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May 11 104 tweets 17 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
Judge Boyce Says Defense brought forth a motion of judgement of acquittal Image
Whether or not there is evidence of guilt brought forth on charges —using case law and naming multiple witnesses like Colby Ryan, Summer Shiflet and Kay Woodocock —judge must deny motion if evidence
Judge states Overt acts and allegations of religious belief for encouraging homicide of Tylee Ryan, detailing testimonies about using social security benefits, overt acts of Chad googling wind directions …
Judge Boyce is meticulously going through each witness and the evidence they brought forth for the multiple charges, thus denying the rule 29 motion and allow all counts to go forward to the jury. Jurors will now be brought in.
Jury is here. Judge will read thru the jury instructions. They were instructed 1 thru 10 already, but Judge would like to read again starting with # 4: The defendant is presumed innocent and the state has the burden of proving her guilty beyond reasonable doubt
Judge Boyce continues jury instruction … he is on # 31 —which states that the state must prove Lori daybell did engage in conduct that allowed the death of JJ vallow. The murder was willful deliberate and a premeditated killing
Jury instructions continue “remember you are not partisans or advocates, but judges” #LoriVallowDaybellTrial
Questions about the verdict—we will livestream it HERE when to comes down. Date/time TBD. 👀 Hit subscribe and notifications— VERDICT LINK youtube.com/live/crhrEij1j…
Jury selections conclude. Rob wood asks for brief sidebar
Brief recess
Rob wood. “Money power and sex.
This plan was for her for Lori VALLOW’S desire for money power and sex. And this plan must end today in the verdict”
Tylee Ryan was a vibrant girl, her daughter. She was murdered 9:8. Lori was supposed to protect her, but Alex, Lori and Chad decided to murder her.
She was burned beyond recognition what was left of her body was thrown in a green bucket and buried in a pet cemetery, on top of her skull.
They are showing a photo of Tylee with the charm they found in the fire pit 😢
J.J vallow was murdered. A
The evidence shows he struggled and we’ll never know how long he fought with the bad over his head before they bound his wrists and ankles
It was a brutal murder of a 7-Yr-old boy with special needs, buried like a piece of trash.
Like Tylee, JJ was the recipient of social security benefits due to the death of his father. Just like Tylee, Lori kept collecting his money.
Murder number 3- a mother of 5 and school librarian was murdered in her own home, asphyxiated in her own home. Acting together—Chad Lori and Alex ended her life.
Lori was Conveniently out of the date when the murder occurred and it wasn’t coincidence.

Weeks later she married Chad daybell on a beach in Hawaii. In the words of her sister Summer: Dancing on the beach in Hawaii.
Wood starts timeline of case, timeline tells truth. she meets Chad in 2018, July 11 Alex shoots and kills Lori VALLOW’S husband. 9/ 8 Tylee Ryan is killed. Sept 22 -JJ vallow is killed. Oct 19–tammy daybell is killed.This is not coincidence & there’s 1 common thread—Lori vallow… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
And then Alex cox dies on December 12th
Conspiracy comes down to a crime of agreement. Did Lori agree to have Tylee killed and steal that money? Did she intend to have those events happen?
No doubt that Tylee JJ and tammy were murdered. JURY INSTRUCTIONS. So who murdered them? Did Lori conspire to murder & grand theft? Did Lori act advice and counsel? Did she encourage?
Who killed Tylee Ryan? Did Lori aid and counsel in that murder? [Here is beautiful Tylee with her necklace found in the fire pit 💔] Image
Conspiracy of tammy: who killed tammy? Did Lori agree to it? Was there an overt act?

Grand theft: to find her guilty, you need to see she deprived the US of money they belonged to them and not her.
This is a summary of the jury instructions and as you read carefully ladies and gentlemen, as you go back and deliberate, use your reason and common sense. … you’ll see the state has met its burden
You will find expressed and implied malice in this case. You’ll find an abundance of malice. Any person who aids and encourages a crime to happen is just as guilty. They are just as guilty as the person who pulled the trigger
Overt Acts: Tylee JJ and tammy—lori espoused religious beliefs for the purpose of murder
No one is being charged for their religious beliefs, but for using them for the purpose of justifying murder
Lori moved the kids to Rexburg and this was the catalyst to these murders. They had to go somewhere where no one knew them. They couldn’t kill them in Phoenix. They moved Alex there to kill the kids, so they could hide them where no one knew them
On 9/23 Alex cox took J.J., took custody of him

11/26/2019 Lori gave police a false story of where J.J. was. She failed to contact social security, and continued to collect money.
9/1/2019 Agaib, they moved to Rexburg. There were text messages between Chad and Lori about death percentages for J.J. and Tylee and tammy … all these steps taken to further their conspiracy.
On Oct 9 Alex cox attempted to shoot Tammy. All part of the conspiracy to kill tammy. Shooting ranges, sportsman warehouse, Google searches —these are overt acts to further the conspiracy of murder
Phone data and iCloud accounts—from Lori Alex and chads accounts and phones

Chad daybell—9/8 search of south southwest wind. Why? Because the next day he knows he will be burning Tylee Ryan in his fire pit and he needs to know wind direction. The ONLY time he searches wind… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
8/25/2019 Lori searching for malachite wedding rings

10/22/2019 — on day of tammy’s funeral searching for wedding dresses
“Raccoon text” from Chad to tammy —

This text is where Chad told us where to locate tTylee ryan, where Chad told us he burnt her limbs. You saw the satellite image—the disturbance in the ground. She turned up in that pet cemetery. he told law enforcement they that text where to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
James and Elana story — they planned this. They were going to be together

We heard Colby’s testimony—Lori each week saying we are out of money. Money was a concern for Lori.
Alex cox went to Lori’s apartment from 2:42 to 3:47 on sept 8, last known sigthing of Tylee Ryan.

8:11 am phone call between Chad and Alex and by 8:45 he is just south of chads residence
Overt act taken to further conspiracy of Tylee Ryan and steal her money.

They burnt Tylee. They dismembered her, and they buried her.

Same day —Chad calls lori at 11:45 as Alex is leaving
9/23 melanie Gibb and dsvid warwick visit thst weekend. Lori tells Melanie gibb—JJ is a zombie, he is acting different. On 9/23 dsvid asks where is J.J., and lori tells david he was climbing on cabinets and she sent within with Alex. An overt act
38 second phone call at 9:25 from Chad to Alex on 9/23 and then Alex is on his way to chads house, this time with J.J.

Here is Alex’s phone located right by where J.J. was buried.
That grave was not dug in seconds. This was planned and premeditated murder. Lori encouraged it and aided it. She handed her boy off to Alex Cox.
Chad daybell on 10/9 activates a new phone.
On Oct 9 Alex goes to sportsman’s warehouse and buys mask and then goes to chads residence and you can follow his phone as he scopes out the property again.
Zulema pastenes phone call on October 9th—she states lori said Alex can’t do anything right
On Oct 18 Alex travels to church parking lot the night tammy dies, the night she was murdered. Timeline being pointed out … recall that Lori is in Hawaii, on purpose, not coincidence and yet Alex is calling her in Hawaii
LE serves warrant June 9, 2020 on Chad daybells residence — phone call from Chad &Lori as they search property and you can feel guilty and fear in voices as they know what is about to happen
They found pieces of Tylee Ryan in that fire pit. They found this chain & this charm in that fire pit. This is a charm being worn by Tylee Ryan.

They continued to dig. This is what was left of Tylee Ryan. Charred flesh, dismembered
Green bucket —found material inside that was Tylee Ryan, sitting on top a piece of her skull. They also found pieces of Tylee Ryan in the shed, and pieces of her in the eye of a pickaxe
There was blood on the handle and it matched Tylee Ryan.
J.J’s grave. Meticulously placed rocks and boards. We Saw J.J. — look at this grave! The roots are cut, prepared for J.J. vallow, premeditated and Lori vallow handed J.J. off to Alex cox
Tylee JJ and tammy’s can’t tell us what happened but their bodies do.
Tylee—tehy had to do dna testing just to identify her. Puncture wounds in her pelvis were not the wounds of dismemberment

J.J.-gagged and bound. Tammy—bruises of restraining
JJ’s photos appeared. Kay is here, she has been abiding the days the photos appear. I hear tears. Jj’s bound ankles still in duct tape shown. He had bruises on his arms , wood says. So did tammy
*she has been AVOIDING the days photos are shown 💔
Tylee started receiving social security when her dad Joe Ryan died — she was receiving her own money-payments on jeep, stores, etc. but Lori made sure to get tylee’s money (switching to her account) before Tylee’s killled
J.J. started receiving social security after his dad Charles Vallow died. Lori continued to receive it
Kay and Larry’s arms rest on the same armrest. Kay grasping the top of Larry’s hand.

Lori Vallow Daybell’s uncle Rex is here as well. Janis’s brother
Grooming of Alex Cox— Lori tells Alex what to do. Alex never tells lori what to do, she tells Alex what to do.

Tells Alex to practice. Tells him: “good boy”
Power of manipulation. Sex motive plan and scheme. Chad to Lori on 7/14 luckily it would lead to nakedness.

Lori uses sex to manipulate chad, and Chad seeks validation repeatedly

Chad tells Lori he has been asked to focus his efforts on Hillary
When Chad texts Lori that he let jj know that James will take good care of his mommy after he goes to the light. Lori responded: that’s sweet.
7:30/2019 Chad to Lori: “I decided to go back to my original death percentages that allows us to track Charles”… [not ME to track Charles -but US.] … tammy is getting closer

7/30 What is the percentage now? What about J.J.?

As early as July planning both deaths
8/10 Lori: “do you think there is an orchestrated plan to take the children? And we just have to wait?

Chad: there is a plan.

Lori: what should I be doing to help?

Chad: you are doing everything right.
Lori constantly uses sex to reinforce. Chad continues to tell her there is a plan.

8/11 Chad to Lori I feel we are surrounded by terrestrial relatives slowing our mission

Lori: me too, what should we do?
Chad asks Lori for confirmation about zombies & death percentages

Melani Boudreaux calls Lori captain & Lori tells her what to do

On 10/20 day after Tammy died— Lori can’t wait. No patience. Chad states he going 2 begin her workout plan.she likes that. She can’t wait.Not soon… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
There is no question Tylee tammy and JJ were murdered? Who is the common thread? Lori Vallow. She conspired for J.J. to die. She aided and imbedded in Tylee’s murder. She conspired in tammy’s murder.
Look at the evidence. You must convict her.Rob wood concludes

I have a court goer watching Lori the entire time. These texts are between 10 am and 11am MST - ImageImageImageImage
Archibald begins and thanks jurors. Says he will go thru lunch hour a bit.

Giving timeline of Lori’s life. Speaking directly to jurors, worked hard as single mother, Tylee was born to her & Joe Ryan & divorced. Married Charles had two kids. Lori had two kids. J.J. adopted.
Lori knew of Chad daybell, and first time they met Chad he told her they had been married in previous lives and we have all of these previous probations and in Arizona they are married in temple and Jesus is there.
So there is a remarkable change to Lori & family asks: How is this so? Months after meeting Chad, four people are dead. Lori is arrested first, and then Chad. You’ve heard summary of indictment.
Archibald stated that he asked the jurors to pay attention to burden of proof, pay attention to who is doing what. Not for you to guess who or why, but consider the evidence.
It’s an important job for you to do, and pretty soon 6 of you will be booted. The judge will pick names out of the hat to decide who will stay and who will go. To have this many jurors is to make sure of someone is sick or family emergency happens, and there will be alternate… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
For the alternates who get bumped, thank you for your service.

You’ve been able to see my client. See her responses to the evidence. See the evil eye glares she gets from the gallery every day. You’ve heard from witnesses —summer. Colby, and others.
Is this really about sex money and power?

Archibald says to look at exhibit 66D—in April 2019, Charles vallow is co-signer on a jeep Tylee buys. He says he makes 500,000 dollars a year. If he math doesn’t make sense. Would Lori really want to kill Charles for insurance?
So she COULD leave Charles for Chad, but we learned that Chad makes 20 to 30,000 a year and she wanted to do this for money?! The math doesn’t add up.
So did she do this for power? In the year that Chad told her she was a Goddess with a mission, how many converts did she get? Maybe 5? 3 from the same family? Alex, Melani B, and Lori.
Did she get followers? No. Chad did. Chad Lori didn’t . To gather the 14400 it would take years.
So is this about sex? This happens every day in America, unfortunately. So use your common sense. Look at Lori, and then look at photos of Chad.

This isn’t about sex. This is about Lori reading his books during a vulnerable time in her life and Chad’s pick up line.
Lori’s children are dead. No question about that. But did she kill them?

60 witnesses and thousand of pages of evidence. You find find out a lot about someone …
Archibald also asked jurors to compare photos of Chad to Charles to ask if this was about sex.
End of world talks ramp up. Things get weird really quick. Detective Hermosillo-what a tough job he has. Brutal. He did that search of Chad daybell’s yard, when the cops showed up, called his lawyer. Then he’s outside looking over his shoulder. Then he sped away before being… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Listen to that call again that day, archibald asks. The call Chad and Lori had during the search of chads yard. Does she really know her kids are there? Chad does. But does she? She knows her kids are missing, but listen again to that call. She doesn’t know they are there
What is all this religious talk? Mel Gibb records the call with Lori and she says the kids are safe. Lori isn’t in the backyard, she isn’t the one coming and going from chads yard.
We don’t know the context of the texts lori and Alex and Chad were texting those days the kids were killed, but we know other texts. We don’t have any texts about: today is the day we are killing people. We have no texts with lori directly asking anyone to kill someone
We hear from Colby Ryan. Lori is a great mom. She would never hurt us kids. She taught us kids to do good.

Archibald chokes up talking about Colby.

April Raymond—she was nice and normal. She says she came back for a visit and she had changed
April Raymond says her friend changed, and tried to gather her. That no kids could come and April could leave them with April’s husband. No thanks says April.
You have heard from the babysitter Sidney Schenk — she said she was hired for long term babysitting. Why would lori do that if she knew she was going to kill her kids?
If you’re moving to Arizona to idaho, why not leave them? Why enroll them in school? Why hired a babysitter? Why put both their names on the rental agreement? Tylee was killed the first week.

She didnt have a plan. She wanted to be with Chad
When people started asking about the kids, Lori started lying. But it was to protect Chad. it doesn’t always make sense, but when religion is involved, people will lie to protect their leaders.
The state is saying that Lori is cunningly crafting a plan to get rid of these people, but why not get life insurance on the kids? Why put Tylee on rental agreement if she was killed first week she was there.
Lori’s younger sister knew Lori her whole life. She says her sister would have never done anything ljke this. Chad has lied to you. Chad has deceived you. She explains that Alex is a man stuck with a 16 Yr old brain due to TBI.
Lori would never kill her kids or agree to kill her kids-that’s what summer told us.
We talked about a hair on a piece of duct tape. But the tape was in loose in that bag. A kids blanket was in that bag. Jj’s pajamas were in that bag. I would hope that all mother’s hairs are somewhere on their kid pajamas, theirs kids socks, and their blanket.
Hair doesn’t mean Lori is a killer
We hear from the Gilbert’s, nice people. Yeah, we heard from Chad, they say, that tammy was going to die. Would this be why tammy would increase her life insurance?
Tammy was still with Chad despite how nutty he was. She went thru bankruptcy with him. Had five kids with him. Sold his STUPID books for him. So would she increase her life insurance for her prophetic husband?
Audrey— ARCHIBALD apologizes he got a bit excited during that testimony. So what did we learn about Audrey? Well, she is married to Jesus. Chad had been methuselah in the Old Testament. She moved to Missouri bcuz it’s where Adam & Eve was. U need to sort through what is credible… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Chad is making it up as he goes. This is where Stan Lee dies. Makes references to Harry Potter. Zombies, what is Chad doing ?! we wouldn’t believer it, would we? But sometimes people follow these things when it doesn’t make sense.
He so guessing Chad and Alex chose to kill Tylee. Chad told people Tylee didn’t like him. Of all the Texts we have, do we have anything that says: when do we kill Tylee?
Day before JJ dies, he has a scratch fight with Chad Daybell. Did that event play a part in the day JJ dies?

Show me one text that shows Lori asking: when are you killing JJ, BTW.
Story after story of people committing suicide due to a religious leader. Stories of killing others due to suicide. Lori loves Jesus. She wants to tell people she saw Jesus, that she loves Jesus, but she isn’t a leader. She is following Chad.
Lori is following Chad, thinking Chad is following Jesus, but Chad isn’t following Jesus. Chad is being led by the Storm ☔️ …. Not the first time a man has been led by the storm
Groups who actually follow Jesus do good things, right? Jesus taught to be respectful and give your coat away. give.
Archibald cries—if someone asks you to walk a mile, walk 2 miles with them. If someone has offended you, forgive them. That’s the Jesus we knew. That is the Jesus Lori knew. That’s the Jesus Lori taught her children about, until she met Chad Daybell.
This case isn’t about multiple probations, or zombies. This case is about a storm. You hide from a storm. You take shelter from a storm. This case is about a storm.

Lori spent her life protecting her children, until the storm.

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May 9
AFTERNOON DAYBELL TRIAL THREAD and today’s lunch live: youtube.com/live/1lL3QUec2…

I’m a bit off today, but feeling a lot.
I see the selfishness in texts, and how these these two middle aged lovers hurt so many without a second thought.
The state is preparing to rest, but a request to change the language of the overt acts & language in charges — specifically “theft by deception” .. [an amendment of the indictment is being requested]

Court had considered ..
Judge Boyce says the concerns raised by the defense is about making a correction, and this is the kind of motion that court doesn’t like the jury to wait, and wishes it had been done earlier, but it’s been done in time …
Read 8 tweets
May 9
MORNING DAYBELL TRIAL THREAD: FBI’s Nicole heideman, is testifying again, this time about the “James and Elena” story. Defense states the story of fiction. NH states the story’s based of factual past events. photo on exhibit of Lori and Chad at first meeting.

We have the speech… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Prosecution is going thru “James and Elena” story to point out the factual events to show its based on literal events and places. Referencing a Podcast posted online in January 2019
Judge Boyce: The court will allow the story and NH read romantic excerpt from story.

8/10/2019 Bubbie is Chad daybell and from Lori iCloud’s to Chad
The intensity of each encounter in my body, especially this last one. 🔥🔥🔥I’ve never loved you more..💋
Read 19 tweets
May 8
AFTERNOON 5/8 #LoriDaybell trial thread (to catch up with Morning thread, check it out here): threadreaderapp.com/thread/1655583…
For today’s lunch live—youtube.com/live/WqESjGfJo…
“Hi Lori, this is Sidney Woodbury from care dot com. Your little boy sounds so sweet! I have worked in the past with autism at a behavior service company & used positive behavior therapy to help them. I love playing with kids and doing fun things. What are the hours you are… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Read 39 tweets
May 8

We start with objections. Defense argues about an exhibit. Archibald says the exhibits were not submitted until after discovery cut off dates and that lead investigator picks and chooses evidence.
Judge Boyce will review exhibits when witnesses take stand. Jury is now in court, Smith continues with exam of FBI agent Doug Hart —
Texts continue from Lollytime and 4style iCloud. 7/15/19 from Chad to Lori: my love for you is overflowing … I want to hold you endlessly. You are my wonderful best friend I can’t live without.” [three days after Charles is killed]
Read 79 tweets
May 4
AFTERNOON THREAD: lunch live HERE: youtube.com/live/u4j2LqWMs…
Thomas leads cross exam —asking if any trace evidence was taken in the car during search in Kauai.

Thomas asks if hair found in the car and seen in photos was collected or checked.

No sir

Thomas: Couldn’t it be tylee’s?

Yes, a possibility

[personal side note: I suspect police never believed the children made it to Hawaii 😢]
Read 11 tweets
May 4
MORNING THREAD Thurs, 5/4 (Tammy Daybell’s birthday💗): Judge Boyce hearing arguments about jurors being allowed to hear, or not hear, recordings by Ian Palowski.

At noon pacific I will be sharing the backstory on the belief system shared by Lori & Chad: twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Defense wants jurors to hear phone convo on 12/13 with Melani palowski between Chad and Lori in which they discuss the death of Alex among other things.

Prosecution doesn’t want the recordings shared.
Archibald argues Melani Palowski could be co conspirator thus this evidence should be admissible
Read 37 tweets

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