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Apr 30, 2023 257 tweets >60 min read Read on X

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim," Atty. Jung apologizes for the second time. "But as I've said earlier, you won't be able to sell your aunt's property at this point. According to her will, you need to satisfy three conditions before you decide
what to do with the place:
1 - live there for six months
2 - open the book cafe to her usual customers and tourists, and
3 - fully appreciate Jeonju."

Taehyung exhales loudly. "First, can we drop the formalities?" He suggests. "We've known each other since we were kids, Hyung."
"It's just that I'm at work now, and we're talking about a serious matter here," Hobi complains. "Let's focus on the issue, okay?"

"Fine! But, Hyung, is there something we can do to not follow those?" Taehyung asks, hoping there's a way for him not to leave his life in Seoul.
"I can't possibly leave my job for six months. I was just promoted as assistant interior designer last week."

"Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. It was how your aunt wanted it. She's the only one who can alter the conditions, but as we both know, she's no longer around
to do so. Which is exactly why we are here discussing her will."

"This is very difficult for me," Taehyung whines. "How will I ever decide what to do? Of course, I respect my aunt and her wishes. But I have my own life, too!"

"Maybe you can take a leave of absence so you
can stay here?" Hobi voices his thoughts. "Or if you choose your career, then you can just make a statement disclaiming or rejecting the inheritance."

"What happens then?" Taehyung inquires. "Does the property go to the government?"

"Uhm, no," Hobi hesitantly answers. "It will
be given to another person."

"What?" Taehyung shouts in surprise. "Will it be given to my other cousins? Jin Hyung? Namjoon Hyung?"

Hobi shakes his head.

"Then who?" Taehyung asks, totally bewildered. "Ah, I'm sure the conditions are much more difficult for this person."
"Well, once you reject it," Hobi starts to explain, "the property will automatically be given, without conditions, to the man she stipulated in another version of the will."

"There's another version of the will?" Taehyung is very confused already.

"Yes, the version that
specifies the recipient of the property in case you reject," Hobi explains.

"Did my aunt have a boyfriend or something?" Taehyung asks again, wondering who the man is.

"Tae, your aunt is already 72 when her heart failed her," Hobi reminds him. "Do you honestly think she
had a boyfriend at that age?"

"Why not?" Taehyung is defensive. "She's quite stunning even at her old age."

"I meant no disrespect, okay? I love your aunt," Hobi airs his opinion. "But I don't think a 27 year old hot guy would get a 72 year old woman as a girlfriend."
"27?" Taehyung shouts. "Are you kidding me?"

"He's just younger than you by two years," Hobi shrugs.

"Do I know him?" Taehyung thinks there's something suspicious about it.

"I don't think you know Jeon Jungkook," Hobi says nonchalantly.

"Who the fuck is Jeon Jungkook?"

"Appa, can I finally go to the book cafe after school later?"

Jungkook sighs. "Mari, we still don't know if the book cafe will ever open again."

Mari's lips wobble. "Please don't cry, baby."

"I miss Mrs. Kim," Mari starts to cry. "I miss the hot chocolate with
marshies. I hate it that she's never coming back. She didn't even say goodbye!"

Jungkook wipes the tears and hugs her daughter. "I'm sure she would've said goodbye if she knew she'd go away. Especially now that she's not coming back. But she left so suddenly that's why.
She didn't know it's her time to go to heaven."

Mari pushes him away. "Appa, do you think Mrs. Kim and Eomma already met in heaven?"

"That's possible," he smiles at his daughter.

"Hmm. I hope, Mrs. Kim tells Eomma that I'm a good girl," Mari smiles back at Jungkook.
"I'm sure she will," Jungkook tells her. "By now, I think she told her already."

"Really?" She says in excitement. "I think I can be happy that they're together in heaven. But I'd still miss the books and the hot choco with marshies. Can we pass by the book cafe later?
I want to see it."

"Of course," Jungkook assures her. "But now, you need to brush your teeth so we can leave. You'll be late for school."

Mari jumps out of her chair and runs to the bathroom. Jungkook clears the table and shoves the dishes to the dishwasher.
"I'm ready!" Mari exclaims as she goes out of the bathroom.

"Are tour things ready?" Jungkook asks the 6-year old girl.

"Ready, Appa!" She says as she puts her bag on her back.

Jungkook looks at his watch while wears his sling bag and realizes they are indeed running on a
tight schedule. As usual.

He scoops up Mari into his arms and she giggles happily.

"But I want to walk to the car, Appa!" She protests.

"Next time, princess," he promises. "We both don't want to get late, right?"

"Uhuh, I don't," she agrees. "I want to get a hug from
Teacher Sumi! If I come late, she's already in front, singing with my classmates."

"You really like her, huh?" Jungkook asks as he puts her in her car seat.

"Yeah. Because she likes you, Appa! I heard her talking to Teacher Lira," she continues talking while his father starts
the car and drives off. "Mr. Jeon is so cute. Mr. Jeon has a beautiful smile. Do you think Mr. Jeon will agree if I ask him for out?"

"They talk like that in front of you?" Jungkook thinks the teachers should not behave that way in front of the children.

"Nah," Mari denies.
"I hear them talking during nap time," Mari explains. "I close my eyes, but I can't sleep. I just play pretend."

Jungkook chuckles. "But you should not listen to conversations of grown-ups."

"They should not talk loudly during nap time," she pouts.

"Okay, I'll talk to them."
"Noooooo! They'll know I'm not asleep during nap time!"

"Then try to sleep during nap time, okay?"

"Okay!" Mari agrees reluctantly.

They continue the drive in silence until Mari shreiks.

"Appaaaaa!" She shouts. "Stop the car!"

Jungkook swerves the car a little in surprise.
Jungkook hurriedly parks by the sidewalk and looks at his daughter.

"Mari, you know it's not okay to disturb Appa while driving, right?" He reprimands lightly. "We're lucky there's no one else when I swerved. We could've been hurt, or our car might have hit someone else."
"I'm sorry, Appa," Mari looks like she's going to cry.

"Just don't do it again, okay?" He sighs. "Why did you ask to stop the car?"

She brightens up immediately. "Appa, look! The book cafe's door is open!"

True enough, he can see from where they are that the door is open.
"I saw an angel walking through that door," she whispers like it's a secret.


"Can we go there and ask if I can go there after school and read books while drinking hot choco with marshies?" She asks her own question instead.

"As much as I want to, princess,
we don't have time to do that," he patiently explains. "You're already late for school."

"But the angel might disappear if we don't go there now!" She protests.

"You know Appa's office is just around the corner, right?" He asks and Mari nods. "While you're in school, I'll go
back and ask the angel myself, okay?"

"You promise?" She asks hesitantly.

"I promise," he says, smiling to convince the little girl. "You'll know when I pick you up later if we can go to the cafe."

"Okay," Mari settles down, and Jungkook drives again.

But he wasn't able to
fulfil his promise. As soon as he enters his office, the amount of work makes him forget his promise.

Being the manager of the biggest and most efficient travel and tours agency in Jeonju is not an easy task.

He realizes his mistake when he picks Mari up after school and
demands that he relays what the angel said to him.

"Angel?" He asks dumbly.

"The one I saw entering the book cafe's door?" Mari gasps. "You forgot!"

"I didn't!" Jungkook lies. "The angel was not there when I went there this morning."

Mari's lips quiver and then she wails.
"You promised!" She continues to cry.

"I did. I'm sorry, princess," he feels bad for forgetting about it. "But we'll be passing by the book cafe in a few minutes. So please stop crying. Who knows, the angel might be back by now."

Mari hiccups. "You think so?"

"It's possible."
But to their dismay, the book cafe is closed when they arrive there.
Jungkook knocks on the door but he receives no response. He looks through the windows but there's no sign of any activity inside.

"I'm sorry, princess," he apologizes again. "Maybe Atty. Jung visited this place
earlier. He told us he would visit soon, right?"

"But it was not him!" Mari counters. "I know how he looks like."

"I know. Let's try again tomorrow?"

"Okay," Mari walks back to the car sadly.

Jungkook sighs. He understands how his daughter misses the place.
Since they arrived in Jeonju two years ago, Mari consistently went there every afternoon.

The first few times that they visited, it was Jungkook who bought or borrowed books. He reads before he sleeps and he prefers to read printed books than ebooks.

And as they say, children
catch the habits of the adults they're always with. Mari also developed a love for books. She started with picture books. Just looking at the pictures without understanding any words. She was just four years old.

They were like that for a few months until one day, Mari insisted
on staying in the book cafe while she waits for his father to finish work. He was adamant at first, not quite sure that Mrs. Kim will look after his daughter, and at the same time, he didn't want to bother the book cafe owner.

Jungkook was afraid that she'd think he was taking
advantage of his kindness. But to his relief, Mrs. Kim didn't mind Mari staying over. She even told them that she really loved Mari because she reminded him of his favorite nephew.

Mrs. Kim was all praise to the boy, said his love for books and hot choco with marshies prompted
her to collect books for his frequent visits. Until it became a business when the books filled the first level of her house.

Along with her nephew, they opened the personal library to her neighbors until it became quite known in Jeonju.

Since it's a personal library, the place
feels like home to its frequent visitors. They sit on comfortable couches and chairs scattered around the area.

Jungkook is thankful and feels indebted to Mrs. Kim because she's the one who taught Mari to read.

The father and daughter felt like Mrs. Kim was family. They were
devastated when she passed.

It's such a shame that they were not able to meet her nephew, who she said was quite too busy to visit because of his job in Seoul. However, he frequently called his aunt.

There were times when Jungkook had to attend to her visitors because she was
too busy talking to her nephew. There's never a day that he didn't call. And Jungkook was quite amazed with his dedication to his aunt, who seemed to love him just as much.

His thoughts halt when they reach his office.

"You can just read or draw in my office while I attend a
staff meeting," Jungkook tells her daughter who seems to be extra sad at the moment. But she responds positively.

"Okay, Appa," she smiles a little. "I'll just draw. I don't want to read from my tablet. I want a real book."

"We can buy from the mall this weekend."
Mari simply nods and sits on the couch, grabbing a drawing book under the center table, then getting color pencils from her bag.

"I'll be back in about an hour, okay?"

Mari nods.

But when Jungkook returns after over an hour, he can't find his daughter anywhere in the office.
“Nini, did Mari left the building?” Jungkook asks the receptionist who is stationed near the door of their office.

“We were talking maybe half an hour ago,” Nini responds. “She was asking me if your meeting will take long. I was about to answer her when the phone rang and I had
to accommodate inquiries from a group of tourists from the UK. But I didn’t hear the door chime if that helps. Though I can’t be too sure since I’m on the phone.”

Jungkook sighs. He is so worried.

“Oh, she also asked me if I saw that the book café’s door was open earlier today.
But I didn’t.”

“Oh, shit!” Jungkook exclaims and he runs to the book café just around the corner. He immediately sees his daughter peeking through the window on tiptoes.

“Mari!” He shouts as soon as he is near the structure.

“Appa!” She cries and runs to him.
“It is still closed,” she sobs.

Jungkook wants to be angry at Mari for making him worry but seeing the little girl so devastated prevents him to add to her sadness.

“Mari, you need to accept that your favourite place is now closed,” Jungkook tries to explain clearly.
“And it might not open again.”

“But I saw the door open this morning!” She protests.

“We don’t know why it was open this morning but it’s closed now,” he doesn’t know how to further explain the situation to the child. “Come on, let’s go home. I’ll prepare macaroni and cheese
for dinner. I can also make hot choco after”

Mari smiles a little with the information. “Okay, I like that.”

“Please don’t ever leave the office without informing me. Promise me, Mari.” Jungkook offers his hand to the child and she takes it.

“I promise, Appa.”
Then they walk back to his office, with Mari reciting the titles of the story books that she surely misses to read from the book cafe.

They didn’t see a man emerge from the café. After making sure that it is locked, he jogs to his white SUV parked across the street.
Taehyung winces as he listens to his voicemail. He is listening to the third one from Hobi.

"Kim Taehyung, you know that avoiding me would not solve the issue. You only have a week and it's three months already after the will was read to you. I will have to approach Jeon
Jungkook, if you don't get your ass here and meet the conditions your aunt specified."

He hears a sigh.

"I understand that it's hard for you. But don't you think it's time for you to decide? If not for you, at least for your dear aunt? I will wait for your call, Taehyungie."
He hears a beep signifying the end of the voice message.

Taehyung looks up at the ceiling of his office. It's 9pm and he is still there, working on the last minute instructions of the head interior designer for her presentation tomorrow, while the said woman already left at 5pm,
saying that she needs to meet her friends from college. And when Taehyung reminded her that the presentation is very important, she told him that meeting her friends is as important - for networking.

Taehyung wants to protest. But he decided not to. At the end of the day,
he still needs to do his job. She is technically her boss in the project so he can't defy her orders or he will face sanctions.


Taehyung startles, hearing a voice from outside his office. He looks at the door and sees his colleague Hyungsik approaching him.
"Don't tell me you're pulling an all-nighter again?" He asks.

"Look who's talking!" Taehyung smiles teasingly at him. "We're both here at this hour."

"Because I'm on leave from tomorrow. I'll be back on Tuesday," Hyungsik grins at him. "I'm going on a trip to Bali with my
girlfriend and her family."

"Now, I feel so pathetic," Taehyung grunts.

"Then take a break, Tae," Hyungsik suggests. "You've been working too hard."

"Like I have someone to go on a vacation with," he whines.

"Seunghon has been trying to date you," Hyungsik arches his brow.
"Please don't remind me," Taehyung rolls his eyes. "He thinks so highly of himself. Imagine he told me last week that he likes me even if I'm only an assistant?"

"The audacity!" Hyungsik exclaims.

"He's not even cute!" Taehyung fake gags. "He even smells like a used sock!"
They laugh loudly.

"Are you not done yet? I'll treat you to dinner," Hyungsik tells him. He can see the stress on his friend's face.

"Let me just send the final version of the presentation for tomorrow," Taehyung faces his computer. "Her highness would have a tantrum if she
checks her email in the morning, and there's none from me."

"You're not even credited for anything," Hyungsik reminds him.

"She says that's what assistants are for," Taehyung shrugs. "So all the credit goes to her."

"We all know her anyway. We credit you in our minds."
Taehyung shuts down his computer and gets up. "I don't think I'm happy with how things are going lately. I feel like I'm being used."

"Then ask for a transfer, Tae," Hyungsik says as they leave the room. "You can transfer to my team."

"But you already have an assistant.
I don't want her to think that I'm replacing her. Especially because everyone knows we're friends since high school."

"Then what's your plan?" Hyungsik asks. "To be honest, your working relationship with your superior is not healthy. She's not working anymore. You're doing
everything for her."

Taehyunt pouts. He knows his friend is right.

They're quiet as they cross the road to the restaurant they both like. They enter and choose the usual corner.

"I have something to discuss with you," Taehyung starts. They just gave their food orders.
Hyungsik looks at him seriously, then he nods, a signal for Taehyung to continue.

"Do you remember my aunt from Jeonju?" He asks.

"Of course," Hyungsik recalls visiting with Taehyung once. "I was there to help you with the book cafe. I guess it's you who forgot about it."
"Oh yeah!" Taehyung chuckles. "Sorry it was years ago."

"I remember you telling me that you were so guilty when she passed since you haven't been able to visit for years," Hyungsik tells him sadly.

"Yeah," Taehyung inhales then exhales loudly. "She left me her house.
And the business on the first level."

"Then why do you look so bothered?"

"I need to live there for six months, open the cafe, and love the whole place," Taehyung says casually.

"You definitely can't live there for six months," Hyungsik voices out his opinion. "A week that
you're out, and your team will crumble to the ground. We all know that."

"I know," Taehyung admits. "But the way I'm being treated by now, I'm seriously considering it."

"Then what's stopping you?"

"I'm just scared, you know?" Taehyung admits. "I've been preparing for so
long to be an interior designer. Then I'll just give up everything? Do I even know how to run a business? Will I survive there?"

Their orders arrive then, makguksu for Taehyung and japchae for Hyungsik.

"Your fear is valid, Tae," Hyungsik says before taking his first bite.
"If you don't want to live there, then don't. Make it like a vacation house or something."

"That's not possible, though," Taehyung shakes his head. "I need to satisfy all the conditions. I actually get Auntie. She wanted to continue our tradition of reading books. Plus we're
each other's favorites. Though I'm still wondering why she chose to give it to Jeon Jungkook in case I would not be interested."

"Is he another cousin?" Hyungsik asks curiously. "I've never heard that name from you before."

"I actually don't know who he is," Taehyung tells his
friend. "And I didn't ask. Though Hobi Hyung told me that the guy has no idea about everything. He will only be informed once I decide not to claim the property."

"That's actually suspicious," Hyungsik furrows his brows.

"Right?" Taehyung's cheeks are full of noodles.
"Is it possible that he's a long-lost son?" Hyungsik ponders.

"I don't think so," Taehyung responds. "Her husband, who is also a Kim, died a year after they got married. It turned out Uncle was diagnosed with leukemia and they got married despite knowing that. They went to Jeju
for honeymoon, then spent every single day after that in the hospital. Auntie took an oath when Uncle was being buried that she would never love someone else. That's according to her stories. I was born years after. And this guy, Jeon Jungkook, is two years younger than me."
"Her love story was tragic," Hyungsik comments.

"She didn't view it as such," Taehyung shrugs. "She thought it's the most beautiful. Because it's her own."

"Well, she's right if you look at it that way," he agrees with a shrug. "So what are you going to do? Will hunt the
man down and ask him?"

"No? He will get the property once I decline," Taehyung explains. "I have no right over the place anymore once I say no to it. So there's no reason to really know the guy. I admit I'm curious, but it's between him and Auntie. I respect that."
"So, what's your plan now, Tae?" his friend asks curiously.

"I really treasure that place, you know?" Taehyung sighs, pensive. "It holds a lot of love between Auntie and myself. Since I didn't get to know my Mom since she passed when I was born, Auntie was the mother figure in
my life. I spent a lot of time with her growing up since Dad had to go on business trips and she volunteered to take care of me during those times. I especially love going to Jeonju from Daegu almost every month."

"You basically grew up in Daegu and Jeonju," Hyungsik comments.
"Yeah, but the funny thing is I never get to know Jeonju that much," Taehyung shares. "I was just holed up in Auntie's living room reading books and drinking hot choco. I was never interested in going out to see the nice places there. I preferred the imaginary world that the
books offered. It's quite opposite from my life now. I haven't finished a book for years already. Life is too hectic for that."

"You badly need a break, Tae," Hyungsik advises. "Maybe you can ask our CEO for a weeklong vacation? You deserve it. You even work on weekends.
And during that vacation, think about what you plan to do with what your Aunt left you. You may also want to strike a deal with the guy? That's if you really can't get it for yourself. Ask him if you can visit from time to time since it's a special place for you."
Taehyung giggles. "Of course I can visit! It's a cafe! Open to the public."

Hyungsik snorts realizing it. "Or maybe you can buy it from him."

"I don't know," Taehyung is really undecided about it. "As much as I love the place, I'm actually thinking that this Jeon Jungkook can
take care of that property better."

"Tae, there you go again," Hyungsik chastises him. "You're undermining yourself again. Stop that. Take your time to really think about it."

"I'm actually running out of time," Taehyung confesses. "I've been deferring my decision for months
already. I need to give the lawyer a definite answer next week."

"Typical you. Putting off things 'til you're forced to really act on it," Hyungsik glares at him. "I wish I can help you. But it's your decision to make."

It turns out to be an easy decision the following day.
"You sabotaged me!" Taehyung's team leader shouts at him.

"I what?" Taehyung asks her, anger eating up his whole being.

"Your presentation! You made it in a way to make sure that I'd fail. It's too complicated! The client didn't understand," she throws he folder on the
floor! Now, I failed to get the project! It's all your fault."

Taehyung tries to keep his anger in check.

"You're a burden in my team! Such a loser!" She remarks, glaring angrily at Taehyung.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung can no longer contain himself. "It's not my fault that you
did not prepare for today. I was there earlier. The presentation was impressive. But when they asked you a question, you were not able to give them an answer. So I answered for you! But what did you do? You stupidly contradicted it! That's the reason why we didn't get the
project! Because the team leader is indecisive and unprepared. The presentation I prepared was perfect. You were subpar!"

"How dare you!" She grabs a stapler and throws it a Taehyung.

But Taehyung is agile. He catches the stapler and then smirks. "You know what? I quit!
I'm done following your orders when I know I'm a lot better than you. I'm sure you'll never get anyone better than me. And just so you know, there's a CCTV in this conference room. I will report that you tried to hurt me. Good luck!"

He walks away hearing the woman shouting his
name to come back. But he proceeds to his office, locks the door and types his resignation letter with the complaint against his superior. He then packs his things, and submits the letter to the HR.

"You can't leave without prior notice," the HR Head kindly tells him.
"But you have a lot of leave credits since you've been working so hard. You can use it instead of coming to work. I'm sure there will be more days that you can even monetize."

"Please do whatever you think will help me," he thankfully requests. "I just don't want to be here

"I'm sorry this happened to you," the woman says. "I know both of you, and if it's possible, I'd rather keep you than her. I promise that I will personally deal with this matter and act on it fairly. Is there a chance that we can change your mind?"
"I'm sure she won't be fired and will just be given a warning," Taehyung smiles at the HR head knowingly. "At this point, I prefer to value myself and my skill. Let me know what's next. If you can process everything without me coming back here, I'd appreciate it."

"Mr. Kim..."
Taehyung bows to her then walks away.

He is almost out of the building when Hyungsik calls out his name.

"Tae!" He says panting. It seems that he ran all the way to the building lobby. "You resigned?"

"I just did," he grins at him, bitter but somehow relieved.
"So, I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Tae, just transfer to my team," Hyungsik tries to convince him. "Just take a break and then come back. When you do, I'll welcome you to my team."

"Your team won't like it," he chuckles dryly. "We're all working hard to be the best here.
I will immediately become a competition to your staff if I join your team. I'm tired of the animosity I'm getting since I started here. It's time for me to step back."

Hyungsik sighs, knowing fully well that he can't change Taehyung's mind. He regrets that he was not in his team
to begin with.

"Okay, then," he accepts defeat. "I'll drop by your apartment within the week."

"Let me know when," Taehyung tells him. "I'd be busy packing my things the moment I reach my apartment."


"I'm moving to Jeonju," Taehyung's smile is bright.
"Yes, Hobi Hyung. I just arrived," Taehyung answers the lawyer's call. "I'll be staying here for good."

"You surprise me, Tae!" Hobi sounds pleased. "I honestly thought you were going to ignore my call again."

"I'm really sorry for missing a lot of your calls," he
apologizes. "I was too busy. And I really didn't know what to do until early this week."

"It's okay, I understand. I'm just glad that you're here now," he pauses, talking to someone. "Sorry for the interruption. My wife is asking what I want for dinner. Oh, would you like to
join us, Tae?"

"I will have to pass. Maybe next time?" Taehyung declines. "I'm quite tired from the drive, and I need to settle down first."

"Do you need help then?" Hobi inquires. "I can go there now."

"No need, Hyung. I just brought a luggage of clothes and some other
important things," he explains. "All of my other belongings will be here, maybe tomorrow or Sunday."

"Then I'll visit you then. Just to help," Hobi offers. "Jinah would love to see you again. It's been years."

"Yeah," Taehyung chuckles. "I'd love to see your wife again, too.
Oh, by the way, Hyung. Is it okay if I don't open the book cafe right away? I would want to keep to myself for a few days first, have a feel of everything."

"The will doesn't specify the time for you to open it," Hobi ponders. "As long as you open it, it would be fine."
"I think I'll be ready in two weeks," Taehyung estimates. "I just want the library to be exclusive to me for the time being. I know it's been open to everyone for quite some time already, but I want to be selfish for a few days."

Hobi laughs at that.

"Take your time, Tae.
I understand that this is a big change for you," Hobi assures him. "Just let me know it you need help. Jieun and I will be glad to help."

"I'll go around town maybe tomorrow. Just to check where the groceries are and other important establishments that I'd frequent," he informs
Hobi of his plans. "I'll call you if I get lost and can't find my way back."

They both laugh.

"I'll let you go now, Tae. Welcome to Jeonju!"

Taehyung cuts the call and sighs. This is the start of his new life. New but somehow familiar. Given that he'll be staying in place
he truly loves.

He informed his father about the move and he was quite surprised. He promised to visit with his family soon. Taehyung likes that. He is fond of his much younger half sister and his father's wife is kind. So he is excited to welcome them in his new home.
They tried to meet him every time they visited Seoul but he was too busy working, he never got the chance. Now that he has a lot of time in his hands, he can improve his relationship with them.

Taehyung looks around, the autumn afternoon is so beautiful. The wind is gentle on
his face.

He smiles as the orange, yellow and red leaves of the nearby trees sway slowly as if to welcome him to this place.

Taehyung turns and looks at the main door of the property, which is also the entrance of the book cafe.

"What is your plan, Auntie?" He whispers to
himself. "Do I really deserve to have this place? I was not even there for you for the past years."

He enters the door after unlocking it and nostalgia hit him by surprise. He remembers arranging the books on the shelves. They're exactly how they used to be.
His tears fall down in streams, feeling the loss of his aunt once again. "I'll take good care of this place for you, Auntie," he promises.

He stays there just looking at the rows of shelves, hugging himself and feeling so alone. He doesn't know how much time passes until he
decides to climb up the stairs to the living area.

He chuckles when he reaches the landing. Like the library below, the floor is exactly the same as he last visited his aunt.

Taehyung approaches the shelves by the window, where their pictures are displayed. He giggles and
smiles, remembering the moments those were taken or the story behind it, according to his aunt.

When he reaches the last shelf, he is surprised to see a picture of a little girl. He has no idea who she is, so picks the frame and looks at the picture closely.

The little girl
is very cute, grinning from ear to ear, holding a book against her chest. Taehyung grins back at her like a fool.

He shakes his head, amazed that the little girl has that effect on him.

He opens the frame and examines at the back of the picture for clues. There's a dedication.
Taehyung reads.

"Dear Mrs. Kim,

Thank you for letting me stay with you every afternoon. I love the books and the hot choco with marshies. But I love you most.


Taehyung exhales loudly, tears clouding his eyes again.

He needs to meet the child. He needs to see Mari.
Taehyung's things were delivered the following day. He became so busy with arranging them the past few days.

Hobi and Jinah, who suddenly wanted to be called Elysse, her English name, helped him unpack and arrange his things to go with his aunt's in the living room on
the second level and the kitchen on the first.

Elysse cooked for them. As gratitude, Taehyung accepted their invitation and promised to visit their home the following weekend.

He finished arranging his bedroom, bathroom, and everything else on Sunday night.
He woke up late on Monday, feeling all the aches in his body from all the efforts he gave into his move.

He is now seated on one of the reclining chairs in the library, supposedly reading a romance novel, but looking at the changing colors of the sky out the window.
He actually needs to go to the grocery and buy supplies. But he has yet to go around town and familiarize himself on where to go for his needs.

It seems that the weather outside is quite good, so Taehyung gets up and decides to have a stroll. He gets his wallet and wears his
favorite white jacket.

He steps out and smiles to himself. He likes how he feels relaxed and excited at the same time. He giggles to himself, feeling funny that he's excited with only the thought of walking around the streets of Jeonju.

Taehyung crosses the street, following
the path to the river. He walks humming, enjoying the overall feel of the early evening.

He spots a familiar store a few meters away. It's the one he and his aunt frequent when he was young.

Taehyung decides to go there to buy some ramen and some other things he may need.
He expects the same woman who was manning the cashier a few years ago to greet him. But to his disappointment, a much younger man is there.

"Good evening," he says as Taehyung enters. He nods and smiles at him in response.

He notices two other shoppers, both women, then
proceeds to grab 5 packs of ramen, 2 1-liter cartons of strawberry milk, and 6 eggs. He thinks it will last him until lunch the following day, until he goes to the supermarket in his car to buy his other needs.

When he is ready to pay, a man enters the store in a hurry,
going straight to the cashier.

Taehyung lines up after him, curious what he will be buying. The guy is cute and his tattooed arm is so attractive.

The cashier crouches down to get a box which he packs for the man.

Taehyung gasps when he sees the familiar label.
"Do you have another box of that?" He asks which makes the man in front jump.

"Sorry," Taehyung apologizes. "It's my favorite brand of instant chocolate and I haven't seen it for a while."

"Sorry but this is the last box," the cashier smiles sadly at him. "I can reserve a box
for you next time."

Taehyung pouts while they finish the transaction in front of him. The man steps away from the register, glances at him, then walks out of the store.

His mood goes down after, so he decides to go back to his home instead of continuing his stroll.
He slowly walks back to where be came from, badly wanting to have a cup of hot chocolate. There are some marshmallows in the pantry, he decides he'll just eat a few and just find the same instant chocolate when he shops tomorrow at the supermarket.

"Excuse me!" He hears a shout
from behind him and he looks back. The man with tattoos is holding his knees and gasping for air.

"Here," he says, handing him five packs of instant chocolate.

"Wow!" He flashes his boxy grin in happiness. He smiles until he realizes that the man is giving him half of the box
he bought from the store. "Oh, I can't possibly take it. I'll just buy from the supermarket tomorrow."

"But the supermarkets here don't carry that product anymore," the man informs him. "Only that store sells the brand here. Just take them, they're yours."

"But," Taehyung
protests but the man raises his hands.

"Just enjoy it. I need to go," he turns and jogs away.

"Wait!" Taehyung shouts and he looks back at him. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" The cute guy shouts back and almost runs away.

"Weird," Taehyung chuckles, clutching the instant
chocolate packs to his chest. He is too happy that he'll be able to enjoy hot chocolate and marshies tonight while he continues to read the romance novel he picked earlier in the day.

"Oh, I forgot to ask his name," he mutters to himself. He hopes to see him again soon.
"Did you find Mr. Pouty, Appa?" Mari asks as soon as Jungkook enters their apartment. She's waiting for him by the door.

"I did, princess," he smiles at his daughter, going to the kitchen and starts boiling water for Mari's favorite drink.

She follows him, frowning.
"Was the pout still there when you gave him the choco?" She asks seriously. "You made him sad."

Jungkook regrets telling his daughter about the guy in the store. He didn't know why but when she asked why he's smiling when he got back, he just blurted out about this guy who was
pouting cutely because he bought the last box of the instant chocolate for Mari.

His daughter then demanded that half of the box be given to the she will leave his father's office again to check the book cafe.

Jungkook realizes now that he could've simply told Mari that
the guy already left in car or something. But for some reason, he runs after him to be able to give the packs of chocolate.

He must admit that the guy really looks beautiful and that pout really caught his attention. His deep voice also sounds so sexy.

He shakes his head,
willing to forget all of it.

"Appa, was the pout still there?" Mari asks again.

"Not anymore," he smiles at his curious daughter. "He was smiling really big. It was so big that it looks like a box."

"You're silly, Appa," Mari giggles. "What's the name of Mr. Pouty, Appa?
Or should I call him Mr. Boxy Grin now?"

"You should not call him names," he warns Mari.

"So what's his name, Appa?" Mari asks impatiently.

Jungkook doesn't answer. He didn't ask the guy's name. He's thankful that the water heater alarms, signalling that the water is already

"I'll prepare your drink now. You better go to the living room, the water might splash and hurt you."

Mari runs away immediately. Jungkook sighs in relief.

He doesn't want to talk about the guy anymore. Nothing will happen anyway.

But he wants to see him again.
Taehyung continues to read the romance novel in the library early in the morning. Now with hot choco and marshies, just like the old days.

After his brunch of ramen, he prepares to go out and drive around Jeonju. He also plans to go to the supermarket to buy the list of
his needs that he wrote down the night before.

He needs to occupy his mind and be busy because thoughts about the tattooed man from the night before keep on popping up in his mind. He is actually surprised and bothered. He is quite smitten and he didn't even know him.
He successfully did all the tasks he assigned himself that afternoon but to his disappointment, he did not really appreciate going to the places alone, without anyone telling what those places mean and their significance to Jeonju.

Aside from 'loving Jeonju' being part of the
will, he genuinely wants to fully know the place, so he can take his family and friends to his favorites if and when they visit.

He decides he will request Elysse to accompany him. She works at home, online, as an English tutor to kids across the country. Her work starts late I
in the afternoon, after her students' school day or time in the academy. She might be able to accompany him in the mornings, in her free time.

Taehyung carries his groceries inside the house and starts to arrange it. He dials Elysse's number and puts the call on speaker.
"Tae! What a wonderful surprise!" Elysse excitedly greets him as soon as the call connects. "Would you like to have dinner with us?"

Taehyung chuckles. "We're supposed to have dinner this coming Saturday."

"I know, I just thought you might be feeling lonely in that big house
of yours," Elysse teases him.

"Actually, I was wondering if you can accompany me to go to the tourist spots here in Jeonju?" Taehyung stops arranging the various sauces he bought while waiting for her response.

"Oh," she says after quite sometime.

"It's okay," Taehyung is
quick to say.

"I'm really sorry, Tae. I really, really want to accompany you," she apologizes. "But I visited my doctor with Hobi earlier today and she advised me to take it easy and do not exert myself too much."

"Are you okay? Are you sick or something," Taehyung asks
worriedly. "I'm really sorry."

Elysse giggles. "Relax, Tae. You don't even need to say sorry."

"I just feel like I stressed you out and you're sick..."

"I actually pregnant. 5 weeks," she giggles. "I'm not sick at all."

"Oh, my God!" Taehyung exclaims. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you," Elysse sounds really happy. "I need to be careful during the first trimester. Just to be sure."

"So you better relax and not strain yourself," Taehyung advises.

"I will," she says, sure of herself. "By the way, there are a couple of travel and tours agency
around Jeonju. You may want to visit them. Just get some brochures or pamphlets. Those will help you."

"I guess I'll do that," Taehyung nods even if Elysse won't see it.

"You can join a tour or just do it yourself using their guidebooks," she suggests.

"I'll have to decide
when I see their brochures and stuff," Taehyung considers.

"Oh! Actually, there's one just around the corner from your house," Elysse remembers. "When you go out, facing the road, turn right, then right again after the house beside yours which is the corner lot. Five or six
establishments down and you'll find it. You will not miss it. There's a miniature hanok in front of the building."

"Wow! That's quite near here," he comments while folding the bags he used for the groceries. He just finished arranging them. "I'll just freshen up and go there."
Taehyung enters thr building a little past 4 in the afternoon.

"Welcome to Hanok Travel and Tours! I'm Nini, how may I help you?" The receptionist recites dully. But when he looks up to look at Taehyung, she gasps, not believing how beautiful the man in front of her is.
"Hi, can I have a brochure or other written materials about the tours here in Jeonju?" Taehyung asks politely.

The woman continues to stare at him and it seems she lost focus. So Taehyung knocks on the reception desk.

She jumps a little, realizing she's acting stupidly.
"I'm sorry, but you're so good looking I lost myself for a minute," she giggles. "You're voice, too! Very attractive! Like you're drawing me in."

Taehyung smiles awkwardly and tries again. "May I request for materials about the tourist spots and wonderful places here in Jeonju?"
"Of course, anything you want, I'll give you," she winks at him, gathering printed materials from her drawers.

"Uhm, can I talk to one of the travel agents or tour guides?" Taehyung inquires as she hands him the papers.

"They're all in a meeting right now," she informs him.
"You can actually ask me anything, I answer all the inquiries here," she smiles seductively at him.

He wants to tell her off but decides he will simply never return to the agency. "I think I'd better read these first," flipping the papers in his hands. "Thank you for your kind

He turns to walk out the door, feeling really uncomfortable with the woman's flirting.

"Wait!" She almost shouts at him. "Here's my number you can call me anytime. If you have questions, that is. Or simply about anything."

She shoves the little paper on his shirt
pocket, smiling sweetly.

Taehyung steps back and bows at her. "Thank you!" He turns away again and hurriedly walks out of the building.

He sighs when he is out. He is actually wary to go home because the woman might follow him to his home. He had a few experiences like that
before and he didn't like it.

He risks a glance to the door and sees that the woman is already talking animatedly on the phone. He takes the opportunity to go and walks briskly to his home.

When he reaches the front of his house, he crosses the street to make sure that the
woman is not following him. He faces back after crossing and he finds not the woman but a little girl looking directly at him.

She looks really familiar.

The girl looks at both directions of the road and it seems that she's planning to cross. She takes one step forward but
Taehyung shouts.

"Don't cross little princess," he says loudly. "I'll help you. Just wait for me there okay?"

She nods, eyes wide.

When the road is empty of vehicles, Taehyung jogs to the front of his house.

"You're the angel," the girl whispers. "Yes! You're the angel!"
Taehyung stops in front of her and looks at her closely.

"You're Mari!" He exclaims and hugs the child, emotions high.

The child hugs him back despite the confusion. "You know me, Mr. Angel?"

He lets go of her but still remains bent to match the child's height.
"I saw your picture," he explains, gesturing at the house. "The one you gave Auntie. You're hugging a book and grinning happily."

The child gasps. "Does this mean that the book cafe is now open?"

"Not yet," he says apologetically. "I still need to prepare."

Mari's face falls.
"Can I go inside to take a look at the books?" Mari asks him, teary-eyed. "I miss them a lot. I miss Mrs. Kim, too!"

She starts to cry, and Taehyung hugs her again to console her. He feels like crying as well. The loss of his aunt suddenly overwhelms him.

"I can let you in,"
Taehyung hesitates. "But where are your parents? They must be looking for you now."

"My Appa is in a meeting," she looks up, thinking. "He will get mad because I promised him I will never come here without him."

"Then why are you here, little princess?" He asks worriedly.
"I saw you and I knew you were the angel so I followed you," she smiles like she won a contest.

"Well, I'm human like you," he chuckles. "My name is Taehyung. So you can stop calling me angel. You can call me Tae. And don't go following people around. It's dangerous."

I won't do it again," she raises her hand. "I promise. Can I call you Taetae? I always hear Mrs. Kim talking on the phone to Taetae."

"That's me!" He sobs saying that.

"It's you?" Mari hugs him tight, crying, too. "You miss Mrs. Kim, too? Don't cry, Taetae. My Appa said that
if I cry, Mrs. Kim will be sad in heaven. So let's stop crying, Taetae."

Taehyung chuckles despite the tears. He wipes Mari's tears, and her little hands try to dry his, too.

"Thank you for the tip, Mari," his smile is big. "You Appa is right."

"Oh, you have a boxy smile like
Mr. Pouty," she giggles.

"Mr. Pouty?" Taehyung thinks he is a character from a book.

"My Appa met Mr. Pouty last night," she simply says. "I think he likes him."

"Ah let's find your Appa now. He must be worried sick about you," Taehyung suggests.

"But I need to see the
books first," she looks like she's about to cry again. "My Appa will find me here."

Taehyung sighs. "Do you know the phone number of your Appa? I need to call him and let him know you're here."

Mari shows him her wrist band. "Here," she tries to get something from it.
He helps her twist the band and sees a number there. "My Appa's name and where we live is in there, too if we take out the paper."

"No need, I'll just call him and let him know you're here," Taehyung fishes out his phone from his back pocket and dials the number. But the number
is busy. "I'll just leave him a text to let him know you're here."

"Okay," she shrugs. "But even if you don't leave him a text, he knows I will be here."

"Why so?" He asks, typing a message that Mari is in the book cafe and he is Mrs. Kim's nephew. That he will lock the door
and he would have to call the number or knock to get his daughter.

"Because I always come here," Mari says like it's a common knowledge. "Even if it's closed. I come here because I knew you'd be here soon."

He likes this child.

He opens the door and Mari dashes to the
children's section. Taehyung is endeared. He watches her hug the shelf with eyes closed, a wide smile adorning her lips.

He grabs the romance novel he was reading from the recliner then sits down on the nearest chair to watch over the kid.

After about 20 minutes, Mari speaks.
"It would be nice if we can have Mrs. Kim's hot choco with marshies," she looks at Taehyung. "I drink it with Appa but I miss drinking it here."

"Would you like to have some now?" Taehyung asks. "I can make us a cup each and we can have a little hot choco party. Let's join the
tea party at the March Hare's house with Alice, but we'll have hot choco instead."

Mari claps in excitement, her eyes wide, telling Taehyung that there's no room for the two of them on the table but they will sit there anyway.

Taehyung chuckles watching the child, her big
doe eyes reminding him of the tattooed man from the previous night. He shakes his head to get rid of the memory and realizes Mari still talking about Alice.

"Mari, I will cut you off for now so I can prepare our hot choco," he chuckles.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Taetae! I got too
excited," she explains laughing cutely.

Even her nose reminds him of the attractive man.

Taehyung internally groans, he should not be thinking about that man. He's sure he will never see him again. He curses himself and blames his dry dating and sex life for being interested in
someone he hasn't even properly met.

"Taetae, you're pouting!" She laughs. "You're Mr. Pouty, too!"

"Who is this Mr. Pouty?" He asks, laughing as well. "I'll go to the kitchen. You wait for your Appa and open the door for him and only him, okay?"

"Okay, Taetae!" Mari agrees.
Taehyung proceeds to the kitchen, leaving the sweet girl with her books. He suddenly worries about Mari's father. He hopes he will not be mad that he let his daughter in the book cafe, instead of bringing her back to where he is.

"He must be working somewhere near," he mutters
to himself. "But what about her mother?"

He tells himself that he should ask Mari about her. If the father is busy, he will bring Mari to her.

"Appa!" He suddenly hears Mari exclaims. But he didn't hear the door open.

"Mari! Oh, my good lord!" The voice is tired.
Taehyung decides that he should prepare one mug for Mari's father.

The door is still closed. It seems that they're talking throught the window. He finally hears the door finally opening.

"Mari! Seriously!," the man exclaims, firm but not angry. "Someday soon, you'd be giving
a heart attack. Why did you even leave? We talked about this a million times already."

"I don't believe you, Appa! A million times?" She's in utter disbelief.

Taehyung chuckles as he finally places marshmallows on top of the hot chocolate. Mari is such a brat.
"Mari," Jungkook warns.

"Look, Appa! We're in here! We're finally in the book cafe again! I've been waiting for a long time," she smiles brightly at him and his resolve to reprimand her, vanishes. He will let it go for now and talk to her later.

"But, how?" Jungkook asks.
"Taetae!" Mari clasps her hands together, excitement overflowing. "The angel that I saw before? He's here!"

They didn't notice that Taehyung is approaching them from the kitchen. "Mari, stop saying that I'm an angel," he chuckles.

Jungkook slowly turns and they both gasp.
They stare at each other for a minute. It's as if time stood still.

Taehyung's heart beats loudly and he' afraid the others will hear it.

Jungkook's heart stutters and he for forgets to breathe.

Mari's heart is full. She has a new friend in Taehyung. Her Appa is also in the
room. And she can smell the hot chocolate somewhere in the house.

"Where is the hot choco with marshies, Taetae?" She asks. Her words break the spell, the two men realizing that they're not the only ones in the room.

Both blush profusely like high school kids who get noticed
by their crush for the first time.

"I-in the kitchen," Taehyung stutters. He moves his focus on Mari, who looks at her expectantly. "Come on, let's have it in there. I didn't risk carrying it all the way here. I was afraid it might slip out of my hands."

"Then let's go!" Mari
grabs Taehyung's hand and reaches for her Appa's. They both look at their hands, having the same feeling of giddiness.

Mari tugs at their hands, and the two adults smile at each other awkwardly. They walk to the kitchen together, connected by Mari's clammy little hands.
"Wow! There's three!" Mari exclaims as soon as they enter the kitchen. "For the three of us!"

She lets go of their hands and rushes to the kitchen island. She tries to climb up the stool, and Taehyung is immediately by her side, lifting her up and sitting her properly.
"So perfect," Jungkook whispers, pertaining to Taehyung, and Mari catches it.

"What's perfect, Appa?" Mari asks curiously.

"Huh?" Jungkook feigns innocence.

"You just said so perfect," Mari reaches out for a mug.

"Be careful, Mari. It's still very hot," Taehyung warns.
He then looks at Jungkook, who is standing still by the kitchen door. "Please have yours," he offers. "I'm Taehyung, by the way. Kim Taehyung."

"He's the angel, Appa!" Mari says excitedly before Jungkook can speak. "And he's Mrs. Kim's nephew, Taetae!"

Jungkook smiles at Mari.
"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook," he introduces himself.

Taehyung is utterly surprised. "You're Jeon Jungkook?"

"Yes?" Jungkook feels more awkward with the other man's reaction. "Did you somehow hear something bad about me or anything?"

"Appa, he was talking to Nini Noona
in your office," Mari relays after sipping her drin. "I followed him when he walked out. Noona said he was so handsome. I agree. Do you also think so, Appa?"

"He is, yes," Jungkook responds, a little bit breathless.

Taehyung chuckles lightly, liking the compliment.
"Well, thank you. You're not bad yourself," he returns the compliment. "And Mari looks a lot like you."

Jungkook feels his cheeks heat up but recovers quickly. "She does. It's in the genes, I guess." He says shyly, scratching his neck.

"I was actually calling you earlier,"
Taehyung informs him, "to let you know that Mari is here. She showed me your number on her wristband. But your line was busy so I left you a message instead."

"Ah, my phone ran out of battery while I was on a work call," Jungkook lets him know.

"But still, you're here,"
Taehyung comments with a good-natured smile.

"This is Mari's favorite place," he admits, smiling in return. "She likes it more than our own apartment. So I automatically knew that she came here. I was actually scared when I didn't find her outside."

"That's true!" Mari adds.
"I love the books! I love falling asleep on the red couch! It's too comfy! I want to live here!"

Taehyung realizes the reason why his dear aunt wanted to leave the place to Jungkook in case he didn't want it. It's because of Mari. But she can't leave it to her legally since she
is just a child. It makes sense that she named Jungkook in the second version of her will.

"Don't make Taehyung uncomfortable," Jungkook says carefully when he noticed that he is quiet.

"No, it's okay!" Taehyung is quick to correct him. "I was just thinking about something."
"Do you love it here, Taetae?" Mari asks, stealing the marshmallow from his father's mug.

"I do," he confesses. "I basically grew up here."

"Are you staying for good?" Jungkook asks, telling himself that he's asking the question for Mari.

"I am, yes" he nods before sipping
the still hot chocolate.

"Are you going to open this place to the public again?" Jungkook inquires. This time, his question is for Mari.

"I will," he answers positively. "Maybe in a week or two. I'm just settling myself here and feeling the house again."

"But I can't wait for
that long!" Mari complains.

"Of course you can visit anytime you want! You have a special privilege," Taehyung tucks her hair behind her ears.

Jungkook is expressionless but is already a wreck inside. He is so attracted to the other man. And he's already close to Mari. A plus.
Taehyung peeks at him and sees that he is slightly frowning. He thinks that Jungkook is bothered with his fondness to his daughter.

"I'm sorry if I crossed the line," he says worriedly. "If I may explain, I was naturally drawn to Mari since I saw her picture. It was displayed
upstairs and she's the only one I didn't recognize. But knowing Auntie, she will never display someone in her home if the person is not important to her. Even if she did not show up today, I will be looking for her. I was actually supposed to ask about her from Hobi Hyung or
Elysse. I really wanted to meet her. It just slipped my mind since I've been thinking of familiarizing myself more here in Jeonju."

"Oh please, don't apologize," Jungkook panics a bit. "I'm actually amazed how quickly you two became close. She's usually shy with others."
"Appa can take you around Jeonju," Mari volunteers.

"There's no need," Taehyung declines. "I'll read the materials I got earlier as a guide. I don't want to impose."

"I insist," Jungkook wants to spend more time with the gorgeous man.

"Maybe we can bring along Mari and your
wife if you really insist," Taehyung says. He knows that he must draw the line. He can't like him too much.

"Appa doesn't have a wife," Mari blurts out.

"Huh?" Taehyung is relieved but also confused. "What about your Mom?"

"She passed three years ago. Car accident,"
Jungkook explains. "Mari survived. But her Mom and Dad didn't."

"Wait! I don't think I follow," Taehyung states, puzzled. "Her Mom and Dad died? Mari looks so much like you."

"Mari's Mom is my sister," Jungkook explains simply.

"But she calls you Appa," Taehyung whispers.
"Because I'm her father now. And she's my daughter. Legally," he explains. "Even before the accident, Mari wasn't too familiar with her Dad. He worked abroad. He was on vacation when the accident happened, his second time seeing Mari. The first one was when she was born."
Taehyung nods, understanding the their relationship.

"I wanted to be present in Mari's life, every step of the way, so we moved here because my schedule in Seoul was too loaded," Jungkook adds. "We only have each other since then. And Mrs. Kim since this little girl was here
every single afternoon since she learned how to read. Though now, we're back to when we started here, just the two of us."

"I don't mean to pry, but don't you have friends here already?" Taehyung asks, invested in their lives. "Or girlfriend?"

"Teacher Sumi likes him,"
Mari interjects again.

Taehyung looks at him and Jungkook laughs. "I'm not into women," he says confidently.

Taehyung blushes, hope and anticipation blooming inside him.

"My friends are parents from Mari's kindergarten and my colleagues, I guess," Jungkook continues.
"It sounds pathetic that I don't have people to hangout with. But my priority is Mari. My life revolves around her. She only has me. And I only have her."

"We have Taetae now," Mari smiles cutely at them.

"Please don't mind her," Jungkook quickly says and Taehyung laughs.
"I'm sorry, she doesn't know what she's saying. I don't want to create some misunderstanding. You might be in a relationship or something."

Mari pouts. "I know what I'm saying," she protests. "I want Taetae!"

"Mari already has my heart," Taehyung grins. "So I will mind her.
And since you don't want any misunderstandings, I must tell you that I'm also not into women. Just want to make it clear."

Jungkook is speechless, he believes he has a chance, hearing Taehyung last statement. He clears his throat. "But are you in a relationship or something?"
"I don't remember the last time I had a boyfriend," Taehyung admits. "My work was too demanding. So I quit and moved here. I guess I'm ready for it, if someone is interested."

"Taetae, you can date Appa!" Mari wiggles her whole body.

"Mari!" Jungkook wants to cover her mouth.
"How do you even know the word date aside from it's usual meaning that kids your age know about?"

"Teacher Sumi told the other teachers during nap time that she wants to date you because she likes you," she explains. "You like Taetae, Appa. You can date him."
Taehyung giggles and moves closer to Mari.

"Mari, I think you and I are going to be bestfriends," Taehyung grins at her.

"You really have a boxy grin like Mr. Pouty, right, Appa?" she comments. "Appa gave him the half of my instant choco last night because he was pouting when
he left the store. Taetae, I think Appa likes Mr. Pouty, too."

"Really?" Taehyung asks Mari, glancing at Jungkook, who covered his face with his hands. "How did you know that your Appa likes him?"

"He was smiling when he got back home last night," Mari narrates. "And when I
asked him why, he told me about Mr. Pouty. He never smiles when he's from the store, Taetae. He always looks tired coming from there. Last night, he was smiling, like this." She smiles brightly, shaking her head.

Taehyung giggles more while Jungkook groans. Mari talks too much.
"Mari, Taehyung is not interested," Jungkook tries to stop her.

"But we're bestfriends, Appa!" Mari reasons. "Besrfriends tell each other everything. Right, Taetae."

"Right!" His fondness for Mari is tenfold now, knowing Jungkook's reaction to their encounter the previous
night. "I have another question, Mari. So now I know why you think your Appa likes Mr. Pouty. Can you tell me this time why you believe your Appa likes me?"

"Ah, that's easy," Mari grins.

"I think I'm fighting a losing battle," Jungkook blurts out.

Taehyung looks at him,
grinning from ear to ear. "Why fight it when you can win if you accept it?"

"Can I answer your question now? Appa is interrupting our bestfriends talk," Mari scowls.

"Of course, princess," Taehyung says after laughing. Jungkook is scowling, too. And the Jeon duo looks exactly
the same.

"Appa calls me princess, too!" She suddenly decides to say. "I'm your princess, and you Taetae, is the King!"

"What about your Appa?"

"I'm the Knight. Even if I bribe him to be the King, she never wanted me to he one," Jungkook joins the discussion.

"Becuase you
always fight for me, Appa. So you are my Knight," she grins at her father. "And Taetae is a King because he looks like one!"

They adults laugh together.

"I don't know what's funny. But it's okay, I'm happy to see my Appa and my bestfriend having fun," Mari comments.
"Mari, can you share with me now why you think your Appa likes me?" Taehyung asks.

"You're pretty insistent, huh?" Jungkook smiles at Taehyung. But he's dreading his daughter's answer. She's unpredictable but a very honest kid.

"Well, Appa likes you because we're still here.
We don't stay long in other people's houses. He always wants to go home. He says he has important things to do, but when we get home, he just reads books. Or he watches TV or plays games."

"Mari! Those are important things," Jungkook justifies.

"I don't know," Mari hesitates.
"I'm hungry now. Can we eat something?"

"Ah, I went to the supermarket this morning, I have plenty of food in the fridge," he tells Mari. Then he turns to Jungkook, giggling happily. "And you're right. They don't have the instant choco there."

"I told you," Jungkook says

"You didn't, Appa," Mari cuts him off. "I didn't hear you say that to Taetae."

"He told me about it last night," Taehyung tells Mari.

"Last night?" Mari is confused. "But we just met you today."

"Your Appa and I already met last night," Taehyung says carefully.
"He gave me five packs of instant choco."

Mari gasps. "You are Mr. Pouty! I am so happy!" And she starts to cry.

Jungkook is quick to cradle her on his lap. "What's wrong? You said you were happy."

"I'm happy, Appa. I'm happy that Taetae is Mr. Pouty," she cries harder.
"Then why are you crying?" Jungkook asks, very concerned.

"Appa, remember when Uncle Jin visited us from Seoul?" She asks.

"Of course! That was just last weekend," he confirms.

Taehyung listens with full attention. He's in too deep despite meeting them not even 24 hours ago.
"You thought I was sleeping, but I heard him tell you that you need to find someone to love because you're getting old. And you also need that person to help raise me up," she narrates.

"Mari, you really should not listen to conversations of grown-ups," Jungkook reminds her.
Mari nods meekly.

"I still don't get why you are crying now," Jungkook wants an explanation.

"Last night, I was happy because I thought Mr. Pouty can be the one you'll love. You were smiling because of him." She looks at Taehyung. "Then I met Taetae, and I like him a lot.
I want him to be my other Appa. But I didn't tell you because I thought you liked Mr. Pouty more. But now I know Mr. Pouty is Taetae, I'm so happy. What do I need to do so he can be my Appa?"

She asks, totally serious.

"I think you've done enough," Taehyung says honestly.
"But Mari, let's not rush, okay? Why don't we start with eating dinner together?"

"I'll cook," Jungkook offers, then stands up and hands over Mari for Taehyung to embrace.

"This is very domestic," Taehyung can't help but comment as Jungkook finds ingredients for their meal.
"Is makguksu okay with you, Tae?" Jungkook asks. "Mari loves it."

Taehyung smiles at the nickname. "I'm okay with anything, Kook."

Jungkook looks at him and smiles brightly.

Mari clings tightly at Taehyung. "Taetae, do you also like my Appa?"

"Does he really like me?"
Taehyung asks back.

"I do," Jungkook stops and stares softly at him. "There's a certain pull that I can't ignore. Maybe we can see where it goes? That's if you're at least a little bit interested in me."

"Well, I'd be lying if I say that I'm not attracted to you," he answers.
"Does this mean you can date already?" Mari asks excitedly.

The two look at each other and shrug.

"Yes, princess," Jungkook responds. "We are officially dating."

"Yeeeeees!" Mari cheers. "Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Let's slow down, Mari," Jungkook chuckles.
"I have this crazy idea," Taehyung says hesitantly.

Jungkook stops what he's doing and focuses on Taehyung. "Let's hear it," he encourages him.

He can't believe he's dating this gorgeous guy. An image of them kissing flashes through his mind, but he quickly shakes it off.
"Never mind, it's really crazy," Taehyung changes his mind.

"Let's hear it even if it's crazy," he pushes him more.

Mari is leaning her head on Taehyung's chest, her eyes closed. But Jungkook knows she's awake.

"This is crazy," he says. "Would you like to move in with me?"
"Yes!" Mari shouts, suddenly very active.

"No?" Jungkook says indecisively.

"I told you it's crazy," Taehyung chuckles nervously. He just blurted it out without really thinking. Because having the Jeons in his house is very comforting. Like they're meant to be with him there.
"It's the best idea!" Mari shouts. She wiggles out of Taehyung's hold and starts jumping up and down. "I can read anytime I want to! And I can be with Taetae all day and night. But can I have my own room? Please?"

"Mari! Taetae and I need to talk. Just the two of us.
Why don't you go and read The Gruffalo? I know you miss it."

"Ah yes! I like it so much, Appa! The mouse is so clever!" She shreiks in excitement.

"I'll help her find it," Taehyung volunteers.

"No need, Taetae! I know exactly where it is," Mari smiles proudly at them.
She almost runs out of the kitchen.

"Then I'll just check if the door is locked," Taehyung thinks of another reason to not be with Jungkook alone. He suddenly feels nervous.

"I made sure it's locked after I came in earlier," Jungkook tells him. "So, about your crazy idea..."
"Just forget about it," Taehyung sighs, watching Jungkook prepare their food. "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Just a moment ago, everything felt right. I know we don't even know each other, except for the information we exchanged today."

"You shouldn't be too
trusting, Tae," Jungkook tells him. "What if I'm a bad person?"

"I'm sure you're not," Taehyung is quick to answer. "You wouldn't have Mari if you are."

"That's a fair assessment," he says as he mixes the sauce. "But you know, Mari will not forget your offer."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have blurted it out in front of her," Taehyung apologizes. "But what if I really want you here?"

"Then we need to talk about it like adults," Jungkook looks at him, then pours the sauce mixture to the noodles. "Tae, I'm really interested in you, but I'm
also hesitant about going too fast. What if it doesn't work out? I will definitely do my best to handle myself. But what about Mari?"

"I know, we'll break her heart if we don't get together like she expects," Taehyung responds, frowning. "Let me tell you something. Auntie left a
will, stating that I will get this house and if I don't want to claim it, it will go to someone else."

"To another relative?" Jungkook asks, getting plates and utensils.

"To you."

"To what? Me?" Jungkook is shocked. "Why? Are you sure? That's unbelievable."
"I think she loves Mari. And she trusts you enough to consider leaving this to you. I'm still getting all her money, though," Taehyung teases, seeing that Jungkook is overwhelmed.

Jungkook chuckles. "I don't know, what to say, really. Maybe because Mari is like her grandchild?
And they share this crazy love for books?"

"We all do," Taehyung says and proceeds to narrate how the book cafe started. "So I'm guessing she wants to make sure the place will be taken care of, and her love for books will not be forgotten."

They stay silent for a while.
"Telling you all that makes me really want you to move in with me," Taehyung declares.

"Tae..." Jungkook is ready to protest again.

"No listen, it's not even romantically. Though I like you a lot, and I really want to try it with you," Taehyung approaches Jungkook and tugs
his sleeve. "I just feel like you equally deserve to live here. You were with my aunt the past years when I was absent. You were her company. Mari definitely made her happy, her days brighter. So move in because you deserve it. There are four rooms upstairs. Mari can have her own
room. You, too. I will not bother you in your space."

"But I'll invade yours," Jungkook steps closer to him. "Can I kiss you, Tae? I've been wanting to kiss you since I saw your pout last night."

Taehyung giggles and leans in.

Jungkook captures his lips, just a quick kiss
that makes Taehyung breathless.

"That's not even a proper kiss," Taehyung complains as they pull away.

Jungkook chuckles, places a hand on Taehyung's nape, and then kisses him again. This time, it is deeper, more needy, with tongue.

Taehyung wraps his arms tightly around
the other's waist, leaving no space between them.

They stop to breathe after a minute or two. Jungkook embraces him and whispers. "I like this too much. I'd want to do this every chance I get. So when can we move in?"

"We're moving in?" Mari shouts from the doorway.
Before they can answer, Mari is running towards them. She hugs their legs tightly. "We're moving in! I'm so happy!"

Jungkook picks her up and hugs her tightly.

"Hug us, too, Taetae!" Mari demands. And Taehyung obeys. "We're like a family."

"Are you sure you want to move in?"
Taehyung asks hesitantly.

Jungkook nods. "I know it's too sudden, but it feels right."

"Then we can move in tonight?" Mari is overflowing with excitement.

"We can pack tonight and move in tomorrow," Jungkook answers, looking at Taehyung.

"That's perfect,' Taehyung smiles
at the duo.

The two adults are aware that they're taking a huge risk. But they are positive that it would be worth it. They'd exert all possible effort for this to work.

They're hoping for the best, for the two of them and for Mari.

~ FIN ~
Thank you for reading! It's an end of another story under the #GProject. It was supposed to be shorter, but I got carried away. Again.

This is for you, @TaeOfMyKookie!
I really hope you like it!

The next story will be at the end of the month. As usual.

Much love,

• • •

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More from @sataekooklang

Jun 26, 2023
They go up the stairs, hand in hand.

Taehyung's body hums in excitement. Jungkook's shivers in nervousness.

They reach the room and hold each other's gaze.

"I think nothing will happen if we just look at each other," Taehyung giggles nervously. "Fuck, why am I also nervous?
You're nervousness is rubbing into me."

Jungkook chuckles awkwardly. "I'm technically a virgin for more than a year now."

"So we're basically the same," Taehyung grins, eyes crinkling. "We're laughing like crazy as if we're not making love any minute now."
He steps closer to his boyfriend and gently cups the tent in his pants. "Let me take care of you, Jungkookie."

Jungkook simply nods, his attention focused on his hard dick and the hand rubbing it oh so slowly.

"Tae..." he says, voice broken.

"What do you need, Jungkookie?"
Read 28 tweets
Jun 19, 2023
"Dinner is impossible with my schedule, Hyung," Taehyung says a bit downcast. "But I can do brunch."

"Then let's do brunch," Yoongi agrees immediately. "I'm sure Jin and Hobi would also be glad to see you."

Taehyung chuckles dryly. "Will they?"

"Can we join?" Namjoon asks.
"Of course, you can," Taehyung chuckles. "Let's schedule, yeah?" He looks at Yoongi again.

"Okay," Yoongi agrees. "Can I get your number, Tae?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, I didn't realize my phone died," Yoongi says, bothered. He grabs Jungkook's phone from his hand just then.
He shoves it to Taehyung. "Please save your number here."

"Okay," Taehyung accepts the phone hesitantly. But he doesn't want to be rude. He keys in and saves his number. He hands it over to Jungkook instead of Yoongi.

"Call him," Yoongi demands.
Read 171 tweets
May 15, 2023
Taehyung is sleeping when Jungkook arrives at Yugyeom's home. Instead of waking him up, he lies next to him and embraces him tight.

His boyfriend doesn't wake up, and he is glad that he is getting the rest that he needs after taking care of him the previous night.
break up with you if you ever pass out drunk again."

"I'll just have a bear tonight," Jungkook raises a hand in a promise. "I won't risk it. I'm too scared of my boyfriend to even get tipsy here."

They share a good laugh with that.

"The sea breeze feels nice," Taeyung smiles.
"That's why we chose this," Lana explains. "We're always holed up in our respective work places. When we're off, we stay in. We miss hanging out like this."

"You must thank us," Jungkook says smugly. "If not for us, you'd be home watching a drama like every old couple."
Read 99 tweets

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