While many fundamentalists Churches and religions cower in fear and attack the concept of extraterrestrial life contacting humanity as 👹, The Catholic Church looks on Mankind's first contact as anything but threatening.
Despite having no official position on the existence of aliens, many priests who work in the Vatican have come out and stated that such beings are real and not demonic as some other Christian groups and leaders have claimed.
Among those working for the Vatican who were most outspoken about the existence of alien life, their continued contacts with humans, and the fact that these beings are not demonic was the late theologian and exorcist, Monsignor Corrado Balducci.
As far back as the 1990s, Monsignor Balducci appeared on Italian television and openly declared his views on alien life as well as the fact that revealing the existence of such life to humans wouldn't endanger the Catholic Faith or Christianity in general.
Several others at the Vatican, especially those working for its observatory, state that they believe ETs are real, may have been visiting Mankind since Biblical times, and are even "our space brothers".
Vatican Astronomer Says Star Visitors' Existence Confirmed in the Bible
Even more astonishingly, the personal secretary to Pope (now Saint) John XXIII related that in the early 60s, Pope John was visited by a tall Nordic being who landed a flying saucer in the Vatican Gardens.
This story first appeared in the Argentine newspaper, "Diario Popular" back in 2014.
"John XXIII, the Pope Who Talked
to an Extra-Terrestrial
The Archbishop of Marseille, a past chairman of CEFAL (France - Latin America Episcopal committee), also clearly favors liberation… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
"The testimonial of the meeting between John XXIII and an extra-terrestrial that came into the hands of Sartori includes the final reflections of his relative:
"His Holiness came back and told me that the children of God are everywhere, and sometimes we have difficulty… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
There are even reports that the beginnings of the Vatican's contact with Extraterrestrials go back to the reign of Pope Pius XII when an American cardinal was granted permission to participate in a top-secret meeting between the U.S. Government and Alien beings.
...[B] What made the Pope believe that the American military would have shared such sensitive information with the Vatican? What about the military man who appeared at the airport in Las Vegas?
[G] Understand, that meeting convened in the middle of the night by the President of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
...afflicted him at that time and, worse, in his last hours became acute peritonitis.
The Pope did not drink the substance and said before dying as he beheld the Crucifix::
"Quelle braccia allargate del Cristo sono state il programma del mio pontificato. Un pontificato umile e… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
These events concerning the Catholic Church's investigation (contact) with ETs go back well before the current Pope took office so no one can claim they are in any way part of his policies.
Just as the Catholic Church was at the forefront of discovery and conversion in the New World, perhaps so too does the Vatican hope to be at the forefront of these things when finally contact is openly established and Man begins his journey towards the stars.
A few more articles on the Catholic Church and Alien life:
Plus, two video news stories, one about the famous Vatican Observatory at Castle Gandolfo in Italy and another about a new observatory built by the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
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Despite all the odds going against her (and the endless, unjustified criticisms and lies found online), Italian PM Giorgia Meloni has made great progress moving Italy to the Right.
Below is a 🧵 of articles detailing these actions.
One of the biggest stories of her premiership so far
Between January 1 and July 31, 2024, 33,103 irregular immigrants have arrived on Italian shores. The figure represents a drop of almost 63% compared to the figure recorded during the same period last year.
In the first seven months of 2023, there were 88,939 foreigners who entered the country illegally through the Mediterranean Sea, as recorded in Italian government statistics , updated daily.
In the case of the island of Lampedusa, one of the main destinations for boats from North Africa, the drop in arrivals has been even more pronounced.
While in July of last year 18,723 immigrants entered European territory through this small Italian island, this year only 4,231 have done so. That is, a reduction of 77%.
There has also been a sharp drop in the arrival in Italy of unaccompanied foreign minors (MENA) by sea. Since the beginning of the year, only 4,188 have been registered, an amount well below the figures corresponding to 2023, which closed with a total of 18,820 MENA landings.
In this way, the effects of the migration and border control policy deployed by the government of Giorgia Meloni, based in large part on addressing the problem in the countries of origin, coordinating with the respective authorities
While the traffic of this migratory route is declining, that of the Eastern Mediterranean is intensifying, through Greece , as well as that of the Canary Islands , which are breaking records in this 2024.
*These incredible results come even before the opening of Italian run migrant camps in Albania where most future MIGRANTS will be sent for processing and (if deserved) repatriation to their home countries.
🧵 The Forgotten Naples: Photographer Sam Gregg's stunning images reveal the overlooked side of the Italian city that is so strongly associated with the Camorra mafia.
Images originally published in the Daily Mail, January 20, 2020
"A Neapolitan resident poses at home in his Sunday best in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary. Naples remains a deeply religious city with Catholic iconography displayed prominently in the streets and people's homes."
"A little boy is told off by his mother under an image of Christ on the cross in the Spanish quarter of central Naples."
High-ranking Masons like Washington would have been instructed to think of God, not as a personal being, but as Jahbulon (the name is a merger of Yahweh, Baal, and Osiris).
Jahbulon is supposedly based on the god worshipped by ancient mystery schools going back thousands of...
...years and is not the same type of deity as the God of monotheism but rather a type of universal energy that can be used for both good or evil (similar to "The Force" from the Star Wars films).
This is the reason why various secret societies and occult groups are so big into… https://t.co/Bqbi0qSoaztwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Do all high-ranking Freemasons and members of other secret societies truly believe in something like Jahbulon? Probably not but they are still obliged to know about it if permitted to reach such a level of initiation.
Can we say for certain that Washington believed in it, no,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
*chart compiled by the National Catholic Welfare Conference.
This chart doesn't mean that all 68 million Nones from that era weren't baptized or brought up in a church, only that by that time, they were unaffiliated.
Periods, where many Americans dropped out of organized religion aren't a new phenomenon though.