The World Economic Forum is involved in our elections thru partnerships in joint projects with the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA). Along with many other countries too.
This is concerning because:
🔸This was used for our 2020 election and later ones.
🔸Our elections are operating under the GLOBAL CYBER ALLIANCE.
🔸The WEF thinks one party rule is desirable and pushes China as a role model.
🔸 The Center for Internet Security (CIS) shares an address with the US branch of the Global Cyber Alliance.
So who are SOME of the Global Cyber Alliance partners?
Premium Partners:
♦️DHS CISA (Not listed but they are in the GCA meeting video.)
♦️Crowdstrike (Election machine and server security.)
♦️ The Center for Internet Security (CIS or Cisecurity)
♦️Craig Newmark Philanthropies
♦️CentralNic Group PLC
♦️TIKTOK (China owned)
♦️Omidyar Network
Some other partners:
♦️MITRE Corp
♦️Chertoff Group
♦️Brennan Center
♦️Alliance for securing democracy aka Hamilton68
♦️US Secret Service
♦️ MIS-ISAC (Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Centers)
♦️Universal Postal Union
♦️National Security Institute
♦️Belfer Center (China ties)
♦️Pen America a nationwide community of more than 7,500 novelists and journalists etc.
♦️Alliance4Eu (In doc)
♦️Plus tons more including globally!
Founders and Funders:
♦️Manhattan District Attorney
♦️Hewlitt Foundation
♦️City of London Police
♦️NY Metro Infragard (citizen alliance with FBI.)
A few extra concerns and highlights?
🔹The Brennan Center is also involved, so recall my mega thread on their massive election involvement!
🔹The World Economic Forum worked on the DQ framework. The IEEE Standards used to secure both ours and global election networks.
🔹Alvin Bragg (Manhattan DA) is a member. You click that partner link and it takes you to Alvin Bragg’s page.
🔹I have video of a July 2020 GCA America meeting with some US involved parties including; GCA, DHS CISA, Alliance For Securing Democracy, Mitre, Brennan Center, and CIS. A few highlights?
◦They don’t want a repeat of the 2016 elections.
◦They were concerned with paper ballot fraud.
◦Performed election roundtables, tabletop practice exercises, and what they called, “election dress rehearsals”.
◦Used MITRE SQUINT™ app to spot social media posts featuring election disinformation.
Following will be sub threads with all evidence and other pertinent information. So please keep watching for updates.
And of course, there could be even more added.
Let’s begin with the easiest, since this will be my most difficult thread to do, ever.
Brennan Center is a partner with the Global Cyber Alliance and was responsible for many election changes and self appointed responsibilities. The list is massive!
Some thread highlights?
🔸They said the 2020 election had a $4 billion dollar cost. How?
🔸 Their attorneys filed or intervened in lawsuits in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
🔸Brennan Center was involved in audits in at least 2 states.
🔸They worked with Zuckerbucks Center For Tech and Civic Life and the National Vote at Home orgs.
🔸They worked with MANY Democrat groups, this was not bipartisan in my opinion.
🔸Plus tons more!
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Boom!
Honestly, I think I understated the World Economic Forum’s involvement with the Global Cyber Alliance which is involved in every aspect of our elections. It sounds like they are actually PARTNERS!
Well bless lil Klaus Schwabs heart. He wants to establish one party rule globally just like the love of his life, China.
Considering the World Economic Forum is partnered with the Global Cyber Alliance that’s now a part of ours and global elections, we should be very worried.
The US and Brazil both ended up with dictators we didn’t ask for in my opinion.
Here you will find all videos related to the WEF partnered Global Cyber Alliance June 29 event. Watch for updates, and it could also include other events in the future.
Highlights so far? Pre election forwarning of a provisional ballot surge, election delays were purposeful, and Craig Newmark saying that this operation was to defend against OTHERS, and not just foreigners.
This history thread on the WEF partnered Global Cyber Alliance takes a few interesting twists.
🔸It was started by the Manhattan DA office Sept 2015.
🔸Hillary had 50 intelligence officials to assure narratives join her team the same month on Sept 25, 2015!
🔸Stephan Halper and Russian attorney, Veselnitskaya were both green lighted that same day (Sept 25, 2015).
🔸April 29, 2016 CrowdStrike, and GCA executive, Shawn Henry, was called in when the DNC discovered the intrusion in its system.
🔸May 4, 2016 GCA joined with M3AAWG whose members include Georgia Tech and Neustar Inc.
And as always, check for updates!
⚡️Breaking! Cisecurity aka the Center For Internet Security (CIS), that worked with DHS CISA for election security, didn’t just share an address with the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA).
CIS was actually involved in the creation of the Global Cyber Alliance!
I absolutely have no idea how I missed something so major!
“The City of London Police, Manhattan District Attorney and Center for Internet Security (CIS) were jointly establishing the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA), an international, cross-sector, non-profit organisation designed to confront, address, and prevent malicious cyber activity through the establishment of a strong network of cyber experts
and sharing of key information.
🔥🔥🔥Huge! The Obama admin turned PBS into state sponsored propaganda. Essentially, PBS works with the State Department alongside the USA’s propaganda and CIA linked, “Voice of America”. But our American children and teachers are subjected to this. PBS needs to be defunded.
In 2014 PBS held a joint event with the State department and even Michelle Obama was there. PBS was working with the government on “education” of children, including on disinformation.
“PBS LearningMedia Debuts Global Learning and Diplomacy Collection, Hosts State Dinner Discussion”
“The U.S. Department of State and Office of the First Lady facilitated access to a wide variety of historical materials from the current and past administrations that enhance this library of educational resources.”
This is done thru collaboration between the State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and PBS (
Now the State Dept always throws up disclaimers, but they have a solid working relationship with PBS. And recall, PBS is generously compensated by the same government.
And may I also mention, this is PBS, so who is viewing this state sponsored propaganda?
“As America’s largest classroom, teachers of children from pre-K through 12th grade turn to PBS for digital content and services that help bring classroom lessons to life.” (See second photo)
“These resources are designed to foster understanding of the lives of youth around the globe and enhance U.S. students’ understanding of their roles in the world.”
Ok so the State department thru PBS is working on our children.
The announcement of Michelle, the State Department and PBS working together leads to a deleted page. (3rd photo) I wonder why this State Department sponsored propaganda was deleted?
🔹Part 2
Here’s an example of the State Department and PBS working together:
“American Spaces” is a State Dept Educational and Cultural Affairs program. I learned of this thru, of all people, Ryan Routh. Long story short his supposed org had a Ukrainian sister org called America House LVIV. They are a part of a State Dept program called the Office of American Spaces.
These spaces are ran by IREX (of Integrity Initiative) for the State Department. Someday I’ll tell you about the State Dept and IREX illegally educating American children together. Tho this looks like a start.
Anyways, American Spaces uses PBS to teach literacy and points to some pretty outlandish disinformation materials on PBS.
As you can see by my first photo, America Spaces, uses PBS to educate on fake news.
As for disinformation it pushes PBS content, where it attempts to destroy our 1st amendment in the eyes of children. In this case, 9th to 12th graders.
“But what about speech that is so offensive it violates the rights of others? What if the speech that violates someone’s rights leads to a violent reaction to defend those rights?
Through the years, various Supreme Courts have attempted to distinguish between speech that is controversial and even offensive, but allowable, and speech that is dangerous and should be restricted.
This brings us to the two cases highlighted in this lesson: The planned Quran burning by a Florida pastor and the anti-gay protests at the funerals of military personnel killed in the line of duty. In each case, the exercise of free speech by one group is considered abhorrent by most standards, but is defended by First Amendment protections and the right (proponents would say obligation) to publically draw attention to their concerns. And yet, is this expression so objectionable as to cause a clear and present danger?”
Sources to follow.
Hopefully you are all aware that any news channel (PBS) educating our children thru the State Department and alongside the CIA’s Voice Of America is a big no no.
Ryan Routh led me here thru America House LVIV. Recall the org he claimed that he worked for was partnered with America House LVIV.
America House is part of the State Depts, “American Spaces”.
“The America House is launching the organization with the support of the IREX, funded by the US government (State Dept), as it is an all-American project, the respondent notes. “
But who woulda thought the State department would work alongside PBS and Voice Of America with our children? This is illegal as all heck. And it sends American Children to these resources.
“The rise of state-sponsored disinformation and fake news is worrisome. The U.S. government is committed to countering this problem worldwide. This toolkit is designed to give you the resources to increase American Spaces visitors’ awareness of disinformation and fake news and to strengthen critical thinking and media literacy skills. Some of the best programming is created with your Embassy or Consulate and working with local partners, U.S. government exchange alumni, and journalists.”
🔥🔥Since Fort Bragg and psychological operations are all the news, I present two podcasts for your listening pleasure on Narrative Warfare and Psychological operations. Brought to you by experts from:
Podcast #1
- Lincoln Projects Reed Galen
- Narrative Strategies VP Paul Colbough
Podcast #2
- Fort Bragg Col. Jeremy Mushtare
- Narrative Strategies founder, Dr. Ajit Maan
Now Narrative Strategies has tons of expertise and are associated with the Weaponized Narrative Initiative and the Future of War Center, Army Cyber, and West Point Cyber at ASU. ASU is a Soros Network University. And the ASU president is a chairman of the CIA’s In-Q-Tel. The ASU Threatcasting team also works with people from the CTI League files, such as David Perlman. He’s a specialist in cognitive strategies.
Rick Wilson of Lincoln Project would probably come in handy as an expert too, since he has experience in military-grade intelligence-gathering operations at the Two Plus Two Coalition.
NY Times:
“The group’s senior adviser, Rick Wilson, a former Republican operative who was a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, said in an interview on Thursday that his organization would operate as an opposition research firm but with a military-grade intelligence-gathering operation that went far beyond the document vetting typical of a political campaign.” (To expose Murdoch and Elon Musk.)
Now on to the podcasts. I’ll just post the beginning of each then later provide the links for your learning pleasure.
#1 Lincoln Project - The Finer Points of Narrative Warfare with Paul Cobaugh
“Host Reed Galen is joined by Paul Cobaugh (Vice President of Narrative Strategies) to discuss the value (and danger) of effective narratives and how they can be used to exert influence…whether that’s on the battlefield or in the POLITICAL landscape. Plus, how the GOP went from political party to extremist movement, how this new identity will influence elections in 2022 and 2024, and what is the threat that Donald Trump poses to our nation’s national security?”
Podcast # 2 Psychological Warfare The Indigenous approach
“Col. Jeremy Mushtare is the commander of the 8th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) located at Fort Bragg, NC. 8th POG (A) consists of 3rd PSYOP Battalion (A), 9th PSYOP Battalion (A), and a Headquarters and Headquarters Company. 3rd POB (A) supports operations around the globe with specialized expeditionary teams tailor fit to execute print, A/V, and broadcast activities.”
“Dr. Ajit Maan is a narrative strategist focused on national security and international relations. She is founder and CEO of the U.S. based think-tank Narrative Strategies, Affiliated Faculty at George Mason University, member of the Brain Trust of the Weaponized Narrative Initiative of Arizona State University.”
In podcast two they review disinformation, American narratives and story telling. Information warfare, and narrative warfare. The meaningfulness of disinformation to people, and how identity is created. And internalized narratives in our social and cultural environments.
Now this will have to be an informative self learning module from the experts I provide. Sources to follow so that you can listen to the complete shows.
Obviously our experts work together so well!
Here’s the Lincoln Project and Narrative Strategies podcast to listen to.
🔥Shamsud-Din Jabbar conspiracy! Multiple news articles deleted mention of him being at Fort Bragg. You know the one involved in all the crazy suicides? He was in the 82’nd airborne too.
This is the missing parts from the articles which I think all feed off of CNN. As you can see by 2 searches, both quotes used to be in the article.
“The documents (court) listed his employer as the US Army in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina in 2012 and Indianapolis in 2013, as well as the company Accenture LLP in Houston in 2018. The case was dismissed in 2022.”
“Authorities said Jabbar served in the US Army, although officials did not immediately confirm details about his service. A 2013 US Army Facebook post identified Jabbar as an Army Staff Sergeant who worked as an information technology team chief for the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team at the time.”
The NY Post only had a photo mention of the 82’nd airborne.
And here’s another update for you from the CNN article:
New Orleans attack suspect discussed plans to kill his family and join ISIS in chilling recordings. Here’s what we know.
CNN and NY Post links to follow.
My friend @Mind1nspired shared these two clips with me. So I ran off to find the article.
Well, search showed both quotes, but the articles, fed off of CNN, were devoid of them.
I made certain to search specifically for both quotes individually.
MSN was the only one left to have the Facebook post comment. But that’s gone too.
@Mind1nspired Here’s the CNN article that was fed to MSN and AOL.
Shamsud-Din Jabbar worked at Deloitte which is known for hiring CIA. They also acquired Terbium labs. The premier dark web intelligence company often funded by Omidyar.
The owner of Terbium Labs, Daniel J Rogers, was the founder of Veracity.AI. Which was used as the base for the Global Disinformation Index (GDI). The GDI was worked on and headed by the CTI Leagues Files, Sara Jayne Terp. Known for working with the Army Cyber units.
This army dude, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, was once a Cloud governance analyst.
Shamsud-Din Jabbar no longer works as a Realtor. He works at EY in the UK which also works with the United Nations.
“At EY, our purpose is Building a better working world (sustainable and inclusive). The insights and quality services we provide help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.”
Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness (DE&I) are core to who we are, how we work and how we live our values. We hold a collective commitment to continue to drive an environment where all differences are valued, practices are equitable and everyone experiences a sense of belonging — where people are inspired to team and lead inclusively in their interactions every day.
Missed a screenshot from the above links. EY stands for Ernst & Young.
“EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.”
🔥 Breaking! I found additional information linking Bill Clinton to the Russian Alfa Bank! The attached thread was its initial links to the Clinton Global Initiative.
This information will also be coming in handy for another investigation, so stay tuned!
1. Leonard Blavatnik founded Access Industries
2. Alfa Group acquired Access Industries
(Blavatnik Access Industries united with Viktor Vekselberg's Renova Corp and Mikhail Fridman's Alfa Group, to form a company AAR (Alfa, Access, Renova)
3. Bill Clinton sits on the board of the Blavatnik School of Government with Googles Eric Schmidt.
4. Googles Eric Schmidt worked Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.
Now this information is leading somewhere much bigger later, trust me. I likely found Hillary’s Russiagate. And I think I was always right about when it started and where.
But for now, here’s the sources.
Leonard Blavatnik
Blavatnik, who is a U.S. citizen, eventually founded Access Industries, which has holdings in natural resources, chemicals, media, real estate and telecommunications companies. It's now part of the Alfa Group.