🧵on post-Brexit 'municipal mercantilism', which translates as venture capitalists queuing up for stakes in and around Sunak's Freeports and his recently resurrected investment zones. A Brexit-obsessed duopoly is effectively disenfranchising millions of voters to cement the zone.
Truss’s Investment zones have been quietly picked up by Jeremy Hunt, it's worth taking a historical look at Thatcher’s previous efforts to create a Hong Kong-on-Thames in the context of post-Brexit and the Govt’s resurrection of deregulated economic enclaves via Sunak’s Freeports
The Square Mile of the City of London is a zone that's survived since medieval times, known as the Vatican of Capitalism, like Hong Kong it enjoys the peculiar status of political independence as it is governed by different rules, and in its elections, businesses have ballots too
The City of London post-war years became a place to hold off-shore Dollars or Euro Dollars beyond the reach of US regulators. As the British Empire crumbled, libertarians sought out new ways to secret away wealth and avoid taxation. Step forward a new Second British Empire.
London was and still is Butler to the World, protecting oligarchs, oil tycoons, property magnates, foreign-owned banks, individuals, and professional criminals even more so when their capital is threatened by the rising tide of public dissent and outrage during the CoL crisis.
Thatcher deregulated financial services in 86 (Big Bang) up came Canary Wharf dotted with glass and steel skyscrapers, soulless monuments to capital greed stood in stark contrast to the needs of its ordinary residents. #
The Docklands zone was birthed in a nearby pub, The Waterman’s Arms, its Conservative attendees were rapt with attention to their speaker Geoffrey Howe who was championing free market ideas of Enoch Powell (Rivers of Blood, 1968) that formed the basis of Thatcherism.
Concerns from right-wing libertarians centered on trying to keep up with the Joneses who were ‘Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea’. Britain saw that 1 of its former colonies was teaching them about the intricacies of separating capitalism from any democratic oversight
Howe was quick to point out Hong Kong was the ‘child of 2 parents’, UK and China. Tories took heed of Hong Kong’s coastal experiments in capital accumulation by framing it within SEZs and demonstrating that you didn’t need to create new nations, you could just carve up old ones.
Ring-fencing zones from the host country allayed any misgivings venture capitalist's may have had about Govt interference. Tories anti-governance is once again ensuring that democracy is ritually blocked at every opportunity to secure post Brexit goal of total economic liberty.
Back to the pub with Howe who cited geographer Peter Hall’s observations on Hong Kong’s SEZs that’ they practiced an ‘imperfect version of democracy, but this helped to explain their success”…
Howe’s enthusiasm for Hall’s authoritarian dystopia could be implemented by transforming inner cities into ‘Crown colonies’ where people who opted in would lose their national citizenship and protections but would enjoy individual liberty unimpeded by taxation or regulation.
The zones would leave the EEC and recreate Hong Kong-on-Thames in Liverpool or Glasgow. The 'innovation' was to short-circuit local Govt and hand control (or take it back) to hostile capitalist developers. The audience in the pub broke into rapturous applause. Grassroots commerce
The IEA (est.1955) proudly boasted about incubating Truss’ disastrous mini-budget, know that her investment zones are resurrections of outright attacks on fair redistributionism of GDP, she said this recently at Heritage.
By testing socialism in one zone and laissez-faire in another, competition becomes totally unbalanced. Thatcher’s Canary Wharf pierced holes in the economic fabric, the results were stark bolstered by Govt ad campaign with headlines like ‘How to Build a Tax Haven’.
Thatcher’s advisor Alan Walters from Mont Pelerin said they’d like to turn Britain into ‘one big enterprise zone’, fine for the capitalists but hell for the neighbouring communities who would become an unwilling supply of subjugated workers, both migrant and domestic.
So who would pay subsidies to allow these zones to flourish, the Govt admitted that only some areas would get priority. An engineered crisis to breed entrepreneurs in a Social Darwinist hellscape where poverty sits cheek-by-jowl with extreme capital accumulation. The zone awaits.
Is any of this switching a light on for you guys out there? Put Sunak’s Freeports and the +75km investments zones into the mix and what do you get? A plan for post-Brexit Britain that is being stealthily and methodically installed behind the headlines.
The zones are experiments libertarian Tom Bell stated with a smile that ‘some may work, others may not’. Howe's buddy Alan Walters was quizzed by statistician Angus Maddison over Hong Kong saying ‘they didn’t even have elections’, Walters replied ‘Yes, that’s just what I meant’.
Remember that these investment zones are handed absolute administrative authority, residents in the zones are mere observers of their own fate. Financial businesses, property developers, and so-called green hydrogen energy companies are being handed extra-territorial powers.
Allowing corporate powers to bypass local councils, forgo planning permission, and ignore the social housing of residents by pricing them out of the market, where do they go? Foisted off Into one of the zones that wasn't t given priority for subsidies of course.
Local Clerical workers mobilized to have the medieval feudal system of the City of London abolished, a Peoples Plan Center was set up to gather alternative visions of reviving the docks with grass-roots outreach, a wonderful antidote to the bulldozing tactics of the Tories.
This is happening right now with Teesside, developers are being given deals on public land for £1 an acre safe in the knowledge that the land is worth hundreds of millions. Underhand land-grabbing deals will repeat across every one of Sunak's Freeports.
A lesson. In the 80’s the GLC managed to successfully block developers from land-grabbing entire areas of inner city London, instead turning them into diverse communities so local residents could decide themselves what kind of neighbourhoods they wanted.
The results were a proposal to restore small scale manufacturing where people were not lavatory attendants or porters for businessmen but were self-empowering jobs that contributed to the region that fostered fair capital within an egalitarian economic structure.
Thatcher and Tebbit were seething and abolished the GLC saying that ‘it was a monster that had to be killed’. So the patterns of dismantling the unions also include hobbling local councils, effectively eviscerating the social fabric of society.
The Tories and their cohorts of lobbying corporations and property developers set about subjugating the populous to meaningless lives of below-minimum wage toil, a know-thy-place punishment and put-up-or-shut-up humiliation.
The centre-left switched to the centre-right, but now the centre-right has switched to the far right. A ‘municipal mercantilism’ where our representative parties form a convenient duopoly that is forcibly enabling Brexit to permanently occupy the zone. theguardian.com/business/2022/…
Dear Liverpool residents, are you aware of the stranglehold Truss and her brethren have over your futures? Truss despises balanced redistribution of GDP, Hunt has picked up her investment zones when Sunak said he'd dropped them, charter cities coming. gmhousingaction.com/commissioners-…
Post-Brexit ushering in 'municipal mercantilism', which means venture capitalists queuing up for stakes in and around Sunak's Freeports and his recently resurrected investment zones, patchworks of semi-sovereignty will eventually form on big tax haven.🧵
Freeports and investment zones hark back to 1600 with the East India Company and continued in the Opium Wars of the mid-1800s, 'zone-fever' spread as colonialism brought 'legalized lawlessness' for unbridled capital accumulation. Spin forward to Brexit!🧵
How delightful...the far right entertaining the far right at No 10.
Meloni praises Sunak’s immigration policies on visit to No 10 theguardian.com/politics/2023/…
This is how destroying democracy goes, 1970's saw the centre left shift to the centre right, social contract shredded. Today's libertarian shitfest where the centre right chrysalis hatches and accedes to the far right, normalizing fascists and dictators... theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
Ms Meloni’s determination to take on the “LGBT lobby”, for example, has resulted in pressure on municipalities not to allow most same-sex couples to register their children, a move that has been censured by the European parliament.
Campaign time is inevitably filled with empty promises about saving the NHS, reducing crime and the usual 'more police on streets' BS. Do people get that politicians, their donors and affiliated press manipulate outrage while stealthily implementing their anti-democracy plans? 🧵
Sunak, Truss, Frost, Badenoch visit r/w think tanks such as Heritage, Cato, AIER, Mont Pelerin, Policy Exchange UK, FREER, IEA, ERG who publish papers like "The Case for an Activist Judiciary to Secure Economic liberty""What Greta Thunberg Forgets About Climate Change" >
"The Real Reason Nobody Takes Environmental Activists Seriously" "Brazilians Should Keep Slashing Their Rainforest" "Reality-based politics and Sustaining the Brexit Revolt""Understanding Islamism" "Why the Centre for European reform is Wrong About Brexit"
Johnson approved this greenwashing redevelopment site for luxury apartments in a pocket of 1 of the worst deprived areas in Ealing, despite Council and residents campaign to block it, now they are falling ill due to petrol like fumes in the area. Obscene. theguardian.com/business/2023/…
Case in point
Royal Ins. of Chartered Surveyors do not serve the public interest, they're a powerful lobbying group for venture capitalists with a direct channel into Govt. Housing crisis is no accident, a calculated product of an elite group. theguardian.com/artanddesign/2…
Meanwhile, local authorities have been forced into public-private partnerships for major developments on their own land, including the “regeneration” of estates that leads to the loss of thousands of council houses and the break-up of communities.
Yesterday the Tories blocked Labour's motion to prevent water companies discharging raw sewage into rivers and coastlines. Tories preferred to protect water companies profits over public and environmental health. How is any of this not a criminal act?
Here's @DefraGovUK@theresecoffey tweet via the Govt's website - 'The legally binding targets that already exist through the Environment Act 2021 to cut 80% of total phosphorus pollution from sewage treatment plants by 2038'. 14 years waiting time...
Because Tories have a majority, Sunak had an amendment put to the vote where 290 Ayes against 188 Noes said a big fuck off to public health and a big congratulations to the water companies carrying on dumping shit while making astronomical profits.
In 2005 Tories published a paper that acknowledged Labour's move to the centre right had outmanoeuvred their own parties ideological aims, the choices the hard right faction listed lead to the parties insurgence today as a extreme right (fascist) outfit.👇🏻 whatwouldvirchowdo.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/direct…
Tories blame game>"A new consensus demanding the extension of the activist state’s reach is underpinned by support from the BBC, the judiciary and academia.
Even if we include UKIP, the BNP and the various hues of Ulster Unionist, the Right-of-Centre vote is still only 36%"
On Schools
"Too many children do too many exams, all designed to get too many of them into university, where there are too many degrees on offer to too many students'
Schools should be independent, where new providers should be allowed to enter the market and compete for pupils">