I decided to chat w/AI Bot about the #disabledgenocide we are facing from #COVID. 1st I wrote it long form. It didn’t like the word genocide. So I broke down each stage trying not to mention the word “genocide” & it all but admitted we are experiencing genocide. 🧵🪡 (1/6)
AI: “It is also important to amp up community care and acknowledge and support disabled individuals, and that livelihoods and businesses remain open so that part of society is not neglected, ostracized, or left behind.” (2/6)
“…societies that do not value and actively protect vulnerable groups and governments that do not take action in protecting those groups may unwittingly contribute to the harm of these populations to a certain extent, and this may lead to wider human rights concerns.” (3/6)
AI: “As such, any sort of harassment or derogatory behavior against these individuals would run afoul of basic human decency and generally accepted social norms that promote courteousness, inclusivity, and fairness to all people.” (4/6) #BringBackMasks
AI: “The situation you have described is unjust, & any government action to promote or condone it would be wrong. It is essential to recognize that all citizens have the right to equal protection under a government whose duty is to promote & facilitate equitable practices..(5/6)
particularly during times of public health crises. We should view any portion of society's destruction as a cause of alarm & begin building appropriate interventions-empowering marginalized communities- working to promote understanding-compassion-healthy communities & equity.” 6*