While we develop* effective pandemic policy, to eradicate SARS-CoV-2 before the virus damages most people's brains, CNS or other organs, @AufstandLastGen peacefully encourage effective climate policy.
@AufstandLastGen LEOs CAN be respectful, professional actors, not psychopaths who just rip peaceful protestors from the street. (If that happens, absolutely document and sue.)
As @ConstZerger says, we've known since 2019 that there's wide, tacit support in the population.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger * Better, we would develop effective pandemic policy. I still can't believe that we volunteer our time despite/instead of academic jobs; that the sum of political scientists in Germany with solid SARS knowledge fits into one boat.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger How can we end the global spread of SARS within weeks *without any lockdown*? By scientifically accurate understanding of CoV-2 transmission, evolutionary dynamics, and WHO's - legally binding! - legal framework IHR 2005, currently violated by every state.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger Why syndemic or One Health approaches? Because public health events in IHR 2005—beyond infectious disease, chemical, radiative event—include climate events. Both success and failure of SARS policy will profoundly affect global energy use and CO2 emissions.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger Yes WHO member states are currently renegotiating IHR, to include the lessons of COVID. I'm sorry everyone, you may be missing your last best shot for rapid, effective climate mitigation policy by failing to pursue or support integrated, systemic policy analysis. Let's do better.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger We analyze theories of political change (TOC), here a correct one. We can, of course, let SARS-CoV-2 take down civilization; it will have some minor climate benefits. However we'll lose the ability to implement climate policy, or indeed any kind of policy.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger Mechanisms, for newcomers: SARS-CoV of course doesn't end civilization; the virus doesn't even kill the host cell. It works by genetic recombination, immune system dysregulation, and SARS-associated neurocognitive decline (SAND) amplifying OTHER pathogens.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger Climate link: @ConstZerger@Umwelthilfe#DUH critique LNG overbuild. It's not just a climate but socioeconomic failure, ignoring near-term population decline. Planning for livable futures will require better use of time, management attention and resources.
@AufstandLastGen@ConstZerger@Umwelthilfe There will be no mass death as some expect; real-world dynamics are deniable, subtle, seemingly without alternative. For solutions, read international law and Germany/EU/Schengen's legal framework. Note how excess deaths accumulate. ourworldindata.org/explorers/coro…
Evergreen reminder: Friends we live in a world rapidly being remodeled inside out by a sarbecovirus. Now, do I know whether there’s anything to this allegation? No, because no one worldwide is investigating. 33 views for this tweet!
Not saying the allegation is true - there’s no way to tell without analysis and investigation. But these claims would be easily verified by competent people. It helps, but strictly speaking you don’t need to be Sherlock for this! Basic thinking ability suffices.
Political scientist here. @breakfast_dogs is right. I don’t think this is hard: (1) whatever the origins, (2) the incompetent global response to the pandemic has shown everyone how to build amazing bioweapons that people will embrace and send their kids to “train their immunity”.
Friends of Covid, we have a problem. Go through the HEPA examples. What do you notice?
Only ONE systems shows relative humidity (RH) and it’s low (should be 40-60%). RH and pressure are as important as CO2 for SARS-CoV-2. 🤯 Unscientific HEPA filter enthusiasm can’t replace N95.
I understand @RealCheckMarker isn’t a huge popular tweeting account, and this is the perhaps least popular message (to COVID aware people). I think it needs to be shared MUCH more widely. We think we’re great for endorsing ‘solutions,’ but your won’t work.
Your ‘solutions’ won’t work if they stop at (well meaning!) sales and marketing programs for HEPA manufacturers. Please use science to solve real problems. If it’s a global pandemic, you need global thinking and global systems approaches. Messing with HEPA filters won’t end SARS.
1. Organizing reality. I’m often asked how I structure information in my mind; happy to share!
Seven layers by discipline - the simplest system: Iterate across all seven layers on the same question and you’ll be systems thinker *by design* if you aren’t yet. Anyone can do it, 💪
3. To science up, now do a ML algorithm to give you genomic sequences for a SARS coronavirus that will generate not 30% LongCOVID patients, but 30% pathology subjects, as MERS via receptor hDPP4.
Let's see how linear thinkers perform vs. systems thinkers.
3. When one of the first HIV scientists calls for $15-30 billion *per year* in SARS-CoV research, I listen up. Dk about you all; despite rumors to the contrary I happen to have a solid survival instinct, and the gift to laserfocus for howeverlong it takes.
1. Good thread by Dr. @JadeKhalife. I add the missing social science of SARS: The question isn't if sarbecoviruses damage immunity; we've known since 2003 (known knowns+unknowns). The real question is how we achieved socially constructed ignorance (unknown knowns)? Study climate,
3. It's an ongoing struggle over knowledge, ideology, power. Science is a tool, a weapon. It never stands apart as independent actor. - The choice of scientists NOT to warn early about airborne immune harm was the most extreme option. Low foresight.