So from what we know of the Allen, TX shooter, he was a *checks notes* Mexican neo-Nazi who *checks notes again* cheered on transgender terrorism in Nashville. Make it make sense. This is clown world stuff.…
It's confusing, though. Who is this other guy whose mugshot was plastered all over the news yesterday?
Call me crazy but it's weird how the profile attributed to the Allen shooter was magically discovered by an OSINTer on a Russian website (that prohibits glorification of Nazism, as it's illegal in Russia) where he had zero followers and zero interactions on his profile.
The OSINT researcher who discovered the neo-Nazi profile is a NAFO poster who has me blocked. Shocker.
The OSINT researcher is the same guy who "uncovered" the leaks of the Pentagon files on some tiny Discord server.
Gonzalo Lira, who hosted the Roundtable podcast on YT with political discussions on Ukraine/Russia, has been arrested (a second time) by the Ukrainian SBU. This time, they released a video with evidence of his seditious remarks about the Zelensky regime.
I've been on his show several times. He's a wonderful conversationalist. Incredibly sincere. I can only hope for the best but I don't think he's getting out, boys.
He had opinions and expressed his free speech so that makes him a “Russian chaos agent.” Die-hard Ukraine fanatics are truly something else.
Ukraine attempted a drone strike on the Kremlin, targeting Vladimir Putin. It failed.
According to Russian state news, Putin wasn't at the Kremlin when the drone strike occurred. The two UAVs did not strike any targets as they were intercepted by air defense. No victims or material injuries have been reported.
So the thing you need to know about the Kremlin's statement is that when it regards something as a terrorist attack, that means that the gloves come off and it doesn't have to play for the cameras.
Media Matters really thought they had something with these leaks of Tucker Carlson telling jokes while off the air. They really, really, thought they had something with it. Anyone with a sense of humor can assess that the things Tucker said, like MMFA itself, are in fact, jokes.
You can see for yourself that his remarks were not, as claimed, "creepy." They are, in fact, funny.
In the first clip, Tucker makes a joke about sex to Piers Morgan when he's invited onto the show. This is of course offensive to anyone without a sense of humor.
In the second clip, Tucker makes a joke about someone's girlfriend being "kind of yummy," after which he tells MMFA to go f itself, knowing fully that the clip will be leaked. Did this offend MMFA? Obviously. It's unthinkable to them that anyone might dislike their organization.