So, Britons elect Cameron on the basis of holding a referendum, then vote for Brexit, the elect May and end SM, then elect Johnson and withdraw from Europe and European citizenship.
Yet apparently it's time to "blame the foreigners".
Zéro humility, zéro atonement for the mess you've caused.
Just shouting at Europeans to fix it for you to live in Spain with no health insurance and not pay your taxes.
The origins of this thread lie in a discussion around the 2016 ref with a Brexiter. He stated that “all we want is what Liechtenstein has – single market with no free movement – the precedent is there. EU should give it to us”.
I am dubious that this would have satisfied either him or the Brexiters, who needed to go through Brexit to understand why they shouldn’t want it.
No matter what relationship they ask for to get closer to Europe, Europe will retain its strategic and decision-making autonomy.
This applies most obviously to the SM. The complexity of agreeing new rules and regulations, the tradeoffs needed, are already too complex without adding the UK.
Firstly, there is no consisderation of the position of 🇳🇴🇪🇺🇮🇸🇱🇮. In short, why would this be good for us? Without that argument, this falls short.
Why is the first thing that is discussed a UK opt-out, a major opt-out in fact, in this case Schengen? Just accept the package as is and apply for #EEA. Stop with the #ExtrawurstGroßbritannien