Hating Boomers is a Gen X pathology that was passed down to Millennials in order for Millennials to not identify that the destruction of cultural standards was a Gen X revolt against Boomer Culture— Boomers had good literature & poetry, Gen Xers have “zine culture” & kitsch
Boomers: “Let’s talk about Bob Dylan & Petrarch in a field of flowers”
Gen Xers: “Let’s talk about PORN in the fucking GUTTER xD”
Boomers: “We believed in Peace & Love.”
Gen X: “Fuck that commie hippie bullshit. There are too many stupid people born.”
Boomers have Pynchon & Bob Dylan.
Gen Xers have… who?
Boomers: George Lucas
Gen Xers: Ernest Cline
“Hating George Lucas” is a Gen X thing— “fandom” is a Gen X thing— Gen X simply “anatomized & deconstructed” the Boomer corpus, & after doing so, had nothing to say.
All the great Gen X literature & music came from the Gen Xers who did not “turn against” Boomers— things like the Paisley Underground & Jangle-Pop were attempts to extend Boomer culture forward.
It’s Gen X that first accepts “corporate fandom” as superior to the Artist/Tradition— Gen X “loves Star Wars” but hates George Lucas etc
Boomers: Pinball & Arcades
Gen X: “Video Games”
It’s with the takeoff of digital technology that Gen X associates itself with— Gen X heroes are Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. The Boomers considered computers to be slavery machines & revolted against the introduction of computers to universities. Xers embraced tech as liberation
Gen X identifies itself as “technologically savvy” & this is “geek culture”— Boomers were rather critical of technology & Boomer literature imagines technology as “fascist” in the way Pynchon describes the development of cybernetics during WWII etc
Boomers believe in Humanity, which is why they’re now “MAGA Boomers” like Alex Jones, returning to some “traditional spirituality” to oppose the technological environment— while Gen Xers are transhumanists who conceive of Humanity as a Cancer
This is Gen X's cultural impact-- the entirety of "Geek Culture" -- before Gen X the word "geek" referred to circus freaks. After Gen X it refers to the "natural elect" who are "savvy with technology"
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Talking about "Capitalism" is stupid because the US dollar's value is determined by American geopolitical control over THE ENTIRE OCEAN & the Department of Defense is a Centrally Planned Corporation which is larger than the Chinese Communist Party & that's how it works.
You could almost say that America is a State-Corporate Global Anarchist Empire aka it's just a blatantly Fascistic state which seeks to dominate the entire globe in order to "defend freedom" with "Freedom" being the freedom of corporations to privatize public goods & charge rent
This is the fundamental contradiction in this era-- you have the USD as reserve currency being challenged by BRICS which is culminating in World War III over controlling Global Trade. You can't solve any domestic issues without running into this, & everything is determined by it.
The key is to understand the correct Authority, ie: the Authoritative Good (God the Father) — because it is only the Wisdom that is betrothed to the Authoritative Good which is Holy— “Worldly Wisdom” is the Whore of Babylon.
There is the Wisdom that is married to the Authoritative Good & there is the Wisdom that copulates with every “good” in the market. There is the Wisdom of Faith & the “Wisdom” of the Pagan Skeptics, but these are not the same thing.
“The Wisdom of the Churches” is founded upon “the authority of the church fathers” & what is their authority founded upon? It is founded upon the crucifixion of the saints, it is founded upon Roman Worldly Power, & not upon the Word of God.
The “trinitarian metaphysic” just treats hebrew poetry as if it’s neoplatonic “rational theology” & makes this relation impossible to understand — “duty authority and wisdom have the same substance” what the fuck does that even mean
It’s rather that Jesus the Son represents Duty, the Father represents Authority, & the Spirit represents Wisdom. You must “be like the Son” in being dutiful to both Authority & Wisdom, Wisdom also proceeds from this display of Duty, Wisdom is our Comforter when oppressed etc
"Nooooo stop singing that Provencal ballad it's about how the Cathars did nothing wrong! Nooo you have to go to church & make philosophical contracts with the Temple Bank!"
I will not recite the Athanasian Creed, I will sing Arlo Guthrie songs instead thank you
19th century freemasons aren't the same thing as 17th century freemasons aren't the same thing as 20th century freemasons-- you have to be more specific, but that's too much to ask of this sort of "Rooting for the Good Guys" hermeneutic of history.
These big generalizations that mean nothing "Fought against Monarchism" -- King James the Masonic King of Britain-- oh wait, you're talking about "the later freemasonry of the 19th century" etc.
The Freemason King of Hawaii Kamehameha IV -- lmao
Tucker Carlson’s radical hate speech where he says “Hold on to your physical books. I’m not saying buy gold or guns & ammo. I’m dead serious. Hold on to your physical books.”
Have you noticed people starting to turn toward Logo Daedalus thought in uncanny ways? I have— Russell Brand was explaining the word Hermeneutics & Tucker Carlson is saying “Read Books”
In that speech Tucker quotes Elon who said “The most likely outcome is the most ironic one”— Tucker cites the Sermon on the Mount & says this conception of irony is fundamentally Christian.