R.Сам 🦋🐏 Profile picture
Content I live, this is my stay-- I seek no more than may suffice-- I press to bear no haughty sway-- Look-- what I lack my mind supplies!
23 subscribers
Jan 17 5 tweets 1 min read
My hot take is that we need more censorship in art. We need artists to be bullied into conforming to formulas. No you don’t get to do whatever you want with this show— it’s a sitcom & we need 25 episodes a season, tight writing, monster of the week plots, get to work. Everyone thinks they’re David Lynch now but David Lynch stuck to the formula of the soap opera for Twin Peaks & if he didn’t have to argue so much with the execs & charm them in his way, the show would not have been popular enough to warrant a revival decades later.
Jan 17 8 tweets 2 min read
FW is a great example of revolutionary art— it is elitist & actively antagonistic to society. It is still revolutionary today. Today, saying FW is “better than any novel” is still a revolutionary posture. Revolutionary art, or the Avant Garde, requires the audience to actively change their perspective from being a “conservative” to becoming avant-garde oneself. Failing to do this means writing off the avant garde as “bad art” for failing to be conservative.
Jan 17 4 tweets 1 min read
Great art is in general conservative because “revolutionary art” is elitist & actively antagonistic to the society in which it is produced— revolutionary art is like a bomb that goes off, & is appreciated in a different manner than “great art” which is more like a time capsule or a museum exhibit that conserves the existing society within it for the future. Western leftoids think that they aren’t conservatives themselves & get confused— “what about Rage Against the Machine? Etcetc”— that’s not revolutionary art, it’s very conventional conservative art for a particular society— Gen X conservatives love RATM.
Jan 16 4 tweets 1 min read
David Lynch had the discipline to never try to explain his own works in an exoteric manner— for this he is appreciated by literally everyone who appreciates art— no one does that anymore. Even the “Lynch inspired” artists who come later don’t ape this aspect of his work— the closest to him is Harmony Korine, but he delivers an exoteric nihilism outright, so he doesn’t have to be disciplined about it.
Jan 16 5 tweets 1 min read
With the death of Lynch dies Hollywood. Lynch is really representative of “the golden age of Hollywood”— it’s one of his central obsessions, & he was its last torchbearer— not the Hollywood of 70s blockbusters, but Old Hollywood, emerging from vaudeville & freakshows &c
Dec 31, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
It’s “empirical” I guess in some “bad way” to uphold the labor theory of value & the distinction between productive & unproductive labor instead of a “less empirical” & perhaps “more sentimental” attachment to the unscientific propaganda term “working class.” Image Is this because, @DanielTutt ; in an “empirical” sense, you are a petty bourgeois rentier who collects rents for your unproductive labor of writing substack blogposts from the cushion of a university salary derived from superfluous rents? Or is it because I have “bad sentiments”?
Dec 31, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
“Touch grass” doesn’t bring you back to normiedom— you have to watch broadcast TV commercials during holiday primetime— you need to be watching the Sabrina Carpenter Dunkin Donuts ad— that’s what “touch grass” actually means. Touching grass is actually what you do on shrooms. When do you actually “touch grass” mister well adjusted citizen? Do you ever touch it? No, you don’t. You’ve got your socks & shoes on. You touch the carpet through a sock. A toddler touches grass, rips it up, might even try to eat it, not you.
Dec 29, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Something about how Massachusetts drivers don’t understand how to merge displays the actively “anti-trust” culture where suspicion of the other is prioritized over ignorance or apathy. The driver immediately suspects that *you* can’t drive, rather than letting you merge, they either brake or speed up, suspecting you’re probably going to do it wrong. In a more psychotic driving space (dallas highways) merging is easier, because everyone just focuses on their own driving. Might call it “overly defensive driving.” I’ve seen more flagrantly ignorant driving moves elsewhere— the sort where you think “that guy is driving like a psycho”— but here you get the passive aggressive asshole driver, which is far more rage inducing. “Are you seriously not letting me merge ahead of you?”
Dec 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
More & more the dichotomy of Sentimentality & Sensitivity reveals itself to me as the faultline of familial life— the sentimental family is about submitting to the familial mythos which is fed with sentimental outbursts of emotion, the sensitive family is about providing material benefit, irrespective of sentimentality or mythos-compliance A sensitive grandparent wants the grandchild to nap when it is tired, the sentimental grandparent says “what’s the harm in missing just one nap on a holiday?” Etc
Dec 24, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
If I could impress any quote into the minds of all “western marxists” it would be this one. In one sentence “epstein diddy” type shit all explained
Dec 24, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The critique of “consumerism” feels cliche, but the deeper truth is that a mostly unproductive rent seeking economy that parasitically extracts wealth produced abroad is literally dominated by “consumerism” — perhaps more effective term than “neoliberalism” etc We have “Consumerist Socialism”— the interests of “consumers” are held above the interests of producers— this is why even the tech libertarians demand more state spending, they are consumers of state spending, purely unproductive
Dec 21, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Comical-- sat on the tarmac for two hours taxiing, then 5 more hours for them to unload our luggage. The JetBlue representative let us know "I don't know where your luggage is. I don't know when you'll get it. We cannot be held responsible for it. Weather." In America, all incompetence on the part of any official representative of an abstract entity will let you know that "You are thinking about this from an individual perspective, but from the perspective of the organization, it doesn't matter at all." -- ultimately they will imply that this is "Natural"
Dec 18, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
People seem to like my thread about Americans being idealists/fantasists, thinking “yes that’s based”— seems like they don’t understand why this is actually very bad, which is typical of america— being proud of its own worst excesses. America is like the drug addict who is aware he is a drug addict & uses his self-awareness of being a drug addict to say “the fact that I’m aware of it means it’s not that bad.”
Dec 17, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Europeans on Twitter think they understand America, & have no real idea about America at all except as the America that America presents to it as a method of soft power. The real America is beyond their imagination, but they cannot be convinced of this. Americans aren’t interested in presenting America as it is to others, but rather know that showing “the idea of America” in some sense is more beneficial to them, so the only people who describe it truthfully are considered “unamerican.”
Dec 16, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Gift cards replaced cash in the “formal gifts that have to be given for formal reasons” category— a gift card for the people you see at family gatherings & don’t speak to otherwise. It’s like how your boss might give you a gift card. It’s a very American thing. Gift cards are everywhere & you can get one for anything. It’s very frowned upon to exchange money. & most of what people want as a gift costs more than makes sense for one person to give— you give a $20 gift card for a restaurant where the entree is more than $20 etc
Dec 12, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Authority is the opposite of force. Authority is what makes someone do something without force. The Authority of Christ for instance is not “forceful” in any sense. The Authority of the Dead Father is not a force. If there is no authority, & only force, then you cannot actually explain something like “the conversion experience”— where someone, without any force acting upon them, change their mind/habits/life/etc from the revelation of something authoritative— Truth is Authoritative, but not forceful, for instance
Dec 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
People don't intuitively understand that you don't have "one face" in photographic terms-- every camera will show you your face in a different manner. This leads to a sort of reverse face-blindness, where people are considered to be different people because they were photographed on different cameras.Image "These are clearly two different guys. Just look at them side by side. That's not the same guy." -- the idea that the same person would look different on a CCTV, an Instagram photo, etc-- this is not intuitive to people, it's something you have to rationalize.
Dec 11, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Nietzscheanism is the mass ideology of the West. We have Left-Nietzscheans & Right-Nietzscheans. The worldview inculcated by our culture is Anarchism-- ie: "Anti-Authoritarianism"-- a complete disrespect for even the notion of Right in favor of Might. The average normie now thinks that the world of man is composed only of forces, that authority does not exist, & that with enough force you can "do as you will." Far from being some edgy revolutionary posture, it's the peak of conformity to uphold this. This is what you will learn in University, where Nietzsche is on every syllabus & presented as "the most important thinker of the 19th century" (with a bone tossed to Marx & Freud, interpreted in a Nietzschean manner). This is what your pop culture tells you: "Crime Pays." Hillary Clinton says: We Came, We Saw, He Died & cackles.

You say: Deny, Defend, Depose, & giggle.

At the same time that the State funds ISIS alongside the Turks (where the term "Deep State" originated) to turn Syria into an Israeli parking lot, you are also celebrating extralegal violence. This is your normative culture. You are trained to think this way because it is the ideology of a globe spanning empire that seeks to dominate global trade through force projection & flagrantly breaking international law.
Dec 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
People who don't have any interaction with the Ivy League types don't understand that they have a superiority complex about their ethical superiority to the "vulgar" pursuit of money that, for instance, an Insurance CEO demonstrates. The Prep School "LongTermist" considers the University of Iowa graduate CEO to be "lower class" compared to his own philanthropic aristocratic class. It's one thing to inherit a bunch of money from owning Country Clubs, that's an ethical way to do capitalism, but Insurance? Anyone working for such a vulgar corporation deserves to die. They should at least work at Goldman's non-profit wing, helping price Carbon-future derivatives, like a respectable person who has a aristocratic concern for humanity. "He's not even smart. He's just a CEO of being evil. He didn't get into an Ivy. He doesn't even know how evil he is because he's too stupid. He probably watches football." etc. Ivy League types are "elitist socialists" -- not "capitalists" by any means. "Being a Capitalist" is a thoroughly "middle class" ideology.
Dec 3, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
They connect it to Plato's Republic via BAP & none of them have read Plato's "The Law" or Nomos. This is how they call it "Trad" -- as the Republic explicitly argues in favor of a eugenic council controlling a polity through "the noble lie" ie: a myth. Plato backed off of this sort of idealism/utopianism in his later works after trying to implement them in reality in Syracuse where he almost lost his life in the courtier intrigue of Dionysus I-- leading Plato to reassess the more "common sense" political practices of his native Athens.
Nov 29, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
"Passive Income" is high status, ie: making money off of rent seeking. Producing any actual value is "cucked" because it's all siphoned off to parasitic rentiers. This is the new orientation of the class war. American Empire is "the influencer economy" centrally planning credit allocation to the institutions of "civil society" that socially engineer the world population / engages in "soft power."