Imagine you rent a $873,600 home for $17,000/yr, or $1417/mo. You pay $27,000 upfront for landscaping.
Your lease is 35 years. You pay no upkeep.
Your annual rent increase is 1%. By Year 35 you’re paying $2,000/mo, but with inflation you really pay LESS than $1417 #yyccc
Now you also agree to contribute $13,200 towards a $52,000 guest house at the back that is open to the public.
Of course your guests get to stay there, too #yyccc
Oh yeah. You earn revenue from this place!
You charge entry for all the parties you’ll hold there - and extra for drinks, food, and merch.
And people like your parties! According to Statistic you historically bill $120,000+ USD a year in your current “dump”. #yyccc
And a bonus!
The landlord can’t imagine their community without your events, so they’re offering you right of first refusal to BUY neighbouring sites. The landlord is putting in hundreds of thousands in improvements so these sites will be attractive. #yyccc
Then again, you may not buy these sites because unlike this sweet, brand-new, outrageously subsidized place you’re about to rent, control, and use for incredibly healthy revenues, you’d actually have to pay property taxes on these ones
The question is, where would you find a landlord so worried about your precious parties that they would offer you such a mind-numbingly one-sided deal?