R.Сам 🦋🐏 Profile picture
Content I live, this is my stay-- I seek no more than may suffice-- I press to bear no haughty sway-- Look-- what I lack my mind supplies!
24 subscribers
Mar 6 9 tweets 2 min read
The last work of fiction that had any popular purchase was 50 Shades of Grey. That was the end of “literature” as a cultural institution in the West. There are now more books written than ever before, & they are all outmoded by pornography. It is difficult I imagine for most people who will ever read this to imagine— but there was once a world in which pornography was not the most influential form of art by a wide margin. The pornographic impulse was once sublimated into art, & now, it is the reverse.
Mar 5 4 tweets 1 min read
The ruling class actually are just retarded, it became illegal to teach them the truth a long time ago, so they literally believe their own bullshit. They literally think mankind began his economic history doing barter in kind. They don’t know why what they’re doing doesn’t work. It kind of rules though to see fervent anticommunists making communism inevitable by their attempts to destroy “communism” in the form of the institutions created to forestall the inevitability of communism.
Mar 5 6 tweets 1 min read
My theory on the bourgeois revolution is that it is always necessarily unfinished, as it in the end retains the privileges of the ancien regime in economic terms— to “complete a bourgeois revolution” is to cause a proletarian revolution— thus, the two paths toward this are left/right trots seeking to radicalize the bourgeois revolution over the economy (right) & society (left). As is clear by Trump’s speech today, there is no plan for “the day after the Trump revolution”— there’s no telos— there is just the radicalizing of the bourgeois revolution in economic terms, destroying the economic infrastructure of the left trotskyist welfare social-market state by subjecting everything to the market. What comes next? The only logical thing is a proletarian revolution.
Mar 5 5 tweets 2 min read
If you want to understand the wing of silicon valley that is striving for hegemony rn this is where you should start. Image It’s Gen X Libertarians who are deeply invested in Occult & New Age presses. Aleister Crowley Discordianism type stuff. Not the “wholesome witchy” millennial cringe pagan stuff, but the namedropping Eliphas Levi & Evola at Burning Man type stuff. Image
Mar 5 5 tweets 1 min read
I would like to deny the meaningful existence of what is called “culture”— too much is said about “culture” which is baseless nonsense. “Culture” is just a form of economic management. It’s “your culture” to fish when you live near accessible fish. “Culture.” When people say “culture” they mean the domestic economy. “That’s not how we do things in our house.” “Corporate Culture” doubly nonsense. We are talking about economics.
Mar 4 5 tweets 1 min read
The only public sector employees that Americans trust are “the troops.” The martial aspect of american society is its secrete sight of communization— the citizen-soldier army which is the basis of our Rights has been privatized into a mercenary force for international finance— as America breaks its defense pacts with european financiers, & “nationalizes” itself, we approach closer to Communism (which will appear very Heinleinian & “fascist” to left libtards). Quickest way to Communism is a universal draft with various “public service” outlets & thus a universalization of veteran benefits. How about after high school you do a year or two of community service work in fatigues & then you get free college etc
Feb 26 5 tweets 1 min read
My view of the world is heavily informed by the satires of the Coen Brothers— we must imagine Joseph McCarthy trying to “expose Communism” & finding himself up to the neck with British Trotskyists protected by the CIA infiltrating Stalinist organizations & concluding that the CIA is Communist. You can so clearly see this as a scene like in Burn After Reading. Nobody in the drama knows what’s going on & nobody but you, the viewer, can see the comedy of errors.
Feb 26 10 tweets 2 min read
What makes Dialectical Materialism a form of rigorous Socratic irony is that it only takes "the outward face of the object" as the real-- the "internality" of anything is laughed away, & you are left with the concrete manifestation, as if to say "& for all that yapping, this is what you are really." I was not always a dialectical materialist, but I sought after this sort of vision-- which is the obverse side of what could be called "Spenglerian Idealism" in which the outward face is only a manifestation of an "inward spirit" (& this is applied to entire peoples & civilizations and so on).
Feb 26 8 tweets 2 min read
They split in response to Occupy & either accepted "the Progressive Stack" or accepted "Being Tarred as Fascists" They have been calling themselves "Sensitive Young Men" I think-- & what that means is they smoke cigs, read books, & listen to "music you haven't heard of."

Or else they're now "Nonbinary" & what that means is the same thing but with more lipstick.
Feb 25 8 tweets 2 min read
It makes me so sad when I see older millennials just let their kids have unlimited uncurated screen time. They are melting their kids brains & have no idea that they're doing it. & you can't say anything because it's basically accusing them of child abuse... "No, it's fine, actually YouTube Algorithm Slop Feed for Kids is educational."

(cut to child with dilated pupils like they're on LSD watching blinking lights & honking sound effects to an AI voiced sing along)
Feb 21 10 tweets 2 min read
The most pathetic thing of these new right intellectuals is that they pretend to be beyond good & evil but they constantly demonstrate a very adolescent sentimentality which is “below good & evil”— it’s just saccharine hysteria. They get weepy thinking about Mao & Stalin. It’s pathetic. “Those poor landlords…” I thought this was about “the triumph of the will”— I guess it’s about being weepy like Jordan Peterson thinking about Trotskyites getting sent to the gulag.
Feb 20 4 tweets 1 min read
My crazy theory is that the plan is to circumvent a BRICS currency being established without the US & so the plan is to create a Keynesian Bancor which is backed by gold reserves so that US-RUS-CHINA can establish a multipolar economic order without needing Brazil India & South Africa to figure their shit out first… This was China’s proposed solution to the 2008 crash actually…
Feb 19 4 tweets 1 min read
Japanese philosophy is better than European philosophy in recent times — you’d do better reading Nishida & Hiroki Azuma than any of the “postmodern european philosophy” assigned to you in western universities. Image
Japan has a deeper understanding of America than Europe does— which is why Japanese culture proliferates & the Europeans haven’t made anything as influential as Dragonball or One Piece.
Feb 19 5 tweets 1 min read
Baudrillard didn’t discover or say anything that Phillip K Dick didn’t elucidate. Baudrillard read Phillip K Dick— Phillip K Dick read Plotinus & Leibnitz. “European art house cinema” has never been better than Blade Runner. Baudrillard: “Let me explain America… have you ever watched a science fiction movie?”

Europeans: “Holy shit, he’s onto something”
Feb 19 6 tweets 2 min read
French theory sans Kojeve (who was a Russian) is brain killing MKULTRA type shit that actively makes people stupider. Foucault Deleuze Derrida all of this nonsense exists to psyop fledgling intellectuals into “cultural criticism” rather than material political economy— & all the “less intellectual” europeans who go study “business” do so in the stunted anglo-analytic framework anyway— these become the actually effective “intellectuals” when it comes to implementing policy, while the “philosophers” just blabber about nonsense. “Situationism” is a cool “philosophical vibe” for your poetry zine— it doesn’t help you understand what the Bank for International Settlements does. It provides slogans to hang on a wall at an art gallery which are then used as a vehicle of asset inflation & tax avoidance.
Feb 19 4 tweets 1 min read
May 68 was just CIA compatible New Leftism & to quote Kojeve’s response to it (as recounted by Aron) mere buffoonery, a nuisance. What you call “colonialism” was what Kojeve recognized as the epoch of empires & the establishment of a “Mediterranean empire” that could stand as a civilizational state in between both anglophone empire & soviet empire. Trade agreements are foreign policy.
Feb 19 4 tweets 1 min read
With the death of Kojeve the chances Europe stood to create its own sphere of influence was lost entirely. He was the only Stalinist they let challenge American capitalists at their own game. They got completely rope a doped by Kissinger & various others after Kojeve died. Europe produces very mediocre intellectuals because they don’t actually do anything— as vulgar as American intellectuals are, they at least inform geopolitical actions. The Europeans can’t do shit. They accomplish nothing but implementing American decisions.
Feb 19 4 tweets 1 min read
In true bully fashion Trump has bullied his own psyopped ward, Ukraine, by saying they should not have been cucked enough to get couped in 2014 & baited into a suicidal war against Russia solely to bail out America’s european interests. It’s funny but also cruel, obviously. America to Europe right now is going “lmao you guys fell for all that gay shit I told you was cool lmaooo you’re so gay you just do whatever we tell you to do, because you’re losers”
Feb 17 20 tweets 3 min read
Alex Jones used to talk about both the “globalists” & the “breakaway civilization”— now he is firmly on the side of the “breakaway civilization” against the “globalists.” This “breakaway civilization” is precisely what Elon Musk represents. A deeper deep state than the deep state of “globalism”— this is a breakaway civilization seeking supranational sovereignty without having to maintain “globalist welfare” etc
Feb 17 9 tweets 2 min read
The funny thing about the “thought leaders” on the right is that they either have their own particular ideology which is at odds with the reality of Trump or else they have no discernible ideology but gassing whatever Trump does. BAP for instance has been going on a tear about the necessity of arming Taiwan into an IDF style military state, but Trump is imposing tariffs to strip them of their only strategic industrial capacity so that Chinese absorption of Taiwan has no negative externalities to the US lol
Feb 12 5 tweets 2 min read
The funniest irony of American Catholic converts is that they become sedevacantists because the Vatican in 2025 is a “leftist” (ie: center left social democracy) organization & Catholicism in America has “far right” implications in terms of feeding the Right supreme court justice picks, federalist society, thomistic natural law types etc— so you have JD Vance lectured by the Episcopalian priest(ess) & he’s like “this is fake Christianity I’m a tradcath” & then the Pope says “actually we’re all the same international NGO at this point & you’re a schismatic” & the conclusion is “This can’t be the REAL Pope he’s a libtard” lol The American Catholic convert believes himself to be MORE CATHOLIC than the Pope!