1 in 6 U.S. children aged 2–8 years (17.4%) had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.
So young. Look at the increase over age bracket.
Reminds me of an incident with my daughter when she was 4 and had observed…
a group of (Muslim) teenagers. She was perplexed by their behavior and asked me one of the most insightful questions I’ve been asked by anyone, including adults.
“Mama, aren’t people supposed to get better when they’re older?”
I smiled, took her into my arms and said…
“Yes. They are.”
Entirety satisfied, she cheerfully jumped off my lap and went to play, and I just stood there, amazed by her intellect and simultaneously frightened because I knew that children, most of them, even Muslims, were not “getting better when they’re older”…
#Parents we have a job to do. It’s more important than doctors, engineers, journalists, politicians, even more important than scholars. What ‘quality of life’ can we provide children who yearn for nothing more than the natural, intrinsic need for parental love, care & guidance.
It is a sad state that even our bandaid “Islamic” psychology isn’t focused on our children. Another topic for another day. #Parents, we have a job to do, and it’s only getting harder. Let’s make sure that our kids get better as they get older….
اللهم اصلح وارحم وفرج عن أمة سيدنا محمد
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد نورِ الأنوار وسر الأسرار وترياق الأغيار ومفتاح باب اليسار ،سيدنا محمد المختار ،وآله الأطهار وأصحابه الأخيار عدد نعم الله و افضاله
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين
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About now, you’re all aware that I’m no fan of social media. I opened an Insta account last year and, well, from ‘how it started’ to ‘how it’s going’…let’s just say that I have a folder entitled #messed_up. On occasion, I’ll share some “goodies”…
Our first exhibit is the ~80% of posts classifying women based on their “mindset” toward men as the determining factor of their “value”. How droll. As women, we’re supposed to be brainwashed into thinking that our intrinsic value is completely dependent on how we attract men?
Do pardon me. When a person’s value is made subservient to another’s actions, we have a word for that in English; it’s called slavery. The intrinsic human value of a woman is exactly as that of a man, because it’s fully dependent on how she relates to God, her (and his) Creator…
Nostalgia. There were days when I had no social media accounts. Now, here we are, witnessing people spread the same dumb trending clip/song by the millions, never getting bored, but when called to worship once/week, it’s banal. Alhamdulillāh for the days of sweet solitude.
Ramadān is coming. Learn to be alone. Learn to be silent. Learn to be worshipful. Learn to hear your own intentions instead of the noise outside. Learn to take charge of your life instead of being led by the trends of others. Be centered, not scattered. Be whole, not tattered.
Some fear ostentation in worship. This is a beginner stage in which creation still holds weight in the heart.
What is it that truly needs to be emptied — the stomach or the soul?
How many will fast, spending hours hungry while, at every moment, their hearts are stock full…
Please spread. We’re looking for the top female fiqh students internationally. I’ve studied in both traditional and (Muslim) academic settings. The latter are no match for those of traditional expertise.
An ‘academic’ PhD is ≤ than intermediate-traditional.
While in Turkey, I met some Shāfi’i female students from Dagestan. One of them tried telling me that I was praying incorrectly. She quoted to me the Hanafī (textbook) position, despite it not being her madhhab. I was smiling thinking, “I like you.” Allāh bless them. Serious.
Look at the adab, too. I was totally calm, smiled, explained the (fatwa) Hanafī position, and thanked her. She apologized and showed great reverence. Beautiful, amazing women who are very serious about their Religion, ‘academically devout’, and reverently humble with Tradition.
As ridiculous assertions continue to be made about Rasūlullāh ﷺ, the one of الخلق العظيم, I’m compelled to say that the correction below is incomplete and has not highlighted the most important points regarding the narration at hand….
1 The *issue* over which Rasūlullāh ﷺ is “disciplining” Lady ‘Aisha is insistence upon his *love and loyalty* to her when she doubted. In simple terms, he is putting her heart at rest. Does that context have any parallel whatsoever with aggressive assertion of spousal authority?
2 By the explanation of Sh. Gibril, that the ‘gentle correction’ is means of removing waswas & conferring blessings, this report is clearly informing of a PROPHET-SPECIFIC action (khāsiyyah), which is not legislated for others. Who dares claim that their striking has such effect?
He delinates 4 stages of striving, their results & attainments. He outlines the ascension of every believer who aspires to His Lord, in figurative (majāzī) alignment with the (haqīqī) prophetic ascension of al-Isrā’ wal Mi’rāj.
Each level is by striving. This is a key distinction between Prophets, who are purely elect, and the rest of creation, all of whom share equally in the potential to rise to the highest levels of divine love, both men and women. By intention, determination, and love, God raises.
It’s important to note that when we read these sublime meanings from the Sūfī masters, it’s no more than an encouragement to undertake the journey. In the information age, we’re drowing in the delusion that ‘knowing is being’. Tasawwuf is the exact opposite - being is knowing.