Shaykha Iman Badawi الحُسيْنيّة Profile picture
المرأة إن تعلق همّتها بالله فهي رجل @fitrafoundation
Алексеев Игорь Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 9, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read

Miracle of the Arabic Language

On the morning commute, my daughter asked to review the structure of Arabic verbs. She said,

الفعل المضارع مرفوع أليس كذلك؟
Present tense is marfū’, right?

I said, “Yes. It’s معرب (grammatically variable), as opposed to the past tense…

1/ Image “…which is مبني (grammatically inherent).” I gave her some examples, then said,

“Do you see the miracle of the Arabic language? It mirrors reality. Can we change the past — no, but we can change the present.”

In her intelligence, she said, “Mama, what about فعل الأمر ?

2/ Image
Jun 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

“You are His queen..”

A common sufi metaphor, in reference to the ‘masculine’ trait of generous sovereignty & the feminine trait of humble receptivity. All true believers (male & female), in relation to God, exhibit the ‘female principle’.

It has nothing to do with gender… …but rather an expression of the relationship with the Divine in it being so beyond words that only the closest of human relationships could approximate it to the limits of the rational mind. Tasawwuf is supra-rational. Spiritual intelligence is the most sophisticated of all…
May 26, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read

Friday Family Fun

One of the most devalued tools of tarbiya is the spiritual harnessing of family fun.

Children, in their relationships with others, are deeply affected by non-rational influences... Image This makes them both vulnerable and impressionable, in heightened sensitivity to their caregivers, who have only to exert the most positive emotions they can conjure to create a loving, lasting bond, stiched in time with the thread of beautiful memories. Image
May 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Mismatched Meanings

There is a fundamental rational problem with any sort of pontification on social media. It’s mutlaq, meaning mentioned ‘in the general’, as a principle, despite it coming from the posters *personal* vantage.

This creates many problems…. 1 The illusion of understanding. The reader takes the ‘principle’ and applies it in their mind wherever they see fit and in accordance to their (non-expert) conceptualization of it, when, in reality, they’re processing it through the ego, in accordance to their whims….
Apr 24, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

High vs. Low Value Women

About now, you’re all aware that I’m no fan of social media. I opened an Insta account last year and, well, from ‘how it started’ to ‘how it’s going’…let’s just say that I have a folder entitled #messed_up. On occasion, I’ll share some “goodies”… ImageImageImage Our first exhibit is the ~80% of posts classifying women based on their “mindset” toward men as the determining factor of their “value”. How droll. As women, we’re supposed to be brainwashed into thinking that our intrinsic value is completely dependent on how we attract men? ImageImage
Apr 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Mental Health Statistics on US Children

1 in 6 U.S. children aged 2–8 years (17.4%) had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.

So young. Look at the increase over age bracket.

Reminds me of an incident with my daughter when she was 4 and had observed… Image a group of (Muslim) teenagers. She was perplexed by their behavior and asked me one of the most insightful questions I’ve been asked by anyone, including adults.

“Mama, aren’t people supposed to get better when they’re older?”

I smiled, took her into my arms and said…
Mar 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

Nostalgia. There were days when I had no social media accounts. Now, here we are, witnessing people spread the same dumb trending clip/song by the millions, never getting bored, but when called to worship once/week, it’s banal. Alhamdulillāh for the days of sweet solitude. Ramadān is coming. Learn to be alone. Learn to be silent. Learn to be worshipful. Learn to hear your own intentions instead of the noise outside. Learn to take charge of your life instead of being led by the trends of others. Be centered, not scattered. Be whole, not tattered.
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read

Top Talent

Please spread. We’re looking for the top female fiqh students internationally. I’ve studied in both traditional and (Muslim) academic settings. The latter are no match for those of traditional expertise.

An ‘academic’ PhD is ≤ than intermediate-traditional. While in Turkey, I met some Shāfi’i female students from Dagestan. One of them tried telling me that I was praying incorrectly. She quoted to me the Hanafī (textbook) position, despite it not being her madhhab. I was smiling thinking, “I like you.” Allāh bless them. Serious.
Feb 25, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read

Prophetic Character With One’s Wife

As ridiculous assertions continue to be made about Rasūlullāh ﷺ, the one of الخلق العظيم, I’m compelled to say that the correction below is incomplete and has not highlighted the most important points regarding the narration at hand…. 1 The *issue* over which Rasūlullāh ﷺ is “disciplining” Lady ‘Aisha is insistence upon his *love and loyalty* to her when she doubted. In simple terms, he is putting her heart at rest. Does that context have any parallel whatsoever with aggressive assertion of spousal authority?
Feb 21, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

Important rules.

Hadīth scholars talk about isnād (transmission).
Fiqh scholars talk about ahkām (rulings).
Sūfī masters talk about ahwāl (states).

Every Islamic discipline is subservient to Revelation, but each science views it from a different vantage… Hadīth scholars inform of the sanad, and may have no knowledge of ahkām or ahwāl.

Fiqh scholars can’t reach rulings without scrutinizing both sanad & matn.

Sūfī scholars know sanad, matn, hukm, and hāl. In other words, (non-deviant) tasawwuf is the culmination of all sciences.
Feb 20, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read

Qushayri on the Journey of Spiritual Ascension

He delinates 4 stages of striving, their results & attainments. He outlines the ascension of every believer who aspires to His Lord, in figurative (majāzī) alignment with the (haqīqī) prophetic ascension of al-Isrā’ wal Mi’rāj. Each level is by striving. This is a key distinction between Prophets, who are purely elect, and the rest of creation, all of whom share equally in the potential to rise to the highest levels of divine love, both men and women. By intention, determination, and love, God raises.
Feb 18, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read

The Night Journey and Ascension

In the history of mankind, no event was a greater manifestations of the counter image of the earthly and celestial realms than al-Isrā’ wal Mi’rāj.

1 Rasūlullāh ﷺ was rejected by the people of the Earth, embraced by the Lord of the Heavens. 2 Rasūlullāh ﷺ was harmed by the people of Earth, granted protection by the armies of the Heavens.

3 Rasūlullāh ﷺ was debased by the people of Earth, granted highest honor in the Heavens.

4 Rasūlullāh ﷺ was without support on Earth, granted full backing in the Heavens.
Feb 15, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read

“When a man and woman achieve physical union, that marriage is the form of a meaning — the Meaning of Love.”

The Orbit of Mary

Exhibiting prophetic perfection in human relationships is the gate to the experiential knowledge of God’s Attributes.

This isn’t a new idea… Practicing beautiful conduct with one’s spouse, while upholding the sacred law & spiritual precepts of the Quran, make marriage the most beautiful mode of spiritual polishing and entrance into the divine presence. When achieved, the experiential knowledge of divine love dawns.
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Anti-Feminist Fantasy

Ridiculous. If we cared more about the PROPHETIC tarbiya of believing women instead of pushing anti-feminist dribble on them, we’d actually spiritually empower them to recognize the ONE KING سبحانه

Husbands aren’t obeyed out of some disney love fantasy The Sunnah is to obey GOD, even when the husband, or any other male authority isn’t.

Husbands hold authority through the sacred law of the KING.

If they don’t obey the KING, they are wrong and liable, just as it is for women who don’t obey the KING.

Anti-feminist ≠ Islām!
Feb 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

Report of master Husayn (طب)

This is one of my favorite ahādīth. There are four of ahl al-bayt consecutively in the sanad. عليهم السلام

إن الله تعالى يحبُّ معالي الأمور وأشرافَها ويكره سفسافَها

God loves lofty and noble matters and dislikes all undignified things. (*) 1/ Image Our master Husayn,

and his father before him, master ‘Alī,

and his grandfather before him,
the master of creation, Muhammad,

were the epitome of the meaning of this hadīth.

على آل بيت النبوة أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم

Feb 12, 2023 26 tweets 7 min read


To commemorate the Quran’s revelation we fast.
The Sunnah likens the Quran to a banquet.

The interplay of the Quran & Sunnah reveals the counter images of the earthly and celestial realms.

A muting of the earthly impulses taps us into the celestial impulses. 1/ Image Fasting turns on our celestial antenna through abstention from earthly appetites, just as the Quran was revealed to purify these desires and awaken the spirit.

The Sunnah is the daily, consistent honing of this antenna in preparation for the surge of divine energy. 2/ Image
Feb 11, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read

Ramadān Prep

Upon witnessing thousands of our brethren pass in just a few days, the blessing of life & the ability to reach Ramadan is a divine favor we shouldn’t take for granted.

(Semi) daily, we’ll post preparatory tips for the upcoming blessed Month of the Quran. The tips are aimed at physical and spiritual preparation.

Some are for beginners, others more advanced.

In any case, the objective is to begin the forward momentum toward our Lord from now.

40 days left.

The countdown begins.

اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان
Feb 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

CAUTION. Social media complaints

Please read the #dm below.

I’d like to make it clear that I won’t respond to any such instigative complaints during Rajab which is a sacred month. How easily can we fool ourselves into doing wrong even when (allegedly) defending the truth… Image I caution all religious figures to be vigilant in abstaining from instigative posting during Rajab, and hopefully as a training for beyond. It’s especially abhorrent at a time when so many of our brethren are terribly suffering. The specific post in question is ridiculous…
Feb 9, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read

This thread summarizes much of what was presented in the “Orbit of Mary” episode as well as our commentary on the “Hadīth of women’s intellect”.

Links below.

Of additional note is that among the highly problematic signs in our times is the “theorization” of knowledge…1/ …meaning a conceptualization without a reality. To know is not to be. Rather, to be is to know. The former is a secular model of knowledge, while the latter is the correct representation of the Islamic spiritual tradition. It is for this reason that…2/
Feb 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

The proper use of science and technology…

To save people’s live.

May Allah’s infinite peace & blessings be upon Rasūlullāh, his pure progeny & folk, along with his gleaming companions, illuminated inheritors, and all loyal followers until the Last Day. With an earthquake of this magnitude and 100s of fault lines in the surrounding area, scientists should be immediately mapping projected after shocks & intiating evacuation of seismic hotspots. Turkey probably doesn’t have this capability and is overwhelmed with rescue efforts.
Feb 6, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read

The Ummah is one body bound by faith.

By caring for our brethren suffering worldwide,

by putting the unity of tawhīd before all other designations,

by giving what we can to aid them,

by every Muslim doing their part,

the lifeblood of our Ummah flows… Be the Harun of every Musa

striving to do good,
struggling to uphold faith,
opressed in need of assistance,
poor in need of provision,
cold in need of shelter,
thirty in need of water,
lost in need of guidance,
brokenhearted in need of a true friend.

Be the Harun of Musa.