Delta: Measurement of change in option price as stock moves ⬆️ or ⬇️
▪️Between -1 and 1 for every option
▪️-1 to 0 for Puts
▪️0 to 1 for Calls
▪️More “in the money” the strike moves to option, more value it gains, closer it gets to -1 for Puts or +1 for Calls
▪️>90% options……
Theta: ⏱️. Think of it as time
▪️ Represents the risk of time and the loss of value of an option
▪️Not linear!
▪️Factors that influence it to change: IV , time to expiry, strike price
▪️”When you hear swing traders say I bought 6-8 weeks out, 2-3+ months”- They are buying time
Vanna: second-order derivative that measures the change in delta for any change in the implied volatility of an option!
▪️Vanna tends want be “0” or close to highest value interest - as IV changes & hedging occurs throughout 0DTE options and others
▪️0DTE swings vanna daily.……
IV strategies:
▪️HIGH IV- sell options (calendars, spreads, condors). Collect theta (premium) in your favor
▪️Low IV- buy OPTIONS with time for hedges. Less delta impact , & if IV up- works in your favor if direction is correct.
Market overview, key $SPX level to watch and info this week, CTA position info, general trends market, economic calendar, and various other info.
A short thread 🧵
Please ❤️ and 🔄 if you like this education information.
$SPX: As mentioned many times in previous tweets, 3950 has been held as a support from gamma, vanna, & as well as being 200 SMA. It all adds up from TA & PA perspective.
🔑 level to watch: $VIX- >22, bearish. 22-21 is chop. <20.60 for squeeze to 4040/4080.
RES @ 4065.
This is gamma (GEX) total profile for the next 2 expirations- mark 🔑 levels.
How to read this: MOST $$$ at $400 spy. (C/P). This means most hedging by MM.