R.Сам 🦋🐏 Profile picture
Content I live, this is my stay-- I seek no more than may suffice-- I press to bear no haughty sway-- Look-- what I lack my mind supplies!
প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture kiddphunk Profile picture Tiresias 🕊🐑 Profile picture S.B. Alger   🤓🎸🎤 Profile picture HT Profile picture 20 subscribed
Sep 18 10 tweets 3 min read
The reason why the Revolution happened in the East is because the Pride of Westerners is much more than Easterners-- Western psychological egoism, endemic narcissism, etc-- not as prevalent in eastern societies. What we describe as "Individualism" -- is really just Pride. This symbol of Pride-- Lucifer-- is what the "esoteric faith" of the West is-- Pride. Lucifer is the embodiment of Pride. Christianity might be the outward pretense, but it's really esoteric luciferianism.
Sep 11 4 tweets 1 min read
The thing is, 00s nostalgia hurts too much— it’s not like “looking back at the 80s” with its bubblegum naivety & affluence— 00s opening scene is 9/11 & Gerard Way watching the towers fall composing Skylines & Turnstile (he’s here, watching the towers fall).

This broken city sky like butane on my skin
Stolen from my eyes, hello angel, tell me where are you?
Tell me where we go from hereImage 90s nostalgia is “nostalgia for being IRONIC about the 80s” but still in a naive way— Pavement lyrics & whatnot— 00s Nostalgia is nostalgia for a time of genuine sorrow & grief, before we forgot our own humanity & became beasts
Sep 10 16 tweets 3 min read
Manga > Anime The ratio is the same as literature to film.

Often, a subpar manga can be improved by adaptation into anime-- but there is never a case where a truly great manga, or piece of literature, is improved by adaptation into anime/film.
Sep 4 4 tweets 1 min read
The rightoids don’t have a real concept of “good” or “evil” so much as “cool” & “uncool”— were the Crusades good? They don’t care. They think they were cool. Was Hitler good? Doesn’t matter— he was cool. The Crusades especially— what good did it do? None. They were primarily a means of the Papal Nobility collecting war bounty by means of instrumentalizing client kings who were in debt to Papal banks. They killed a ton of Christians— looted Byzantium— “cool”
Sep 2 5 tweets 3 min read
You have to define what "thought" is that is somehow "not material" -- we live in an age where computation is a material factor, we have given it measurement. Where are the "computations" governing natural phenomenon occurring?

"Reality is thought" -- where is the thought occurring? The idealist Berkeley said that everything material was a thought of God-- so "material" was "thought" & they were the same thing. So a statement like "reality is thought" is completely meaningless-- whose thought?

Then the latter definition of Materialism-- that "reality is prior to thought & generated by the mechanics of reality" -- completely meaningless nonsense. What is "reality"? What a slippery word you rest all of this upon! "The Mechanics of Reality" -- what if that's the same thing as what you'd define as "thought" -- but then, that simply means, there is an interpenetration of the concepts of "reality" & "thought" -- is "reality" a "thought"? What are these "mechanics of reality" you throw into the sentence here? Are they in the room with us right now? Your book recommendations are of Science Fiction authors like Daniel Dennett--

"Suppose that there were some neuroscientific apparatus that fits on your head and feeds your visual experience into my brain. With eyes closed I accurately report everything you are looking at, except that I marvel at how the sky is yellow, the grass red, and so forth. Would this not confirm, empirically, that our qualia were different? But suppose the technician then pulls the plug on the connecting cable, inverts it 180 degrees and reinserts it in the socket. Now I report the sky is blue, the grass green, and so forth. Which is the "right" orientation of the plug? Designing and building such a device would require that its "fidelity" be tuned or calibrated by the normalization of the two subjects' reports--so we would be right back at our evidential starting point. The moral of this intuition pump is that no intersubjective comparison of qualia is possible, even with perfect technology."
— Daniel Dennet

Literally "what if the blue I see isn't the blue you see" dressed up in Science Fiction garbage. This is your authority on Truth?
Aug 31 4 tweets 3 min read
If in 2008 instead of bailing out the Banks & allowing them to foreclose on properties, we had fucked written off the debts, said fuck you to the Banks-- we'd be living in paradise by now. I firmly believe this. The "End of History" that was the 2000s was the cultural watershed, mass hyper abundance & freedom in the digital plane-- & everything since has been shrinkflation & feudal increases in rent extraction. The period of Napster, Kazaa, & the archipelago net of forums & blogs was freer than this platform oligarchy of "social media" & streaming. We destroyed our taste of paradise in order for intellectual property regimes to extract more rent. We lived through an unparalleled explosion of technological proliferation, but this was all "credited" on the assumption that once it reached saturation, the credit would be returned with interest via platform rent extraction. That's precisely what's happened.
Aug 23 6 tweets 2 min read
Nancy's just saying that the Democrats are really ABOUT THAT-- Pelosi is mobbed the fuck up. She's a gangster. She's from a long line of GANGSTERS-- like Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. He helped PRODUCE the State of Israel. He was mobbed up with the BERGSON GROUP. It's true-- the Republicans are not ABOUT THAT-- the Republicans exist now as a fundraising vehicle for the Democrats. They're the Washington Generals. She's saying that the Republicans are PUSSIES who have lost their party discipline.
Aug 17 4 tweets 1 min read
AI can never produce Art, because Art is the answer to a question you didn't ask, a satisfaction of a demand that is unconscious, the response to Art is "I did not know I wanted this" -- an AI gives you what you want, & what you are consciously aware of wanting is Mid. The Poet Hack who sits in the park with a cardboard sign reading "Will compose a poem on demand" & then fits that demand into a hackneyed formula of poems-- "A poem about the sky" -- rhymes with why, shy, fly, by, cry-- Why the sky / is shy & cries -- this is not what it means to "discover" a poem that one did not even ask for-- to be confronted with a poem that demands you reshape your understanding of desire-- to discover, for instance, that you have learned something new
Jul 30 12 tweets 3 min read
The "Coconut" is a great symbol for the Kamala Harris regime-- which will be "Brown POC Woke" on the outside, & then, on the inside, it will be Azovite High Caste International Nazism. Is it ironic? Does it matter? It's about whether you're *in* or *out* of the joke-- "getting the joke" doesn't matter if you're out of the joke, what matters is being in on the joke, even if you don't know that it's a joke.
Jul 25 6 tweets 1 min read
My daughter usually can't pay attention to anything like a movie or even Sesame Street or Mr Rogers for very long-- but she immediately LOCKED IN to My Neighbor Totoro & was laughing hysterically at points. Ghibli movies are objectively perfect. The scene early on where the wind blows very strongly got her to say "Wind" -- which she's never said before-- but further, what a testament to the quality of the animation to portray something like "wind" so concretely that a toddler experiences it as wind.
Jul 19 14 tweets 4 min read
Christian Mortalism is a Communist stance. Richard Overton, the Puritan Leveller, wrote both "Man's Mortality" & "Monopolists as Frogs and Vermin" -- two pamphlets worth reading. Image Communism literally emerges from Radical Protestantism, not "mainline Protestantism" or "National Protestantism"-- it comes, historically, as Engels himself even recognized in the Peasant Rebellions in Germany-- from radical evangelical pietists who interpreted the texts literally & understood their vocation to be imitation of christ & the apostles to the degree of establishing biblical/apostolic communism in a literal material sense.
Jun 25 7 tweets 1 min read
All that the Western Left has accomplished is making Neo-Nazism more socially acceptable than Stalinism. It's pretty wild how in the year 2024 it's more controversial to defend Stalin than Hitler. This wasn't always the case, & there was an "Old Left" that was Stalinist, but the "New Left" completely destroyed the Old Left in tandem with the imperial deep state. I mean, Stalin used to be Uncle Joe, our ally-- but that's a story the Jedi won't teach you.
Jun 10 11 tweets 2 min read
I’m not celebrating it, I’m describing why America can dominate Europe as it does despite (ie: because of) its population being lumpenized in this manner. I would prefer an American Civilization, but that’s only an Idea at present. Europe is no better, the elite of Europe are the most “Americanized” & enjoy their satanic liberties with the backing of American power— they love American backed tax shelters & American drugs &c.
Jun 1 7 tweets 5 min read
"All classes of society not composed of actual and immediate producers of wealth (and these, in England at least, are almost exclusively wages-laborers), all classes, from kings and queens to music-masters and greengrocers, live upon their respective shares of this surplus-value. In other words, they live upon the net produce of the surplus labor which the capitalist extracts from his workpeople, but for which he does not pay. It matters not whether the share of surplus-labor falling to each member of society not actually a producer is granted as a gift by Act of Parliament from the public revenue, or whether it has to be earned by performing some function not actually productive. There is no other fund out of which they can be paid, but the sum total of the surplus value created by the immediate producers, for which they are not paid."
-Eleanor Marx Now, what does Eleanor Marx mean by "immediate producers" rather than merely saying "all those who sell their labor power as a commodity" -- perhaps it has something to do with the distinction between "immediate producers" & "all classes" which include "kings and queens to music-master and greengrocers" (who are distinct by "living upon their respective share of the surplus-value produced by the effective producers [the industrial proletariat])" -- does this suggest that "music masters" & "greengrocers" are not proletarians then? & that all "wage laborers" who are not also "effective producers" are still, despite "selling their labor for a wage" receiving that wage not from their own surplus production, but from the revenue produced by the "effective producers"? Yes.
May 27 24 tweets 6 min read
Monomoniacal Reductionism: "Everything is merely one thing"

Dualistic Schizophrenia: "Everything is two opposing things"

Trinitarian Regeneration: "Everything is two things perpetually begetting a third thing"

Quaternian Eden: "Everything is eternally suspended in a paradoxical balance of infinite contradiction" "Stuff"

"Good Stuff / Bad Stuff"

"Good Stuff / Bad Stuff / & Stuff"

"Good (Good) Stuff [Good] / Bad (Good) Stuff [Corrupt] / Good (Bad) Stuff [Redeemable] / Bad (Bad) Stuff [Evil]"
May 21 6 tweets 2 min read
It's really funny how in the West, the "communists" immediately jump into visions of cosmic empires, the unification of a globe into a single world government is taken for granted, since the British Empire in the 19th century seemed to them to be the inevitable hegemon over the Globe-- but this tradition of thought is considered more or less "grounded in reality" as opposed to the humble 5 Year Plans of Eastern Communists, who in many ways refuse to describe what "the end state of Communism" even is, because their focus is solely upon their immediate conditions, & the horizons of the class war in that immediate moment. In the early 20th century, the United Nations was built by Anglo Global Hegemony, & even the Eastern Communists agreed to partake in this dispensation-- but they ultimately turned the UN against Anglo Global Hegemony by this point in the 21st century, which is why there's a growing movement toward openly exiting the United Nations within the Anglosphere-- if the US didn't have super veto privileges in the Security Council & a tacit agreement that it does not have to adhere to any motions passed by the UN, it wouldn't be involved.
May 16 12 tweets 2 min read
It's good that the Chinese got their hands on Marx, so that they can do the ideas justice, because they have never been a "moralistic" or "moralizing" society-- rather, they've always been metaphysical pragmatists, having created the preconditions for western science in Taoist Alchemy millennia ago. Most of the "right wing" critiques of "Marxism" are correct simply because "Western Marxists" are petite bourgeois clerks & priests who derive their livelihood from rent-extraction by upholding a pretense to "moral concern" -- the Chinese Communist is not a moralist.
Apr 30 5 tweets 3 min read
"It is so customary for the Members of the Corps Diplomatick, to make Ex officio representations of Such Ebullitions in Newspapers to the Administration of the Government to which they are Accredited; that it must be acknowledged to be much to the honour of the Gentlemen who are here from Spain Holland and England, that they have not hitherto persecuted the President & secretary of State with Remonstrances against our Newspapers. Their Silence is a Proof of their Moderation, their Patience and their Tenderness for the Freedom of the Press. I Suppose too that they make allowances for our Youth and Inexperience of the World. For Our Ignorance of what in Europe is known and acknowledged to be the Delicacy and Decency, due to all foreign nations and their Governments. We claim a Right, very justly to the form of Government We like best. Every Nation in Europe has the Same Right and if they judge Monarchy to be necessary for their Happiness, What Right have We to reproach, much less to insult them? Supposing ourselves to be Judges of what kind of Government is best for them, a Supposition however which We cannot modestly make and which is certainly ill founded, We should have no right to impose upon them our Ideas of Government, any more than our principles of Religion or systems of Faith. There is an Ungenerosity in this disposition So often displayed by so many of our Countrymen, nearly bordering on meanness of Spirit, and an illiberality, Strongly marked with littleness of Soul."

-John Adams to Charles Adams, 23 December 1793 The Founding Fathers actual letters are too based & erudite for appreciation these days-- they were writing with such concern for world history as they knew it, the cutting edge of the global discourse as it unfolded-- if you actually read their actual works you realize why they inspired people like Lenin & Mao.
Apr 29 4 tweets 1 min read
When did people begin to realize that their phones actually were listening to them & serving advertisements based on that knowledge? You used to be called a schizo for saying “My phone is listening to me & sending me advertisements based upon my private conversations” The actual conditions of life are schizophrenic now— it’s the consequence of the means of production being centralized in private (occult) control. There are literally boardrooms where execs of multinational conglomerates try to plan your consumer demand through psychological war
Apr 29 9 tweets 2 min read
Americans suffer most from believing that there's literally nowhere else on Earth that even remotely approaches America-- imagine really believing that this, here, is the best that there is-- this corrupt empire is the best it gets, everything else is worse, even-- that's Hell. "Russia? That's a shithole, garbage, a mafia gas station with nukes, I pity the Russians, they would be more free in America. China? That's a shithole, communism, slavery to authoritarians, completely lied to, poor, forced to repeat lies, surveilled, just awful. America is horrible & yet that's the best that it gets, everyone else has it even worse."
Apr 20 6 tweets 2 min read
California is the actual "spiritual center" of American Civilization-- because it represents the crossroads of Anglo-America, Continental Europe, Latin America, & Asia. It's where the Republic ended & the Empire began. The UN Charter was signed in San Francisco. It's the spiritual center of the West. The California Pynchon novels are superior to the New York novels-- New York is, despite it's pretense, not as important as SF or LA to defining American culture in a broader sense. Philip K Dick is California. Pynchon had to live in California to be Pynchon. New York is just London 2-- & it's the only competitor for such a definitive role in the American psyche. I would argue it's California & Texas-- hell, even Florida is "more American" in spirit & ultimate purport than New York. New York is just a giant office building-- a city-wide Delaware-- in comparison.