#BUDGET 2023: main headlines for you
- $40/fortnight increase to ALL on Jobseeker, youth allowance, Austudy
- plus extra $ for those 55+ (now 60)
- boosting max rent assistance rate by 15%
- $3bn for energy bill relief (amount differs by state)
#Budget2023: BIG STUFF
- projected $4 billion surplus
- NO word on future of stage 3 tax cuts: Chalmers projects they cost $69bn (not nice) over forwards
- growth down to 1.5% next yr, unemployment to 4.5%
- inflation to fall to 3.25% next yr
- $14.6b package, as we knew
- $40/fortnight increase to Jobseeker, youth allowance & more (details below)
- Cwth rent assistance: max cap goes up 15% (benefits 76% of CRA recipients)
- more incentives for GP bulk billing
#BUDGET2023: HEALTH (1/2)
- $5.7 billion over 5 yrs to “strengthen Medicare”
- inc. $3.5bn to “triple bulk billing incentive” for common GP consults - for kids, pensioners, concession cards
- $1.6b for Covid: vaccines, PCR tests, new treatments theguardian.com/australia-news…
BUDGET 2023: HEALTH (2/2)
- $556m for mental health, much for people not on NDIS
- $219m for “long term adult dental reform”
- 8 new urgent care clinics
- The AEC gets $336.6m to deliver Voice referendum
- Yes/No pamphlet costs $10.6m to print & deliver
- $10.5m for mental health support for Indigenous Australians thru campaign
- $20m to progress “regional voices” theguardian.com/australia-news…
#Budget2023: ENERGY BILLS
- a lil tricky
- amounts vary by state/territory, because relief is combined state-feds
- some states less exposed to price volatility (so less help); some states are doing their own thing instead
- 5m households, 1m businesses
anyway a fair bit goin on tonight, here's one story on the cost of living package but also just check out all the other real good stuff on @GuardianAus 💰theguardian.com/australia-news…
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The Senate is about to vote on (and pass) the constitutional alteration bill for the Indigenous voice. Lidia Thorpe has entered the chamber wearing a t-shirt with the phrase "gammin" - she made several interjections as Greens' Dorinda Cox spoke in favour of the bill
David Pocock now speaking - bluntly calling some contributions from Michaelia Cash and Jacinta Price as "blatantly untrue" and "misinformation"
his speech drew applause from some voice supporters in the public gallery
Lidia Thorpe (who was asked to put a jacket over her 'gammin' shirt because you can't have slogans in the chamber) starts her speech with "happy assimilation day"
gesturing to referendum working group leaders in the gallery, she makes criticisms about the Uluru statement process
fair bit going on with the Doherty modelling:
- CMO Paul Kelly: "We need to accept there will be cases... there will be deaths"
- "low-level restrictions" to remain, even after reopening
- in large 180-day outbreak, at 70% vax, 1900 people may die #auspol thenewdaily.com.au/news/2021/08/0…
- at 70% of adult population vaxxed, the need for "strict lockdowns would be significantly reduced" (even more at 80%)
- under-40s vax may open in weeks
- quickly vaccinating the young will bring down transmission the fastest #auspol thenewdaily.com.au/news/2021/08/0…
the full modelling is here & really interesting. I'm still getting my head round it, but main takeaway for me is the 70-80% marks are based on keeping "light restrictions" for foreseeable future
PM Scott Morrison is releasing the epidemiological modelling from the Doherty Institute, which underpins the 70/80% vaccination targets for reopening
Doherty’s Professor Jodie McVernon is on video screen, about to explain the science
Professor McVernon from Doherty Institute says their modelling found that at 50-60% vaccination, there would still be “rapidly growing outbreaks that would be very difficult to control” - she says that above 70%, that risk is far lower
Professor McVernon: “Vaccination is a very big part of the answer but it is not the whole answer. We must maintain ongoing health and social measures”
Big AstraZeneca/QLD update from acting chief medical officer Professor Michael Kidd - he says since parts of QLD now deemed a COVID hotspot, it meets ATAGI definition for a “large outbreak” - therefore that AZ benefits outweigh risks
ATAGI hasn't yet released a formal statement on this (I've asked)
*however* acting CMO Michael Kidd & federal health minister Greg Hunt say the QLD outbreak means people of all ages in south-east QLD hotspot areas should "strongly consider" getting AstraZeneca
why is this important? Because as recently as this morning, QLD's chief health officer Jeanette Young was saying she was following ATAGI advice in recommending younger people against AZ:
"I said I didn't want 18-year-olds to have AstraZeneca. And I still don't. Even now"
new: YouTube tells me it has “removed videos from and issued a strike to Sky News Australia’s channel” on YouTube, over COVID content
“we don’t allow content that denies the existence of COVID-19 or that encourages people to use Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin”
a "strike" means you can't upload videos for a period of time (Sky Australia last YouTube upload was 2 days ago)
FYI this is the "clear and established COVID-19 medical misinformation policies" document they refer to support.google.com/youtube/answer…
for clarity, Sky's YouTube is still active (not deleted, just now restricted), with 1.85 million subscribers. They won't say exactly which videos it has taken down, just that there were several
YouTube says this is Sky's first strike - meaning 7 days banned from posting