#jinkook #kookjin #jinkookau no one asked for to give justice to the “Unrequited but not really” Ao3 tag… ImageImageImageImage
“You okay?” Seokjin asked as he greeted Bam who did a little spin on seeing him.

JK: Hmmm

SJ: Did you tell Hyun I was coming?

JK: Yeah. He said it’s okay. You’re not a threat.
SJ: But what if I am!?

Seokjin said so, stalking right up to Jungkook. Making him back walk into the wall. Seokjin then caged him by placing his hands beside Jungkook’s head.

SJ: What if I am Jungkookie!?
Jungkook was momentarily stunned. Dwarfed a bit by Seokjin’s broad shoulders he felt small. He’d never seen Seokjin’s eyes blaze like that. He’d never felt this intensity. It made him feel things. He just wasn’t sure what that was.
But this was Seokjin. His hyung. His best friend. His safe space. So Jungkook moved ahead, wrapping his arms around Seokjin’s torso, placing his head on his shoulder.

JK: Stop teasing me hyung.

SJ: Okay fine…I was just kidding.
SJ: So what do you want to do? Movie? Ice cream?

JK: Can we cuddle and watch the rain?

SJ: Le gasp! I don’t doth lay with a taken man! What do you take me for a harlot?

Jungkook began giggling at Seokjin’s dramatics. Something Seokjin always could do.
Saying so, the duo walked into Jungkook’s bedroom. Getting on the bed that was shoved into the wall with the big glass paned window. Seokjin had worn his pj’s under his coat so he didn’t have to change. Instead he got comfy opening his arms & as always Jungkook cuddled in.
They stayed quiet like that. Watching the rain. Jungkook shivered every time there was a rumble making Seokjin hold him tighter every time it happened.

JK: What does “𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮” mean?

SJ: Why do you ask!?

JK: It’s my name in your phone! Why am I called that!?
SJ: Jungkook-ssi! How dare thou snoop in my phone!?

JK: Sorry
SJ: Fine. It means ‘Donkey’ in Latin

Seokjin burst out laughing at Jungkook’s shocked expression but he soon recovered 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘺 punching Seokjin.

JK: Liar!

SJ: Look it up if you care so much.

JK: Why can’t you tell me?

SJ: Just because!
Whatever Jungkook was going to say got swallowed by a yawn.

SJ: K sleepy time!

JK: Good night hyung. Love you.
JK: What did you say?

SJ: I love you too. Good night!
Jungkook woke up a bit startled when a loud roar of thunder ripped through the sky. He also felt Seokjin’s arms wrap around him tighter even though he was fast asleep. Back hugging him, Seokjin had tucked his face in Jungkook’s neck. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile.
Hyun was different. Jungkook met him when he came to Korea in an exchange program. They hit it off. He made Jungkook feel special. But lately Jungkook wasn’t feeling special. The excessive love bombing in the beginning had changed to something else. He didn’t know what it was.
But he felt heebee jeebees too. Just then another rumble was heard. Jungkook turned around and tucked himself under Seokjin’s chin. This anxiety he felt was unsettling. Seokjin moved his hand in his hair, massaging his scalp, still asleep. Soon Jungkook had fallen fast asleep.
Dinner plans were supposed to be at a regular place but Seokjin changed venues & reserved it at a swankier place that had a beautiful foyer. Hyun had protested but Seokjin said he’d foot part of the bill. Hyun would meet them there and the 7 were going to go together.
JK: Hyung? Oh, is he in the shower?

#jinkook #kookjin #jinkookau ImageImageImageImage
By the time Seokjin came out dressed the other six were already there.
They were mid-course when Seokjin decided he’d had enough. He needed to know what was bothering Jungkook who was looking more and more upset by the second. But as he were to open his mouth Hyun called his attention.
They exchanged rings in the pretext of Seokjin receiving a call and Hyun having to go to the washroom.
It was time. Dinner was over. They were in the foyer. The lights were beautiful. Their glow made Jungkook seem ethereal. Even though he was in a weird mood all evening. Seokjin watched with a little smile as Hyun went down on one knee.
Hyun: I did all of this for you. Had Jin even buy a ring just as per your liking. Tell me. Will you marry me?
JK: No.

Hyun: What?

JK: No. I won’t marry you.

Hyun: Are you kidding me?

JK: No.

Saying so Jungkook was going to walk away but Hyun held his hand, hard, crushing his wrist. Making Jungkook hiss in pain.
Seokjin was there in a flash. One arm hooked around Jungkook’s waist the other holding Hyun’s, who was still on his knee, wrist in a tighter grip making him let go of Jungkook’s hand. Jungkook was only looking at Seokjin, it burned everywhere he touched.
Jungkook got out of Seokjin’s hold, glaring at him with tears in his eyes before walking away.
Hyun made to follow Jungkook but Seokjin stopped him & soon he was flanked by the others who literally formed a human wall.

SJ: Let me talk to him.

Hyun: No let me I want to know what his fucking problem is.
It took a lot for Seokjin to keep a straight face & not scowl but he still did, looking at Taehyung who understood his job was to take Hyun away.
Jungkook honestly didn’t know where he was going. He just wanted to go far away from everything. His heart hurt & he didn’t know why. Just as he rounded the corner to go to some alley somewhere he got pulled into Seokjin’s arms.

SJ: Where the hell are you going?
But Jungkook didn’t react. He just stood stiff while Seokjin did a quick once over stopping at his wrist, fretting how it was a bit red because of Hyun’s grip.

SJ: Jungkookie what’s going on. You can be honest with me.
Something in Jungkook broke when he heard that.

JK: Can I hyung? Can I be honest? Have you been honest?
SJ: What? What are you talking about?

Jungkook kept looking into Seokjin’s eyes. Wondering why he wasn’t telling him the trut honest but then another part of his brain asked, “Why would he? What would that achieve?”
JK: I want to go home.

SJ: Okay.

JK: To Busan

SJ: Jungkookie…
The boys had found them till then.

JK: Jiminie hyung. I want to go home to Busan.

JM: Um…sure…I mean…Now?

JK: Yes now.

Saying so Jungkook began walking away but Seokjin grabbed his wrist albeit gently only for Jungkook to yank it away.
SJ: Jungkookie talk to me please…

JK: I don’t want to. I don’t ever want to talk to you again.
It hurt. So bad that Seokjin took a step back & Namjoon had to hold him, scared he’d fall back.

HS: He’s just upset.

YG: I’ll talk to him.

SJ: Leave him.
It’s been 3 months since then. There had been zero communication between Seokjin & Jungkook. Correction. Seokjin sent him messages but never got replies.
What truly hurt was that Seokjin didn’t know what he did wrong. Jungkook had moved to working remotely. He had locked up his apartment. He had taken Bam with him.
Other than ignoring messages he never answered calls or even emails. Jimin later indicated to Seokjin that he likely was blocked on everything & that he should just leave Jungkook alone.
There’s only so much Seokjin could try. You can only scream at a wall so much before your throat hurts & you have to walk away. Only so much one heart can take.
Mr. Jeon: Jungkookah you had said Hyun was the guy you wanted to marry. Then you break up with him. Now you’re here frankly doing God knows what. We were patient but we are getting older & want to see you settled so what’s your plan?”
Mrs. Jeon: Jungkookie there are some really nice proposals. Good, decent families. You should really try & meet them.
It’s been three months. Seokjin has been dating around. His fling with Hyung-sik didn’t last but they remain friends. He’s met other guys & has been having a good time.
In the past three months Jungkook had been by definition dating too. His parents would bring in the proposal & then he’d date the guy to “𝘎𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳” but it didn’t work. The longest one was the last one.
They dated for 2 weeks before the guy told him, “Jungkook-ssi I don’t mean to be rude but…quit wasting your as well as my time. You clearly want something specific. Maybe you need to concentrate on that.”
When he got home his parents looked at him disappointed. Still Mrs. Jeon smiled, “There’s this other…” “Eomma give me some time please.” Jungkook interrupted & his parents sighed but let him go.
The next morning Jungkook came down for breakfast worse for wear. Eyes rimmed red. Face a bit swollen.

Mrs. Jeon: Didn’t you sleep last night?

Mr. Jeon: Was it too loud?

JK: Eomma, Appa I’ve made my decision.
He was outside Jungkook’s house. The seniors were walking ahead. Somewhere in his heart Seokjin hoped to see Jungkook waiting in welcome but instead Mrs. Jeon was waiting for them. Just then Seokjin’s phone buzzed.
Mr. Jeon: Aigoo Seokjinah! Look at you! You’re even more handsome than before!

Seokjin blinked up at Mr. Jeon smiling while giving the man a hug. Trying not to crane his neck to find a set of doe eyes he missed so much.
Mrs. Jeon greeted him next, pinching his cheeks before greeting the rest of the boys asking them to get comfortable.

The table was set. It was dinner time & Seokjin couldn’t wait anymore. Strange anxiety bubbling in his gut.

SJ: Where is Jungkook!?

JK: I’m here.
The quiet voice was right behind him. Seokjin turned around so fast he almost tripped. The other five collectively said “Jungkookah!” Before engulfing him in a hug. Seokjin stayed put observing the changes.
Finally the 5 gave way for Jungkook to walk up to Seokjin who took a tiny step ahead.

JK: Hi hyung

SJ: Hi

It was awkward. The hug was very awkward but
The heart wants what it wants especially when two hearts missed each other so much. So they found themselves wrapped in each other. Tight. Only to be pulled apart by a rather loud “Ahem” from Yoongi who smiled at them awkwardly & then joined the table where everyone else waited.
Dinner was had, the cake was cut. Mrs. Jeon’s birthday was almost over when Mrs. Kim asked, “So what’s your birthday wish?” Teasing her childhood friend who smile at her & said, “It’s not a wish…it’s a request…I want…
Mrs. Kim: Aish don’t be shy. We’ve been friends forever.

The two best friends shared a secret smile before,

Mrs. Jeon: I want our friendship to turn into a real relationship.

Mrs. Jeon: I want Jungkook and Seokjin to get married.
Seokjin who had been seated till now stood up quietly. Excusing himself with a neutral face.

JK: Hyung wait…
They were in Jungkook’s room. Seokjin looked out the window while Jungkook sat on the bed. One hand over the other.

JK: Hyung…

Seokjin didn’t respond. Instead preferring to stare at the sky. The moon looked pretty tonight.
JK: Why won’t you say anything?

Seokjin stiffened even further. Shame flowing through his veins on being caught. But why was he ashamed? He didn’t do no wrong.
SJ: Why am I here?

JK: Be-because I want to marry you.
SJ: Why?

JK: What do you mean why?

SJ: What is the exact reason you want to marry me?

JK: Why are you asking me this?

SJ: Because I want to know exactly why you wish to marry me. Now!?
Jungkook came right up to Seokjin then. Crowding into his personal space.

JK: Why are you so angry?
SJ: You left. You never wanted to talk to me again. You never responded to my messages! Do you know how terrible that made me feel? And I didn’t even know why! Tell me why first!
JK: I found your private twitter. I looked up what ‘Desiderium’ means. Why didn’t you tell me?

Seokjin looked horrified & maybe it was a defense mechanism but he was so angry oh so mad!
SJ: How dare you! How dare you snoop into my phone when I specifically told you not to!

Jungkook had never seen Seokjin so angry before. The tears that fell were more from being ashamed & a bit scared than being hurt.
SJ: Don’t. Don’t you dare cry and think you’ll get away with this. This…this is my fault. I shouldn’t have ever trusted you.
JK: Hyung…why? Why are you being so harsh?

SJ: Harsh? If roles were reversed you’d be fine??

JK: I’m sorry but…

SJ: But what? WHAT? Is that? Is that why I’m here? This is all out of what? Pity? You saw all that and thought “Oh poor guy! Might as well give him a chance?”
Jungkook tried, he tried to say something but Seokjin wasn’t letting him get a word in edgewise. With hot tears sliding off his face Seokjin looked ready to burst into flames.
JK: No. No I don’t pity you…how could you even think like that?

SJ: Sorry I can’t…I can’t do this anymore.
Saying so, Seokjin turned around to leave. Where to? Who knows? But Jungkook back hugged him hard. Placing his face in the middle of Seokjin’s back.
JK: Please hyung. Please don’t leave me.

SJ: Let me go, Jungkook. I don’t want you anymore.
Jungkook’s hand fell to his side almost instantly. It burned. Oh it burned! “Hyung” he whispered but Seokjin had stormed out.
YG: I told you so. I told you you’d lose him.

JK: You knew! Why didn’t you tell me?

YG: Because this is exactly what the result would be, only hyung would suffer more than he already was.

JK: So you’d much rather I end up with someone else than be with hyung?
YK: Jungkookah…what’s your intention here? Why would you do this?
Seokjin had stormed out of the house and walked all the way to the beach that was about 10 minutes away. As his anger cooled he realized how far he’d walked and then
He sat on the sand, massaging his calf and after it relaxed pulled his knees to his chest watching the waves. Sometime after a bottle of water was thrust in his line of vision when he looked up it was his Appa & Mr. Jeon.
Mr. Jeon: I told your imo this wasn’t a good idea. I told her we should talk to you in private first. But you know how the two besties get.

Mr. Kim: Hmm…I tried too but I was told “I’d ruin the surprise.”
SJ: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…

Mr. Kim: Don’t be sorry agiah. You’re allowed to be upset.

Mr. Jeon: i agree. If you are so upset then I just know Jungkook messed up.
SJ: You knew?

Mr. Jeon: I don’t know the specifics but when I saw him here without you I guessed something was wrong & when I saw him staring at the phone when you called and messaged I knew something was definitely wrong.
Mr. Kim: Of course it was obvious back in Seoul too. You two have never been away from each other - intentionally - for so long. Also the mothers forget that we’re best friends too. And We communicate often.

SJ: I…it’s…

Mr. Jeon: Do you still love my son?
SJ: What? You knew?

Mr. Kim: Wait? You were attempting to hide your feelings?!

Mr. Jeon: Boy, I'm not blind. But my son is…but I believe in finding a resolution to problems and moving on. So tell me what’s really bothering you?
Mr. Jeon: That gremlin invaded your privacy? You’re not even married!?

Seokjin couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on his lips.

SJ: I’m confused. Shouldn’t I be happy? Why do I feel like this?
Mr. Jeon: Because you’re human. You’re embarrassed. You’re angry. You’re completely justified.

Mr. Kim: Actually at this point a discussion isn’t required. We can stop now Seokjinah. You can leave with one of the boys & go home. We’ll handle it with the mothers.
Both men reassured.

SJ: May I ask…if you both knew something was wrong them why not stop all this?

Mr. Jeon: Ah…but cause I’m human too.

He may have looked just as confused with his head a little tilted. Mr. Jeon smiled at him.

Mr. Jeon: I’m going to die soon!
Mr. Kim: Don’t you dare scare my son like that idiot!

Mr. Jeon: What I mean is that we’re all going to die eventually & I want my son to be well settled BUT I also want him & you to be happy.
Mr. Jeon: I wasn’t aware of what he had done. But when he told us he wanted to marry you I asked him why? Why you?
Mr. Kim: And we’re pausing for dramatic effect?? Why does your son want to marry my son!?

Mr. Jeon: Because you’re his safe place.
Mr. Kim: And we’re pausing for dramatic effect?? Why does your son want to marry my son!?

Mr. Jeon: Because you’re his safe place.
His disappointment showed. It was written on his face.

Mr. Kim: Aish agi you didn’t expect him to be in love with you did you?
Seokjin found himself engulfed in a hug from both sides.

SJ: I don’t want to marry him. I don’t want this.

Mr. Jeon: Then that’s the end of this discussion. There will be no marriage between Kim Seokjin and Jeon Jungkook.

SJ: But eomma…imo…Jungkookie?
Mr. Kim: We’ll talk to them. We’ll be right with you.

“Us too.” The three heard turning around to see Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon standing a little distance behind.

Mr. Jeon: Okay. Let’s go end this!
The discussion between the seniors went on for quite sometime. There was shouting a lot of shouting. Seokjin felt terrible because this definitely ruined Mrs. Jeon’s birthday but he couldn’t let this continue.

YG: Hyung you need to speak with Jungkookah.
He knew he should but he was scared. He knew the damage was done. There was no recovery from this. There was no miracle that would give them a happy ending. This was the right decision but still he also knew things were fundamentally going to change.
He knew he was going to lose Jungkook after this. As he stepped back into Jungkook’s room and saw his tear filled eyes Seokjin knew. This was it. It was over.
SJ: I don’t want to marry you.
Jungkook willed his body not to react. Not to snap his head up in shock. Not to let out that pained gasp that was hurting his chest. Not to cry. Not to throw himself at Seokjin.
Jungkook got off the bed and went to stand in front of Seokjin. Extending his hand ahead in a handshake.

JK: Hello best friend. It is nice to meet you again.
Seokjin was proud of Jungkook’s maturity. It made him feel a bit guilty for not being like him. So he smiled at Jungkook, shaking his hand saying,

SJ: Hello best friend. It's nice to meet you again too.
When Seokjin & Jungkook stepped out the parents were sitting on the table. The Parks were putting stuff away and the boys were helping. The mothers looked up to glare at Seokjin but instead were greeted by a blinding smile from Jungkook.
JK: Eomma x 2. Please don’t be upset! This is good.

Mrs. Jeon & Mrs. Kim: How is this good?

JK: I know you love & care about us & that our happiness is your priority. But don’t you see? Not being married will keep us happier? Yoongi hyung! Explain.
Yoongi looked at Jungkook, finding no malice in his eyes.

JK: I’m not good at explaining. Explain to them how you explained to me earlier.

Yoongi cleared his throat while the mothers looked at him pointedly.
YG: You can’t force feelings. Yes feelings can change over time but there is a big imbalance between hyung’s feelings & Jungkookah’s feelings & it’s not fair that hyung waits when Kookah catches up or vice versa.
Mrs. Jeon: But that’s where you make a compromise. Grow together.

JK: But eomma. How is that fair? Why make a compromise if hyung may have the chance of meeting his true love?
That shut the mothers up. Anger, sadness, disappointment aside, all of this made sense. So everyone calmed down. Seokjin apologized for ruining Mrs. Jeon’s birthday & got his ear twisted, lovingly. The weekend came to an end & the boys left to go back to the city.
Jungkook would return later. When the house was empty of guests Jungkook looked at his father who looked at him with pride,

Mr. Jeon: You made the right decision.

JK: Thank you. May I ask for one favor?

Mr. Jeon: Sure.

JK: Don’t ask me about settling down please?
It was done. The wedding was beautiful. Jungkook had the biggest smile on his face as he saw Seokjin beam while looking at Sung-hoon. Sung-hoon was a nice guy he’d met at work & they were in love. Jungkook couldn’t be happier.
The party was over. Seokjin gave Jungkook a tight hug thanking him for everything & then left with Sung-hoon. The guests left & the family was done making the remaining arrangements. The boys who had a bunch of responsibilities got started so that they could go home.
Finally in the empty wedding hall. Jungkook sat on the main stage, in the seat that Sung-hoon now occupied, finally he sighed.
TW/CW: mention of drug use…NOT REALLY USED. Also very very very mild 🔞

Oh also read carefully the timeline jumps a couple times.
Jungkook snickered while scratching Bam, who nuzzled into him while wagging his tail. Jungkook honestly was in bed. Freshly showered, still in his bathrobe, too tired, too lazy to change. His snickering however quietened down when he saw the picture he had as his Lock Screen.
Bam sensing the change in his appa’s mood scooted closer, curling into Jungkook’s side. Jungkook cuddled Bam close letting the tears in his eyes slip into his temples, thinking about the past.
After the six left Jungkook stayed in Busan for another month. He needed to learn how to sleep without crying.
Seokjin & him were texting but it was dry. Very dry.
Then it became interesting again because Seokjin got chatty which only happened when Seokjin was struggling to tell Jungkook something. But Jungkook knew better…
Sang-hoon was nice. Very nice. Tall, good looking, sweet, introvert. His personality matched Seokjin’s to a T. Even Bam liked him.
Jungkook had initially approached Sang-hoon with the usual “𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥” attitude but one “Hello” & his gut told him it’s all okay. Sang-hoon was a good man.
Sang-hoon gelled very well with the group. But his best quality was being very caring towards Jungkook of all people.
Some would say he was more of Jungkook’s friend than Seokjin’s boyfriend. He texted Jungkook all the time, invited him over, they played games together. Jungkook felt like he had two Seokjin’s in his life. But there in lay the issue.
The first prickling in Jungkook’s heart happened when he saw Seokjin stand with Sang-hoon in the kitchen, back-hugging him like he used to Jungkook. Jungkook tried to ignore the pinch in his gut when he saw them giggle over some inside joke. He looked away when they kissed.
The second time the prickling got intense was a couple weeks later. The group had gone out to dinner. It was a bit chilly & Seokjin kept pressing hot packs on Sang-hoon’s ears & seeing that he was warm. True Jungkook was okay but Seokjin would do that for him before.
The third time was when Jungkook woke up because the clouds were having a disco party. Well that’s what it sounded like. He almost reached out to text Seokjin but stopped himself. Still in his heart against his better judgment he hoped that Seokjin would text him.
They were on the bed. All three of them. There was some old music going on that Taehyung had selected. Both Hoseok & Taehyung were cuddling Jungkook on either of his sides while Bam sat on the floor looking at them.
JK: How did you know!?

HS: Your eyes tell.

TH: You look at him like he used to look at you.

JK: I’m so selfish! How can this be right? Hyung is happy!
HS: Kookie. You’re not selfish. You’re a bit hard headed. If you were selfish you would want to take what was not yours. You wouldn’t feel guilty.

JK: How am I not selfish? Hyung is with someone else!
TH: And you were that someone else for the longest time! You’re not selfish, you're just realizing that that comfort you shared with Jin hyung was a facet of love you didn’t recognize.
He didn’t mean to cry. The tear’s surprised him as well as Hoseok & Taehyung who crushed him in their embrace.
It continued for some time. Jungkook never hung out with the couple alone again. Only in group settings. Then too the hugs were awkward. Jungkook didn’t really interact with Seokjin.
Then he stopped hanging out with them all together. Till…
SH: You’re in love with Jin-ah aren’t you!?
Jungkook almost fell off his chair looking at Sang-hoon shocked. Trying extra hard to school his expression.

SH: Please don’t lie to me.

Till date Jungkook hadn’t admitted his feelings for Seokjin to another person.
Yes, he had discussed this with Hoseok & Taehyung but had never really said it out loud. It was usually them who referred to his feelings in passing. Now to say it in front of Sang-hoon who was actually likely Seokjin’s future spouse? He felt like there was sand in his throat.
JK: I love Jin hyung.

Sang-hoon took a deep breath & Jungkook immediately added.

JK: Please. I promise I won’t let anyone know. I don’t intend to ruin your happiness. I would never do that to you or hyung. That’s why I am staying away.
JK (cont): The more I stay away the less it’ll hurt when I move or leave or do something. I haven’t figured it out yet. But please, don’t think that I’m going to come between u & Jin hyung! I would never do that. I’ve never seen him so happy & I cannot take that away from him.
SH: Breath Jungkookah! Breath!

Sang-hoon had actually left his seat, crouching in front of Jungkook counting with him till his breath became normal again he didn’t even know he was in a panic.
SH: I don’t want you to leave, you're very important to Jin-ah. If you were to leave, he would not be happy

JK: Then what should I do?

SH: I don’t know what to tell you. I know you love him, but I’m not threatened by you not because you can’t be a threat,
SH (cont): but because as you said, you would never do something to cause Jin-ah any pain. But that doesn’t mean I can see u living in pain either! You’re like a younger brother I never had & I really don’t want to lose you. It sucks that I don’t know what to do or how to help u.
JK: Can you make an excuse for me? Give me one week? So that I can go back home & just figure stuff out without anybody trying to reach out to me? I promise I will come back with a solution.
SH: Why the long face?

SJ: Jungkookie…something doesn’t feel right.

Sang-hoon took a deep breath. He wasn’t insecure. He knew Seokjin loved him but he also knew Seokjin loved Jungkook. It wasn’t romantic anymore but it was still there & he was willing to share Seokjin’s heart
with Jungkook because Jungkook never encroached into his space. Jungkook had been so gracious & honest. Sang-hoon had to help him.

SH: He’s been working so hard Jin-ah. He needs a break. He’s only human.
SJ: But before I knew everything about him now it feels like we’ve disconnected somehow.

SH: People evolve. Your priorities have changed. He’s not you first priority anymore.
SJ: I’m sorry. I’m horrible. My God. I can’t be caring about him so much when u’re my boyfriend! That’s so disrespectful!

SH: Aish calm down! I would actually be judging u if u didn’t care. He’s your best friend. Also the man u were in love with for so long. It’s only natural.
SJ: You’re right. Maybe we both can make a proper effort to be better friends after he comes back.
The first day back Jungkook went to the beach. Staring at the waves while ignoring the voices in his head. Then he felt someone sit beside him.
Mrs. Jeon: So you’re realizing what you lost? Finally figured you’re in love with Seokjinnie?
JK: Is that somehow tattooed on my head? How does everyone know?

Mrs. Jeon: I’ve always known baby. Also you don’t really hide your emotions well.

JK: That’s the issue eomma. Jin hyung’s happy. He loves Sang-hoon hyung. I can’t…I just can’t cause issues.
Mrs. Jeon: So now what?

JK: I was going to leave. But I can’t…

Mrs. Jeon: It’ll be easier.

JK: I know but…I can’t do it eomma. I can’t hide away forever.

Mrs. Jeon: Then?
The hug felt calming. It wasn’t awkward anymore. Jungkook’s smile was radiant & Seokjin’s returning smile even more. They had sushi & chatted & gossiped & Jungkook very smarty avoided discussing any past “issues” instead distracting Seokjin with…
SJ: Jungkookie this is…

JK: It’s just a ring hyung!

SJ: Just a ring? Jungkookie I can’t!

JK: You have to for a couple reasons.

SJ: What reasons?
JK: One I’ve been a terrible best friend so this is my “sorry.” Two I got a good deal on this & it’s nothing close to what you’ve spent on me for so long. But most importantly, you need to propose to Sang-hoon hyung.

SJ: Why?
JK:You love him right? Then why waste time? What are you waiting for? Wouldn’t you want to spend every minute of the rest of your life loving him?

SJ: But…it’s…

JK: What is it hyung? What’s holding you back?

SJ: I don’t know.
JK: Well then it’s not relevant. You’re proposing. Next week on my birthday!

SJ: But that’s your birthday!

JK: And that will be your gift to me.

SJ: When did you become so mature?
JK: When I realized somehow I became the hyung here.

That got him a napkin to the face that made him giggle. Soon they both were laughing. Only Seokjin from genuine excitement & Jungkook from pain.
[For those who want to look it up - Сколько раз вы скажете это,
чтобы это звучало правдоподобно?]
4 months after the proposal Seokjin & Sang-hoon got married.
Things changed & didn’t at the same time. While Jungkook got closer to the couple he also got distant. He was always happy, always full of life. He lived life to a 100. Outside looking in Jungkook had the most happening life. But inside looking out it was a different story.
Over the remaining year Jungkook changed a lot & didn’t at the same time. He was still everyone’s loving Jungkookie but on the outside he began working out & taking care of his body, got tattoos, piercings.
Jungkook didn’t have a problem. He was living. It’s been two years since Seokjin’s wedding. He still loves Seokjin maybe more than before but the pain is muted because there’s another persona that’s developed that protects his pain.
It shields his pain in a dark, comfortable corner of his heart. This new persona of Jungkook lived life to the fullest doing whatever he wanted which included dating random people, sleeping around no-strings-attached, partying, going to raves, generally living the life!
JK: I do not do drugs! We can go do a blood test right now! I would never do something like that to hurt my eomma & appa.

HS: Of course we know that! We trust you like that Jungkookah. It’s just…
TH: You’re jumping from one thing to another, exhausting yourself to the point where you cannot think. You can’t keep it all hidden in your heart forever. You need to let go. Move on!

JK: But I have! I’m not pining over Jin hyung! I promise.

TH: Then why are you single?
JK: Can’t a man be single by choice?

HS: You can. Definitely can but Jungkookie do you really make an effort to let anyone in?
JK: I’m happy isn’t that enough?

He wasn’t. Truly he wasn’t but he wasn’t sad either. He just was vibing. Hoseok & Taehyung understood that. Knowing that till Jungkook didn’t want to actually make changes nothing would happen so they decided to be his protectors & supporters.
Unfortunately the group had split in a way. There was marked frostiness between Hoseok & Taehyung & Yoongi, Namjoon & Jimin. Jungkook was normal with everyone never noticing the change. Seokjin & Sang-hoon had no clue either. Well Seokjin didn’t have a clue about a lot of things.
He had no clue of Jungkook’s so-called “wild ways”. That stayed between Hoseok & Taehyung & Jungkook till the year prior when Namjoon moved into Jungkook’s building.
Tensions stayed with Yoongi & Jimin going head to head with Hoseok & Taehyung while Namjoon stayed neutral. All this happened very subtly because even though Seokjin knew something was wrong the next time they met everything seemed fine & Jungkook was clueless as always.
Then 6 months after he moved in Namjoon was absolutely shocked to see Hyun exit the elevator when he came back from the gym one morning.
NJ: Was that Hyun?

JK: Yes

NJ: What the fuck Jungkook!?

JK: My God it’s not that serious! We’re just fucking around…quite literally…absolutely no-strings-attached. Also he leaves in 4 months. Back to the states for good.
NJ: See I know you’re technically not doing anything wrong but your life’s a mess Jungkookah…u need help!

JK: Why? Am I hurting anyone!? No. Then what’s the issue?

NJ: What about yourself?

JK: Hyung please…just let it go…

NJ: I haven’t been able to…not since that night…
JK: You promised that night would never be bought up.

NJ: That’s not the reason why I’m bringing it up Jungkookah…it’s been 3 years since hyung’s got married. You’ve let all that pain stay in your heart.
NJ (cont): You are proud of the fact that you don’t do drugs etc but we both know what keeps you going is that pain that you’re not addressing. I’m just scared someday it’ll be too much.
It was at a club that Jungkook bumped into Hyun. It was awkward at first, but then they ended up dancing together, then grinding on each other & then Jungkook ended up in a hotel room on all fours with Hyun pounding into him.
The morning after Hyun asked if they could go back to what they had before but Jungkook shut him down. “I’m all outta love.” Jungkook explained. It would just be sex & only that. Hyun preferred the arrangement so now they met often just for sex.
Jungkook woke up with a start when he heard something being slammed in his kitchen. He checked his phone & saw that it was 4pm in the afternoon! How long had he slept? He quickly got dressed & stepped outside only to find Seokjin glaring at him & Sang-hoon quietly plating dinner.
From the looks of it everyone was coming over.

JK: Hello!

SJ: Are you doing drugs? Are you an alcoholic? What the hell have you been up to?
Jungkook was taken aback. He could bear anyone shouting at him but Seokjin shouting at him always made tears spring in his eyes. But soon he was covered by Sang-hoon.

SH: Jin-ah! What is wrong with you? Is that how you speak to him!? He’s you best friend!
SJ: Really!? Then why the hell did I not know anything about this?

JK: Because it’s none of your business.

SJ: What did you say?
Jungkook could have said something hurtful. But he took a moment. That pain inside him wanted to break free. This was the cause of his pain, Seokjin - unknowingly - was the cause of his pain &
that ugly feeling of wanting to see him in the same fire made Jungkook want to spew venom at him but he took a shaky breath, feeling Sang-hoon’s fingers slip into his hand.

JK: I’m not doing drugs. I’m not an alcoholic. I’m just enjoying life.
SJ: By staying out all night? By overworking?

JK: I’m not doing anything wrong.

SJ: You’re not doing anything right either! What will I tell imo if something happens to you? How will I face them if something goes wrong?

JK: Hyung, I'm not your responsibility.
JK: I’m an adult. I can take care of myself.

SJ: Really? Have you seen your fridge??? There’s nothing in there. There’s more dog food than human food. You’re barely in this house. Who are you paying rent for? Bam?
It was getting too much. That brittleness was evident in the way Jungkook was breathing. Sang-hoon moved so that he was covering Jungkook entirely, again. Jungkook was so overwhelmed that he placed his head on Sang-hoon’s shoulder.
SH: Enough. We are here now. We’ll talk later when you’re in a better space.

SJ: But…

SH: No. You always regret what you say in anger. The boys are on the way. We’ll have a nice dinner & that will be it. He’s here. He’s safe. He’s healthy. That’s all that matters.
The boys came in sensing the tension in the room. Taehyung & Hoseok immediately flanked Jungkook on either sides. The others got comfortable on the couches.

They ate in relative silence & then Namjoon began discussing Seokjin’s upcoming travel plans.
He was leaving tomorrow to go to Japan for three weeks.

It had to be the world most awkward dinner. Jungkook could barely eat. Sang-hoon played host for most part. Finally saying they should all go home early. Seokjin was still so mad he didn’t even say goodbye to Jungkook.
Hyun did as told. He did have a strong dick game. Jungkook was left empty in more ways than one. His brain was silent. The tears had stopped. Sleep came over him so fast he didn’t even clean himself. When he woke up he was still at Hyun’s place.
Who had cleaned him up & dressed him too. He had woken up alone. Hyun slept on the couch. Jungkook checked his phone & immediately regretted it.
Jungkook curled within himself. Feeling exposed, used, disgusted. Then the door opened & Hyun joined him in bed. He covered Jungkook properly & then held him. Not too tight that Jungkook couldn’t roll away. Just a comforting presence while Jungkook cried.
Hyun: You can’t continue like this Jungkook.

JK: Why does everyone say that? I’m not hurting anyone.

Hyun: But you’re hurting yourself.
Hyun: And you don’t deserve it. What happened with Jin & you was terrible timing overall but how long do you intend to punish yourself? Or better. What are you going to achieve by punishing yourself?
Hyun: Don’t get me wrong. No offense. I don’t want you. I’m leaving in three weeks & my parents have found a match for me. I just worry about you. When I first met you, your innocence, charm & internal joy is what attracted me. Now I see none of that.
Hyun (cont): Instead I see a broken version of you making a valiant effort to hold everything together. But even you know you’re failing.
Hyun: I’m not a good person Jungkook. But I’m not a bad person either. I’m glad we had this for the past 6 months but I’d hate for you to be spreading your legs for random people just to shut your mind off. For all intent & purposes I care about you. Others won’t.
JK: You know I would say don’t be a stranger but please be!

Hyun: Dude I don’t ever wish to see u again! But u’ll always be a good memory.

JK: Honestly u too!

Hyun: You’ll take care right?

JK: Ummm hmmm…all the best for the future!

Just then the announcement was made.
Hyun: What say one last kiss for good luck!?

Jungkook burst out laughing but still got on his toes giving Hyun a gentle kiss. It was farewell. It felt like it. It tasted like it. As Hyun walked away Jungkook waved him goodbye smiling at his retreating not knowing that…
Jungkook literally jumped out of his skin. He was so shocked that for a moment he was disoriented.

JK: Hyung! What are you?

Then he remembered that Seokjin was scheduled to come back too but…

JK: You were coming back tomorrow!!
SJ: I was but I got an earlier flight and it seems like that happened for a reason! What the fuck was that?

Jungkook looked around, finding multiple eyes on them.

JK: I will explain. Can we please leave now? And be civil?

SJ: Don’t…
Seokjin took a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Then he grabbed Jungkook’s wrist & pulled him out the exit. Jungkook was driving. Destination: Jungkook’s place. There was silence before Jungkook’s phone rang. It was an unknown number but he still answered it wanting some distraction
??: Hello Jungkook-ssi

JK: Yes?

??: I’m calling from the Samsung Medical Center. Kim Sang-hoon has listed you as a secondary emergency contact. He’s just been in a minor accident. Since his husband is away. Please do come here.

JK: Is he okay?

??: Yes. Please do hurry.
Jungkook took an immediate detour as he felt Seokjin tense beside him.

JK: It’ll be okay hyung. He’ll be okay.
When they both walked into the room everything was genuinely okay.

SH: Jungkookah it’s fine…OMG Jin-ah!!! You’re here already???

SJ: I got an earlier flight. Then bumped into him at the airport.

SH: What was Jungkookah doing at the airport?

SJ: Glad you asked.
JK: Hyung please. Sang-hoon hyung are you okay?

Turns out Sang-hoon was attempting to take some old files off the top shelf at work & lost his balance managing to catch himself in time but still spraining his ankle.

JK: Hyung, I'm your second emergency contact!?
SH: Hmm…Jin-ah is first you’re second. Who else would it be?
They were at the Kim’s place by now. Jungkook helped get Sang-hoon comfortable & was about to walk away when Seokjin grabbed his hand.

JK: Take care of hyung first. We’ll talk later. I’m not going anywhere.
Jungkook was on his bed staring at the ceiling as he thought back to that night. One of his biggest regrets. It was a super stormy night when the power went out. Jungkook hadn’t planned in advance so didn’t know where to escape to.
So he decided to take Bam & the pack of Soju he had & go visit Moni & Namjoon who’s snores would drown out anything.
They didn’t intend to kiss. They were just sitting close by laughing at something stupid, tipsy after a bottle & a half each when their eyes met & it happened.
Jungkook then climbed over Namjoon’s lap straddling & it was when Namjoon was kissing his neck that Jungkook’s eyes fell on his bookcase that had a tiny Wootteo figurine that Seokjin was obsessed with. Jungkook really didn’t mean to call Namjoon
He didn’t mean to make it awkward but it had gotten awkward & he’d slithered off Namjoon’s lap & almost left but then Namjoon stopped him & said “It’s okay. Just go to sleep.”
The next morning over breakfast he told Namjoon everything begging him not to tell Yoongi & Jimin about his feelings. Namjoon still spoke to Taehyung & Hoseok.
While he managed to keep Jungkook’s feelings secret he’d let slip the kiss, hence the others knew.
They surprisingly never bought it up. Sure Jimin & Yoongi looked at him a bit funny but never broached the topic. Maybe that was for the best. Now Jungkook just sighed. He was so tired.
SH: Hey…you okay?

SJ: No.

SH: Hmm…come sit here…let’s talk.

SJ: Did you know about Jungkook’s lifestyle prior to before that Sunday!? Did you know about him sleeping with Hyun?

SH: What?
SJ: Yeah…I…I can’t reconcile the Jungkook who shows up here shining like the brightest star in the universe to the Jungkook I’m figuring out he is in general. But most importantly, I can understand why do I still care?

Sang-hoon took a deep breath. He knew this day would come.
SH: I didn’t know about Hyun. Secondly, tell me Jin-ah do you really not know why you still care?
Seokjin sat more comfortably looking into his husband’s eyes. His husband who radiated so much love & understanding. Who never once made Seokjin feel weird about his friendship with Jungkook.
Their conversation lasted for a while. Seokjin vocalizing his thoughts likely for the first time. Sang-hoon just listened because sometimes that’s all that is needed. A quiet presence willing to be spoken to who doesn’t feel the need to respond back.
There was a disconnect between them that needed to be mended. All was not lost. However before he left he turned around & looked at his husband m, smiling while asking.

SJ: You trust me right?

Sang-hoon smiled nodding his head. He’d never had a reason not to.
JK: Hello hyung

Yoongi didn’t smile, he just walked in peering at Jungkook who was just so exhausted.
YG: I really don’t know what to say to you.

YG: Hyun? Seriously…the thing with Namjoon really shocked me…but this…this is just disappointing…what are you doing?
JK: Yoongi hyung respectfully…do you ever get sick of the sound of your own damn voice?

YG: What?

JK: You heard what I said.

YG: What's with the attitude?? What the hell have I done?
JK: You never fucking listen! All you do is talk talk talk & talk! Have you ever put yourself in my shoes??

YG: It’s not like you’re an open book! If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, how can I help?

JK: Hyung, I really don't want to talk to you right now.
YG: See you’re shutting down again.

JK: Please just leave.
Yoongi seemed more hurt than confused. Something in his heart was telling him he was missing something very important. It felt like his family was breaking apart & like somehow he had caused it. It was driving him crazy. He needed to sort this out starting with Hoseok & Taehyung.
JM: Joon hyung why didn’t you tell us about Hyun?
NJ: I…it wasn’t my place Jiminah…also as Hoba said. It wasn’t serious.

YG: I get that & yes he’s an adult but Hyun?

HS: Better him than some new guy every night.
YG: Honestly more than Jungkook I want to discuss us. What is wrong with us?
TH: You want the truth? Well I’m fucking mad at you & your damn habit to dole out advice.

NJ: Please let’s keep our cool. A shouting match will lead to nothing.

YG: Fine. Please tell me where did I err so royally?
TH: You’re always hyper critical about Jungkook without knowing what he’s going through?

JM: And what is he going through?

HS: He’s been in love with Jin hyung since the past four years.
YG: When did this…? Wait Namjoonah did you know?

Namjoon’s guilt was practically printed on his face. He then took a deep breath & explained the night of the kiss, the aftermath, the discussion.
JM: He’s been keeping all of this in his heart for so long? Why didn’t he reach out to us?

TH: For what? Your judgment?

YG: Taehyungah why? Why are you so mad at us? When did we become the bad guys?

TH: When you picked sides & decided to interfere in Busan all that time ago.
YG: This wasn’t my intention!

TH: Sure it wasn’t. You could only see Jin hyung’s pain…you didn’t recognize the confusion Jungkook was stuck in.

YG: I…I didn’t even know this was possible…

TH: Well now it’s too late.
NJ: Taehyungah mistakes were made. I admit. But let’s try & work through it please.

HS: You weren’t there Namjoonah. You weren’t there to watch Jungkook crumble. You didn’t have to hold him tight, scared that a part of him would go missing.
TH: Do you know how hard he’s tried? He worked hard to move on but then his own heart would betray him.

HS: Jin hyung might have fallen first Namjoonah…but Jungkook fell harder & there was no one there to catch his heart as it smashed into concrete. It’s broken beyond repair.
YG: But Jin hyung suffered too…

TH: Yes. He did. I’m not going to diminish his pain but he had all of us. Jungkook for some God forsaken reason didn’t.

YG: But he seems so…so…normal.
TH: I don’t know how to explain that to you. One day he woke up & this new Jungkook was staring at us. Happy. So full of life.
HS: He almost fooled us too. Then 1 day he showed up completely broken…he found 1 of Jin hyung’s hoodies he hadn’t returned yet. His whole persona crumbled to pieces he cried himself to sleep. That’s the night we realized how well he could pretend.

YG: I’m sorry…I didn’t know.
TH: How would you? It’s the funniest thing…You & Jungkook are the most similar but still somehow you’re so much more emotionally stunted.
JM: I’m sorry. I didn’t even know he was in love with Jin hyung in Busan.

HS: He wasn’t. He’d just found about Jin hyung having feelings for him. He was confused.

JM: Is that why the whole arranged marriage thing happened!?
HS: Gosh that dumbass idea! Jin hyung had always been Kookie’s safe space. I think he presumed that they’d eventually figure their feelings out once married. It’s funny. Yoongi hyung you had said, “You can’t force love.” Now I wonder maybe if we just let them be they’d be okay.
Yoongi didn’t know he was crying till Namjoon didn’t passed him a tissue.

YG: Is this my fault? Am I to blame.

TH: Yes.

HS: No.
NJ: I think somewhere down the line we all messed up. Sometimes some things are best left unsaid. Destiny plans everything for a reason. Things would fall into place if it weren’t for all of us. No matter what the result would have been.
JM: I…how did wanting to protect Jin hyung’s heart lead to us breaking Jungkook’s though? How could I be so insensitive.

TH: Not insensitive. You sure were sensitive to Jin hyung. Y’all more like had tunnel vision.
YG: Taehyungah we messed up. I messed up. What will it take for you to forgive me?
TH: Forgive you? If not frowned upon by society I’d have punched u in the face for asking that. Go apologize to Jungkook. Go apologize for hurting him with your dumbass suggestions. Go apologize to him for always being insensitive to his pain. Go apologize for being a bad friend.
JM: We will. I will. But first…I’m sorry for being a bad friend to you two. I messed up. I’m sorry.

It’s hard to ignore Jimin when he’s sad & when there are genuine tears in his eyes it’s even harder.
Taehyung didn’t hold a grudge against Jimin as much as he did Yoongi. It wasn’t hard to forgive Jimin but Yoongi?

NJ: Let’s go talk to Jin hyung first.
When they got to to Seokjin’s place the look on their faces gave Sang-hoon an insight of what had happened. He in turn told him that Seokjin had gone to talk to Jungkook & asked the boys to stay over for sometime. Jungkook & Seokjin needed to be alone.
Jungkook was exhausted. That bone deep exhaustion when your soul is just tired. When did life get this complicated!?
When he registered the knocking on the door he almost dragged himself to it. Counting steps forcing his feet to trudge forward.
But there was none of that. Just Seokjin standing in front of him looking just as exhausted. & maybe that’s what triggered the tears but soon they were both on the couch wrapped into each other.
Both crying without asking why. Both letting the pain, fear & toxicity flow out of them. Both letting their hearts get lighter so that they could face their issues.
They cried for sometime, till quiet sniffles led to silence before they both took a deep breath pulling away, blowing their nose & wiping their face.
SJ: What happened to us?

JK: I…it’s hyung…I don’t know.

SJ: You & Hyun?

JK: it was just sex hyung…just meaningless sex.

SJ: But why? You were never like that…
JK: I know. I changed.

As Seokjin looked at Jungkook - for the first time - he actually saw the changes. He recognized how tired Jungkook was. He recognized that sadness. It was like looking into a mirror. He’d seen it in his own eyes, all those years ago...
SJ: I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention.

JK: It’s not your job.

SJ: No. Nut you’re my best friend. I’m supposed to be able to look through any facade you hold up.

JK: I didn’t make it easy.

They both smiled at that. Stubborn to a fault neither would have let that mask slip.
SJ: I miss us.

JK: I do too. But how do we fix this?

SJ: By being honest.

JK: But I don’t want to lose you.

SJ: You won’t. Whatever we discuss today doesn’t change anything unless & until we let it. I’m not going anywhere. But I won’t lose you either right?

JK: You can’t.
Seokjin took both of Jungkook’s hands in his needing the grounding. Needing the support.

SJ: Do you maybe want to start? Maybe tell me why you changed?
Jungkook smiled, that sad smile. Seokjin’s line of questioning, unlike before, was not judgemental. He was just as lost as Jungkook. Feeling out in the darkness trying to find his best friend.

JK: It’s…I…
Jungkook was at war with himself. His new persona was fighting against him. He’d developed this new persona to protect that dark corner of his heart where his pain hid & now he himself was trying to expose it.
He didn’t have the zeal to fight but he had the determination to end this. & when Seokjin squeezed his hand he had the strength for the final blow.

JK: I’ve been in love with you for sometime now.
SJ: Since when?

JK: Somewhere I always was I guess. You were my comfort, my safe space, my home. But it changed after you got serious with Sang-hoon hyung. Seeing you love him made me realize exactly what I missed, exactly what I wanted.
JK: Please I don’t intend to be a homewrecker…I know this is all futile. But I’m done hiding the truth. I’m tired, hyung. I can’t do this anymore. Maybe if I say it out loud enough times I’ll be able to move on.
Seokjin wrapped his arms around Jungkook. Pulling his head to his chest.

SJ: So now what?
JK: I know I don't want you. I know you don’t love me. Honestly I’m tired of being in this constant state of anguish. I want the pain to stop but I think a part of me is still holding on to what could have been & letting that go hurts.
JK: But I need to. I need to move on. I’m hurting myself & I need to heal.
JK: I’m so sorry to impose my feelings on you like this but if the first step of healing is to face & acknowledge my issues then so be it.
Seokjin was quiet for some time. Hands in Jungkook’s hair, massaging his scalp. Letting his shirt absorb the silent tears of his heartbreak.
SJ: I’m sorry too Jungkookie.

JK: Why would you be? You didn’t do anything wrong.

SJ: I don’t know about that. But if healing is the goal then I need to heal too. I have something I need to let go off as well.

JK: Hmmm?

SJ: I need closure too…from you.
Jungkook’s hold on Seokjin got marginally tighter while he pulled back to look into Seokjin’s eyes.

SJ: Stop jumping to conclusions. We’re supposed to be honest, remember?

JK: Okay then, why from me?
SJ: Because we’re in the same ship but at different levels. I thought I’d let go of my feelings, hopes & dreams for you but actually I just shoved it all away. I reveled in the relationship that was growing with Sang-hoon thinking that was it.
SJ (cont): Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy in my marriage but I need closure, just like you.

JK: But it’s so hard, hyung. It’s so hard to let it all go. There’s familiarity in those feelings. There’s comfort in that hope. It’s safe.
SJ: But what’s the sense of holding on to hope that will not bear any fruit? The dark is comforting but is it really safe? Walking into the light will expose all the ugliness we try to hide but without recognizing our flaws there’s no scope to evolve.
JK: I thought of leaving you know? Like in the movies. Run away & never see you again. But this isn’t a movie. It’s not easy to just pack up & disappear in reality & I think maintaining a distance is just another form of avoidance.
SJ: I agree. Avoidance doesn’t make anything go away. An untreated would will eventually fester even if a scab is formed over the cut. Not paying attention to it will only let the infection grow, poisoning what is healthy.
JK: I did just that. The partying, sleeping around was an attempt to exhaust myself so that I didn’t have to face the truth & to quieted that voice in my head. It just got louder instead. Absolutely would not recommend! But now we’re at an impasse hyung. How do u wish to proceed?
SJ: I wish to hold your hand while letting the past go. I think my biggest barrier was being too overwhelmed while confronting the truth & then the fear of losing you forever.
JK: I can’t lie hyung. I don’t think my heart can forget the love it has for you. True it’s changed shades, not a blazing Scarlett Red but a muted Red Cosmos. But it will still be there.
SJ: Hmm…like pressed roses compared to a fresh one. It doesn’t smell as sweet or look as pretty but one look at it & the memories attached to it come to life.
JK: Will that be an issue?

SJ: Will we make it an issue?

JK: We’ll fail along the way.

SJ: We will. We’re only human.

They were crying again Mourning the loss of what neither could have. Tears working as a cleanse to wash away all the anguish either had put themselves through
True it’s terrifying to walk away but it’s easier when you walk away together.
There was a knock on the door then. Sang-hoon, who had an extra key, opened the door smiling at the duo on the couch as the boys walked in. Yoongi, who was the last to enter, broke the moment he saw Jungkook.
He didn’t have to say sorry, Jungkook could see his guilt so he just extended his hand & Yoongi joined them on the couch followed by the others who held on tight.
One piece at a time. Seven pieces of a puzzle joining together to form a whole. Relief coursing through all as peace finally causes their hearts to settle. This was what they were, stable together, unpredictable when apart.
Sang-hoon who was standing by with the help of a crutch smiled at Bam who wagged his tail before saying, “You know what they all need? 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘺!”
That made Jungkook giggle & soon Seokjin was laughing too, followed by the others who soon collapsed into each other laughing with tears in their eyes. There’d be more discussion. There’d be more apologies but for now this was good.

This was right.

This was a start…
Psst. Jumpy timeline…pay attention!

#jinkook #kookjin #jinkookau ImageImageImageImage
Seokjin was indeed excited. He stood by the officiant beside the groom watching as Jungkook stood by the end of the aisle. Smiling at him. The music started and everyone stood up. Jungkook took a deep breath.
Sang-hoon was right. They did need therapy. Each & everyone of them. It wasn’t easy though. As predicted there were more fights. There were shouting matches. There were sessions booked individually, in various pairings, as a group of seven. Reconciliation didn’t come easy.
There were truths that needed to be accepted. 6 months after struggling they almost gave up but luckily they had help.
That’s one of the things that changed. Three months after the initial reconciliation Jungkook’s building became a bit of an issue with the property manager getting into a dispute with the power company.
Turns out he never followed their dictate on power lines & so the power kept going off. Jungkook & Namjoon decided to leave & instead of finding a new place Yoongi & Jimin offered Jungkook & Bam to move in with them while Namjoon & Moni moved in with Hoseok & Taehyung.
Now while the switcharoo may confuse some it was a matter of convenience. Yoongi & Jimin lived closer to Jungkook’s work so he chose them.
As Jungkook entered the house he greeted Bam & Holly before going to the kitchen, finding Yoongi pensively staring at the stove that had something cooking on it. “Hyung?” He called out but that only got Yoongi to stiffen a bit before he sighed, turning around to look at Jungkook,
smiling wanly. Jungkook just walked up to him, engulfing him in a hug because sometimes that’s all you need. You don’t have to postulate & write an essay of what can, could & should be done. Closure in some cases is a waste of time. Sometimes all you need is a hug.
“Mind if I join in?” The duo heard, watching as Taehyung walk into the kitchen with Jimin smiling at them too. Jungkook stepped away. The Daegu boys needed a moment.
JK: Hey hyung…you okay?

Taehyung who had walked to the window, Yeontan in tow just started out the window.

TH: I know I’m wrong. I don’t like being told over & over again. Also I also wasn’t wrong.
JK: But this is the good & bad thing we discussed the other day. It’s not about putting a label on it. It’s about recognizing the issue, acknowledging it & moving on.

TH: It’s not easy.

JK: I know right? Tell me about it.
Jungkook & Taehyung reached with Bam & Yeontan after everyone had already reached Seokjin’s place. Taehyung’s mood was still off but Seokjin being the perfect host distracted the two by asking.

SJ: Why’d you guys take the dogs to the vet?
JK: Just a check up. They needed they’re shots.

SJ: Awww poor Bammie & Tannie!

NJ: Well now Moni & Holly look pissed.

SJ: Aish I love all of you little puppers don’t worry.
Seokjin said so before sitting on the floor drawing all the dogs to him who pretended to nip each other to get closer. Jungkook who was watching the scene shook his head smiling before going to the kitchen to help Sang-hoon.

JK: Hyung need help with something?
SH: Not anymore Jungkookah. Oh actually can you grab the plates from above?

NJ: Oh I can do that!

JK & SH: NO!!!

NJ: Hey! I’m not that clumsy anymore!!!

SH: Still I’m not taking chances.
Jungkook who by now had gotten the plates couldn’t stop giggling. But then he watched across the living room as Taehyung stared out the window.
JK: Namjoonie hyung…

NJ: Yes?

JK: Maybe talk to Taehyungie hyung? I don’t think he was expecting you to point out his flaws.

NJ: I didn’t…why was it not expected of me?

JK: Um…go talk to him please!
Namjoon huffed but then walked towards Taehyung who instead turned around & walked towards 1 of the spare rooms but not before everyone saw the tears in his eyes.

SH: Namjoon’s a smart man but also…how can he not see it?

JK: Love is blind & we’re an exceptionally blind bunch.
Sang-hoon burst out laughing at that & soon Jungkook joined him too. Both giggling away at the implication. It wasn’t uncommon to find both Taehyung & Hoseok staring like lovesick puppies while looking at Namjoon.
When the living arrangements were being decided Taehyung & Hoseok had heavily implied that they wanted Namjoon with them even though they weren’t explicit. Jungkook remembers the first time he found out.
From the looks of it there hadn’t been a confession yet. But it made sense that Taehyung & Hoseok would be attracted to Namjoon. He was a steady, solid presence. The calm to Taehyung’s storm. The push Hoseok required to be a little uncomfortable rather than stay hidden.
He made them shine while also showing them what’s lacking. Only today he was a bit too loud & Taehyung ended up getting hurt.

SJ: What are you two laughing about?

SH + JK: Nothing!

SH: Here help us set the table while Jungkookah rounds up the others.
As they walked away Jungkook purposely bumped into Seokjin making him wobble but not lose his balance only for him to scowl at Jungkook instead. That’s how they were now. They’d play around & tease each other. There was bickering & yes sometimes arguments.
There were also days when Jungkook would avoid spending time with Seokjin, days when shadows of the past made that mauldin ache bloom in his heart.
Days like that he’d stay on the couch, watching old movies that would make him cry. Days like that Yoongi would sit beside him, pulling him down so that his head was on his lap. Playing with his hair till he fell asleep.
Today when dinner was done Taehyung finally cracked a smile when he saw Namjoon make a face at Jungkook who was going to town on a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. It made him realize. It was time…
Guilt isn’t necessarily loud. It can come in the form of someone pulling away from a group. Shutting their mouth & biting their tongue not to contribute to a discussion because they’re scared that they haven’t filtered their thoughts enough.
Hoseok had begun doing that keeping away from discussions, going quiet & everyone had noticed.
Hoseok managed to open the door but he looked terrible. Out of breath, shaking, crying Taehyung & Yoongi immediately hugged him. Tannie, who was rudely pushed off to the side, huffed at the trio & went to join Monnie in Namjoon’s room.
HS: I can’t…

TH: It’s okay.

YG: Maybe not right away.

HS: I failed as a friend to Jin hyung & a hyung to Kookie.
Saying so Hoseok broke entirely. Holding tight to Yoongi as Taehyung held him from the back. Sure forgiving himself was the goal but the journey to get there was like walking through a house of mirrors only instead of mirrors that made him look funny he saw flashbacks of Jungkook
slowly destroying himself & him just being there, shielding him, not doing nothing to help. Just then the door opened & Namjoon walked in. Yoongi smiled at him, detangling himself from the pair. Nodding towards the two as he smiled at Namjoon. A silent command to take over.
Maybe spilling emotions led to more because that evening Hoseok & Taehyung managed to confess to Namjoon.
Dr. U: Hello Jungkook. Hello Bam!

JK: Hello doctor.

Dr. U: Have a seat.

JK: Am I in trouble?

Dr. U: I don’t know…are you?

JK: I don’t know. I’m here alone.

Dr. U: You’re behaving like this is your first individual session with me.

JK: You made it sound like I messed up.
Dr. U: No you didn’t. I just wanted to check in on you. How are you doing?

JK: I’m okay I guess. I have good days & bad days. I try & not think of the past but then I can't seem to move over it.

Dr. U: You mean Seokjin?

JK: Oddly no. My so called “𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴”
Dr. U: Boy…not so called. Definitely “𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴” But what about them bothers you?

JK: The shame

Dr. U: Hmmm…perfectly natural.

JK: But how do I forget it?

Dr. U: You don’t. You process it. Let’s categorize. What are you shameful for?
JK: The hiding. The partying. Hyun.

Dr. U: Okay the hiding. It’s been a broken record all around that all of you repeat that sums up to “𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴.” While the others have their reasons. What are yours?
JK: I’ve always been pampered. Always got what I wanted. Always been selfish. So…

Dr. U: You thought being selfless was your duty.

JK: Hmm…but I know now that was wrong. No one can grow in isolation. You need those around you to truly bloom.

Dr. U: Okay the partying?
JK: I just went to exhaust myself when the gym didn’t do it for me. The loud music, the ambiance, the dancing would leave me completely unable to think by the end of the night.

Dr. U: You didn’t mention the sleeping around?
JK: Because it was exaggerated. I never went through with most of them. The couple I did sleep with was when I was truly emotionally vulnerable. But it wasn’t a staple coping mechanism…

Dr. U: Till Hyun?

JK: …

Dr. U: Break that down for me.
JK: He was safe. It was like walking into a land mine field but knowing exactly where the land mines are so even though the situation isn’t safe I was still safe. He was trouble. I knew that. But I’m not some 18 year old virgin either. Sex isn’t all flowers & emotions.
JK (cont): Sex is what you make of it. We were two consenting adults who had sex. If others want to find meaning into it then…I honestly don’t care.

Dr. U: Interesting…then why the secrecy?
JK: As I said he was trouble. I knew the other hyung’s would be mad. Somewhere I still want them to be proud of me & not mad at me.

Dr. U: But you still slept around with him even though you knew when they’d eventually find out it would implode the way it did.
JK: I didn’t intend for them to know.

Dr. U: Well destiny really played you didn’t it!?

JK: Turns out it was a good thing.

Dr. U: How are you now though?

JK: It rained last night. I cried myself to sleep.

Dr. U: Because you were scared?
JK: Not really. I’m not as scared of storms anymore. Maybe because I put myself through such a big one. I’m only scared when it’s too too loud. I was crying because my heart hurt.

Dr. U: Why?
JK: I think I’m at the stage where my heart is accepting reality & grieving one final time.

Dr. U: Hmm…have you considered dating? Healthily?

JK: Oh no…too soon! I’ve spent the past years trying to forget how to love. Now I want to live a little before I love again.
Dr. U: Makes sense but please. Don’t stay away on purpose. There will be mistakes made of course but don’t cut yourself off under the guise of “𝘉𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧” because that can be a method of avoidance too.

JK: Got it.
SJ: You think I’m unhappy?

Dr. U: Um…no? I honestly haven’t gotten a read on you other than being Super-hyung. Are you…happy?

SJ: Of course I am! Why would I not be happy? Tell me.

Dr. U: This feels like a weird role reversal.
SJ: Sorry but I’m tired of people assuming my emotional state all the time just because I’m not “𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦” enough.

Dr. U: Why aren’t you expressive?

SJ: Why should I be? Is it an obligation to be dramatic for everything?
SJ (cont): How bored are others if they need to see drama in my life to feel something? How devoid of hobbies are these people?

Dr. U: Sometimes passivity can make others seem like a pushover.
SJ: I’m not going to apologize for being myself. If you want to shove a narrative on my head that’s on you. I don’t care for it.

Dr. U: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I do have questions.

SJ: Fire away.

Dr. U: To start off…How are you?
SJ: I truly am fine. I have my best friend back. I have a lovely marriage. My fractured friend circle has mended. What more can I ask for?

Dr. U: That’s wonderful to hear! How are you doing with Jungkook?
SJ: We’re better off now. There are some people in life with whom your relationship evolves over time. Jungkook & I are like that. It’s not like I don’t know he’s struggling. I do see him go dim once in a while but I also see him actively working on himself & that makes me happy.
Dr. U: But how can you move on so easily? Hmm? You loved him for so long!

SJ: I’ve been thinking about that. I’ve been thinking about how I loved him & how he didn’t. I mean he loved me but of course not romantically when I loved him romantically.
SJ (cont): Truly we wouldn’t have made it if we somehow got together then. We were never on the same level with our emotions. I’d overcompensate, he’d be suffocated. It’d turn toxic real quick. I think my brain knew that so moving from that became easy.
Dr. U: Wonderful. Now let’s talk about the boys. Have you forgiven them?

SJ: Yes. When I put myself in their shoes I see why they did what they did. Sure I would have done things differently but it would be for the same purpose.
Dr. U: That’s good to hear. Now let’s talk about Sang-hoon or your marriage in general.

SJ: What about it?
Dr. U: Well you met Sang-hoon during a tumultuous time when your brain was pulling your heart away from the angst you’d thrust yourself into. Some might say Sang-hoon became your proxy or your escape in human form.
SJ: Do these people know of my relationship with Sang-hoon? What do they need us to make out in front of their faces to think our relationship is secure?
SJ (cont): How deprived of love do you have to be or better how disconnected are you from reality to need to have to see a daily declaration of love to know a relationship is happy?

Dr. U: But didn’t you say Jungkook made you eventually propose?
SJ: Did that shut my ability to decline if I wanted to? No. I chose to move ahead because that was my goal as is. I’m not some puppet dancing on others commands. I’m also not here to play a role assigned to me. I make decisions I’m proud of.
SJ (cont): Sang-hoon & I share something I’ve never had with any of the 6 before. We’re happy because we love each other. The understanding we have is rare & I’m proud of that.

Dr. U: This is good. It must be exhausting having to explain yourself eh?
SJ: Honestly I’m indifferent to people’s criticism. I know not everyone will understand & it’s not my job to make everyone happy. I’m just happy they way my life is turning out & that’s all that matters.
“What the hell Yoongiah?” Is what Jungkook & Sang-hoon heard as they began doing the dishes. As invited everyone had shown up for dinner the next day & though Seokjin had promised lobsters he prepared crabs as well.
Turns out Yoongi was really craving shellfish because he went to town only to slice his finger on the sharp edge of a crab shell & now Seokjin was looking after his finger.

JK: Hyung, I wanted to ask, are you okay?

SH: Me? What could happen to me!?
JK: I don’t know so much has happened in the past year. You’re the only 1 within the intimate group who’s not spoken to anyone so just wondering.

SH: You’re a darling you know? But I’m actually okay.

JK: Okay but if you need to talk Dr. U will sure accommodate you.

SH: I know.
Life continued for the 8. Sessions began reducing in number but relationships were stronger than before. Struggles came & went but they always had each other like when…
Jungkook quit & joined a new company. He was upset for a bit but then his new work crew followed a healthier mindset & once he got comfortable he began proving himself.
It got better. They still had issues to work on but soon they were a homogenous group again. It was time to say goodbye to Dr. U.
6 months later Yoongi finally proposed to Jimin & they followed that with a quiet wedding in Jeju.
Hoseok, Taehyung & Namjoon didn’t get married. Instead the moved into a larger apartment another 6 months after that. Turns out marriage didn’t really sit well with Namjoon but as long as the three were together they were happy.
Jungkook began going on dates. Seokjin & Sang-hoon were happy.
Everything was going well till it wasn’t…
Dr. U: Oh wow! What it’s been 2? 3? Years since I last saw you?

SJ: 3 years in total I think.

Dr. U: You haven’t aged a day! What’s your skin care routine?
Seokjin couldn’t help the blush that came over his face while Sang-hoom began snickering.

Dr. U: Ah…Sang-hoon it’s lovely to see you again. How are you?

SH: I’m doing okay.

Dr. U: So tell me what’s going on that requires a session?

SJ: We’ve decided to get a divorce.
Dr. U: Wait what now? Why? 7 year itch?

SH: Well yes & no. I think we’ve grown out of love with each other.

SJ: Don’t get us wrong. We care about each other & respect each other immensely but we’re more friends than husbands &
SJ (cont): neither of us are willing to be the stereotypical Asian couples where you’re still married after 30+ years but living separate lives.
Dr. U: I’m not a marriage counselor but I will recommend one to you if you just want to have a general discussion but I have a question. Is this because of Jungkook?
SH: My goodness no! Fairytales & storybooks have spoiled people into believing in “𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳”. But do you really know if the protagonist of your story & their lover have a happily ever after? No you don’t because that story was never written.
SH (cont): You just leave it at “…𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘥” & walk away thinking that they’re happy but what is the proof that that was it?
SJ: Divorce doesn’t always imply drama, doesn’t always imply hate, doesn't always imply the regular nonsense you see in Family Court. We both care about each other. We can discuss anything under the sun.
SJ (cont): For all I know I am closer to him than I am to the boys, but that doesn’t imply we have to be together.

SH: honestly we didn’t come here to get a marriage counselor. We came here to give u a heads up because you’re going to be a bit busy.

Dr. U: Why?

SJ + SH: Well…
The fallout didn’t last. Honestly there wasn’t much. The biggest shared fear was losing Sang-hoon as a member of the family but that never happened because once divorced single Sang-hoon & single Seokjin were a fun pair.
They still shared the apartment planning to sell it when the mortgage came up for renewal a year down the line.
They got along like a house on fire. Sang-hoon left his hosting duties to Seokjin & Yoongi & spent most the evening with Haneul discussing…
Haneul seemed to have a way of charming everyone. Within a month he had them all impressed. Soon Sang-hoon & he got serious & he surprised the seven by asking permission for Sang-hoon’s hand in marriage. It made sense. The seven were Sang-hoon’s family so here we are…
JK: It’s going to be okay hyung. You look lovely.

SH: Aish don’t say that I’ll start crying again!

JK: Hehe don’t! Can’t ruin your makeup!

Jungkook then extended his hand, linking his fingers with Sang-hoon. He was, after all, walking him down the aisle to Hanuel.
It was a beautiful wedding with the seven playing perfect hosts impressing Haneul’s family with how protective & loving they were towards him. The apartment Sang-hoon shared with Seokjin hadn’t sold yet but that was the next goal.
It made sense. Selling it to Yoongi & Jimin would mean eliminating realtor fees + second party inspection fees + additional legal fees. The price was reasonable. The mortgage attainable. The arrangement feasible. Soon the move was complete & Jungkook & Seokjin were roommates.
It was an adjustment. No matter how much of a “𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥” you may be living with someone is always an adjustment. Growing up the duo always said they would made the best roommates but as they’d aged habits had changed &
now those habits led to arguments but neither could stay mad at each other for too long so they used the new tools they’d learnt to communicate better effectively & fix things.
Turns out he saved the food by a hair but managed to burn himself too so when the hyung’s finally got there Seokjin was hosting while Jungkook got to relax & be doted on.

JK: Sang-hoon hyung sent pictures from their honeymoon. It’s beautiful. I want to go to Bora-Bora.
HS: Can you afford it?

JK: Nope but a man can dream!

NJ: You’re up for a promotion after the next conference right? Maybe the pay increase will mean you can afford it.

SJ: Oh we don’t talk about that yet.
on hearing that everyone looked at Jungkook who pouted at his toes. He was terrified. He had to present at the conference attended by Haneul’s grandfather who was the CEO of the company & with Haneul off on a late honeymoon Jungkook was the only representative of his department.
If he did well he got promoted to a position higher than what he wanted at his previous job but if he did badly he’d be the company gossip. Hence he was cooking, more like stress cooking.

TH: You’re going to do very well Jungkookie! You’ve been working so hard.
YG: Not just that you have the experience, it's just about believing in yourself!

JK: Yeah but what if I fumble? Or stutter or what if I freeze?

SJ: Imagine everyone in their underwear.
That got Jimin & Hoseok to start cackling while Seokjin got a pillow to his face!


Jungkook screeched but even he couldn’t stop the smile blooming on his face. Soon all seven were laughing their heads off.
They were outside the building. Jungkook hadn’t said a word when Seokjin drove him today knowing how stressed he had been.
SJ: Need a hug?

Jungkook didn’t answer, instead just looking at Seokjin with those big galaxy eyes looking so unsure. Seokjin smiled at him opening is arms & Jungkook nuzzled in holding tight while Seokjin held him securely.

SJ: You’re going to do well.

JK: But…
SJ: Shhh…Just remember that we’re all proud of u. I’m proud of u. Go in there & grab that promotion!

Seokjin pulled back placing a kiss on Jungkook’s forehead. Smiling as he watched him enter his office building sending a silent prayer into the universe that Jungkook did well.
It was done. Jungkook hadn’t said anything about the conference. He had a very neutral expression when Seokjin picked him up.

SJ: Did it go well?

JK: Hmm

That’s all he got.
It was a gloomy sky again. Rain making the house a bit cold. They ate in silence. Cleaned up in silence too.

SJ: Want to watch Endgame?
So they did. Both on the floor. Jungkook cuddled into Seokjin’s side while his arm was around Jungkook’s shoulder. Bam finding a spot on the other side of Seokjin. All three fell asleep that way. With the TV on & the sound of rain accompanying the avengers in destroying Thanos.
Jungkook’s happy mood practically crashed when he realized everyone was busy. It hurt to think he couldn’t celebrate with anyone. He entered the dark apartment with tears in his eyes only to be momentarily terrified when the lights came on & everyone shouted “SURPRISE”
at the same time. Only that made him cry even harder especially when he saw the decoration & preparation. The boys were nervous but Seokjin understood that Jungkook was overwhelmed & engulfed him in a tight hug as the others joined in congratulating & cooing at him.
JK: You are all so mean!

NJ: Blame Jin hyung! He planned all of this!

Jungkook didn’t have to be told. The whole party had Seokjin’s designed all over it.

YG: So newly promoted man! What’s next?

JM: Can you afford Bora-Bora now!?
Blame them all for being curious but that’s what the seven did for the next half an hour. Planning a trip to Bora-Bora that no one would go to. Going as far as to debate where the pets would stay.
As Taehyung & Hoseok debated the best pet boarding places in Seoul Jungkook joined Seokjin in the kitchen, back hugging him quietly while placing his chin on Seokjin's shoulder.
JK: Hyung thank you.

SJ: Hmm? Why!? You don’t have to say thank you. I’m just so proud of you!

Saying so Seokjin turned around hugging Jungkook tight. This wasn’t new. This wasn’t foreign. This wasn’t an unexpected action but it still felt nice. It felt safe. It felt warm.
“Hyung?” Jungkook called out as he entered the house only to find Seokjin quickly shutting his laptop as if trying to hide something.
SJ: You scared me.

JK: Sorry. What you doing?

SJ: Nothing. Just…um…how was your day???

JK: Busy. Hyung question. What’s your opinion on letters?
SJ: What letters?

JK: Letters as in mail, post, etc.

SJ: Oh…that’s so old-school.

JK: So you don’t care for them?

SJ: No I mean yes but not something long winded that’s just boring.

JK: Huh okay.

SJ: Wait Jungkookie! What…ah…what do you really feel like eating?
JK: Now??

SJ: No in general.

JK: Samgyeopsal.

SJ: But that’s what you always like…how about something fancy?

JK: But whatever you make tastes fancy.

SJ: What a cheese ball!
Neither could stop the smile on their faces. Sporting matching red ears it had never been so awkward before.

JK: Hyung what are we doing this weekend? Is it the whole weekend?

SJ: Um…likely…it depends on Saturday.

JK: What’s on Saturday?

SJ: You’ll have to wait to find out!
Saturday almost got canceled. When Seokjin got home with groceries Friday evening he was bone tired & Jungkook who had just come in some 10 minutes before looked like a zombie. Bam was the only one excited.

JK: Hyung I’m sorry I have to go to the office in the morning.
SJ: It's okay we can do this some other day.
JK: No no I’ll be gone only for a few hours. If you had morning plans then it’d make a difference.

SJ: Oh okay then I guess we’re still on.

Seokjin looked as tired as that response sounded. As he watched Seokjin put away groceries Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Need help?” Jungkook asked but all that got him was a tongue click & Seokjin shaking his head “No” so he waited still smiling at the man he loved so much.
JK: Did you eat yet?

SH: No, not really hungry.

JK: How about half a sandwich?

SJ: Fine.
By the time Seokjin washed up Jungkook had a simple sandwich with some cold cuts ready for him. Nothing fancy. He’d also managed to crack a can of chilsung open & as Seokjin sat beside him he offered him half the sandwich.
Eating in silence they both automatically leaned into each other & once done Seokjin was going to go presumably to put the plate away but Jungkook held him, a silent request to stay.
SJ: You’d think working so hard & making money would imply a happening life. Right now I’m just so drained.

JK: I know. People would think a promotion would mean an easier life but nope. I got so much more to do.
SJ: I still have my annual leave pending. Wanna go somewhere?

JK: Hmm…probably.

Jungkook yawned while saying that & Seokjin couldn’t help but be endeared. He decided plates could wait. He wiggled a bit to slouch on the couch so that Jungkook’s head was on his chest.
JK: I miss this.

SJ: Hmm.

Jungkook relaxed further & Seokjin moved his hands to place one in Jungkook’s hair & the other on his back.

SJ: You're not afraid of storms anymore I’ve noticed.

JK: Hmm…got desensitized over time.
That made Seokjin only hold him tighter. Jungkook nuzzled in too, heart beating harder in happiness for finding his safe space again.

SJ: I’m never not going to be here.

JK: I know. Neither am I.
This oddly felt more intimate than it should have been but it didn’t matter. Seokjin turned to his side pulling Jungkook closer so that he could tuck himself under his chin before placing a kiss on Jungkook’s forehead.
He didn’t ever want to let go. Jungkook for his part was on the verge of breaking down. Blame how tired he was, his defenses were weak. He missed this. He missed the quiet intimacy of having his best friend hold him.
He missed not having to worry about consequences. Of being vulnerable without being worried of someone taking advantage.

SJ: Hey! Why are you crying?

JK: Nothing. I just missed this too much.
Seokjin didn’t ask for any other explanation. He missed this too. They both held on tighter. Both with tears in their eyes. Letting sleep take over as Bam wondered why they were sleeping on the couch.
JK: Why did Yoongi hyung have to wrap it?

He’d asked, looking at the gift that was wrapped so well that Jungkook didn’t have the heart to open it. When he didn’t get a response he looked up & was surprised to see tears in both Jimin & Taehyung’s eyes.
“What happened!?” He asked & the soulmates only began bawling harder.

JM: This is beautiful.

TH: Kookah this is…my goodness I didn’t know you were capable of this!
Jungkook blushed while looking at the letter he had handed Jimin & Taehyung. He knew he wouldn’t verbally be able to tell Seokjin how he felt so he had written everything down this morning when he got to the office.
Sure he did have work but in an inspired moment he decided to write his feelings in a letter & No. It wasn’t long winded.
JK: You think he’ll like it?


TH: In fact if he doesn’t like it then he’s a dead man.

JM: Yeah Yoongi hyung will take extra pleasure in making him suffer.

TH: And I’ll help.
Jungkook couldn’t help the happy tears in his eyes as he ran & hugged his hyungs. He was nervous oh so nervous but somehow he knew everything would be okay.
SJ: If you don’t stop eating I’m gonna hit you!

YG: This is so damn good! What is it? Why don’t you cook such tasty things for us?

SJ: Coz I’m not your paid chef!

YG: But what is this?

SJ: Chicken piccata.

YG: Is that all??
SJ: No. Still have our trusty carbonara to make & some bacon wrapped scallops for starters.

YG: And dessert?

SJ: I made baesuk.

YG: Omg you went all out didn’t you?

SJ: There’s enough time lost Yoongiah. Can’t lose anymore.

YG: Did you get the flowers?
SJ: Got a single rose today morning. Hid it in my bedroom.

YG: Nice. Well all the best & don’t over think it please.

But Seokjin was overthinking it. Right now as he watched the water boil for the pasta. Yoongi sighed.
Scowling at his feet but moving ahead & giving Seokjin a sideways hug. “It’ll be okay hyung. You got this.” He said as Seokjin smiled at him but then the scene was interrupted by Hoseok & Namjoon, who had come to take Yoongi with them, who actually took a picture of the hug.
Making Yoongi run after them while Seokjin laughed, scolding them to be careful & not to run around the house & excite Bam into following them around.
As they left wishing Seokjin goodbye he worked hard to finish preparing dinner & cleaning the house. Jungkook then came home by 2pm & both rushed to their rooms to dress up, comfortably.
Seokjin took a deep breath in & out before stepping outside. Taking the single long stemmed rose & placing it in the fridge before preheating the oven to keep the food warm. He’d worn a simple royal blue button down over black dress pants.
At 4:45pm Jungkook stepped out wearing a deep red button down with black dress pants too. His hair tied in a cute little pony tail, half up half down, his bangs tucked behind his ears.
Seokjin had adopted to push his hair that was also considerably longer back thus exposing his forehead. For a minute both paused. Looking at each other.
Their quiet observations was disturbed by Bam barking whilst wearing a bow tie that Jungkook had put on him. He was hungry too. Seokjin laughed at how cute he looked while Jungkook quickly set his automatic kibble dispenser to dispense food immediately.
Seokjin then felt like a fool but still pulled the chair for Jungkook who settled in & marveled at the feast Seokjin had prepared. He always ate well & when Seokjin cooked he ate better.
It was after dinner & after the table was cleared that Seokjin took the rose out of the fridge giving it to
Jungkook who looked at it in wonder as he sat on the couch.

SJ: There’s something I need to tell you.

JK: Hmm?
SJ: I don’t regret anything that has happened in my life till date. I think every lesson I’ve learnt has molded me into the person I am. It’s not been easy. There have been both tough pills to swallow & life altering decisions made. And right now I’m on the cusp of making another
Jungkook, nervous that he would crush the rose, had placed it on the coffee table & had begun rubbing his sweaty palms on his tights. Seokjin wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad sign but mustered on.
SJ: I tried to find big words to show my sincerity. Phrases to show my dedication. But nothing can replace the simple truth & that is that I love you. I can’t imagine waking up without you in my arms. I won’t be happy without you & I don’t want to live without you. I…
Whatever Seokjin was going to say was interrupted by Jungkook standing up suddenly. He looked lost, backing away towards his room.
Seokjin, who took that as the worst sign, looked devastated but Jungkook quickly said, “Give me one minute please.” So Seokjin waited, barely breathing & 55 seconds later saw a rolled up piece of paper in front of his face tied with a red ribbon.
When he looked at Jungkook he noticed how his eyes were moving between Seokjin & the letter so Seokjin took it, taking the ribbon off & unfurling the letter as Jungkook sat down.
Seokjin could barely read the end of the letter. His eyes were burning. His heart was beating in his ear. He felt disconnected from reality.

SJ: This is so…so…unexpected.

JK: Good or bad?

SJ: I…ah…

JK: So you don’t love me?

The unsure look on Jungkook’s face lit a blaze in Seokjin’s heart. There would be no confusion. Next thing Jungkook knew he was in Seokjin’s lap, face to face looking into his eyes.
SJ: I don’t know if what I feel for you can be defined as love anymore. As you said we’ve lost enough time Jungkookie I don’t want to go another minute without you!
They moved in sync then. Lips meeting in a reunion that had their hearts finally Finally FINALLY rejoicing. It was slow, it was gentle, a slow exploration, a soft press of lips followed by equally soft pecks. Seokjin then pulled back placing their foreheads together.
Watching as Jungkook’s eyes fluttered as he opened them slowly. “I love you.” Seokjin said & Jungkook smiled, a happy smile, a joyous smile, a smile that shone through his soul. Eyes shining, with tears glistening in them.
“I love you too. So much.” Jungkook said before they were kissing again, more desperate this time. Needing to taste those words with their tongue. But it was still their first date so both pulled back a bit reluctantly both wanting to go ahead but not rush it.
JK: Wait I got something for you!

SJ: Really me too!

Saying so, both ran to their respective rooms. Rushing to get the gift Yoongi hand bought each of them. Exchanging it over the coffee table.
As they unwrapped the gift both paused, looking at the gift & then each other before showing each other the watches & bursting out laughing.

SJ: Yoongi?

JK: Yes!

JK: But hyung…Rolex! I didn’t pay Rolex money.

SJ: Me too honestly.
Both were a blushing mess indeed. Sitting beside each other staring at the watch they hadn’t taken out of the box yet.
JK: Do u want to see my cat?

SJ: You don’t have a cat…u have Bam.

JK: Hyuuuungggggg!

Seokjin was laughing while Jungkook shoved his burning face in his neck. Seokjin knew the implication of the preposition. They both wanted to be close & never let go but now was not the time.
SJ: Let’s go to bed.

JK: Who’s bed?

SJ: u go to yours I’ll go to mine.

Jungkook pouted at that. Disappointment flashing in his eyes but Seokjin swooped in & gave him a quick peck, one that made a loud smack before saying…

SJ: Let’s get ready for bed first. Then we’ll decide.
Jungkook’s eyes lit up again & Seokjin was smiling too. Both kissing each other as they got up. It was ridiculous. They just had to go to their rooms, change, brush their teeth & do their night routine. It didn’t have to be so hard!
But they seemed unable to let go, giggling like teenagers taking 1 step away & then pulling at each other again. Kissing each other desperately till Bam didn’t bark. Poor thing was confused where he was expected to go because his appa’s couldn’t make up their mind.
When Seokjin was done his night routine he wasn’t surprised to find Jungkook in his bed. Nestled in the sheets like he belonged there, because he did. Seokjin smiled climbing over Jungkook, kissing him as he felt Jungkook relax.
Moving lower to his neck before letting Jungkook roll them over so that he was straddling Seokjin, kissing him before rubbing their cheeks together, painting marks on Seokjin’s neck, nuzzling in. Sliding to his side so that he could hug Seokjin tight.
They spend the night like that looking at each other, touching each other, kissing each other, loving each other.
They all met at Hobi, Taehyung & Namjoon’s place. Seokjin, Jungkook & Bam were the last to arrive & the last thing they expected was to be greeted with a shower of rose petals but that’s what they got.
They were also surprised by Sang-hoon & Haneul who congratulated the duo on finally being together making them blush at the matching watches they were wearing. Dinner was had, drinks were done & then Jungkook got the shock of his life when Seokjin got down on one knee & proposed.
SJ: I know I told you I love you yesterday. But I was serious about not wasting time. I love you, you love me & I don’t think anything else matters. Please let me live the rest of my life as your husband. Please marry me!

JK: But I don’t have a ring!

SJ: Got that covered!
Saying so Seokjin pulled another ring from his pocket, handing it to Jungkook, smiling at Jungkook’s wondered expression.

SJ: So tell me Jungkookie will you marry me?

JK: Yes.
Jungkook wore his ring kissing Seokjin, making him stand before getting on one knee & asking

JK: Please be my husband too. Will you marry me?

SJ: A million times yes.

As the ring slipped on his finger Seokjin kissed Jungkook pulling him close as around them the 7 cheered.
JK: Hyung…are you sure?

Seokjin turned around to look at Jungkook biting his lip & staring at his ring.

SJ: Why wouldn’t I be?

JK: I’m so…there’s so much…
Jungkook wasn’t sure what he was trying to say. Did he deserve Seokjin? Wasn’t he like tainted food by now? Didn’t Seokjin deserve better?

SJ: Baby look at me.
Jungkook followed the command easily looking at Seokjin who smiled at he before taking his face in his hand & kissing him deep. Soon Jungkook was clinging to him, holding him tight like he was scared if he didn’t hold on he’d float away.
SJ: I love you & I’m a 100% sure about you. Are you sure about me?

Jungkook nodded his head, taking Seokjin’s hand in his own so that their rings were beside each other.

JK: Yes, very sure!
Here they were, seven of them standing outside Jungkook’s parents house. Jungkook took a deep breath & interlocked his fingers with Seokjin.

JK: Let’s go!
The fathers were joyous on seeing the kids. The mothers were genial. They had prepared a feast & everyone had had their fill. It was after that that Seokjin decided it was time.

SJ: Eomma x 2. We, as in Jungkook & I, love each other & would like to get married.
Jungkook who was standing beside Seokjin smiled up at him & then at the parents.

The fathers were ecstatic, hugging Seokjin & Jungkook & the other 5 as well. Saying stuff like “We’re going to be family.” But then

Mrs. Jeon + Mrs. Kim: No

SJ + JK: What?
Mrs. Jeon: I don’t want my son to marry you Seokjin.

Mrs. Kim: And I don’t want you to marry Jungkook.

There was silence after that with everyone looking at the mothers waiting for the joke to be over. But it wasn’t a joke. Nothing was funny.
The seven were in Jungkook’s room while the parents were having what seemed like a rousing screaming match downstairs. The fathers were asking why & the mothers were not telling them.

JM: They don’t seem willing to budge.

TH: What happens if they don’t agree?
NJ: Y’all are adults. Y’all can get married anyway.

HS: Yes even better you can run away.

SJ: No.

JK: Hyung?

SJ: I love you Jungkookie…but I won’t marry you without their consent.
Jungkook understood. He’d not want to hurt his parents too. But it still hurt. It felt like they’re happiness was slipping through his fingers like sand. They were so close to their happy ending. His tears were justified that day & as Seokjin held him he cried.
JK: I love you too.

SJ: I’m so so sorry.
The loud crash from Jungkook’s room had the parents there in a jiffy. Only what they saw was Jungkook & Seokjin wrapped in each other while Namjoon seemed to have slammed Yoongi into the closet, breaking it.
Mr. Jeon: What are you boys doing?

SJ: You were going to hit me?

Seokjin asked that while looking at Yoongi who was glaring at him.

YG: Of course I will hit you. How fucking dare you give up on everything after going through so much!!?
Mrs. Kim: Yoongiah! Mind your language.

YG: Sorry Mrs. Kim but…

JK: Yoongi hyung. Let it be.
The disappointment in Jungkook’s tone had his mother looking at him balefully but she still was going to be stubborn, Jungkook could see it in the way her jaw was set, it resembled his own.

SJ: What makes you think I’m giving up?
Mrs. Jeon: What do you mean?

Seokjin smiled at Jungkook who was looking at him with a confused expression. Tucking his bangs behind his ear as Jungkook ducked a bit unsure of what’s happening.
Everything was out in the open as is so Seokjin bent down & kissed Jungkook right there as almost everyone gasped.
Seokjin then pulled Jungkook closer, tucking him under his chin, holding him tight & straightening his shoulders. He then smiled at the mothers.

SJ: You don’t want us to marry each other so we won’t get married. But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop loving him or living with him or…
Whatever he was going to say next was stopped by Jungkook elbowing him lightly. So Seokjin cleared his throat before saying.
SJ: I wanted to get married & give Jungkook the wedding of his dreams but I won’t defy you both. There will be no wedding. But we are not separating. Though it’s modern times we will live in sin. There will never be a wedding.
Saying so Seokjin took Jungkook’s hand in his. Poised to walk away when

Mrs. Kim: What changed?

Mrs. Jeon: Years ago when this was our vision why was it rejected?

Mr. Jeon: Are you two for real? This is why you’re against this?

Mr. Kim: Really this is your revenge?
Mrs. Kim: Revenge? We’re their mother. What will we get from revenge? We’re just worried. What if they also get divorced because “𝘐𝘵’𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘺.”
Mrs. Jeon: What if Jungkook feels trapped after sometime & starts hurting himself again because they cannot communicate effectively?

Mrs. Kim: Yes we’ve stayed away from their lives because they’re adults but that doesn’t mean we haven’t seen what’s going on.
Mrs. Jeon: I am his mother, you know. I saw the pain Jungkook went through. I can’t see that happening again.

Both mothers were looking at the fathers while saying so. Both with tears in their eyes.
Mrs. Kim: Believe me when I say Seokjinah & Jungkookie getting married will be a dream come true but what if it’s not meant to be?

NJ: Mrs. Kim & Jeon. There was a point of time when it wasn’t. When neither were on the same level.
NJ (cont): At that point it made no sense for them to be together but now? They’ve been through enough where they’ll be able to face any issues head on.

HS: They say gold is purified by fire. Their love’s been purified by something akin to hellfire.
JM: We’re not eluding that mistakes haven’t been made. They have but there have also been lessons learnt as well.

TH: We all played a role in the saga that is their love story. We’ve played both the good guys & the bad guys. We’ve watched their love evolve, they’re meant to be.
YG: I’d said years ago that “You can’t force love. You can’t force feelings.” I stand by that because there was no clarity in what either felt then. But now they know. They’re sure. In fact I’ve never seen Jin hyung or Jungkookah more sure about anything in their life.
The mothers took a moment looking at each other before Mrs. Jeon looked at Seokjin asking, “So you’ll take care of him? Love him? Never leave him?” Mrs. Kim asked the same looking at Jungkook & they both said, “Yes”
The bachelor party was a bust because Jungkook said he’d partied enough for a lifetime when he was going through his “𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦” instead the 6 took a couple bottles of booze & went to Jungkook’s place going through old photo albums & reminiscing the past.
It was here indeed. After six months of preparation their wedding day had arrived. For all intent & purposes it was low key. The ceremony space was on the beach while the reception was in the garden beside that.
All 50 of the expected guests showed up & Seokjin had joined the officiant at exactly 4:30pm greeting the guests & blushing as all the ajummas fawned over how handsome he looked.
In his room waiting for the time to leave Jungkook looked at himself in his wedding finery placing his hand on his heart smiling at the text messages he’d shared with Seokjin some 5 minutes before Seokjin had to go, since he finally got his phone back.
Seokjin stood by Namjoon & Jimin, his best man, looking over the crowd. By the piano Yoongi smiled reassuringly. 4:55pm he heard the door open & he closed his eyes only opening it when Yoongi began to play a tune that resembled a wedding march but somehow sounded better.
When his eyes clashed with those doe eyes he loved so much everything else fell away. All he could see was the anticipation, excitement & love he had so desperately waited for all these years. Jungkook for his part was glowing.
As his father walked him down the aisle he felt his heart grow calm. This was finally happening. When they reached the podium the officiant asked “Who gives away the groom?”
Yoongi abandoned the piano coming to join Taehyung & Hoseok who had come to stand beside Mr. Jeon & the four said loud & clear “We do”
The ceremony was poised to be wonderful. It went without a hitch. Their vows left no one with a dry eye.

JK: I was 4 when I first met you. I didn’t know what our future held but I knew somehow that you were my future. It’s been a long time since then.
JK (cont): There have been actions, reactions, decision’s & consequences that made me realize my 4 year old self was right because through it all no matter how my future shaped up you would always be there.
JK (cont): I love you so much it scares me sometimes & I cannot wait to spend every waking moment loving you the way I’ve dreamed of. Thank you for loving me. I can’t wait to officially call you my husband.
SJ: Can we skip to the end? I can’t wait to be married to you already. I can’t wait to wake up to you in my arms every morning. I can’t wait to watch your nose scrunch up in your sleep when I kiss you. I can’t wait to watch you glow in the sunshine.
SJ (cont): I can’t wait to grow old with you. Can we skip to the part where it’s official? I’ve waited long enough. I’ve loved you for so long that this feels unnecessary. I want to show you off to the world. Show them that you’re mine.
SJ (cont): I can’t wait to love you the way I’ve always dreamed. Thank you for loving me too. Let’s get this over with!
The crowd erupted with happy tears on hearing that. Jungkook too was giggling. The officiant who was an older man smiled at the couple & followed suit. Not wasting time on flowery words rather getting to the end having the couple exchange rings & confirm their commitment
before declaring them man & man. Seokjin then didn’t wait for permission or a command. He’d pulled Jungkook to him even before the officiant could say “You may kiss…” & everyone cheered. There was confetti everywhere. It was done. They were married.
The reception died down. Half the guests were gone. Seokjin & Jungkook were swaying to the music. The moon had come out today. A full moon illuminating the couple as the lights began to dim. They were standing so that Seokjin was back hugging Jungkook
who had his head thrown back on Seokjin’s shoulder. Both were looking at the sky, looking at the bunny on the moon. “The moon looks beautiful tonight.” Jungkook said & Seokjin kissed his neck before saying, “Not as beautiful as you.”
TW/CW: Very mild 🔞 their on their honeymoon 😑😏

#jinkook #kookjin #jinkookau Image
Seokjin stared out the window of their resort as Jungkook nuzzled into his side. He smiled at his husband, kissing the honeyed skin that shimmered in the emerging sunlight. Evidence of their night of passion blooming on both their bodies.
They’d barely been able to keep their hands off each other from the minute they’d made it to the hotel. When he’d finally sunk into Jungkook’s heat Seokjin felt like he’d finally reached home.
Jungkook had cried so prettily, his little sounds making Seokjin want to never let him stop. By the end they’d both been trembling. Naked except for the rings on their fingers that were clasped together as Seokjin painted his walls with white.
The heat of which scorched Jungkook making him feel pure again. Evidence of the past being replaced by Seokjin. By the end of the night that’s all he knew. His brain only able to chant one name, “Seokjin…Seokjin…Seokjin…”

JK: Yeobo…

SJ: Hmm…
Jungkook blinked into the light, moving so that he could look at the blue water. Placing a kiss on Seokjin’s cheek & chest.

JK: What’re you thinking?
SJ: Just…there was a point I thought my love for you would remain unrequited. Where I’d always be waiting. I think at a point I gave up & moved on too. But i guess destiny wanted it to be that way so that now we can appreciate every second we have.
Jungkook didn't respond, instead moving so that he straddled Seokjin, both hissing when he felt Seokjin hard length graze his entrance. The white silk sheets had moved with him, pooling around his waist, spreading around Seokjin.
The soft morning sunlight illuminated Jungkook making Seokjin only get harder. Jungkook then bent low kissing Seokjin, wiggling his butt so that he could position himself before sinking low on Seokjin’s cock humming at feeling full again.
SJ: What’re u doing?

JK: Appreciating every second we have

That made Seokjin laugh & Jungkook too who joined him by bending low so that though intimately joined he could tuck himself under Seokjin’s chin. They then held each other tight & sighed staring ahead into their future.
JK: I love you Yeobo.

SJ: I love you too my pretty baby.
It wasn’t easy always. For how they’re story had been did anyone really expect it to be? But there’s something about hearts that have been separated by circumstances.
They know the value of that distance & no matter the issue there was always time to go for a walk with Bam & discuss the matter at hand. To be humble & admit fault. To be gracious & accept apologies.
“Happy anniversary yeobo. I love you!” Jungkook said kissing Seokjin as they stood outside the restaurant where they were meeting the rest for dinner. “I love you too & happy anniversary to you too my sweet darling amicamea!” Seokjin said
kissing him again till they were wrapped in each other only to have Yoongi step out & yank both in by their arm.
Wow! Started this out on a whim knowing the end but not how I’d get there & my oh my what an epic this has been! Thank you so much for sticking around & for all the love & support you all have given it means the world to me!
Do let me know what you think or you can come here tellonym.me/pearl.jinkook.…
This marks the beginning of Chapter 2 for me where I’m going to focus more on writing & creating rather than scrolling on this app as that can be quite demotivating honestly & also very distracting. I’ll still be here, just quiet.
But there’s gonna be so many more stories! I ain’t ever gonna stop writing stories for my lil babies! Thank you again!❤️

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Jul 14, 2023
#kookjin #jinkook #kookjinau #jinkookau where main pop boy Jungkook releases his new single making quite the splash…leading to some confusion & hilarity…

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