SARS where one of the best scientists out there speaks in code to colleagues and the public to avoid being suppressed. Friends are you warming to the idea of saying SARS, not cough-it, yet? 😂