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Content I live, this is my stay-- I seek no more than may suffice-- I press to bear no haughty sway-- Look-- what I lack my mind supplies!
প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture kiddphunk Profile picture Tiresias 🕊🐑 Profile picture S.B. Alger   🤓🎸🎤 Profile picture HT Profile picture 16 subscribed
Apr 30 5 tweets 3 min read
"It is so customary for the Members of the Corps Diplomatick, to make Ex officio representations of Such Ebullitions in Newspapers to the Administration of the Government to which they are Accredited; that it must be acknowledged to be much to the honour of the Gentlemen who are here from Spain Holland and England, that they have not hitherto persecuted the President & secretary of State with Remonstrances against our Newspapers. Their Silence is a Proof of their Moderation, their Patience and their Tenderness for the Freedom of the Press. I Suppose too that they make allowances for our Youth and Inexperience of the World. For Our Ignorance of what in Europe is known and acknowledged to be the Delicacy and Decency, due to all foreign nations and their Governments. We claim a Right, very justly to the form of Government We like best. Every Nation in Europe has the Same Right and if they judge Monarchy to be necessary for their Happiness, What Right have We to reproach, much less to insult them? Supposing ourselves to be Judges of what kind of Government is best for them, a Supposition however which We cannot modestly make and which is certainly ill founded, We should have no right to impose upon them our Ideas of Government, any more than our principles of Religion or systems of Faith. There is an Ungenerosity in this disposition So often displayed by so many of our Countrymen, nearly bordering on meanness of Spirit, and an illiberality, Strongly marked with littleness of Soul."

-John Adams to Charles Adams, 23 December 1793 The Founding Fathers actual letters are too based & erudite for appreciation these days-- they were writing with such concern for world history as they knew it, the cutting edge of the global discourse as it unfolded-- if you actually read their actual works you realize why they inspired people like Lenin & Mao.
Apr 29 4 tweets 1 min read
When did people begin to realize that their phones actually were listening to them & serving advertisements based on that knowledge? You used to be called a schizo for saying “My phone is listening to me & sending me advertisements based upon my private conversations” The actual conditions of life are schizophrenic now— it’s the consequence of the means of production being centralized in private (occult) control. There are literally boardrooms where execs of multinational conglomerates try to plan your consumer demand through psychological war
Apr 29 9 tweets 2 min read
Americans suffer most from believing that there's literally nowhere else on Earth that even remotely approaches America-- imagine really believing that this, here, is the best that there is-- this corrupt empire is the best it gets, everything else is worse, even-- that's Hell. "Russia? That's a shithole, garbage, a mafia gas station with nukes, I pity the Russians, they would be more free in America. China? That's a shithole, communism, slavery to authoritarians, completely lied to, poor, forced to repeat lies, surveilled, just awful. America is horrible & yet that's the best that it gets, everyone else has it even worse."
Apr 20 6 tweets 2 min read
California is the actual "spiritual center" of American Civilization-- because it represents the crossroads of Anglo-America, Continental Europe, Latin America, & Asia. It's where the Republic ended & the Empire began. The UN Charter was signed in San Francisco. It's the spiritual center of the West. The California Pynchon novels are superior to the New York novels-- New York is, despite it's pretense, not as important as SF or LA to defining American culture in a broader sense. Philip K Dick is California. Pynchon had to live in California to be Pynchon. New York is just London 2-- & it's the only competitor for such a definitive role in the American psyche. I would argue it's California & Texas-- hell, even Florida is "more American" in spirit & ultimate purport than New York. New York is just a giant office building-- a city-wide Delaware-- in comparison.
Apr 12 8 tweets 2 min read
We have this deeply fetishistic conception of childhood which stunts growth by not allowing children to become competent at basic tasks like this & then they grow up & feel overwhelmed by basic tasks like “cooking food for yourself”— my daughter already sweeps the floor & unloads dishes & she’s barely over 12 months old. I think it’s because parents feel like they don’t spend enough time with their kids here so they just spoil them by indulging them & “babying” them so that they feel good about themselves & it’s a narcissistic pathology presented as some form of “super caring” when it’s actually abusive.
Mar 13 4 tweets 1 min read
If Gamer Gate 2 is going on can you gamers please make the leap to understanding that video games are the new Hollywood & if you understand how deeply corrupt Hollywood is, you can imagine combining Hollywood with Gambling & then imagine how much corruption could come from video games. Video Games are the most important ground of youth socialization & indoctrination-- beyond public schools, video games represent the most determinative medium for political control in this era. Gamer Gate 1 stopped short of investigating the material networks of corruption in favor of grifting & grandstanding fake activism about "wokeness" -- launching the careers of myriad retards into the public arena-- please don't make the same mistakes.
Feb 14 14 tweets 3 min read
I think the root of liberal psychosis is the notion that people are "irrational" -- or that people could be "irrational"-- when actually everything that is described as "irrational" by the liberal is perfectly rational from a higher plane of hermeneutics. For instance, whenever the liberal says "These people are irrationally voting against their own interests" -- what they should instead realize is that they misunderstand the interests of those people-- because people are actually rational, their "irrational choice" is actually rational from a higher plane of hermeneutics.
Feb 2 17 tweets 3 min read
Gotta admit that it’s pretty funny that it went from being “Yeah I’m cool with feminism or whatever” to “I’m not only a feminist, I am a woman.” In the same way “masculine fashion” has gone from “beer guns sports” to “experimental hormone therapy raw meat sex trafficking”
Jan 18 6 tweets 2 min read
People are so stupid about this— Pitchfork was acquired by Conde Naste to do more vertically integrated lifestyle marketing, which meant getting paid big money to brand listening to Pop Music as being compatible with sophisticated urbane millennial hipsterdom, & it worked, & they made a lot of money for a while until social media destroyed the marketing/advertising utility of content farms. The Needle Drop has had a larger audience than Pitchfork in its entirety for years now. Rock music still exists, there’s tons & tons of rock bands out there making great music, what doesn’t exist anymore is the “lifestyle brand” saturation of the 90s & 00s, of Rolling Stone, Spin, NME, Vice, & all the other assorted “indie rock lifestyle magazines” — there’s more money in the Taylor Swift fandom— who cares?
Jan 12 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s very funny how the people who most hate “American Patriotism” are the biggest defenders of the American State. It’s always some x-gen recent immigrant who is overcompensating for not being loyal to “the home country” but also not really being able to claim American Patriotism, the middle ground they can claim is absolute loyalty to the post-american globalist state.
Jan 8 13 tweets 3 min read
I really don’t have anything to say anymore. I’ve been practicing not saying things. It’s much harder to just sit in silence, but it’s ultimately better. Whatever you say you’ll regret it. There’s nothing being said on this ap that is worth your time. If you want to read books, read them— if you want to learn about something, learn about it— the only thing you can share in knowledge is a nod, “yup” or “nope” — “This book good.” “Yup.” “This book bad.” “Nope.”
Nov 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Utilitarianism "Effective Altruism" uniquely appeals to autists/socipaths -- as it is primarily about abstracting out of the particular reality of any given thing in order to standardize a univocal perspective upon things in general-- "avoiding bias" is rebranding what would otherwise be called myopic idiocy-- advocating for the interests of one class at the expense of another would be "bias" -- these days, advocating for the interests of humanity at the expense of "nature" is considered a "bias." Any proposition of "value neutrality" is always hiding a dogmatic assertion of value absolutism in the form of an abstract "equality" of valuelessness. The word "arbitrary" is always tossed around in these circles to mean any recognition of a determinative particularity that actually distinguishes one thing from another thing, removed from the category of "things in general" -- to say "No actually this Thing is not the same as that Thing for non arbitrary reasons, but for absolutely determinative reasons" -- & they say "But that distinction is arbitrary" lol
Nov 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
People don’t understand how fake the American economy is— completely unproductive retailers are put in to raise property values on speculation, ghost condominiums surrounded by sparsely attended ghost big box stores, all build on spec & the long term goal of extracting rent profits from them by artificially inflating the value of real estate. That’s why I specify Starbucks baristas (Starbucks is a bank & real estate corp) as being unproductive— the Starbucks exists as part of the theatrical staging of the “development district” — Nathan Fielder has a better understanding of this, just watch “The Curse” & his Nathan For You episode “Dumb Starbucks.” Baristas working at local coffee shops aren’t unionizing with Starbucks baristas— if you wanted a “service sector union” it would run like a temp agency staffing various business operators as a service— it would not be a committee within a specific corporation. The Autoworkers Union isn’t “The Hyundai Manufacturers Union”— it ascends to a representation of an entire class of laborers as a third party— otherwise you’re making the mistake of thinking the “Conde Naste Employee Union” is somehow a revolutionary subject.
Nov 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Blake did it better:

Mock on, mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau:
Mock on, mock on: ‘tis all in vain!
You throw the sand against the wind,
And the wind blows it back again.

And every sand becomes a Gem,
Reflected in the beam divine;
Blown back they blind the mocking Eye,
But still in Israel’s paths they shine.

The Atoms of Democritus
And the Newton’s Particles of Light
Are sands upon the Red Sea shore,
Where Israel’s tents do shine so bright. I see the Four-fold Man, The Humanity in deadly sleep
   And its fallen Emanation, the Spectre and its cruel Shadow.
   I see the Past, Present and Future existing all at once
   Before me. O Divine Spirit, sustain me on thy wings,
   That I may awake Albion from his long and cold repose;
   For Bacon and Newton, sheath'd in dismal steel, their terrors hang
   Like iron scourges over Albion: reasonings like vast serpents
   Infold around my limbs, bruising my minute articulations.

   I turn my eyes to the schools and universities of Europe
  And there behold the Loom of Locke, whose Woof rages dire,
  Wash'd by the Water-wheels of Newton: black the cloth
  In heavy wreaths folds over every nation: cruel works
  Of many Wheels I view, wheel without wheel, with cogs tyrannic
  Moving by compulsion each other, not as those in Eden, which,
  Wheel within wheel, in freedom revolve in harmony and peace.
Nov 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Just saw an ad for XLA METASITES-- what is it? It is another "meta verse" -- what can you do in it? Advertise & Gamble. That's all anyone can imagine doing in any metaverse. You can do zoom calls, chat roulette, advertise, speculate on fictitious assets, & gamble. That's it. Gen X's entire worldview is premised on building a metaverse like in those cyberpunk novels they thought were hella epic. The Internet was already the metaverse, & then you had things like World of Warcraft & Second Life-- but it turns out that all of these utopian visions of "another world" are just replicants of America-- so they all just become the same thing except without most "features" of real life. You can't drink a beer in the metaverse, but you can still gamble. What's the fucking point of any of it?
Nov 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
You can always tell someone is deeply reddit when they have an odd intonation to their speech if not an impediment— reddit is designed to appeal to autistic people, in its “call and response” training, like the people who used to quote Monty Python back & forth to each other— there is no creativity or imagination involved in their discourse, only a rigorous tautological circle of discourse, which is as Kojeve noted, as circular as truth— I repeat, a perfect delusion is as circular in its description as a perfect truth— an illiterate person is in this way closer to reality than a redditor. It’s a tragic situation, & I pity the redditor for being locked into a discourse hell that they cannot escape— repeating the same circular discourse to themselves for eternity, but I read Jude 1:23 — & I despise event the garment spotted by the flesh
I always think of a time when my brother & I were riffing off the cuff, improvising a scene & scenario that had spawned in the moment, & my most redditor relative said “what movie are you guys quoting?”— it is like this with redditors— how can one explain to them that they are creatively inventing some new insight & not merely repeating a meme? They define all discourse as the xerox copying of memes.
Nov 14, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I've had a change of heart guys. I've realized that the real vanguard of Communism is breadtube, not the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China is a revisionist state-capitalist fascist despotism which is incompatible with the emancipatory ideals of Humanistic Liberal Communism, which is what Communism is in Spirit. When Li Yiping, a professor of economics at Renmin University in China says: "China can realize common prosperity through scientific policy design and institutional arrangements. But for that, it needs to adhere to the labor theory of value, which means determining the economic value of goods or services by the total amount of socially necessary labor required to produce them. Hence, distinguishing between productive labor and unproductive labor is necessary to strengthen the real economy."

This is reactionary nonsense that divides the true working class, composed of both productive & unproductive laborers. I can't even. I'm literally shaking.

He goes on:

"To achieve common prosperity, the labor values of Marxist political economy must be adhered to. Marx believes that labor creates value while participating in the creation of use-value. If any nation loses its labor, for a year or even a few weeks, it goes without saying that it will also perish. A relatively equal amount of social labor is required to obtain a total product that meets the various needs. Adhering to the theory of labor values is to distinguish between productive and unproductive work, and only if the rewards of productive work are fully taken into account in the distribution will it ultimately benefit the development of the real economy. Adhering to the theory of labor value is to focus on protecting labor income, increasing labor remuneration of workers, especially frontline workers, and increasing the proportion of labor remuneration in the initial distribution; achieving simultaneous growth of residents’ incomes and economic growth; and simultaneously increasing labor remuneration at the same time as labor productivity increases."

At this point I'm tearing my hair out in rage. But he goes on:

"Productive work is the production of material goods, such as the work of peasants and workers, while non-productive labor work refers to work that does not produce material goods. According to Karl Marx’s theoretical logic, distinguishing between productive and non-productive labor and giving corresponding reasonable returns is conducive to the development of the real economy. If no distinction is made between productive and non-productive labor, and even if all labor is regarded as productive labor, it is easy to develop a virtual economy and form an economic bubble. Fourth, excessive financialization. The so-called financialization is to turn all physical and virtual things into tradable financial products. While finance was meant to serve the real economy, excessive financialization reversed the relationship between production and finance; not only does it make little contribution to the growth of real wealth, but it also encourages speculation, which is not conducive to social development."

Clearly this professor of Marxist Economics in China is wrong, & the Breadtubers are correct. I see clearly now. I can't believe that the Chinese Communist Party doesn't recognize the labor of clowns as equal in value to the labor of steel refiners-- don't they know that commodities aren't literally materially goods? Don't they know that laughter is as important as steel? It's inhuman!
Nov 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In America, the only thing that matters is money. Everything is just money. There are no public goods. There is only money. If you have enough money you can be insulated from all the downsides of life in America. If you have enough money you can buy a good education, healthcare, housing, etc. If you're just a normal person you're fucked. There's nothing else. There's no nobility to life in America. It's all stained in idolatry. The worst thing is that, ideologically, everyone is conditioned to believe that they "deserve this" -- "I should be making more money, then I could have a better life" -- this is the only thing people can reasonably conclude. Everything else is a grift. You can't "elect your way" out of this, you're just getting grifted into giving up money & time to people who are already richer than you. Bernie Sanders is a multimillionaire. So it's a feedback loop-- "I should make more money grifting people who need more money, so that I can have a quality of life that I advertise to them as being livable" -- you can become Bernie Sanders & buy three houses-- get a publishing deal, etc.
Nov 1, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I don't know how to explain the difference between Asian countries dealing with "alternative sexual orientations" & the West -- I think it's got to be the fact that the movement for "Gay/Trans Rights" modeled itself as an inversion of "Heteronormativity" rather than the Asian middle road of accepting difference without suggesting "difference is better" -- there's just a more "chill" relation, a more forgiving relation, which renders the whole issue trivial, by recognizing that it in truth only affects a small minority of the population-- something about Westerners, perhaps the emphasis on "individualism" as a greater good that societal cohesion, which makes this issue in particular so caustic. In Asian cultures it's "sinful" to be too prideful about anything individually, so this whole "Pride" movement would just appear as egocentric narcissism, while we celebrate narcissism the same way we celebrate greed.

I was thinking about this as I was considering how the various "transgender" characters in One Piece just exist, & exist sort of "non-ideologically" -- but just exist as a minority amongst many other minorities. It's this Asiatic sense of "Multipolar Unity" rather than the Western sense of "Unipolar/Uniformal Unity" which makes the difference. It's funny how the Far Right types explain everything about Japan by saying "it's ethnically homogenous" -- even though it isn't ethnically homogenous, & the "Japanese" are made up of various ethnicities, & Japan is itself a very "diverse" place from province to province-- it is an archipelago after all, & not a uniform landmass.

I think, ultimately, what will unite America together as a Civilizational State after this hegemonic empire fails, will be this sort of "Japanification" or "Eastern" sense of unity -- the way that "everyone in the West that likes anime" could be considered the best representation of unity with difference-- but then, "the anime fandom" is perhaps the most caustically split force politically in the West, reflecting the general "tribalistic narcissisms", where you have "trans social democrat anarchist anime pfp" & "neo-nazi anime pfp" in the same space.

My vision is more like "Bros who watch football/mma & watch Dragonball Z fight compilation music videos of Playboi Carti songs" -- that seems to me to be the more "middle road" of the japanification of America. I might just point to "The Fighting Game Community" -- which is the most diverse & ultimately the most cohesive "esports fandom community." This is what I believe in.
Nov 1, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
They weren't always. There was a big boom of "teen humor comics" -- western romance comics, etc. The major genre of comics was westerns until the post-war era when science fiction & detective comics & horror comics etc all merged into what we now know as "super hero comics" -- "super hero comics" are just the amalgamation of every genre of pulp literature into a single package-- you have the cowboy/detective/science-fiction-hero/romance/etc -- it's all been vertically integrated into a "pulp cosmos"

It's not really defensible imo to consider "capes" to be a diminutive genre, or somehow limited-- it's just the entirety of "romance" as a mode-- in which characters are somewhere between Man & Demigod-- like Achilles, not quite a God, but a demigod, capable of "superhuman feats" -- this is just the literary mode of romance, which is just below myth, & dipping into "high mimetic fiction" especially in "more gritty/grounded" instantiations of the "superhero story" -- the superhero is as Frye would put it "superior in degree" but not "in kind" to other characters in the narrative. The same literary mode as the Faerie Queen. In the American context, we don't really deploy "knights" -- we have cowboys & various "science heroes" -- detectives, etc. The "caped crusader" who is superior in degree to us, but not in kind-- you can identify with Batman, but you can't be Batman, you could only fantasize about being Batman. You can *aspire* to be *like* Batman, etc.
Nov 1, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
We had good comics-- the industry was destroyed when comics became "collectables" & there was a massive run on speculation for comics which ultimately coincided with the industry's abandonment of comics as anything other than "collectable merchandise" -- this is in the 90s, roughly-- & it put an end to what was called "The Modern Age of Comics" which had things like Swamp Thing, Sandman, Judge Dredd, Hellboy, etc. Those are all great works-- but the readership for comics, as they became "collectables" & not readily available reading material found at gas stations, pharmacies, etc-- diminished rapidly. Nobody reads American comics anymore. The reason why Japan can afford to create such great works of manga, is that manga are available everywhere in Japan, & people purchase them while waiting for buses, trains, etc. The readership is higher than most American magazines. The major players in comic books became primarily invested in Hollywood blockbusters just in time for comics to die as a medium in America. This is what I mean when I say that individuals cannot rejuvenate a culture-- but culture is the consequence of infrastructure & ultimately the State. We have "airport novels" for a reason-- that's where people actually read-- & even that has diminished in favor of the "in flight offerings"-- coincidentally, the only place I watch Marvel movies, on an airplane.
It's funny because in Japan they fucking love Western comics -- the Mangaka only extended the ambitions of Western comics at the same time that Western comics disappeared as a medium. The Japanese saw Disney movies in the 20th century & were like "Holy Fucking Shit, we need to make those" -- & they have lapped Disney since. We don't even appreciate our own culture. Disney hides its greatest works in its own vault. We don't appreciate what feats of art we created. We make trash now.